March 2009

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From $1 trillion in debt
to $4 trillion in debt
in six weeks








Note: This page begins with the events of March 1st, 2009.  It's organization is chronological.  Events are summarized and detailed descriptions can be seen on the "daily pages" -- click the "date link" in the "date" column.  Sources and links are on the daily pages.

Current entries are on the "Latest News" page.
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3/1/09 1.  The activist group, ACORN, is subverting America's election system by using fraud and corruption to mislead poor, minority communities, and the media is complicit in the effort, an organization of Republican lawyers claims.

2.  Roland Burris is obviously going to put "U.S. Senator" on his mausoleum, but I can think of another entry that might belong there, as well: "Destroyer of the Illinois Democratic Party."

3.  The UK's Gordon Brown  hopes to forge a partnership with Obama in Washington this week, to call for a "global new deal" to lift the world out of recession.

4.  PowerLine blog asks the question, "How Dumb Does He Think We Are?"

5.  This is an update to yesterday's report about Obama's alleged granting eminent domain rights to China.
3/2/09 1.  AOL News brought "Birthers" to the mainstream by publishing a small piece referencing Ben Smith's report, "Culture of conspiracy: the Birthers" -- those who question Obama's eligibility to serve as commander-in-chief because of his birth and/or citizenship status.
3/3/09 1.  Obama suggested to Russian President Dmitri Medvedev that the United States would back off plans for a missile defense system in Eastern Europe in exchange for help stopping Iran from developing long-range weapons, The New York Times reported Tuesday.

2.  The The Jerusalem Post reported that the US is curtailing its military aid to Israel.  Under new Pentagon guidelines, the Ministry of Defense must give a detailed accounting of how it uses every item it purchases with US aid money.

3.  Obama’s foreign aid price tag will exceed $50 billion.

4.  The DOW-JONES Industrial Average since the passage of the stimulus bill.

5.  While Barack Hussein Obama has to date never produced his long form birth certificate establishing his "natural born" U.S. citizenship status as required explicitly by the U.S. Constitution, we can be assured of one thing, Barack Hussein Obama IS a natural born Muslim-- from someone "in the know."

6.  The State Department says there is "no factual basis" to an Internet rumor that went viral over the weekend claiming Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was willing to pledge American homes to China as collateral for Beijing buying U.S. debt.

7.  Since the presidency changed hands less than six weeks ago, a burst of entertaining has taken hold of the iconic, white-columned home of America's head of state.  Much of it comes on Wednesdays.

8.  Obama's newly minted urban czar pocketed thousands of dollars in campaign cash from city developers whose projects he approved or funded with taxpayers' money, a Daily News probe found.

9.  Obama is rounding out his health-care overhaul team Monday by naming Nancy-Ann DeParle, a veteran of the Clinton administration, as the White House health czar.

10.  The Pentagon has announced its selection for the new commander of Guantanamo Bay's detention center.  He's an officer based in Hawaii who went to Punahou School with President Barack Obama.
3/4/09 1.  Obama signed the costly Endangered Species Regulations on Tuesday, restoring rules requiring assessment by wildlife experts on the impact of government projects on endangered species, revoking the policy of the former Bush administration.

2.  Today I (D'Onofrio) had a five hour meeting with New Jersey attorney, Mario Apuzzo.  The meeting was entirely focused on the issue of Quo Warranto.

3.  People forget that Obama's lawyers have already admitted that whatever is in Obama's bona fides would, "cause a defined and serious injury" to Obama and/or the DNC.

4.  Obama yesterday declared his vast schedule of higher taxes and massive spending was a fundamental reordering of federal priorities that would deliver "the sweeping change that this country demanded when it went to the polls in November."

5.  By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to take a coordinated and comprehensive approach to developing and implementing an effective strategy concerning urban America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

6.  13 to 25 million illegal migrants live, work, attend school, receive free health care, and feed at the public trough in America today, all at enormous expense to national sovereignty, national security and American taxpayers, most of whom are Republican.  Another 40 million wait in Mexico, for Obama's promised green light at the border...

7.  Obama's call to raise taxes on high earners and greenhouse gas polluters met fierce opposition Tuesday from congressional Republicans and also a few Democrats.  "I would never want to adversely affect anything that is charitable or good," Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, said of Obama's call to limit high-income taxpayers' itemized deductions for charitable donations and mortgage interest.

8.  The Wall Street Journal says it's become clear that Obama's policies are slowing, if not stopping, what would otherwise be the normal process of economic recovery.  From punishing business to squandering scarce national public resources, Team Obama is creating more uncertainty and less confidence -- and thus a longer period of recession or subpar growth.
3/5/09 1.  Is Obama intentionally attempting to bring the stock market to its knees?  Some argue that, indeed, he is.  "The free market has failed," he could say, "just as it failed the housing market!"

2.  Is Obama's intel chief nominee violating Iran sanctions? -- Obama's nominee for a top intelligence post sits on the board of a major oil company owned by the Chinese government that is in the midst of a multibillion dollar deal with Iran which may violate U.S. sanctions, WND has learned.

3.  Hot Air blog says British press are under the strange impression that Obama doesn’t like to be questioned.

4.  As a Democratic governor in red-state Kansas, Kathleen Sebelius has vetoed several bills that would modestly restrict abortion.  She supports late-term abortion.  She's socialized and taken money from well-known abortion extremists, and she has been unofficially ostracized from the Catholic Church for her stance.  But you'd have to go out of your way to learn much about that from the news reports that followed the Feb. 28 announcement that Obama planned to nominate her as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

5.  Obama told AFL-CIO union leaders Tuesday in a videotaped address that the controversial Employee Free Choice Act will pass, signaling his full backing for legislation that makes union organizing easier.

6.  Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla., has suggested that voters have made Barack Obama eligible to occupy the Oval Office, whether or not he meets the constitutional mandate of being a "natural born" citizen.  His remarks came in an e-mail sent to a constituent shortly after the election, which just now was forwarded to WND.

7.  Joint Resolution No. 34 -- Be it resolved by the Missouri House of Representatives, the Senate concurring therein:

8.  Obama’s first five weeks in office have been marked by sharp declines in U.S. stock markets, as the economy has continued to decline despite numerous legislative proposals from Congress and the administration aimed at stabilizing it.
3/6/09 1.  Since Barack Obama was sworn in as president on Jan. 20, stocks have tumbled to record lows -- with investors losing an estimated $2.5 trillion in market value.

2.  Forget the pork.  Forget the waste.  Forget the 8,570 earmarks in a bill supported by a president who poses as the scourge of earmarks.  Forget the "$2 trillion in savings" that "we have already identified," $1.6 trillion of which President Obama’s budget director later admits is the "savings" of not continuing the surge in Iraq until 2019 -- 11 years after George Bush ended it, and eight years after even Bush would have had us out of Iraq completely.

3.  At the request of House Republicans, a government watchdog is examining whether the new chairman of an influential U.S. intelligence panel has compromising ties to Saudi Arabia's government.

4.  Obama intends to add as much as $55 million for training of an emerging Palestinian Authority army that trains at an American-built training base in Jordan, Reuters reported.  The American strategy has been to strengthen PA forces and prepare them to fight terror and keep the rival Hamas faction at bay.  The United States refers to the PA troops as "special forces" and not an army, which is prohibited under the Oslo Accords.

5.  The prospect of stricter gun control laws and a deep recession have triggered an explosion in gun sales that’s being felt locally.

6.  Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., has referred constituents raising concerns over President Obama's eligibility to occupy the Oval Office to an online "fact" organization that relies for its answer partly on information from the Obama campaign.

7.  The unholy alliance between the White House and ABC's George Stephanopoulos goes beyond mere conference calls with President Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.
3/7/09 1.  "Change" the favorite word of Saul Alinsky in "Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals" became the loaded, and thinly veiled mantra of Barack Obama’s presidential campaign.  What Obama meant by "change" went unspoken, but is clearly understood in the context of Obama’s training in the principles of Saul Alinsky, and on the pages of "Rules for Radicals."

2.  Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Friday called upon  Obama to follow the path to socialism, which he termed as the "only" way out of the global recession.  "Come with us, align yourself, come with us on the road to socialism.  This is the only path.  Imagine a socialist revolution in the United States," Chavez told a group of workers in the southern Venezuelan state of Bolivar.

3.  The economic downturn may have given the Obama White House its first major crisis, but the fast-looming Iran nuclear crisis is about to give him his second.

4.  Hot Air blog reports that In accordance with Obama’s pledge to offer an outstretched hand to America’s enemies, Hillary Clinton invited Iran to take part in a regional conference on Afghanistan.  Fittingly, Al-Jazeera broke the news last night.

5.  The Obama administration has made plans to strengthen the emerging Palestinian Authority army that is currently being trained at an American-built base in Jordan.

6.  Obama doesn’t go anywhere without his TelePrompter.

7.  On March 5th, the New York Times, published an AP piece, entitled, "Challenge to Obama Is Dismissed."

8.  Bob Parks asks, "Is Michelle Running The Show?"

9.  An organization that serves as a watchdog on the U.S. government for American taxpayers has launched a campaign to uncover exactly how much tax money is being spent on parties at the Obama White House.
3/8/09 1.  Obama declared in an interview that the United States is losing the war in Afghanistan and opened the door to a reconciliation process in which the American military would reach out to moderate elements of the Taliban.

2.  According to PowerLine blog, from the beginning of his administration, Barack Obama has been more popular, personally, than the policies he has sought to implement.  It was inevitable that before long, voters' doubts about Obama's policies would erode his approval ratings.  That process now seems to be underway.

3.  He hasn't called anyone an "evildoer" or denounced an "axis of evil."  But make no mistake: Obama is putting together an enemies list, and in his search for an enemy, he keeps beating the class warfare drum.

4.  Obama was "too tired" to give proper welcome to Gordon Brown.

5.  Obama has chided his attorney general, Eric H. Holder Jr., for describing America as a "nation of cowards" when discussing race, wading into a tumult that flared over Holder’s indictment of the way this country talks about ethnicity.

6.  Perhaps a film made in Hawaii will put the idea to rest that Obama was not born in the United States. For some skeptics showing a birth certificate might not have been enough.  Now some University students are about to produce a film about Obama's birth.
3/9/09 1.  Presidential Approval Index

2.  Preston Taylor Holmes' sources close to the White House say Obama and his staff have been "overwhelmed" by the economic meltdown and have voiced concerns that the new president is not getting enough rest.

3.  As Iran prepares to fire up its Bushehr nuclear reactor -- and as the International Atomic Energy Agency governing board meets this week, again confronted with further progress by Tehran's nuclear program -- it is worth asking how the Obama administration is responding.

4.  Obama's proposal to reach out to moderate Taliban will fail to end the Afghan insurgency as it is inflexible Taliban leaders who are orchestrating the war, not moderates, analysts said.

5.  Obama will pull 12,000 troops out of Iraq by the end of September, in an acceleration of the US withdrawal, Iraqi government spokesman Ali Dabbagh said.

6.  Obama will pull 12,000 troops out of Iraq by the end of September, in an acceleration of the US withdrawal, Iraqi government spokesman Ali Dabbagh said.

7.  World Net Daily is reporting that Wikipedia, the online "free encyclopedia" mega-site written and edited entirely by its users, has been deleting within minutes any mention of eligibility issues surrounding Barack Obama's presidency, with administrators kicking off anyone who writes about the subject.

8.  Want to see what change looks like?  Real change?
3/10/09 1.  Obama has now blamed his socialist policies on the former president, Bush.

2.  Even though the main stream media ignores the Obama birth controversy it still rages on the internet in articles and blogs. Is it extraneous nonsense, conspiracy claptrap and internet hype?  Not by a long shot -- here's a snippet from

3.  On the web page, "The Movement" it says that Obama has been organizing the cadre of his personal, civilian national security force -- his "shadow army" -- at fifteen fully-staffed and populated indoctrination centers since 1992.

4.  "Mark my words.  It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama." -- Vice-presidential candidate Joe Biden, Oct. 19, 2008.

5.  An estimated 300,000 construction jobs paid for by the stimulus plan will go to illegal workers after leading Democrats removed a provision requiring verification of citizenship.

6.  Last week, Politico reported that the White House had quarterbacked "Operation Rushbo" as a means of demonizing Republicans, exactly the kind of political character assassination Barack Obama had campaigned against for the past two years.  Today, the International Herald-Tribune and the New York Times confirm this, albeit inadvertently, in a profile of Obama’s closest political adviser.
3//11/09 1.  Afghanistan's Taliban on Tuesday turned down as illogical U.S. President Barack Obama's bid to reach out to moderate elements of the insurgents, saying the exit of foreign troops was the only solution for ending the war.

2.  Michell Malkin comments on ACORN’s shakedown artists and thugs who occupied a public school board meeting room to prevent government educators from cutting costs, firing useless teachers, and dealing with financial realities.

3.  Hot Air tells us about Rahm Emanuel’s friendly daily chats with Begala, Carville, and Stephanopoulos, then there was the expose on the group effort ("explicitly authorized" by David Axelrod) to make Rush Limbaugh the face of the GOP, and now this.   No wonder Ben Smith’s using the word "conspiracy."

4.  Obama will sign an executive order tomorrow to establish a White House Council on Women and Girls, according to an administration official familiar with the move.

5.  Obama will nominate Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske to be U.S. drug czar and remove the job's Cabinet designation, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday.
3/12/09 1.  The hopes and prayers of the American people have finally been answered with the election of a new president: A fraud they can believe in.

2.  Of course he's a socialist.  The real question is, how does he feel about America?

3.  Obama weighed in Wednesday on the escalating drug war on the U.S.-Mexico border, saying that he was looking at possibly deploying National Guard troops to contain the violence but ruled out any immediate military move.

4.  China's Defense Ministry has demanded that the U.S. Navy end surveillance missions off the country's southern coast following a weekend confrontation between an American vessel and Chinese ships.

5.  A former top aide to Gen. David Petraeus criticized President Barack Obama's decision to remove combat troops from Iraq within 19 months, saying he "assumed more risk than he should have" in order to fulfill a campaign promise.

6.  There is deep concern among Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah organization that the U.S. government has changed its attitude toward Hamas and may be ready to end the terrorist group's isolation, a senior PA negotiator told WND.
3/13/09 1.  Open Letter to the Secretary of Defense

2.  It's probably poor form to piggyback onto another columnist's work, but Wall Street Journal columnist Daniel Henninger's disturbing discoveries about President Barack Obama's budget summary justify an exception.  Those not blinded by the Obama cult fog have produced abundant evidence of Obama's grudge against capitalism, but Henninger's revelations are hard to top.

3.  Lost in the hue and cry over Rush Limbaugh’s hope that President Barack Obama "fails" is this key fact -- it’s the Chief Executive, not the mighty mouth of Talk Radio, who sees an opportunity in the nation’s suffering to change America.

4.  Forget the pork.  Forget the waste.  Forget the 8,570 earmarks in a bill supported by a president who poses as the scourge of earmarks.  Forget the "2 trillion dollars in savings" that "we have already identified," $1.6 trillion of which President Obama's budget director later admits is the "savings" of not continuing the surge in Iraq until 2019 -- 11 years after George Bush ended it, and eight years after even Bush would have had us out of Iraq completely.

5.  In After only two months in office, President Obama may have fallen short on a number of his campaign promises.

6.  In his campaign for the Presidency, candidate Obama and his minions relied on several key messages.

7.  I mention this for one reason: Tony Ward is the President’s nominee to head the Justice Department’s Civil Division.  If you want to know how far we are past 9/11, there’s your answer.
3/14/09 1.  It was a grueling day, I left home at 3 in the morning after sleeping only 3 hours and drove to San Diego, from there flew to Salt Lake City, from there to Tacoma, Washington, from there I drove for a couple of hours to be in Moscow Idaho, to address Chief Justice Roberts.  After the lecture the audience was told, that they can ask questions, give their name and present a shot question.  I was the first to run to the microphone and told Roberts.

2.  In a filing to a Distict Circuit Court in Washington DC today, the Obama administration declared that they will no longer define detainees at Guantanamo Bay prison as "enemy combatants."  Although the filing affirms the armed forces authority to detain individuals who were "part of," or who provided "substantial support" to, al-Qaida or Taliban forces and "associated forces," and that authority "is not limited to persons captured on the battlefields of Afghanistan."

3.  In phone conversations with the leaders of Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and the Philippines on Friday, Obama discussed his commitment to forging a new relationship with Islamic countries, among other issues.

4.  A California court has ruled that apparently anyone can run for president on the California ballot -- whether or not they are eligible under the Constitution of the United States.

5.  "A freshman representative has introduced a bill to the U.S. Congress that would require presidential candidates to provide a birth certificate and other documents to prove their eligibility to occupy the Oval Office.

6.  Despite his solemn promise to the American people to keep lobbyists out of his administration, two more have slipped in.  The latest waivers were provided for Jocelyn Frye, director of policy and projects in the Office of First Lady, and Cecilia Munoz, director of intergovernmental affairs in the executive office of the president.
3/15/09 1.  Worries grow that Barack Obama & Co. have a competence problem.

2.  Obama's pledge to tighten gun control laws has led to firearms sales soaring across America.

3.  Major Premise: To be POTUS, the candidate’s eligibility must be publicly known.

4.  Several times a week I get an email like this one.
3/16/09 1.  Presidential Approval Index

2.  With a few notable exceptions, the national media has ignored the tax revolt movement against the porkulus package, omni-pork spending bill, and bottomless bailouts that began in Seattle on President’s Day; continued in Denver on the day of the Generational Theft Act signing; spread to Mesa AZ during President Obama’s massive mortgage entitlement push; spurred protest in Overland Park KS; and evolved into the Tea Party movement across the country.

3.  "The country looks to the President on occasions like this to be reassuring to the nation.  Some Presidents do it well, some Presidents don't."

4.  The furor over the huge federal spending under Obama -- a $1.75 trillion deficit, 13 percent -- obscures an even more basic question, does he know what he is doing?

5.  The Senate is working on the Kennedy/Hatch Serve America Act of 2008, and the House is working on a similar bill, called the Generations Invigorating Volunteering and Education (GIVE) Act (H. R. 1388).
3/17/09 1.  Senator Barack Obama received a $101,332 bonus from American International Group in the form of political contributions according to  The two biggest Congressional recipients of bonuses from the A.I.G. are -- Senators Chris Dodd and Senator Barack Obama.

2.  Bailout Backlash -- "This is not a Democrat thing or a Republican thing.  It's a government thing."

3.  The Russians and the Chinese have just both announced military buildups, and the Iranian nuclear threat was described as, "real" -- "dangerous."

4.  After the September 11 attacks, commercial airline pilots were allowed to carry guns if they completed a federal-safety program.  No longer would unarmed pilots be defenseless as remorseless hijackers seized control of aircraft and rammed them into buildings.

5.  The leader of the nation's largest veterans organization says he is "deeply disappointed and concerned" after a meeting with President Obama today to discuss a proposal to force private insurance companies to pay for the treatment of military veterans who have suffered service-connected disabilities and injuries.  The Obama administration recently revealed a plan to require private insurance carriers to reimburse the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in such cases.

6.  Open Letter To United States Attorney Jeffrey Taylor from Leo C. Donofrio, Esq.

7.  On average, they gave the president a grade of 59 out of 100, and although there was a broad range of marks, 42% of respondents rated Mr. Obama below 60.  Mr. Geithner received an average grade of 51.  Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke scored better, with an average 71.

8.  Now that he no longer draws spiritual succor from Jeremiah Wright -- the America-hating, racist demagogue who served as his pastor and spiritual mentor for twenty years -- Obama has turned elsewhere for guidance in the task of carrying out his political duties while remaining true to his religious values.
3/18/09 1.  A sitting President of the United States is organizing a political organization loyal to him, bound by a pledge, outside the government and existing party apparatus.  The historical precedents are ominous.  (video)

2.  The U.S. Census is supposed to be free of politics, but one group with a history of voter fraud, ACORN, is participating in next year's count, raising concerns about the politicization of the decennial survey.

3.  It’s true that -- technically -- Donofrio v. Wells could still be pending if I chose to submit a full petition for writ of certiorari.  Many have written to me and asked why I haven’t resorted to that tactic.  The answer is fairly simple: my case is moot.
3/19/09 1.  Some of the Guantanamo Bay prisoners could be released into the United States while others could be put on trial in the American court system, Attorney General Eric Holder said on Wednesday.

2.  A group of former senior American officials and one current top adviser to the Obama administration are petitioning the U.S. president to open talks with the Hamas terrorist organization, believing the group can be part of the Palestinian peace process.

3.  On this sixth anniversary of America's invasion of Iraq, there is finally a consensus among supporters and opponents that we’ve won the war.  The surge that Bush launched and Democrats opposed has been successful and, as a result, Iraq has become a Middle Eastern democracy, an anti-terrorist regime, and an American ally.  It would be hard to imagine a more remarkable turnabout or a more comprehensive repudiation of conventional political wisdom.  Yet this has not led to a comparable reappraisal by critics of the war of their previous attacks, or to any mea culpas by Democrats who launched a scorched earth campaign against the president who led it, and continued it for five years while the war dragged on.

4.  Obama was called upon to lead and has utterly failed, and in less than two months.  From the stimulus package that won't stimulate even Chris Matthews' leg, to the continuing series of ethically questionable political appointments, through an outrageous Congressional spending binge that included unfettered earmarks, he has passed on all the easy leadership opportunities.  What will he do on the tougher issues?

5.  Obama has mastered the art of employing rhetoric that makes it sound as if he's doing something uniquely virtuous and heroic when in reality he's doing stuff that political leaders often do.  We've seen this with the way he touts bipartisanship while being unwilling to offer real compromises or the way he proclaims he isn't hiring lobbyists when he actually is.  But he took this practice to more absurd proportions today when his big Harry Truman "buck stops here" moment was woven together with other statements blaming everybody but his administration for the handling of the AIG bonuses and the broader financial mess.

6.  On February 9, 2009, a New Jersey attorney, Mr. Mario Apuzzo, filed a lawsuit on behalf of Plaintiffs, Charles F. Kerchner, Jr., Lowell T. Patterson, Darrell James LeNormand and Donald H. Nelson, Jr.
3/20/09 1.  Freeper RaceBannon  just heard from Freeper Flightline, a personal friend and mutual acquaintance of Walt Fitzpatrick.  Walt, an Annapolis graduate (1975), just got a visit from 3 to 4 Police Cruisers and one unmarked Government car from Knoxville, Tennessee.  Walt was informed that his most recent column, which he filed as a criminal complaint in the U.S. Attorney's Office in Knoxville, Tennessee, was being responded to as a criminal complaint against Walter himself; that the complaint he filed was ignored and was the basis for the complaint against himself.

2.  The biting winds of change are blowing through ObamaNation.  The same "volunteerism" that kept America running since the days of its founding, wiped out with the stroke of a pen, will no longer be volunteerism.  It becomes forced labor and like the practice of another era, presses American citizens of all ages and creeds, unknowingly into military service.

3.  Greetings fellow South Florida riders, South Floridians, and Americans, here we are for another monthly installment of our Wheels on the Road political assessment.  It is hard to believe how fast a month flies by but it seems that we have been under the Obama administration for years; perhaps it is the everyday speeches.

4.  The Pledge: "I support President Obama's bold approach for renewing America's economy.  I will ask friends, family, and neighbors to pledge their support for this plan" -- (video)

5.  Baroccoliobamination says: "You can never be too rich, too thin, or go too far too fast."  Our current President seems to subscribe to the latter.  Being the first African American to be elected to the White House doesn’t appear to be good enough for Barack Obama.  He's got to be ultra infamous, and that means going far -- fast.

6.  I have to admit it.  My liberal friends were right.

7.  Michelle Obama is scheduled to break ground today on a new garden near the fountain on the South Lawn that will supply the White House kitchen.
3/21/09 1.  "But you don't understand," the Colombian said.  "We've seen this before."

2.  You might have missed it, but a key moment in Barack Obama's young presidency occurred Wednesday afternoon as he began his trip to California to become the first sitting president to appear on a late-night comedy show.  Heading for his helicopter, Obama made a statement about the AIG bonuses, and he didn't use the word "inherited," as in "we inherited this crisis."

3.  Obama's budget would produce $9.3 trillion in deficits over the next decade, more than four times the deficits of George W. Bush's presidency, congressional auditors said Friday.

4.  After getting his usual White House briefing on the world's problems, Obama headed to Camp David for a long weekend with his family.

5.  Bankers on Wall Street and in Europe have struck back against moves by US lawmakers to slap punitive taxes on bonuses paid to high earners at bailed-out institutions.

6.  The Iranian government brushed aside a Persian New Year's message on March 20th, from Obama, offering to resolve years of hostility, saying it wants concrete change from Washington before it's ready to enter a dialogue.

7.  Dr. Orly Taitz, a California attorney battling on a number of fronts to obtain documentation of Barack Obama's eligibility to be president is asking the FBI and U.S. Secret Service to investigate suspected "tampering" at the U.S. Supreme Court.
3/22/09 1.  Terence Corcoran says U. S. law-making is riddled with slapdash, incompetence and gamesmanship.

2.  The Obama administration will call for increased oversight of executive pay at all banks, Wall Street firms and possibly other companies as part of a sweeping plan to overhaul financial regulation, government officials said.
3/23/09 1.  Obama said he believes the global financial system remains at risk of implosion with the failure of Citigroup or AIG, which could touch off "an even more destructive recession and potentially depression."

2.  Rangel Says Obama Budget is About "Changing Our Way of Living in this Country" (video)

3.  I feel utterly powerless to do anything about the fellow in the Oval Office who combines infantile leftism and adolescent grandiosity in roughly equal measures.  It seems to me that every day he is responsible for assaults on the freedom and well being of the American people.  I can't keep up and I can't stand to pay attention.

4.  According to a report on a Dari-language website, a Taliban spokesman has described Obama’s proposal for peace talks with moderate Taliban as irrational.

5.  Allegations that Obama's pal Bill Ayers was involved in the murder of a San Francisco policeman appear to be running into something of a gag order from at the Department of Justice.
3/24/09 1.  "I keep thinking we should include something in the Constitution in case the people elect a friggin moron."

2.  The Obama administration is asking Congress to give the Treasury secretary unprecedented powers to initiate the seizure of non-bank financial companies, such as large insurers, investment firms and hedge funds, whose collapse would damage the broader economy, according to an administration document.

3.  The Senate agreed Monday to take up legislation to triple the size of the AmeriCorps program and open up opportunities for more people to serve their communities.

4.  A new member of Congress arrived in Washington to a flood of questions from his constituency about Barack Obama's eligibility to be president.  Was he really born in the United States, and was he qualified under the Constitution's requirement that the office be occupied only by a "natural born" citizen?
3/25/09 1.  The Deficit -- Obama V. Bush

2.  Last night, Obama upgraded his teleprompter (TOTUS) to giant TV monitor to feed him his talking points during the news conference. (video)

3.  Frank Gaffney believes that Obama’s stewardship of the national security portfolio to date amounts to a wrecking operation, a set of policies he must understand will not only weaken the United States but also emboldens our foes.  After all, the Communist agitator Saul Alinsky, a formative influence in Obama’s early years as a "community organizer," made Rule Number One in his 1971 book Rules for Radicals: "Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have."

4.  The number of significant pro-Iran lobbyists has grown and key players have gained access to the Obama administration, a report said.

5.  Yesterday, Dr. Orly Taitz was in Washington DC with WorldNetDaily's Joseph Farah. Among their tasks in DC was visits to the Department of Justice and to the Supreme Court.  It has been learned, proven, and now documented that many of the signed receipt documents sent in since December have not been received.

6.  At Obama's web site, you can find a list of Organizing for America (OFA) events in your area.
3/26/09 1.  Keyes v. Bowen, Obama, Motion to Quash Subpoena Granted.

2.  A 1975 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis has raised the stakes in the ongoing dispute over Obama's eligibility to be president, filing a criminal complaint against the "imposter" with the U.S. attorney's office for the Eastern District of Tennessee.

3.  Col. Ralph Peters says America's enemies smell blood and it's type "O."
3/27/09 1.  Obama supports the Copenhagen Accord, the successor to the Kyoto Treaty, if, in the words of a U.S. State Department spokesman, it can come up with an "effective framework" for dealing with global warming.

2.  Obama says the best way to improve the nation's education system is with more money and more reform.

3.  A lawyer spearheading the effort in Washington state to bring light to the issue of Barack Obama's eligibility to be president says he was shadowed all day today by officers with the federal Department of Homeland Security, the Snohomish County sheriff's office and the Everitt city police department.

4.  With almost no public attention, both chambers of Congress in the past week advanced an alarming expansion of the Americorps national service plan, with the number of federally funded community-service jobs increasing from 75,000 to 250,000 at a cost of $5.7 billion.  Lurking behind the feel-good rhetoric spouted by the measure’s advocates is a bill that upon closer inspection reveals multiple provisions that together create a strong odor of creepy authoritarianism.

5.  About 30 volunteers from Organizing for America canvassed shopping areas and other high-traffic locations in Birmingham, AL, to talk about the need for health care reform, an education overhaul and environmentally friendly energy development.

6.  On an episode of TruTV's "Speeders," a woman was pulled over for running a red light.  Wearing an Obama hat, Obama T-Shirt, and with Obama bumper sticker on the car, she was asked why she did not have a Nevada drivers license.  Her reply?  She could not get one because she could not locate a copy of her birth certificate.

7.  In a Seattle, Wash., college classroom, students were discussing the qualifications to be president of the United States.  It was pretty simple -- the candidate must be a natural born citizen of at least 35 years age and fourteen years a resident within the United States.
3/28/09 1.  In a bid to get more Muslims working in the Obama administration, a book with resumes of 45 of the nation's most qualified -- Ivy League grads, Fortune 500 executives and public servants, all carefully vetted -- has been submitted to the White House.
3/29/09 1.  At approximately 4:15 p.m. on March 28th, in the city of Stockbridge Ga., the people of Georgia returned an indictment against Barack Hussein Obama.

2.  The man who created two phenomenally successful "We The People" YouTube videos urging Americans to stand up against Congress and reclaim their republic now -- or perhaps lose it forever -- reportedly has been "summoned" to the White House by Obama "to discuss the disturbing nature of the videos."

3.  In an event billed as an opportunity for the American people to ask questions of an "open" and "transparent" administration, the only fully identified inquirers plucked from the audience, it turns out, were Obama campaign supporters.

4.  During the U.S. presidential election, Obama boasted that he would embark on a personal diplomacy to solve our foreign policy problems with terrorist countries such as Syria and the Islamic Republic.  He said that he would meet their leaders without any preconditions to settle our disputes.  Doesn’t that sound like a change of heart, a real change and a great relief to us all?  Never mind the fact that he has about zero experience in foreign policy matters, he is foolish enough to aim to negotiate with the ever-conniving Assad of Syria and masters of deceptions such as the mullahs of Iran.
3/30/09 1.  The Obama administration asked Rick Wagoner, the chairman and CEO of General Motors, to step down and he agreed, a White House official said.

2.  For the last two weeks, we have watched as politician after politician has pilloried American business executives for using their "corporate" jets.

3.  Writing in the Chicago Tribune last week, President Obama fell back on one of his favorite rhetorical tics: "But I also know," he wrote, "that we need not choose between a chaotic and unforgiving capitalism and an oppressive government-run economy.  That is a false choice that will not serve our people or any people."

4.  Obama has no intention of helping to grow the United States economy.  On the contrary, he is doing everything he can do to weaken it.

5.  A tea party to protest government spending and taxing is canceled by the local government.  Why?  They believe too many people could show-up.

6.  A broad coalition of 100 left-leaning groups is quietly closing ranks into a new coalition, "Unity '09," aimed at helping Obama push his agenda through Congress.
3/31/09 1.  Obama will visit Turkey between April 6-7 to attend an annual forum of the Alliance of Civilizations in Istanbul, Spanish diplomatic sources said on Monday.  Turkey’s president said Tuesday Obama's planned visit was very important.  Obama will attend the second annual forum of the U.N.-led Alliance of Civilizations initiative, co-chaired by Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan and his Spanish counterpart Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.

2.  Judges should interpret the Constitution according to other nations' legal "norms."  Sharia law could apply to disputes in US courts.  The United States constitutes an "axis of disobedience" along with North Korea and Saddam-era Iraq.

3.  99.95% Liar.

4.  On the main page of the White House website are a bunch of pictures featuring Obama.  FReeper PghBaldy was curious and checked the "Properties" of the images -- all of them are stored in the "assets" folder and contain the word "hero" in their filename.  Check 'em out:

5.  A lawyer involved with legal action against Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) told a House Judiciary subcommittee on March 19 The New York Times had killed a story in October that would have shown a close link between ACORN, Project Vote and the Obama campaign because it would have been a "a game changer."

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