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The Cyberpunk Technical Journal |
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Cybertek exists because its producer feels that we are sliding downward to become more and more of a totalitarian society, and that part of the solution to this problem is to impart knowledge and information which is essential for people to have if they desire to exist as free citizens in a free country. An ignorant populace is very easy for a tyrant to keep down, but people who are knowledgeable in the ways and means to live independently and fight totalitarianism are impossible for despotic state to have control over. As James Madison, the father of the U.S. Constitution, once said, "A people to mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives."
Cybertek's objective is the dissemination of practical, easy to understand information about technology, security, and self-reliance. Articles in past (as well as in future) issues dealt with such subjects as COMPUTERS, PHONES, ELECTRONICS, ALTERNATIVE-ENERGY, WEAPONS, CHEMISTRY, SECURITY, SELF-RELIANCE, FINANCIAL, and HEALTH. Knowledge of these topics is necessary for anyone seeking self-reliance and personal independence in today's world; as well as for preparing for any "unforeseen circumstances."
Cybertek is unique from other libertarian periodicals in that it is mostly (90%) practical, how-to type information. We feel that enough editorializing has been done in regard to how bad things are, and how "they" are going to come and take away all the gun owners, readers of controversial literature, and other people who are a threat to "the new world order." We figure our readers have heard enough of that, and now they're ready for information on how they can do something about the rising crime rate, increasingly totalitarian government policies, worsening economy, and other problems facing them today. Cybertek's content is intended as a powerful tool to assist its readers maintain themselves, and those close to them, in an increasingly hostile world.
Cybertek is published for educational purposes only under The First Amendment of The United States Constitution. The subject matter, while very controversial in the eyes of some, is currently 100% legal to possess in the United States; assuming Sarah Brady and HCI haven't yet payed off enough congressmen to pass a law banning "dangerous literature." Although some of the information presented in Cybertek could be used in an illegal manner, no illegal acts are suggested or implied.
Note the named changed to "Cybertech" in later issues:
"Cybertech used to be spelt "Cybertek", which was the name of The Cyberpunk Technical Journal from 1990-1998. The spelling "Cybertek" is a registered trademark of Cybertek Corporation in Dallas, TX USA. Their lawyers asked us to stop using it. Being that 1.) They've had it trademarked since 1974, and 2.) We don't wish to be confused with a company that sells insurance software from Texas, we agreed to stop using Cybertek™. Whether it's "ch" or "k", everyone still knows who we are anyway."
Semi-Related Files / Notes & Links
- Stalking the Signals - General introduction to radio scanning and using near-field receiver functions like Signal Stalker in modern scanners
- Radio Redux - New techniques and hardware which is available to the radio (and pager) hacker and a general overview of today's radio systems
- Cruising the Wideband Spectrum - Combine a RTL-SDR with old analog communication receivers for your SIGINT setup, by Agent T.W. Lee / Interzone Intelligence
- Wherever You Go, There You Are - Story of always exploring the things around you, including what's on utility poles and CATV systems, for opportunities in hacking, by Mr. Icom
- L-Band: Frequencies and Equipment You Need to Know About - Overview of the services which operate between 1-2 GHz (ADS-B, weather satellites, GPS, radio astronomy, etc.) and how you can setup a cheap SDR to monitor them, by Steve Bossert
- Monitoring Spread Spectrum Comms by Tom Filecco
- A Look Back at the Opto Xplorer by Deep Throat
- Understanding Speech Inversion by Steve Donnell
- Further Experiments with the Icom IC-R3 by Steve Donnell
- Fire Department Two-Tone Tone Out Learn how to receive these special signals, by John Bolduc
- Digital Signals On Your Scanner Discover what they are, by John Bolduc
- Follow-Up On 2 GHz Scanning How to use downconverters, by Steve Donnell
- New Mod For Digital Decoding Digital Signals Made Easy by Steve Donnell
- Using the New AOR ARD25 A mod you can do - part 2, by Steve Donnell
- Scanning for MDTs - All You Wanted to Know About Them by Steve Donnell
- A New Way to Monitor Digital Using the AOR ARD25 by Steve Donnell
- Exclusive: How to Decode ASTRO Digital Signals by Steve Donnell
- Satellite Jamming Devices and Interception of Data! by Ian Murphy
- VLF/LF Submarine Communications - by Mujahadin
- Who's Listening? - by Ian A. Murphy
- Every Cell Site in Connecticut - IIRG SIGINT series - Volume 1
- Telephone Maintenance Frequencies: CT, NY, NJ, and MA - IIRG SIGINT series - Volume 2
- Everything (Licensed) in Hartford, CT - IIRG SIGINT series - Volume 3
- Bristol and Burlington Connecticut Frequency Guide - IIRG SIGINT series - Volume 4
- Tolland County Ambulance, Rescue, and Fire Radio Codes - IIRG SIGINT series - Volume 5
- Cybertech: The Cyberpunk Technical Journal Original website mirror.
- Thomas Icom's L0pht Website Mirror from around 1997.
- Cybertek: Interview with Tom Icom November 15, 1992
- What is Cybertek?
- Frequently Asked Questions for Cybertek Version 2.0B, March 7, 1995.
- Cybertek Article Archives
- Cybertek entry.
- Cybertek Street Tech review, by Gareth Branwyn
- Wired Top 10
- Monitoring UFOs
- Preston and the Magic School Bus
- An Introduction to SIGINT - Signals Intelligence
- Analog
- Hacking Invisible Worlds
- Thoughts on Family Radio Service
- AVI, ETTM, and E-ZPass: A Look at ITS Systems
- Hacker Tools
- The Cybertech Northeast Source List For geeks, hackers, techies, and survivalists
- Live Free or Die #1
- Connecticut Survivalist Alliance Information Network
- Magnitude: The Technological Survival Journal
- Cybertek - Volume 2 Single OCR'ed PDF file. (12.4M PDF)
- Mirror of the International Information Retrieval Guild (IIRG) (
- PHANTASY Newsletter of the International Information Retrieval Guild (IIRG)
- FM 3-19.15: Civil Distrubance Operations
- FM 34-60: Counterintelligence
- FM 34-45: Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Electronic Attack
- FM 30-5: Combat Intelligence
- National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) Government Master File of Federal Frequency Assignments 2021
- IT-0550: Introduction to The Intelligence Analyst
- IT-0301: Basic Communications Information
- Intelligence Collection and Analytical Methods U.S. Dept. of Justice - DEA
- Frank and the FMLA The adventures of Frank and the Five Meter Liberation Army as documented by Michael N. Hopkins, AB5L (SK)
- DXing the VHF Low Band
- The Electrical Writings of Benjamin Franklin and Friends As collected by Robert A. Morse, 2004
- The Consolidated Frequency List If you've read my material on hobbyist COMINT/SIGINT, you know what this file is.
- Militia Radio Frequencies
- Rural Electrification Administration: Bulletin 1751H-701 Radio System Fundamentals and Point-to-Point Digital Microwave Radio Systems
- oldschoolhacker - 1
- oldschoolhacker - 2
- oldschoolhacker - 3
- oldschoolhacker - 4
- oldschoolhacker - 5
- oldschoolhacker - 6
- .trust_in_the_plan "Virus is born in a lab in the early-1900s as a biological weapon. In 2019, it escapes and ends up infecting a few people. By 2030, global life expectancy is low, and humans are worn-down. We hear from some of them about how it all ends." (YouTube)
- Doctor Strangecomms; Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Baofeng
By an Order of The Magnitude
It took three years to fully research and write By an Order of The Magnitude after I decided to go ahead with the project. At the time (1990) I thought it was a pretty good technical manual, but that was sixteen years ago. John J. Williams actually came up with the title. The book was going to be "by an order of magnitude" better than other survival books on the market, and we came up with the concept of this shadowy group of hacker survivalists disseminating information to help people survive the impending collapse of society. This "group" became known as "The Magnitude," and that's how the name came to be. Now as I was finishing the manuscript for BAOOTM, I came to realize that I'd still be acquiring technological survival information, and that there should be a means for people who've read BAOOTM to get updates. The whole Cyberpunk thing was in full swing, and fit right in with the technological survival philosophy. Using the old-school TAP Magazine (I had acquired a set of back issues from a fellow phone phreak by then) and The Poor Man's James Bond as an inspiration, I went about creating a magazine that Jerod Pore called, "2600 recombined with The Poor Man's James Bond." That magazine was called Cybertek: The Cyberpunk Technical Journal. I much later learned that the spelling "Cybertek" was trademarked since 1974 by a corporation down in Texas that does computer software for the insurance industry so I changed it to "Cybertech."
By an Order of The Magnitude by Thomas Icom, John J. Williams, and Cliff Williams (3.1M PDF)
Musings of a Man in Black: Prometheus
Part common sense and all sensibility, Ticom's second book Musings of a Man in Black: Prometheus, presents the reader with an alternative take on survivalism. Unlike the illusionary "what if" scenarios theorized by many "preppers," Icom's Dystonautics is a practical here-and-now how to think for oneself guide to adapting to the current environment, preparing for future probabilities, and thriving whilst doing so.
Contemporary and applicable to anyone in any situation, Prometheus is a pragmatic guide to not being caught up in the current state of mass-media hysteria by being prepared, informed, and ready for any and all eventualities.
Musings of a Man in Black: Prometheus by Thomas Icom (2.9M PDF)
Wildflower's Doomsday Disks
One of our writers, the late Wildflower, made a hobby of downloading various survival, self-reliance, and preparedness info he'd find on the Net, burn the files to CD, and then pass them out at various prepper gatherings in New England. If you attended one of them back in the day, you probably received a copy. Over the years, he had made six of these CDs, and switched from CDs to cheap USB drives that he would find on clearance at various places. He was very fond of Benny's (now closed), having one down the road from him, Big Lots, and Ocean State Job Lot. Indeed, a lot of his gear was bought from those three places.
I have taken the liberty to zip up all six disks into one file, and upload it for your educational pleasure. With many of us staying at home because of this COVID-19 thing, now is a perfect time to read and learn something new. There is a LOT of information in this file. Useful stuff that you will handy in the future.
Wildflower's Doomsday Disks - Complete Archive (Google Drive Link) ( Entry)
Cybertek #1 March/April 1990 (2.0M PDF)
Our first, funky, crudely slapped-together issue.
- Editorial - Hackers: Can they be politically motivated?
- Survival Sunglasses - Pro's and con's of reflective eye wear, by John J. Williams
Cybertek #2 May/June 1990 (2.1M PDF)
This one was our first done with PFS:First Publisher on an 8086 AT&T PC6300 that would be the Cybertek workhorse for five years. This one was published right after the release of GURPS: Cyberpunk, and has a short interview with Loyd Blankenship (a.k.a., The Mentor). Cybertek fans will also recognize the article on pirate radio that Sin and I wrote which seems to have propagated all over The Net. There was a schematic of a FM broadcast band amplifier that wasn't included in the article reprint, and is now available for your perusal.
- GURPS:Cyberpunk - by Thomas Icom
- Pirate Radio - Introduction to pirate radio and LPFM systems, by Necross Sinister & Thomas Icom
- 20-Gauge vs. 12-Gauge - A small discussion of the characteristics between a 20-gauge and 12-gauge shotgun, by The Omega Man (Carl Freeman)
- Homemade Armor - An article on improvised protection, by Sin
- Radio Networks - by Mr. Icom
- Solution #1: Go Berserk! - Control your rage with these guidelines, by John J. Williams
Cybertek #3 September/October 1990 (2.4M PDF)
Phantom Writer's well-received essay "Why Cyberpunk?," Hanover Fist makes his first appearance, The Omega Man talks about economic survival, one of the first articles in a hacker magazine about data tapping, electronics improvisation information, and how TVs could be used to listen to (AMPS) cellular phones.
- Why Cyberpunk? - One man's definition of a cyberpunk, by Phantom Writer
- Data Tapping - Overview of what's need to tap a modem line, by Thomas Icom
- Improvise with Electronic Components Other uses for shrink wrap tubing and wire ties, by John J. Williams
- Another View of Survival - Planning for the fall, precautions, and presumptions, by Hanover Fist
- The Gurkha Kuhkri Fighting Knife - The case for the Gurkha Khukri knife, by John J. Williams
- The Day After: Economic Survival - Economic survival in hard times, by The Omega Man
- Scanner Frequency Guide
- A Review of Pump Up the Volume - Review of the movie Pump Up the Volume, by Thomas Icom
- Notes from the Underground
- Cellular Listening with a TV - Listen in on cellular phone conversations with an UHF TV, by Case
- Thoughts From the Interzone - by Thomas Icom
Cybertek #4 November/December 1990 (3.5M PDF)
This issue was more alternative medicine-focused with articles on the risks of being an organ donor, information on Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), and the benefits of Ginseng. This was also the issue with the widely-distributed "Countermeasures" article. Countermeasures was yet another article that lost it's graphic element; in this instance schematics for "burn boxes." Issue #4 also had schematics for a wireless TV transmitter and Hanover Fist's article on pragmatism.
- ATM Help Phones
- Don't Donate Body Parts - by John J. Williams
- The Day After: Household Hints - Living comfortably in a state of readiness, by The Omega Man
- Useful Sources
- Reader Feedback
- Progmatism - A layman's guide, by Hanover Fist
- Ginseng and the Cyberpunk - by The Black Manta
- DMSO - Dimethyl sulfoxide, by Thomas Icom
- Interzone Reviews
- Notes from the Underground
- Countermeasures - How to keep aware when the heat is on, by Thomas Icom
Cybertek #5 January/February 1991 (2.8M PDF)
Our first "famous" issue in that an article from it was reproduced and made its way to ARPANET and USENET. The article was Black Manta's garage door opener hacker. John J. Williams from Consumertronics contributed an article entitled Hiding Yourself which was pretty ironic considering how the 'zine came about. There were also "Cheese Box" plans and some other interesting schematics. Jason Scott, who later founded and produced the BBS Documentary, contributed some cool artwork.
- Thoughts From the Interzone - by Thomas Icom
- Digital Communications via Radio - A brief look at digital communications as a survival medium, by Thomas Icom
- Hiding Yourself - Tips and techniques to laying low and concealment, by John J. Williams
- A Neat Fax Trick - How to neutralize a fax machine.
- Cybertek Reviews: The MMPI Personality Game
- Williams' Tips for Wrenching Times - Tips on preparing for the worst, by John J. Williams
- Countermeasures, Volume 2 - Driving Tips - by Thomas Icom
- Surplus Weapons - Tips on used/surplus weaponry, by The Omega Man
- The Cheese Box - Device to mask a phone line by "out-dialing" on another, by Thomas Icom
- Super Garage Door Opener - Device to automatically scan for garage door opener codes, by The Black Manta
Cybertek #6 March/April 1991 (2.9M PDF)
- On the New World Order - by John J. Williams
- Nosostros Somos Hermanos - Tips on traveling to Mexico, by Benny Gillette
- The Radio Shack Reality, Revisited - Overview of some items useful to hackers which can be purchased from Radio Shack, by Thomas Icom
- List of Applications for Herbal Medications
- The Truth About Caller ID - Overview of the differences between Caller ID and ANI and how to be aware of it, by Thomas Icom
- Digital Voice and Multiplexing
- Don't Hoard Precious Metals or Stones! - by John J. Williams
Cybertek #7 November/December 1991 (540k PDF)
- Cybertek Interviews: Kurt Saxon
- Finding Frequencies: Do-it-Yourself SIGINT - by Thomas Icom
- CyBeR-tUnEs - by DEF.CON.ONE
- Cybertek Reviews: ECODEFENSE: A Field Guide to Monkeywrenching
- The Day After - by The Omega Man
- Corporations - by Hanover Fist
- Keep Valuables Safe
- Caller ID (Model 125) to RS-232 Interface
- More on Caller ID Defeats - by Anonymous
- The One-Time Cypher System
Cybertek #8 (512k PDF)
- The RS-232 Data Tap - by Thomas Icom
- The Squealer - Auto tone generator or "Pink Box," by Thomas Icom
- Tone Sequencer I.O. - Turbo Pascal code to generate a series of audio tones, by Nick Haflinger
- Phone Dialer - Turbo Pascal code to dial a user's phone through a sound card, by Nick Haflinger
- Homemade Defense Made Easy! - The Omega Man
- Garbage Channels: Another Approach at Finding Frequencies - by Thomas Icom
- Resistance Ops in the 90s - Part 2: Intelligence Operations - Where do we start?, by Thomas Icom
- Reflections - by Beltane
- Wireless Reception of Cable TV - by Thomas Icom
Cybertek #9 January/February 1995 (420k PDF)
- Steps to Self-Reliance and Preparedness - by Thomas Icom
- Citizen's Band Communications - by Thomas Icom
- Survival Notes #1 - by Wildflower
- Deciphering the Radio Sticker Code - by Thomas Icom
- One-Time Cipher - Program for encoding or decoding data via a sin(x^3) one-time cipher, by Nick Haflinger
- Memetic Engineering - PsyOps and Viruses for the Wetware - by Atreides
- A Look at Business Data Security Measures - by Thomas Icom
- Doing a Radio! - How to convert a Walkman-style radio for shortwave (HF) reception.
- How to Contact the Militia - Radio "talk networks" of some militias.
Cybertek #10 March/April 1995 (461k PDF)
- Looking Back: The Past Five Years - by Thomas Icom
- Terrorism in the New World - by Atreides
- The Riddle of Steel: Long Knives, Swords, and Machetes - by Jeff Teff
- Echinacea: An Indian Tee - by Bleach
- A Guide to Computer Operational Security (OPSEC) - by Bleach
- The Ten Dollar Bug - Use a Radio Shack #28-4030 FM wireless microphone for audio surveillance, by Thomas Icom
- Room Bug - Baby monitors for audio surveillance, by S.V.M.
- Survival Notes #2 - by Wildflower
- Cybertek Reviews - The Ultimate Potato-Bazooka, 1995 Police Call Radio Guide, Bootleg's DMV CD-ROMs, How to Live Well on Practically Nothing, How to Get Anything on Anyboody, Book 2
Cybertek #11 May/June 1995 (334k PDF)
- Exapanding One's Focus to Keep the Edge - by Thomas Icom
- On Playing the Game - by 2LT Charlie Holmes
- Fun With Near-Field Receivers - Overview and using the Optoelectronics R10 Interceptor, by Thomas Icom
- Survival Notes #3 - Car emergency kits, by Wildflower
- Application of Memetics - by Atreides
- Encrypting Numbers
- The Riddle of Steel - Product reviews of several knives, by Jeff Teff
Cybertek #12 July/August 1995 (541k PDF)
- The Cheesebox - Update of the previous "cheese box" project, by Thomas Icom
- The Essence of Warfare - by Atreides
- Alternative News Gathering Techniques - by Thomas Icom
- Telecom Remote Control - Using the telephone system for activing devices remotely, by Thomas Icom
- The Precipice Problem: A Guide to the Destabilization of Western Civilization - by Atreides
- Jeff Teff's Magic Elixir Recipes for energy drinks and thirst quenchers, by Jeff Teff
Cybertek #13 Fall/Winter 1995 (486k PDF)
- Hardwar, Softwar, Wetwar: Opertional Objectives of Information Warfare - by Atreides
- Decoding Touch Tones - Overview of differency hardware and software methods of decoding DTMF tones, by Thomas Icom
- Backyard Pyrotechnics - Part 1 - by Pyronomy
- Notes from Ground Zero - by Wildflower
- The Riddle of Steel - On the value of using low-quality knives, by Jeff Teff
- Militia Training: Operation WitWeb
- Urban Survival - Part 1 - by Douglas P. Bell
- Thoughts From the Interzone - by Thomas Icom
- Cybertek Mourns Loss of Staff Member - Paul D. Keniry ("Bleach"), 1979-1995
First digest-sized issue. Was also the first and only issue professionally offset print.
Cybertek #14 Winter/Spring 1996 (546k PDF)
- Thoughts from the Interzone
- Rede for a Departed Brother
- Hackers vs. Politicians - by J. Orlin Grabbe
- Building a By-Phone - by Thomas Icom
- Urban Survival - Part 2 - by Douglas P. Bell
- Programming the Motorola Radius SP10 - by R.F. Burns
- Hacking on the Highways: An Introduction - by Joshua Tower and The Men from Mongo
- Monitoring Russian Communications - by Tom Roach
Cybertek #15 1996 (493k PDF)
- Hacker Information (and Where to Obtain It) - by The IIRG
- Urban Survival - Part 3 - by Douglas P. Bell
- Backyard Pyrotechnics - Part 2 - by Pyronomy
- Hacking the Human Body - by Mujahadin
- VESOFT and the Hewlett Packard 3000 - by Black IC
Cybertek #16 (1.2M PDF)
- Telephony Information Update FAQ - by Black IC
- Another Perspective on the Cable Modem Problem - by "Unattributed"
- Merlin Mail System - by Black IC
- BOWSIG Bulletin
Cybertech #17 Tenth Anniversary Issue, Spring 2000 (71k PDF)
- Data Transmission Techniques: Hardware - by Ticom
- Survival Barter Items - by Douglas P. Bell
- Basic Phone Security - Making and Breaking It - by Mob Boss
- Injun Jessie's Notes: "Random Ideas" - by Injun Jessie
- Final Words
Cybertech #18 November/December 2001 (210k PDF)
- Living Free and Winning in the 21st Century - Part 1 - by Ticom
- A Treatise on the Peculiar Characteristics of Pugilism; or, Applying the Laws of Physics to Some Bloke's Head - by Brother Ben
- The Day After - by The Omega Man
- Basic Multi-Fuel Camping Stove - by Wildflower
- More Notes - by Wildflower
Cybertech #19 January/February 2002 (456k PDF)
- Want to Join the Militia? Don't Waste Your Time!
- Wildflower's Survival Notes - by Wildflower
- The FM Broadcast Spot-Jammer - by Nox (Source Code)
- Achoo!; or, How the Hell Can I Not Get Sick This Winter? - by Reverend Viv H. Grey
- Ticom's Tech Notes
Cybertech #20 March/April 2002 (153k PDF)
- Beginner TSCM Equipment Advice - by Steve Uhrig
- Build a Turnkey APRS Tracker for About $350 - by Rich, KA7IEN
Cybertech #21 July/August 2002 (828k PDF)
- Thoughts from the Interzone
- Cover, Concealment, and Camouflage
Cybertech #22 November/December 2002 (759k PDF)
- Bugging Out - Observations While Hiking
- Wildflower's Survival Notes - by Wildflower
- Variable-Pitched Frequency Generator - by Captain Quieg
- Observation
- Combat Intelligence and Counterintelligence
Cybertech #23 October 2007 (699k PDF)
- Effective SSH Implementation - by Rightc0ast
- Secure Data Caching With OpenBSD: Practical Techniques For Remote Data Storage - by Azure
- An Evaluation of the Nigerian Pot-in-Pot Cooling System - by Rightc0ast
- Wildflower's Notes: 2007 - by Wildflower
- Book Review: The Handloader's Manual of Cartridge Conversions
- Basic Operational Security (OPSEC) - The Unobtainable Goal? - by CTsurvivalist/CSA
- Motorola DTR Review - by "T"
- The Story of Johnny Hack - Part 1 - by Ticom
Cybertech #24 Winter 2007-2008 (856k PDF)
- Commercial Satellite Imagery and Its Implications for Survivalists - by Mark O Ryan
- The Optoelectronics Xplorer - by "Deep Throat"
- The Story of Johnny Hack - Part 2
- Stealth Tools
- When Autumn Leaves Fall - by Andrew Zarowny
Cybertech #25 Spring/Summer 2008 (3.9M PDF)
- Editorial
- Local Spectrum Surveys Using Your Police Scanner - by Ticom
- Wildflower's Notes: March 2008 - by Wildflower
- Wildflower's Notes: April 2008 - by Wildflower
- The Lessons of John Titor - Part 1 - by Ticom & Vivian
- Easy Ring Detector - by Ticom
Cybertek #26 Fall 2013 (5.5M PDF)
- Wildflower's Notes: Fall 2013 - by Wildflower
- Ticom's Notebook: B.I.Y. Lab - by Ticom
- 303 Con - by IronFeather
- Adventures in Lock Hacking - by Joshua Tower
- The Day After - by The Omega Man
- Thoughts From the Interzone - by Ticom
Cybertek #27 November 2013 (3.3M PDF)
- Conspiracies? Or More of the Usual Same Old Bullshit?
- It's Time to Go Grey
- Go, Set a Watchman; Let Him Announce What He Sees
- Emitters Are Your Friend - by Joshua Tower
- Tech Bookshelf - by Ticom
- Arduino
- The Day After: Winter's Arrival & Prepping in Amerika by The Omega Man
Cybertek #28 July 2018 (10.7M PDF)
- Moved to Riverton, Wyoming
Cybertek #29 2019 (3.9M PDF)
- R.I.P. Preston Nichols, 1946-2018
- Setting Up the Lab: Advice for Novice Techies
- Wal-Mart Warrior
- Even Cheaper Than Wal-Mart?!
- Receiver Local Oscillator (LO) Detection: An Experiment
- Implementing a Short-Range RF Activity Detector with a Whistler WS1040 Police Scanner (and Maybe Other Models)
- Some Crypto Thoughts
- Sector Search Thoughts
- Signs
- Communications Monitoring: Putting it all Together and Making it Work
- Analytics
- A Renaissance Person's Bookshelf
Cybertek #30 August 2021 (62.7M PDF)
In memoriam Dave [REDACTED], a.k.a. "Wildflower" (1953-2020)
- Autumn 2020 Cyber-Tek Group Meeting After-Meeting Review - The Autumn 2020 meeting of the Cyber-Tek Group was held October 24, 2020 at CT Hackerspace in Watertown, CT.
- Item 1: NOOBS @ Target
- Item 2: Moscow Rules
- Item 3: Presentation
- Intelligence vs. Information
- Initial Disaster Planning
- Item 4: Communications Networks
- Item 5: Show and Tell - uBITX
- So You Want to Get on Two Meters
- Part 95 (and bootleg VHF/UHF) Surveys (aka Point Search) with Whistler WS1040
- Wildflower's Last Notes
- Modern Technological Survivalism: This is the Way
- A True Story
- It's Only a Hobby
- What I See
- A Better Way for a Better You
- This is How it Begins
- A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step, Towards Your Local Library
- Building Your Library
- Ticom's Twenty
- Turning Information Into Intelligence
There was also five issues of an electronic version of Cybertech. These were done during the mid-1990s, and contained articles from the print versions released during that time-frame.
Cybertech Electric - Issue #1 December 24, 1995
- Greetings and Salutations!
- Monitoring Russian Communications - by Tom Roach
- Urban Survival - Part 1 - by Douglas P. Bell
- Building a By-Phone
- Poetry from Spiral Chambers #8
- "State of the Nation" - by Janet Kuypers
- "Shades of Gray" - by Liz Dubuisson
Cybertech Electric - Issue #2 January 2, 1996
- The Presidential Election Looms: What are YOU going to do?
- Backyard Pyrotechnics - Part 1 - by Pyronomy
- Decoding Touch Tones
- Urban Survival - Part 2 - by Douglas P. Bell
- Rede for a Departed Brother
Cybertech Electric - Issue #3 February 2, 1995
- Scanning Cell Phones With a TV Set - by Deprogram
- Programming the Motorola Radius SP10 - by R.F. Burns
- Hackers Versus Politicians - by J. Orlin Grabbe
- Capturing Redial - by oleBuzzard
- Hacking on the Highway - by Joshua Tower and The Men From Mongo
- Poetry from Spiral Chambers #9
- "Fleeting Love" - by Alan C. Dougall
- "Beauty Sleep" - by Leilani Wright
- "Touch of Light" - by Michael Morain
- "Did They Wonder?" - by Dominick Freda
Cybertech Electric - Issue #4 July 30, 1996
- Hacking the Human Body - by Mujahadin
- From Crossbows to Cryptography: Techno-Thwarting the State - by Chuck Hammill
- VESOFT and the Hewlett Packard 3000 - by Black IC
Cybertech Electric - Issue #5 May 17, 2001
- Cybertech Has Returned!
- Living Free and Winning in the 20th Century - Part 1
- CAC-MARC: Common Access Cards (CAC) / Multi-Technology Automated Reader Cards (MARC) - by Azure
- The Day After - by The Omega Man
- Clandestine Communications - by Anonymous
- Cybertech Back Issue Information
The New England Journal of Self-Reliance and Preparedness
Survival Planning, Contingency Kits, and Bugging Out Version 2.1 (811k PDF)
Ticom's Newsletter for Modern Surviors November/December 2010 (320k PDF)
The Pine Tree Journal - Issue #1 November 2003 (382k PDF)
- Of Fools and Fuel Prices
- Thoughts on the Infrastructure and Contingencies
- Bugging-Out
- What I Need From You, the Reader
- Wildflower's Winter Notes
- EAST American Survival Training
- License-Free Radio Communications for Survivalists
- Product Review: The Independent American - The Magazine for a Free Life
The Pine Tree Journal - Issue #2 Winter 2004-2005 (1.1M PDF)
- A Few Good Cheap Knives
- Radio Shack PRO-83 Scanner
- EAST American Survival Training
- Wildflower's Notes
- The Pine Tree Journal's Army/Navy Store List
The Pine Tree Journal - Issue #3 Fall 2006 (2.4M PDF)
- Experiments in 2.4 GHz Reception
- Hannibal's Big-Ass Solar Battery Thing and How It Came to Be
- New England Foraging
- Wildflower's Projects: Making a Floating Fish Keeper
- Wildflower's Projects: Homemade CO2 Generator for Bulk Beans to Grains Storage
- Stalking the Signals
- EAST American Survival Training
For many years I published a 'zine called Cybertech. It covered a combination of hacking, technology, and survivalism. The first issue came out in 1990, and it was published sporadically until the end of 2002. Around that time I finally had enough with the attitudes in the computer underground, and ceased publication.
Starting with the November, 2005 issue I have combined The Pine Tree Journal with TICOM 'Zine. Now it covers both hacking and survivalism, just like Cybertech did.
TICOM 'Zine - Issue #1 February 2005 (14.6M PDF)
- Experiments in Spread Spectrum Interception
- Bell System Special Services Interexchange Customer Handbook CLCI, NC, NCI Codes
TICOM 'Zine - Issue #2 March 2005 (4.6M PDF)
- Frequency Counter Logging to a PC
- Bell System Special Services Interexchange Customer Handbook WORD (Work Order Record & Details) Description
- Editorial
TICOM 'Zine - Issue #3 April 2005 (782k PDF)
- VHF/UHF Radio Communications Monitoring and Communications Intelligence (COMINT)
- Excerpts from FM 34-45 Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Electronic Attack (FM 34-45)
- Editorial/Rants
TICOM 'Zine - Issue #4 November 2005 (1.7M PDF)
- Old-School Phreak Circuits and Data
- Hardware Hacking & Reverse Engineering Info
- AVI/EZ-Pass Info - Compliments of the FCC
- The Pine Tree Journal
- Contingency Kit Information
- East American Survival Training (EAST) Review
- Homemade Generators
- Hiking the A-Trail in Vermont
- Editorial/Rants
TICOM 'Zine - Issue #5 April 2006 (870k PDF)
- Tools of the Trade: The Optoelectronics R-10 Interceptor
- Wildflower's Notes
TICOM 'Zine - Issue #6 January 2010 (420k PDF)
- Refurbishing the Radio Shack 61-2801 Portable Power Station
- Audio Monitor - by Hyperdyne
- High Radio Weirdness - by Ticom
- Companion Animal Corner - by Lakota Hecate
- Crystal Voices - by Wildflower & Ticom
TICOM 'Zine - Issue #7 January 2010 (420k PDF)
- Soon it Will be Midnite, in New York
- Private Sector SIGINT
- Getting On The Air
- The Receiver - by Tom Filecco
- Rittenhouse Recommendations
- How to Hack an Election
- DTMF Communications
The Dynstonaut is Ticom's magazine for modern survivalists, hackers, phreaks, cyberpunks, drop-outs, hippies, disaffecteed Americans (of all kinds), neo-Pagans (and just plain Pagans - born-again or otherwise), libertarians (with a small and big "L"), Like-Minded Individuals (LMIs), fellow travelers, wanderers who are not lost, and everyone else who lives in the various assorted philosophical or physical regions known as the Fringes, Outskirts, Outback, Great Black, Interzone, or wherever.
Contrary to what many may tell you, all rivers do flow into the same ocean.
"Dystonaut" is a word I coined in 2008. It means someone who is, or would like to be, skilled in navigating dystopian environments. That is something all the TEOTWAWKI-type doomsday preppers seem to miss. This particular style and philosophy of self-reliance and preparedness was known as Dystonautics, and was the basis of my book, Musings of a Man in Black: Prometheus (published 2009).
The Dystonaut was a short-lived (7 issues) experimental 'zine that built upon the book. You will notice a lot of early versions of articles that have since been updated. There are also some philosophical, social, and political musings. Some of the views of the author have evolved/grown/changed since then, especially in regard to Randian Objectivism. Prometheus was released in 2009, and the The Dystonaut ran from 2011 to 2013. A lot has happened in the past 8-12 years, including a 2100 mile move out West and back. Most of the technical information is still O.K., although in some cases it's been upgraded or corrected since its initial release, and reprinted elsewhere.
Do we live in a dystopia? In some aspects we do, and in others we don't. What is there to do? Everything and nothing depending on what you decide. It's really all up to you in the end. If you decide to be a Dystonaut, I can't stop you and might even encourage you toward a certain direction. If you get busted doing something stupid, claim you're a Dystonaut, and I wind up having to testify in court because you got caught doing something stupid and I happen to be the guy that coined the term, I'm going to derive great pleasure in telling the jury, judge, and prosecutor, and everyone else attending the trial that you are a f*cking idiot, why you are a f*cking idiot, and why I feel that they should convict you just on general principle alone. Fortunately, the memetic protections on my work have so far kept certain types of people away, if you catch my drift. Anyway, here is all the early "Dystonaut" stuff for your perusal.
The PDF password was: rhodes
The Dystonaut - Issue #1 January/February 2011 (8.4M PDF)
- Analog II: No Band Like Low Band
- Workbenches and Workspaces: How Small Can You Go?
- The Fallacy of Bugging Out
- Spook Territory: Locks and Such
- Precious Metals as Currency
The Dystonaut - Issue #2 May/June 2011 (1.7M PDF)
- Beginning in the Scene
- Observing Your Surroundings
The Dystonaut - Issue #3 July/August 2011 (697k PDF)
- On Skill Sets
- Go Fish...
- You Bloom Where You're Planted...
- On Personal Infrastructure and Your Secret Laboratory, Cabin in the Woods, or Wherever...
- High-Tech Gadgets for Becoming Informed: Part 1
The Dystonaut - Issue #4 September/October 2011 (164k PDF)
- Good Night, Irene
- On Radio Communictions
- High-Tech Gadgets for Becoming Informed: Part 2
The Dystonaut - Issue #5 June 25, 2013 (3.0M PDF)
- The UN-Constitution State
- Getting Beaned in Boston
- Home School Now!
- Random Thoughts & Advice for Mad Scientists & Tinkers
- Guns!
The Dystonaut - Issue #6 August 9, 2013 (3.0M PDF)
- Going Galt in the Berkshires: One Person's Story
- Product Review: Montana Americana
- Gun Porn
The Dystonaut - Issue #7 August 23, 2013 (2.6M PDF)
- Old Tools
- Overview of the Sloane-Stanley Museum
- The Free Free State Project
- Which Movies to Support
- Radio Communications Stuff - Part 1
Most of us started small. We didn't have a big budget, and our lab was the corner of a bedroom or basement. We scrounged what we could, learned all we could, and on the weekends (if we weren't working) hacked until the break of dawn. For many of us, our techie skill-sets kept us in groceries with enough left over to maintain a decent lab. The rest went on to different careers, but still hacked around as a hobby when they could.
I did the first issue of Basement Techie in 2012 as an experiment with a slightly different format, and did three issues so far with the last one in 2013.
This one is still technically in production despite it being 10 years since the most recent issue.
Basement Techie - Issue #1 Winter 2012/2013 (24.1M PDF)
- Tools of the Trade
- The Rat Shack
- The Listening Post - by Ed Lyle
- Radio Redux - New techniques and hardware which is available to the radio hacker and a general overview of today's radio systems
- Getting Your Antenna Up
- Featured Techie Space: The Hasty Pasty
- The Computer Corner - by Joshua Tower
- Workshop Wisdom - by Dog Solitude
Basement Techie - Issue #2 Spring 2013 (600k PDF)
- Finding Parts & Stuff
- Listening Post
- Scrounge-Tek
- A (Mostly) Scrounged Crystal Detector
- A Trip to Goodwill
- Old-School Wireless Networking
Basement Techie - Issue #3 August 2013 (772k PDF)
- Believe in Tools
- Computers Open Possibilities
- Getting Started in Electronics
- AM Broadcast Band Reception Experiments
Knowledge is Power