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Click on this text to watch an Israel-Firster Traitor, Senator Chuck Schumer, brag about the Chicago families (EMANUELS & KLUTZNIKS) who created Obama

Israeli agent Rahm Emanuel was the first person appointed by Barack Obama,
as White House Chief of Staff. Emanuel had also been senior advisor to Bill Clinton. 
Zionist Jews in positions of power in the White House has been the case with every
president in recent history.  Rahm Emanuel is an Israeli citizen and son of a Jewish
terrorist from Yitzhak Shamir's murderous Stern Gang, who held highest-level positions in
both the Clinton and Obama administrations.



America's vilest traitor, Edward Mandell House, is attributed with giving a very

detailed outline of the New World Order plans that were to be implemented gradually

over time to enslave the American people ... a plan that has been repeated in Canada,

Australia, Britain and elsewhere. He stated, in a private meeting with Woodrow Wilson:


“Very soon, every American will be required to register their biological property (that’s

you and your children) in a national system designed to keep track of the people and

that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can

compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a charge back

for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer being

able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattels (property) and we will hold the

security interest over them forever, by operation of the lawmerchant under the scheme

of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills

of lading (Birth Certificate) to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, secured by

their pledges.


They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make

us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever

figure our plans and, if by accident one or two should figure it out, we have in our

arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government,

by floating liens and debts to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges.

This will inevitably reap us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave

every American a contributor to this fraud, which we will call “Social Insurance.”

Without realizing it, every American will unknowingly be our servant, however

begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their

redemption and we will employ the high office (presidency) of our dummy

corporation (USA) to foment this plot against America.”



Who Ran the Obama White House?
The day after Barack Obama was elected president, the Israeli press proudly
proclaimed that the new president had chosen an Israeli, Rahm Emanuel, to
manage the new administration. "Obama's first pick: Israeli Rahm Emanuel
as chief of staff" was the Ha'aretz headline of November 6, 2008.  The controlled
press in the United States, however, keeps the American public unaware
that Obama's new chief of staff is an Israeli, with terrorist roots and a sworn loyalty
to the state of Israel. 

Rahm Emanuel, first
Chief of Staff of the Obama White House, is the son
of a real Zionist terrorist and served in the Israeli army.  The late
Sherman Skolnick of Chicago called Emanuel the "Acting Deputy Chief for
North America of the Mossad -­ Israeli Intelligence." Skolnick reported that
Emanuel's father Benjamin had been "part of the Israeli assassin team that
murdered Sweden's Count [Folke] Bernadotte" in 1948. Bernadotte was the
United Nations envoy who was sent to Palestine to find a solution to the UN
Partition Plan that gave Palestinian land to Jews from Poland and Russia.
Here are some key extracts from the Ha'aretz article:
A day after his historic election to become the first black American
president, Barack Obama stepped into the role of president-elect yesterday,
inviting Rahm Emanuel to join his administration as
White House chief of staff, Democratic officials said.  
Emanuel, a former Bill Clinton adviser,is the son of a
Jerusalem-born pediatricianwho was a member of the Irgun
(Etzel or IZL), a militant Zionistgroup that operated in Palestine
between 1931 and 1948… 
Rahm Emanuel's father, Benjamin, yesterday refused to comment on
the report that his son was appointed White House chief of staff.
He told Ha'aretz that he would only comment after speaking to his son.

"Obama is a pro-Israeli leader and will be a friend to
Israel," he said,
adding that he was pleased with Obama's election. He also said his
son is the namesake of Rahamim, a Lehi combatant who was killed. 
Rahm Emanuel is named after a Zionist fighter who belonged to the Stern Gang,
which was a terrorist organization linked with the Nazis.  Before moving to
Chicago, his father was an active member of this terrorist group of assassins
and bombers, which was also known as LEHI.  This information is not discussed
on CNN.  The Zionist-controlled media censors these disturbing, but important facts.
Emanuel's father, Benjamin, told Ma'ariv, a Hebrew-language Israeli paper,
that his son's appointment would be good for Israel. "Obviously he will
influence the president to be pro-Israel," the Jerusalem Post reported. "Why
wouldn't he be? What is he, an Arab? He's not going to clean the floors
of the White House." 

Rahm Emanuel with his brothers and father,
a Zionist terrorist from the Irgun and LEHI
The Obama White House chief of staff speaks Hebrew and spends most summers
in Tel Aviv, his Israeli father proudly told Ma'ariv.  After Emanuel was named
chief of staff, none of the Zionist-controlled media outlets in the United States
mentioned the Emanuel family roots with the Nazi-linked terror gangs in
Palestine in the 1930s and 1940s. Naftali Bendavid of the Zionist-owned Chicago
Tribune, for example, wrote a book about Emanuel and spent a great deal of time
with him, but completely avoided discussin Rahm's Israeli roots in the article he wrote
for the Tribune on November 6. 

Bendavid wrote that Emanuel "is best known as something of a Democratic
political assassin" who "might not appear to be the obvious choice for
White House chief of staff for a president-elect who speaks eloquently
of setting aside partisan differences and bringing the country together." 
Emanuel is known for using gangster tactics to threaten people. He once
mailed a rotting dead fish to a campaign pollster who had not produced results
to Emanuel's liking. Sending a dead fish to a person is a well-known Mafia
message, which warns the recipient that he will "sleep with the fishes" unless
he heeds the warning. 
Rolling Stone magazine revealed more of Emanuel's gangster
behavior in an article entitled "The Enforcer" on October 20, 2005: 
"The night after Clinton was elected, Emanuel was so angry at the president's
enemies that he stood up at a celebratory dinner with colleagues from the
campaign, grabbed a steak knife and began rattling off a list of betrayers,
shouting "Dead! . . . Dead! . . . Dead!" and plunging the knife into the
table after every name. "When he was done, the table looked like a lunar
landscape," one campaign veteran recalls. "It was like something out of The Godfather.
But that's Rahm for you." 

"Republicans are 'bad people who deserve a two-by-four upside their heads.'"
- Rahm Emanuel, New York Times, January 24, 2009
Emanuel certainly seems to have a penchant for violence, which might not
seem so unusual for a person named after two Irgun terrorists: one named
Rahamim (Rahm), and the other an uncle named Emanuel.  Bendavid's book
was cited by the New York Times of January 24, 2009, as being the source of
the Emanuel quote that Republicans are "bad people who deserve a two-by-four
upside their heads."  Once again, the Times article, entitled "Obama's Partisan,
Profane Confidant Reins It In", conspicuously failed to mention Emanuel's
Israeli roots.  Obviously, the New York Times considers this information it would
prefer the reader not know. This is a perfect example how the Zionist-controlled
media controls public opinion by omitting important information.
It should come as no surprise that the New York Times article chooses not to
mention Emanuel's Israeli roots -- or the fact that his father was a member of
the Irgun, the most murderous terrorist group in Palestine in the 1930s and 40s.
The New York Times is the leading Zionist-controlled newspaper in the United
States by virtue of the fact that it has been controlled by the Sulzberger
family, founding members of B'nai B'rith (secret organization of Jewish
Freemasons) Lodge No. 1 of New York, for more than one hundred years. 
Likewise, the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times are both owned by a
Chicago Zionistnamed Samuel Zell. 

Sam Zell's parents, named Zielonka, left Poland in 1939.
The Zionist controlled media also failed to investigate the evidence of Emanual's
involvement with the impeached Illinois governor, Rod Blagojevich, and his
role in the activity that led to Blagojevich being removed from office.
Blagojevich specifically told CNN's Larry King that he wanted the tapes of his
conversations with Rahm Emanuel released. So, why weren't they? 
Why is Emanuel being protected? 

Impeached Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and Rahm Emanuel
Emanuel's brother, Ariel, is film-maker Michael Moore's agent. The day after
the election, Moore joked about Emanuel's appointment on the Larry King Show.
Moore made a film about 9-11, produced by the Weinstein brothers, which
completely avoided mentioning the many Israeli connections to the terror attacks.
This is a good example of how the so-called "alternative" media is just
as controlled as is the "mainstream" media – by Zionist Jews. 

Rahm and Ariel, Michael Moore's Hollywood agent
Americans should be aware of the role this violent and uncouth Israeli has
played in the Obama White House. The chief of staff controls the people
around the president - he decides who sees the president, what he hears,
and what he knows. The people surrounding the president report to the
chief of staff. Emanuel was the intellectual handler of President Obama (a
continuation of the role he has played for years) and the controller of the
White House. Do you think having an Israeli gangster with terrorist roots
running the White House affects U.S. relations with Iran,
Russia, the Palestinians - and the rest of the world? 
Emanuel actually left the United States to serve in the Israeli army in 1991.
A person from any other nation would lose his U.S. citizenship for serving
in a foreign military. Why are Israelis running the U.S. government?   

Emanuel's father said Rahm is "the namesake of Rahamim, a Lehi combatant." 
LEHI, a.k.a. the Stern Gang, was the most radical Zionist terrorist group in
the 1940s.  The Stern Gang killed scores of British soldiers and assassinated
both Lord Moyne and Count Folke Bernadotte (the United Nations envoy from
Sweden).  They also killed hundreds of innocent Palestinians, such as the civilian
population of Deir Yassin.  This Zionist terror group was allied with the Nazis
in their war against the British.  Both of Emanuel's parents, Benjamin Emanuel
(formerly Auerbach) and Marsha Smulevitz, lived in Israel and are related to
Lehi fighters.  This is to say that Emanuel's father, a Jew, fought with the Nazis. 

Why would a dedicated Zionist, born in Jerusalem, and a dedicated member
of a Zionist terrorist organization, move to Chicago after the creation of the
state of Israel?  Had he given up on the Zionist state?  Not at all, Benjamin
Emanuel had embarked on a new mission for Israel – a mission for life. 

After the failed "Lavon Affair," a series of failed Zionist false-flag terror attacks
in Egypt, Israeli intelligence was revamped by Yossi Harel, a.k.a. Joseph Hamburger.
  Israel sent scores of high-level agents to the United States, often with an
American spouse. The Emanuel family of Chicago is one of them; the Chertoff
family of New Jersey is another; Yossi Harel went to Los Angeles. There are many more. 
Rahm Emanuel is the same Israeli who ran the White House under Bill Clinton,
as one of Clinton's senior advisors.  Emanuel is the person who
pushed through the disastrous NAFTA legislation, a bill that devastated the U.S.
 manufacturing sector.  It should be remembered that it was during the Clinton
administration, while the president dallied with his chunky Jewish girlfriend,
that the foundation of the Zionist terror network that pulled off 9-11 was laid.
In 2009, Rahm Emanuel, the son of a terrorist, was back in the Oval Office. 
Emanuel is part of the Chicago-based team of political Zionists with David
Axelrod, Obama's chief campaign strategist. Obama thanked Axelrod by
name during his November 2008 victory speech in Chicago's Grant Park. 
Axelrod's father, Joseph, a Jewish immigrant from someplace near the Black Sea,
hanged himself in 1974 when David was a nineteen-year-old student at the
University of Chicago.  His mother was a communist journalist in New York. 

David Axelrod - Obama's chief political strategist and handler
Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod have been working together since 1984
when they teamed up to help Paul Simon defeat Sen. Charles Percy (R-Ill.).
 These hard-core Zionists were not working for reform in Illinois; their only
agenda was to defeat the incumbent Sen. Percy because he was the chairman
of the Foreign Relations Committee and was pushing for a settlement of
the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. These Zionist agents went on to manage the
Chicago mayoral campaign of Richard M. Daley, the son of Richard J. Daley.
Finally, these two Zionists spearheaded the campaign to put Barack Obama
into the White House. Axelrod and Emanuel, however, were sponsored by a
much higher Zionist -- Bettylu Saltzman, the daughter of Chicago's super-Zionist,
Philip M. Klutznick. 

Bettylu Saltzman - daughter of Chicago's Philip M. Klutznick
Axelrod has been creating and shaping Candidate Obama since 1992. "Axelrod
met Obama when the senator was 30 years old and coordinating a voter-registration
drive in Chicago and Betty Lou Saltzman, a doyenne of progressive politics
in Chicago, suggested that the two get to know each other," the New York
Times reported in early 2007. "In the 15 years since, Axelrod has worked
through Obama's life story again and again, scouring it for usable political material." 
Bettylu Saltzman has been supporting and financing Obama's political career
since 1992, long before he ran for office. Saltzman is the only daughter of
the Zionist leader, Philip Morris Klutznick. In 1992, when Obama was thirty
years old, Saltzman told Axelrod and others, "He will be our first black
president.'' Saltzman then commissioned Axelrod to create Obama,
the presidential candidate. 

Philip M. Klutznick
Saltzman's father, Philip M. Klutznick, was Israel's biggest supporter in Chicago.
Klutznick, who passed away in August 1999, was the former president of
B'nai B'rith International (1953-59), president of the World Jewish Congress,
general chairman of the United Jewish Appeal (UJA), president of the
American Friends of the Hebrew University, vice-president of the Jewish
Welfare Board, a founder of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish
Organizations, president of the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture,
and vice president of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany,
among other things. 
Axelrod and Emanuel worked together to create an image for Obama the
candidate since 2003. "For four years Axelrod has had camera crews tracking
virtually everything Obama has done in public -- chatting up World War II
vets in southern Illinois, visiting his father's ancestral village in western
Kenya -- and there were days when the camera crews have outnumbered the
civilians," Ben Wallace-Wells reported in the New York Times article of April 1, 2007. 

Obama, the politician, was created by David Axelrod,
who writes his speeches and guides his political strategy.
In October 2008 I warned readers that the Obama ticket was really a
hard-core Zionist ticket in disguise.  In my article "Colin Powell: Liar & War
Criminal Endorses Obama," I advised my readers of the Israeli gangsters
behind Obama:   
Powell's endorsement of Obama, a puppet of the Israeli Rahm Emanuel,
has less to do with Obama's African roots than with getting Emanuel
and his Zionist gangsters back into control of the Oval Office. Emanuel,
the real boss of the Democratic party, is the son of a real
Israeli terrorist (Irgun and Lehi) and thug-in-chief of the party.    
What can we expect from the Obama presidency?  Elected on a platform of
"Change" after eight years of a very unpopular and dictatorial Bush regime,
we would expect a substantial change from the disastrous policies of the
previous administration.  So what changes will we see?  Will we see an
end to the costly and illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?  Will the senior
officials of the Bush administration who willfully lied to start these wars of
aggression be held accountable for their war crimes?  Will we finally
have a proper and independent investigation of 9-11? Will the
oppressive Department of Homeland Security be dismantled? 
If the war criminals are not held accountable and the most egregious criminal
policies of the Bush administration are not changed and reversed – what
exactly does the Obama "Change" slogan mean?  Changing
the curtains?  Changing the Israelis in the White House?
Change of Zionist Jewish "investment bankers" at the White House: 
Joshua Bolten, the son of a C.I.A. agent and second Jewish chief of
staff in U.S. history, greets Rahm Emanuel, Obama's chief of staff,
erstwhile investment banker, and son of an Israeli terrorist.  Bolten
served in the administration of George H. W. Bush (1989-93) before
becoming executive director of legal and governmental affairs at Goldman
Sachs (London, 1994-1999).  He left Goldman Sachs to serve as policy
director for the presidential campaign of George W. Bush (March 1999 to
November 2000). Bolten became Deputy Chief of Staff for George W. Bush
in January 2001 and Chief of Staff in April 2006.  Bolten is credited with
recruiting Henry Paulson - CEO of Goldman Sachs - to serve as Treasury
Secretary in July 2006.  Paulson crafted the disastrous A.I.G. bailout in which
Goldman Sachs became the largest single recipient of taxpayer funds
($12.9 billion), an immense financial scam in which the profits went to
private banks --and the costs to the U.S. public.

One of the key players in the Obama administration's $900 billion economic
stimulus package in late 2008 was Obama's new budget director Peter R. Orszag.
The forty-year-old Orszag was Obama's director of the Office of Management
and Budget, the arm of the White House responsible for crafting the federal
budget and overseeing the effectiveness of federal programs. He had worked
closely with Rahm Emanuel in the Clinton administration - when the disastrous
NAFTA legislation was passed - and was one of the first Obama appointees to be approved. 

Peter R. Orszag
"In the coming years, no bureaucrat will be as decisive as Peter Orszag,"
Ezra Klein wrote recently in The American Prospect. So, who is Peter
Richard Orszag and what kind of decisions will he make with the budget he
controls? Based on his background one would be well advised to prepare for
a financial train wreck. 
Peter Orszag has an interesting resume.  He has played key roles in some
of the biggest financial scandals of our time.  Orszag was, for example, an
advisor to the Russian Finance Ministry during the reign of the Jewish
oligarchs as they plundered the wealth of Russia.  He was an advisor to the
Central Bank of Iceland before it crashed in 2008.  During the Clinton administration,
Orszag was a key advisor to Rahm Emanuel and Bill Clinton on the disastrous
NAFTA bill that devastated the U.S. manufacturing sector. 
Oddly, Orszag's background has received virtually no attention in the media.
He has a troubling background, which deserves to be looked at very carefully.
Orszag, for example, should start by explaining exactly what happened to the
Icelandic economy. Orszag was, after all, the founder and president of the
economic consultancy firm which advised the Central Bank of Iceland - before
it went bankrupt. How did Icelandic banks become so indebted? Ask Peter Orszag. 
Orszag is an economist who served six years in the Clinton administration
(1993-98) under Robert E. Rubin, the former treasury secretary who recently
resigned from his senior position at the woefully mismanaged and nearly
bankrupt Citigroup. The fact that Orszag was a protégé of the now disgraced
Rubin certainly does not bode well for the Obama administration.  Rubin
strongly opposed the regulation of derivatives when such regulation was
proposed in 1997. Credit derivatives of mortgage-backed securities were the
key reason for the recent failure of a number of large financial institutions,
including AIG and Citigroup. 
In 1999, Rubin joined Citigroup as a board member and a participant
"in strategic managerial and operational matters of the company."
The Wall Street Journal noted that Citigroup shareholders suffered losses
of more than 70 percent since Rubin joined the firm and that he encouraged
changes that led the firm to the brink of collapse. In December 2008, investors
filed a lawsuit contending that Citigroup executives, including Rubin,
sold shares at inflated prices while concealing the firm's risks. 
Orszag, a Jew, served on the president's Council of Economic Advisers in 1993,
under Rubin, when the Israeli Rahm Emanuel, Clinton's senior adviser, was
pushing the disastrous NAFTA legislation through Congress. Prior to joining
the Clinton team, Orszag was an economic adviser for the Russian Ministry
of Finance in Moscow from 1992-93. This was a period of rampant financial
criminality during which many Russian mineral assets came under the control
of the so-called Jewish oligarchs who became instant billionaires. Most of
these oligarchs fled Russia when their crimes were exposed and
now live in Britain or Israel, where they obtained citizenship. 
Born in Boston on December 16, 1968, Orszag graduated from Princeton
University in 1991. He then attended the London School of Economics,
where he earned a degree in 1992 and where he obtained his PhD in 1997.
The London School of Economics was established by members of the
Fabian Society, who believed in advancing socialism through gradual reforms.
  The Fabian Society is a British socialist movement, whose purpose is to
advance the principles of social democracy via gradualist and reformist,
rather than revolutionary means. The ideology of the Fabians is said to
be described in the quote, "Fabianism feeds on Capitalism, but
excretes Communism." 
In 1998, after serving in the Clinton administration, Orszag co-founded an
economic consulting group company with his brother and Joseph Stiglitz called
Sebago Associates, where he served as president through 2007. The firm's
clients have included the World Bank, the Nordic Council of Ministers, and
most notably, the Central Bank of Iceland. The once prosperous economy of
Iceland has been devastated by the current economic crisis, which its
citizens say was carried out by a gang of financial criminals who followed
disastrous policies and advice - provided by Peter Orszag and Company. 
Americans would be well advised to be extremely vigilant with dangerous
"Young Turks" like Peter Orszag and Rahm Emanuel running the Obama White
House and the U.S. budget. 
The United States government today is not unlike the oil tanker Sirius Star,
hijacked by Somali pirates, except that the ship of state has been taken over
by an organized gang of Zionist pirates, an organization most people don't
even know exists. This organization was created by members of the Zionist
terror groups, the Hagana, Irgun, Lehi, and their Mossad network. Members
of these groups were sent to the United States in the 1950s to raise dedicated
Zionist agents that would look and sound like Americans - but think like Israelis.
In this way Zionists have gained control over our government and media without
the passengers even noticing. The only thing that most Americans notice is that
the voyage is not as smooth as they had expected and the ship seems to be sinking.
The Zionist-controlled media assures us, however, that all is well.  Dream on. 
Israeli intelligence is like the criminal organization, Quantum, in the James
Bond film Quantum of Solace.  They are everywhere, supporting politicians
on both sides of the aisle, creating and running governments from the left
and the right, yet you don't even know they exist. Over the past six decades,
Israeli agents have infiltrated every agency of the U.S. government and
gained access to the most critical computer networks.  In order to understand
what the Obama administration will mean for America and the world,
it is essential to understand the Zionist agents behind Obama. 
Sources and Recommended Reading 
Bumiller, Elisabeth, "The Brothers Emanuel," New York Times, June 15, 1997
"Emanuel to be Obama's chief of staff," Jerusalem Post, November 6, 2008 
Green, Joshua, "The Enforcer," Rolling Stone, October 20, 2005 
Klutznick, Philip M., Biography from Biographical Directory of the
United States Executive Branch, 1774-1989 (1990), edited
by Robert Sobel, Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport, CT 

Wallace-Wells, Ben, "Obama's Narrator," New York Times, April 1, 2007

Bendavid, Naftali, "Rahm Emanuel mulls chief of staff role in
Barack Obama's administration," Chicago Tribune, November 6, 2008











Journalist Reaches From Grave To Nail Rahm

Excerpts From Archived News Investigations

By The Late Sherman H. Skolnick

(July 13 1930 ­ May 21, 2006)

"Heaven, in its Judgment, has cursed us, the common people of America, with a traitor-infested central government, with an evil and fraudulent banking system, with a mendacious press, and with a venal and corrupt judiciary condoned by rapacious and cowardly lawyers. Thus, some say our Constitution is deservedly dead since, in our name, innocent folk on foreign shores are butchered and bombed. We ordinary Americans, if loudmouthed ---Are we quickly approaching the time when foreign secret police on U.S. soil, with impunity, will knock at our door in the dark of night and take us away, who knows, to a world government concentration camp? And will we be the most well-informed inmates of why and how we are there, inside the barbed wire?
Sherman H. Skolnick  
(July 13 1930 ­ May 21, 2006)

The late Sherman Skolnick proved himself over the years to be one of the most astute and accurate American investigator journalists. As the main pillar of American journalism, he simply did not have any match. He alone has put to shame all the US media with his meticulous investigations, as well as being responsible to the removal of corrupt judges and others. It is with great honour and humility in memory of this giant American journalist that we are bringing to you his research about Rahmbo. I hope that these warnings by Skolnick will prepare our readers for what is coming very soon. All my interviews with Skolnick are available at our audio archives.
The following are excerpts (in no particular order), sent to us by readers, from Sherman Skolnick articles in which he has tried to warn us about Rahm Emanuel. URLs available at bottom. I hope this information keeps our readers informed about the character of our next  White House  Chief Of Staff 'Enjoy'.      (Ed.)
Most people don't know of Rahm Emanuel's frightening past. After President Clinton's election many years ago, one day Rahm Emanuel, Obama's future chief of staff, allegedly named each of the enemies of the Clinton campaign and then stabbing the table with a knife while yelling "dead!" after each name prior to stabbing the table. When you probe deeper into Congressman Emanuel, you find that he is the son of an Irgun Fighter, the same Irgun that blew up the King David Hotel in a terrorist bombing and killed British Military, who were classified as Terrorists by the British in Palestine but from the Israeli perspective were looked upon as freedom fighters. Rahm when he turned 18 was enlisted in the Israeli Defense Forces. He is know as RAHMBO for his pitbull posture! The late Sherman Skolnick in his Skolnick Report said that..."
Rahm Emanuel - Activities And Associations
"Rahm Emanuel - Top reputed black-mailer, extortionist, and arm-twister for the Clinton White House.  About 1991, moved from the Chicago-area, to Arkansas to help conduct Clinton's presidential campaign.  Raised funds reportedly by knowing secret workings of major covert operations of the American CIA.  Such as: HOUSEHOLD INTERNATIONAL and HOUSEHOLD BANK, headquartered in Chicago, successor to CIA's proprietary dope and assassination funding operation, NUGAN HAND BANK.
General counsel of Nugan Hand as well as Household was former Director of Central Intelligence William Colby (murdered because he knew too much about Rahm Emanuel, the Mossad, and Clinton).  Rahm Emanuel latched onto a 50 million dollar portion of federal funds parked with Household to cover the pending claims of Chicago-area caulking contractor, Joseph Andreuccetti, who claimed various Chicago-area banks were implicated, with top corrupt IRS officials, in stealing millions of dollars of properties and monies belonging to Andreuccetti. 
Rahm Emanuel grabbed a portion of the parked funds to jump-start Clinton's 1992 campaign. Other portions of the funds were secretly transferred from Chicago to Little Rock to try to cover up an embezzlement of Madison Guaranty S & L for which Bill and Hillary Clinton were subject to being prosecuted on federal bank misappropriation criminal charges. Emanuel is reportedly a double-dealer, purporting to act for the Mossad at the same time acting against.  
Emanuel is reportedly chief arranger of Red Chinese and other illicit funds massively flowing through the Chicago markets, disguised as soybean trading, foreign currency dealings, and such, on the Chicago Board of Trade, the Chicago Mercentile Exchange, and the Chicago Board Options Exchange. Currently Rahm plays a key role with Wasserstein & Perella, New York-based alleged investment firm apparently fronting for various Red Chinese interests in U.S."
"Foreign intelligence sources are snickering over reports that the Red Chinese claim they have clandestine audio tapes, still pictures, and YES, even undercover video, showing secret agents of the President/Commander-in-Chief receiving suitcases loaded with money, in return for the U.S. top nuclear secrets including a copy of the super-secret computer data on nuclear testing. The Chinese, so say these sources, are asserting that they BOUGHT such items, fair and square, from CLinton's emissaries. If there is a problem in this type of "routine" business transaction, say the sources quoting Chinese officials, well, "Let the Americans attend to their end of White House business ethics". "
"Wow! What Americans perceive as treachery and espionage the Chinese identify as "business ethics" in a C.O.D. deal. And who are suspected of being Clinton's secret luggage receivers? Here are a few reportedly to consider:===For a long time, RAHM EMANUEL was Clinton White House Senior Advisor and top campaign fund-raiser using apparently strong-arm tactics or even blackmail. In a PBS-outlet program, broadcast in Chicago on WTTW-TV, Channel 11, Rahm Emanuel, on-camera, showed how influential he was with Clinton that Rahm's desk was the closest to the Oval Office. Intelligence sources contend Rahm Emanuel, in effect, is and has been the reputed Deputy Chief, for NORTH AMERICA, of Israeli Intelligence, the Mossad [The Institute]. And why do some contend that Monica Lewinsky, her parents, and others surrounding Clinton in the sex episode, dealt with a Nazi-like specialty, luring someone into a sex "honey pot" and that these are all reportedly Israeli intelligence assets? "
"AND, the Mossad has had unholy arrangements with the Red Chinese on nuclear secrets, contradicted by the fact that the Red Chinese have supplied Silkworm Missiles to sworn enemies of Israel. After supposedly leaving the Clinton White House, Rahm Emanuel has become a bigshot on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, which has reportedly laundered billions of dollars, for Clinton and his handlers and controllers, including Red Chinese and ethnic Chinese [Indonesia] illicit funds from dope trafficking from S.W. China into the U.S.., through Chicago, of "China White", high purity heroin. Also illicit funds from the harvesting of human body parts, on a just-when-needed basis from political prisoners, condemned to death when the hearts, liver, lungs, kidneys, etc., are needed by greedy U.S. hospitals. {As a producer/moderator of a public access Cable TV Show in Chicago, I am planning a one-hour show on this dirty, bloody business. By the way, the political prisoners are beheaded so as not to damage the body parts. Prominent doctors and hospitals are in this rotten traffic, bought and sold like parts of a car.] "
"Rahm Emanuel is no stranger apparently to murder. His father reportedly was part of the assassination team in 1948, that slaughtered U.N. Official, Count Bernadotte, during the Palestine Partition controversy. ===ANother suspected receiver reportedly of Chinese "business" money suitcases is Clinton White House honcho Samuel "Sandy" Berger. "
""MONICA LEWINSKY, reportedly an espionage double-agent. Acting for the apparent deputy station chief for North America, of Israeli intelligence, the Mossad, RAHM EMANUEL. She at the same time was assigned later by Clinton to a key position in the Pentagon, to the staff of the Pentagon spokesman Kenneth Bacon. Her job: to find out by performing sexual numbers on Pentagon officials, who among the top U.S. Military were vowing to arrest Commander-in-Chief Clinton on charges, under the Military Code, of treason. Her parents reportedly had been "sleeper agents" planted by the Mossad. Clinton gave Monica topmost security clearance at the Pentagon without requiring her to go through the usual screening process. She traveled with William Cohen, Secretary of Defense, and took notes of his meetings although not fully competent as a secretary."
"RAHM EMANUEL as former senior Clinton White House advisor was reportedly implicated in various illicit dealings with the Red Chinese penetrating U.S. industrial, financial, and military secrets. A dual citizen, Israel/US. he left the U.S. about 1990 to serve in the Israel Defense Forces, the IDF After leaving the Clinton White House, where he served off and on for some six years, Rahm made a sizeable fortune apparently from the secret Red Chinese dealings to get at U.S. secrets, while Rahm Emanuel was a top official of the investment house, Wasserstein, Perella & Co. Rahm is ostensibly an accomplished participant in "political opposition research", a code name for compiling and using blackmail data."
"Rahm Emanuel has used a portion of his apparently ill-gotten fortune to buy massive advertising and such, paving the way for him to win, as he did, the Illinois Congressional District previously occupied by defrocked Congressman Rostenkowski, convicted of embezzling sums from the House of Representives private bank. With his dual political loyalty as well, Rahm both supported Clinton publicly while he apparently manipulated him privately using reputed The Mossad controlled sexmate, Monica Lewinsky."
"Rahm Emanuel has ostensibly functioned as The Mossad's Deputy Chief for North America. In the past, some of Israeli intelligence's top officials for U.S./Canada, were headquartered in Chicago, operating in part through Bank Leumi. [In 1993, through a one-hour public access Cable TV program, we exposed the bank and a major spy/ swindler, later jailed, aided and abetted by the bank allowing him under the table funds as "overdrafts", the Clifford Sugarman affair. He was jailed as a consequence of our tv show.]"
"For many years, Chairman of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, was Leo Melamed, more recently, Chairman Emeritus. He reportedly grew up in the Orient and understands and/or speaks Chinese. Have the reporters who have interviewed him over the years, ever asked HIM about his reported role in promoting the Red Chinese Secret Police and their domination of the Chicago markets? When, if ever, does the financial press even mention the Red Chinese and the Chicago markets, the prices of items by them referred to worldwide? For a hundred and fifty years the Rothschilds have controlled the Chicago Board of Trade, later joined by the Irish Catholic aristocracy. Do we all understand that the Rothschilds are interwoven with the Vatican? In a simplistic explanation, the world is divided between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. At the annual super-secret Bilderberg Group meetings, each year in a different country, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds, although age-old competitors and "enemies", sit together. Business is business. On behalf of espionage interests, interwoven with the Rockefellers, Rahm Emanuel helped propel William Rockefeller Clinton into high office. In earlier stories, on my website, I wrote how 3 million dollars was siphoned off a secret federal agency 50 million dollar fund used to keep Bill and Hillary Clinton from being federal criminally prosecuted for bank embezzlement. The 3 million dollars put into the hands of Rahm Emanuel jump-started Clinton's 1992 campaign for President."
"So, the Red Chinese with the aid of their secret political police are able to funnel billions from dirty business coming out looking like soybean and foreign currency deals in Chicago. An instrumenal reputed player/facilitator in all this has been Rahm Emanuel and his gang. On a local PBS TV outlet show in Chicago, Rahm bragged how as Clinton White House Senior Advisor he had a desk closest to the Oval Office. The TV cameras were allowed right into the White House to show this. In effect, Rahm is reportedly the Deputy Chief, for North America, of Israel's secret police, The Mossad. Rahm is permitted to have dual citizenship. During the Persian Gulf War, he went to Israel to serve in their armed forces, reportedly in an espionage capacity. And Rahm Emanuel apparently has two faces. He supposedly has been a Clinton administration loyalist. BUT, at the same time, he reportedly controlled and directed the Israel/Red Chinese secret police circle that manipulated Clinton on sexual scandals, diverting our attention from the oil fraud and similar important matters.. Rahm's gang ostensibly included Monica Lewinsky, whose parents for years were reportedly assets of The Mossad. Clinton/Rahm Emanuel sent Monica to the Pentagon to sniff out what Admirals and Generals were planning a coup against Clinton. In the process, she got pregnant and had an abortion.. Included apparently in the circle is Linda Tripp who previously was a covert operative of the Delta Forces, one of the few women in that capacity."
"After being Clinton White House Senior Advisor, on and off for six years, Rahm Emanuel became a bigshot with the Chicago office of Wasserstein & Perella, New York-based so-called "investment bankers" purportedly for the Red Chinese and their secret police. Through that firm, Rahm has reportedly been able to promote the agenda of China's Gestapo operating on U.S. soil. And Rahm with the financial "muscle" of the Chinese spy machine has reportedly been able to dominate various other brokers, facilitating the money laundering of illicit funds. Keeping tabs on all this with his own spy shop, Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley reportedly ordered the Irish Catholic aristocracy that manages the Chicago Board of Trade for the Rothschilds: "Get those Red Chinese 'spooks' out of there!" Result: soon thereafter on April Fool's Day, 2000, Richie Daley had a bout of hypertension that put him in Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Was it an accident or did someone send the Mayor a message? "
"For some years, Harris Bank has been the worldwide center of foreign exchange, trading in the currencies of most every country. Known as ForEx, the trading has reportedly been the key feature in money laundering for the Chicago commodity and currency markets, the Chicago Board of Trade, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and the Chicago Board Options Exchange.. The financial press seldom if ever mentions that the Red Chinese and the ethnic Chinese of Indonesia have an armlock on the Chicago markets. Their reputed front man has been Rahm Emanuel, for six years having been Clinton White House senior advisor. In a Chicago TV program, Emanuel bragged on camera from scenes in the White House, that his desk there was the closest to the Oval Office."
The Above Information Was Extracted From The Following Articles..
Red Chinese Blackmailing Clinton? 
by Sherman H. Skolnick, moderator/producer of Chicago public access Cable TV Show "Broadsides" since 1991, and chairman/founder since 1963, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts.  

by Sherman H. Skolnick

Whiskey, Dope and Hot Money Banks

The Red Chinese Secret Police In The United States Part 3
S.E.C.-China Mess Can Rock US
By Sherman H. Skolnick skolnick@ameritech.net

Journalist Christopher Bollyn Supporting Sherman Skolnick
Son of a Zionist Terrorist
Rahm Emanuel's Dirty Secret
By Christopher Bollyn 
Independent Journalist  
(Without Borders) 
17 November 2006
The Terrorists In The U.S. Congress
The new "golden boy" of the Democrat Party, the Israeli-American congressman Rahm Emanuel, is the son of a terrorist.
Really, I am not making this up, the chief power-broker of the Democrat Party, the 5-and-a-half foot foul-mouthed Israeli named Rahm, is the son of terrorist ­ a real living terrorist.
So, what do we do as citizens of the land of the free and the home of the brave fighting the War on Terror?
Do we run and hide from the foul-mouthed little Israeli who danced ballet and swears for effect - or do we laugh? Or do we demand answers? How can we respect a U.S. Congressman who served in a foreign army and whose father was a terrorist?
Rep. Rahm Emanuel, the Democrat congressman for the 5th District of Illinois in Chicago is the son of an Israeli terrorist. Rahm's father, Benjamin, was a member of the Irgun, the Zionist terrorist organization that coined a new word as they blew up hotels, train stations, and other buildings in Palestine in the 1930s and 40s.
Rahm was an Israeli citizen until he was 18 years old, when for obvious reasons he hid his Israeli passport in his underwear drawer. In 1991, however, he pulled his Israeli passport out and went and reportedly joined the Israeli Army to defend Zion from Saddam's Scuds.
Irgun, the army of his father, is short for Irgun Zvai Leumi, which supposedly means something like "National Military Organization" in Hebrew. As a matter of fact, the Irgun was simply a terrorist Zionist group that operated in Palestine from 1931 to 1948. They killed innocent Palestinians and British soldiers and blew up buildings.
After 1948 they became part of the new Israeli government and did the same thing. In September 2001 they put their skills to work in New York City and Washington to kick start the "war on terror" - a conflict long promoted by their chief architect, Bibi Netanyahu, son of the former secretary of Ze'ev Jabotinsky.
The Irgun even has a website with pictures of the buildings they blew up before they demolished the World Trade Center with Thermite and high explosives:
In Israel, the Irgun is referred to as Etzel, an acronym of the group's Hebrew initials. The Irgun was considered a terrorist organization by the British authorities as well as by mainstream Zionist and Jewish organizations, such as the Jewish Agency, the Haganah and the Histadrut. (It just has not made it onto the U.S. State Department's list of terrorist organizations ­ even after blowing up the World Trade Center. Some people are slow to learn.)
Irgun was founded by Ze'ev Jabotinsky and the relationship with Jabotinsky's Revisionist Zionism made it the predecessor to Israel's right-wing Herut and Likud parties.
Guess who runs Israel today?
Answer: The sons and daughters of Irgun. (Check out the commander list on the Etzel website if you don't believe me.)
Guess who runs the United States today? The same people ­ let's start with Rahm Emanuel.
Of course you won't find anything about Rep. Emanuel's father's exploits in Palestine on Rahm's website: http://www..house.gov/emanuel/aboutrahm.shtml
The late Sherman Skolnick of Chicago called Rahm Emanuel the "Acting Deputy Chief for North America of the Mossad ­ Israeli Intelligence." 
cloakanddagger.de Rahm Emanuel
Skolnick went on to say that Emanuel's father Benjamin had been "part of the Israeli assassin team that murdered Sweden's Count [Folke] Bernadotte" in 1948. Bernadotte was the envoy of the United Nations in Palestine who sought to find a solution to the UN Partition Plan that gave Palestinian land to Jews from "beyond the pale."
Was Skolnick correct? Skolnick does not document his claims so I checked into his allegations.
"Beyond the pale" would certainly describe where Rahm Emanuel's family came from. His father's family came to Palestine from somewhere in the Ukraine in 1917, according to what Dr. Benjamin M. Emanuel told me the other day. Dr. Emanuel now lives on the appropriately named Locust Road in Wilmette, Illinois.
Benjamin, speaking with a thick Israeli accent, told me that his father's name was Ezekiel Auerbach and that his mother's name was Pinina or something like that. He said it meant "pearl" in Hebrew. Asked about his role in the Irgun, Ben told me he had been a "simple soldier."
Yes, Ben, but serving as "simple soldier" in a terrorist organization makes you a terrorist. And the fact that you served in a terrorist organization 60 years ago makes no difference. You know, same rules for Nazis and terrorists.
Is that not what all those fellows in Guantanamo are being held for?
The Emanuel family name was Auerbach until 1936, although they are not related to the famous rabbinical family of Germany and Krakow named Auerbach. Ben said that his family was from Russia. (Well, the pale but not quite Russia.)
His father Ezekiel supposedly changed the family name to Emanuel when his son with that name died fighting Palestinians in 1936.
Many Jewish families in Palestine changed their names to make themselves sound like they actually came from Palestine. And you wondered where all those Jews disappeared during World War II?
Sheinerman became Sharon, Yezernitzky became Shamir, and Auerbach became Emanuel, and so on. And then multiply by a few hundred thousand. Voila! Millions of European Jews vanish from the face of the Earth - and build new lives in Palestine.
Ben told me that Emanuel Auerbach had died from "shrapnel in the knee" in 1936. When I asked him today for details on this incident he suddenly decided that he did not want to do an interview on the phone and hung up.
But before he terminated the conversation, Dr. Benjamin Auerbach-cum-Emanuel told me that he had been a member of the Irgun and had served under Menachem Begin.. He told me that he had never met Begin and had not smuggled weapons into Palestine, other news reports notwithstanding.
Naftali Bendavid (not a local reporter) with The Chicago Tribune spent 18 months working with Rahm Emanuel to prepare a story for the week after the mid-term elections although Naftali did not think that there was enough room in the 9-page story to mention the salient fact that Dr. Benjamin Emanuel had been a member of the terrorist organization ­ the Irgun.
No. In 9 pages of Bendavid's fluff piece there was simply no room to mention the ugly fact that Rahm's father had been a member of a terrorist organization.
Naftali Bendavid (clearly of Israeli persuasion) wrote a 9-page cover story for last Sunday's paper, which took up the entire second section of the now-failing Chicago Tribune.. (The latest rumor in Chicago is that the indicted but not convicted Zionist criminal Maurice Greenberg may buy the Tribune.)
(This is the same paper that actually hired an outside writer from TIME magazine to co-author a short piece in order to properly smear me and misrepresent the story of my brutal arrest at the hands of Homeland Security goons last August.)
Naftali, at his office in Washington, knew all about Irgun when I spoke with him on the phone. When I said it was an egregious omission to leave out the fact that Rahm's father had been in the Irgun, he said he just couldn't figure how to squeeze that bit into a 9-page article.
Naftali, let me help, as English is my mother tongue: "Rahm Emanuel's father Benjamin was a member of the Irgun, a Zionist terrorist group that operated in Palestine from 1931 to 1948. The Irgun blew up buildings and killed hundreds of innocent people in order to achieve the goals of militant Zionism in occupied Palestine."
Rahm's mother is Martha Smulevitz, who married the Israeli doctor in August 1955. Ben told me that they met in Chicago. I asked if she was related to the Smulevitz family that was living in Palestine in the 1930s. He said no.
There are Smulevitz's and Shmuelevitz's all throughout the Zionist invasion of Palestine. One was hanged by the Brits, one dealt with the Nazis in Berlin, and another was the chief of staff for Menachem Begin ­ take your pick.
It would, however, be most interesting if Rahm's father were actually related to Moshe Auerbach, the Zionist who went to Berlin with Pino Ginzburg to arrange the transfer of Jews and money to Palestine ­ with the Nazi regime.
On February 28 1937, Feivel Polkes, head of the Haganah told Adolf Eichmann that he was interested most of all in "accelerating Jewish migration to Palestine so that the Jews would obtain a majority over the Arabs in his country."
In The Secret Contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany -1933-1941 by Klaus Polkehn, he revealed that collaboration between the Zionists and the Third Reich was cemented by the "Mossad Aliyah Beth" which had been created by Haganah as an illegal immigration organization. Pina Ginsburg and Moshe Auerbach, with the blessings of the Reich, set up offices in Berlin to carry out their immigration activities in 1938.
Here is a page from Klaus Polkehn's book.
And you wonder where Rahm Emanuel got his "chutzpah" from?
Photo: "I said before the election that if the Democrats win the House, the lion's share of the credit should go to Rahm," says Rep. Ray LaHood, an Illinois Republican. "He legitimately can be called the golden boy of the Democratic Party today. He recruited the right candidates, found the money and funded them, and provided issues for them. Rahm did what no one else could do in seven cycles." 
And the fact that more than 70 percent of the American population is opposed to wasting U.S. blood and treasure to fight a Zionist war in Iraq means nothing?
(please copy to your computer ASAP, as this information may soon 'disappear' from the internet)



















Rahm Emanuel mulls chief of staff

role in Barack Obama's administration

GOP strategist says Emanuel could moderate Obama, add tougher style to

complement boss' gentle touch


November 06, 2008|By Naftali Bendavid, WASHINGTON BUREAU

WASHINGTON — Rep. Rahm Emanuel might not appear at first glance to be the

obvious choice to serve as White House chief of staff for a president-elect who has

spoken eloquently of setting aside partisan differences and bringing the country together.


Emanuel, after all, is best known as something of a Democratic political assassin. From

his days as a top aide to President Bill Clinton to his recent role leading the Democrats

to a House majority, Emanuel has relentlessly attacked his

foes and gone ruthlessly after anyone who stood in his way.


Yet the Illinois congressman is mulling whether to accept President-elect Barack Obama's

request that he serve as his chief of staff. That means Emanuel would manage Obama's

schedule, oversee the daily operations of the White House and serve as a top adviser to the president.


Perhaps the possibility is not as jarring as it might seem. For one thing, precisely because

Obama seems likely to adopt a unifying posture as president, he may need someone practiced

in the art of political hardball.


Republican strategist John Feehery -- who worked for former House Speaker Dennis

Hastert and Minority Leader Bob Michel, as well as former House Majority Leader

Tom DeLay -- said Emanuel could help prevent House Democrats from overreaching.


"Rahm is really smart," Feehery said. "He understands that if Obama goes too far to

the left, it's not going to be good for the Democrats. I think he's the kind of guy who can

knock some heads and help Obama guide the Congress toward the middle. I think that

will be the goal. You will need a bad cop to Obama's good cop, and Rahm will fill that role quite nicely."


Emanuel's policies, unlike his politics, have always been centrist, very much in the mold

of Clinton. In addition, a different Emanuel has emerged in recent years, one who has

forged friendships with Republicans and shown an ability to work with them on occasion.


Emanuel is a consummate Chicagoan; he was born in the city and attended New Trier

West High School in the northern suburbs. He kicked off his political career working for

such powerhouses as Chicago Mayor Richard Daley and former Sen. Paul Simon, before joining

Clinton's 1992 presidential run.


Along the way, Emanuel earned a reputation for a colorful intensity unusual even in the

hard-hitting world of politics. His profanity is legendary and seems designed in part to

throw his interlocutors off-balance. As a young political operative, he once joined other

youthful colleagues in mailing a dead fish to a Democratic pollster with whom he'd had a falling out.


Emanuel excelled at fundraising, sometimes screaming and shouting at donors until they

agreed to contribute -- generously -- to his candidate. He threatened to tear up checks if he

considered them too small.


After his White House stint, Emanuel returned to Chicago in 1998, making several million

dollars as an investment banker. That gave him the financial freedom to mount a hard-fought

race for Congress in 2002.


When Nancy Pelosi tapped Emanuel to lead the Democratic efforts to recapture control

of the House in 2006, a certain mellowing and maturation became apparent. To be sure,

Emanuel continued to browbeat anyone he considered an obstacle -- steamrolling weaker

Democratic candidates in favor of stronger ones, for example, or engaging in legendary

battles with party Chairman Howard Dean, not to mention launching all-out war against GOP candidates.


But Emanuel also showed an ability to cajole, flatter and even stroke his stable of Democratic

hopefuls, going so far as to send them Eli's cheesecake when they'd scored a political

success. His rants became more selective, deployed as much for effect as out of true frustration.


Leading his party to its first House majority in 12 years, Emanuel has now become

the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House. While continuing to launch cutting attacks on

Republicans, he also has formed friendships with such GOP lawmakers as Reps. Adam

Putnam of Florida, Tom Cole of Oklahoma and Ray LaHood of Illinois.

He's even become friendly with White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten.


He joined Rep. Walter Jones, a conservative North Carolina Republican, in an unsuccessful

effort to establish a memorial to the Iraq War dead in the U.S. Capitol rotunda. He also

has teamed up with Republicans in an effort to expand children's health insurance.


"Congressional Republicans respect what he has been able to do," Feehery said. "They

think he's a formidable opponent. They think he works his butt off.

They won't particularly love him, but if he's smart, they will respect him."


When Emanuel's friend Obama began closing in on the presidency, many thought Emanuel

would remain in the House. He is potentially in line to become House speaker in a few years,

and he could be of great use to his fellow Illinoisan as a sounding board on the mood of Congress.


But arguably few Democrats have Emanuel's credentials for the chief of staff job. He

has served as a top White House aide, meaning he understands how that unique place

works and where the pitfalls lie. And he holds a top leadership

post in Congress, giving him insight into that institution as well.


Obama apparently has concluded that this background, packaged

in the person of an old Chicago friend, is too valuable to pass up.



Naftali Bendavid of the Tribune's Washington Bureau is the author of "The Thumpin':

How Rahm Emanuel and the Democrats Learned to Be Ruthless and Ended the Republican Revolution"




We are supposed to believe that Rahm Emanuel was only
fixing the breaks on military trucks as a member of the
Israeli Defense Forces during George H.W. Bush’s first
Gulf War. We should not question that this experience as
a brake fixer for the IDF gave him the skills to become
Clinton’s Chief White House Advisor...Baloney!
Rahm Emanuel became a very valuable Mossad asset during
H.W. Bush’s first Gulf War while residing in Israel and
remains so to this day as mayor of Chicago.

Chicago’s Fiscal Storm

The deeply indebted city, with bonds already rated as junk,
considers borrowing billions to cover its pension costs.
August 9, 2018
Economy, finance, and budgets:

When Chicago issued half a billion dollars in new bonds late last year, some investors

balked, though the offering was designed to protect them by guaranteeing that they would

be paid with tax revenues that Illinois sends to its biggest city. “It’s an untested model,”

the research head at Gurtin, a municipal bond firm, said of the offering—Chicago’s first

under a new state law. Ominously, he worried that if Chicago defaults, it

was unclear how much protection holders of the new debt would really get.


Even as Chicago grapples with nightmarish violent crime, the city faces imposing fiscal

challenges. The city, which says that it will collect about $8.5 billion in local revenues this

year, is burdened by an astounding $28 billion in unfunded pension liabilities and another

$9 billion or so in money that it owes to general-obligation bondholders, as well as billions

more in other debts. Chicago’s bonds, graded as “junk” by analysts, are among the

lowest-rated of any major municipality. That forces the city to stretch the limits of municipal

finance, seeking innovative techniques that might get new borrowers on board, but at the

potential expense of taxpayers and holders of Chicago’s other debts. It’s

becoming increasingly difficult to see how this ends well in the Windy City.


Chicago’s latest fiscal scheme is already making headlines at home and in municipal-finance

circles. Late last week, Chicago’s chief financial officer and a financier close to Mayor

Rahm Emanuel proposed the idea that the city would borrow $10 billion through a bond

offering to shore up its pension system, using a dedicated revenue stream in order to

persuade investors to come on board. The plan would seek to offset the pressure that

the city faces from accelerating pension payments that it must make in coming years.

Chicago’s pension costs have doubled in the last decade—from $416 million in 2008 to

$1 billion last year—and that’s just 42 percent of what it should be paying to fund new retirement

credits that workers are earning, and to wipe out its debt. Under a long-term plan, the

city must double its pension payments again over the next five years, and then keep increasing

payments steadily every year for the next 30 years. Even then, the plan would get the system

back to only 80 percent funded, if everything else about the system’s projections stays on course.


Chicago’s bond offering would raise money for the pension system, where the money

can then be deposited in financial markets to earn returns. The idea sounds simple.

Chicago could borrow the cash, officials predict, by issuing bonds that pay between 5

percent and 5.5 percent annually. The city’s pension system, meanwhile, projects that

it will earn between 7 percent and 7.5 percent annually in the market over the long term.

By simple math, earning 7 percent on money that costs you just 5 percent is a winner.

“It would be irresponsible for me not to look at it,” Chicago CFO Carole Brown told the

press last week.


The problem is that those kinds of returns are far from a sure thing. That’s why pension

bonds have been behind some of the biggest fiscal meltdowns in recent years.

Stockton, California, for instance, borrowed $125 million in 2007 to bolster its underfunded

retirement plans and gave the money to California’s public-pension system to invest.

The system’s investment professionals promptly lost more than a quarter of the principal,

exacerbating an already-emerging crisis, which provoked city officials to file for bankruptcy.

Detroit, eyeing the same kind of sharp increases in pension payments that Chicago faces,

created a complex pension-financing scheme in 2005 to raise money by circumventing

Michigan’s limits on municipal debt. After the market crashed in 2008, the deal blew up.

A financial manager brought in to clean up the mess took one look at Detroit’s

retirement obligations and hauled the city into federal bankruptcy court.


Brown justified considering the maneuver because the city can’t reasonably dig its way

out of its pension mess with taxpayer dollars. She’s right: Chicago has already raised

taxes by more than $800 million in the last few years to bolster pension payments.

Even so, the system’s funded ratio keeps dropping. If the $28 billion that Chicago is

missing from its pension system existed, and was earning 7 percent in the market, the

city would be garnering nearly $2 billion a year in new capital. That’s money that—based

on the design of the pension system—it’s supposed to be earning. The missing

investment returns, however, amount to far more than taxpayers can make up, so despite

Chicago’s best efforts, its pension situation keeps deteriorating. Brown said that the city

needs to replace some of that missing money; if it can’t, then Chicago’s pension-funding

status will fall even lower when the next market downturn occurs. But the Detroit and

Stockton examples illustrate how things can get even worse with a big loan and a bad market bet.


The big losers in all this may be taxpayers and borrowers of previous Chicago debt, who

should be looking with panic at the city’s maneuvering. Chicago is now guaranteeing the

debt of its newest bondholders by dedicating specific tax dollars to repay them. Detroit

did the same thing, pledging revenues from casino taxes to reimburse some lenders.

Those lenders did get paid in full during the bankruptcy, but other Detroit bondholders,

ncluding some who held Detroit’s general-obligation debt, previously thought to be among

the most secure forms of municipal debt, took a big loss, or “haircut,” when the city went

bust. With every new, secured deal that Chicago engineers,

the risks for holders of the city’s older debt grows.


Taxpayers face their own risks. Loans secured by dedicated revenue streams tie up tax

proceeds. The more a municipality borrows in these kinds of transactions, locking up future

revenues, the more it reduces its fiscal flexibility. Detroit eventually wound up in what fiscal

experts call “service insolvency,” that is, it didn’t have enough money left over to spend on

basic municipal services. Chicago has a far more vibrant economy than Detroit’s, but it

also has more pension debt, and Illinois judges have granted public workers extraordinary

pension protections. The city isn’t even allowed to reduce the rate at which workers earn

benefits for work that they haven’t done yet, so the pension

system just keeps racking up new debt at alarming rates.


There’s little precedent for what’s happening in Chicago, and no clear path out. Illinois doesn’t

let cities file for federal bankruptcy protection, and that’s unlikely to change because the

municipal unions that have so much political power in the Land of Lincoln hate bankruptcy,

where contracts can be busted and pension debt cancelled. Still, as economist Herb Stein

famously observed, “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.” But when, and how?









                                                                              The Sudden But Well-Deserved Fall of Rahm Emanuel

It’s hard to remember a time when Rahm Emanuel wasn’t a Democratic Party superstar.

Go back to 1991, when the thirty-two-year-old took over fund-raising for Bill Clinton.

He  was soon renowned for making the staff come to work on Sundays, shrieking into

the phone to donors things like “Five thousand dollars is an insult! You’re a

twenty-five-thousand-dollar person!”—and, not incidentally, helping Clinton afford

the blitz of TV commercials that saved him from the Gennifer Flowers scandal,

clearing his course to the White House. The legend continued through this past April,

when Rahm—in Chicago and D.C., he’s known by that single name—won

a second term as the mayor of Chicago in a come-from-behind landslide.


Nine months later, Chicagoans—and Democrats nationally—are suffering buyer’s remorse.

Last month, a Cook County judge ordered the release of a shocking dashcam video

of a black seventeen-year-old named Laquan McDonald being shot sixteen times by a

policeman while he was walking away. Five days later, the officer was charged with murder.

The charge came after four hundred days of public inaction, and only hours before the

video’s release. Of almost four hundred police shootings of civilians investigated by

the city’s Independent Police Review Authority since 2007, only one was found to be

unjustified. So the suspicion was overwhelming that the officer would not have faced

discipline at all had officials not feared a riot—especially after it was learned that McDonald’s

family had been paid five million dollars from city coffers without ever having filed a lawsuit.

Mayor Emanuel claims that he never saw the video. Given that he surely would not

have been reëlected had any of this come out before the balloting, a recent poll showed

that only seventeen per cent of Chicagoans believe him. And a majority of Chicagoans now

think he should resign.


For twenty years now, there have been those who say that this emperor never had

any clothes on in the first place. Given the speed and

intensity of his fall, perhaps it’s time to reconsider their case.


Start with the 1992 Presidential campaign. Emanuel persuaded Clinton to prioritize raising

money. This, to put it lightly, caught up with him. And while Emanuel was never tied to

the fund-raising chicanery involving forgotten names like James Riady, Yah Lin Trie, and

John Huang, it was that zeal for cash that provided Clinton’s Presidency its original taint

of scandal. Obsessive fund-raising is also the foundation of Emanuel’s political operation

in Chicago. When two reporters for the Chicago Reader filed a Freedom of Information

Act request for the mayor’s private schedule in 2011 (unlike previous mayors, his

public schedule was pretty much blank), they discovered that he almost never met

with community leaders. He did, however, spend enormous blocks of time with

the rich businessmen, including Republicans, who had showered him with cash.


There are moral complaints to be made about this, to be sure. But the behavior has

also failed Emanuel on political_ _grounds: when he found himself in trouble, he was

left without a broad base of political support, unlike the previous mayor, Richard M. Daley,

who in similar straits fell back on his close relationships in all fifty city wards. When

one of those rich Republicans donors—Bruce Rauner, with whom Rahm has

vacationed—became Illinois’s governor, last year, at least the scolds could comfort

themselves that their mayor would enjoy privileged access to lobby for the city’s needs.

But that hasn’t worked, either: instead, Rauner has given Rahm the cold shoulder.


But return to Washington in the early nineteen-nineties, when a grateful Clinton awarded

his young charge a prominent White House role. There, Emanuel’s prodigious energy,

along with his contempt for what he called “liberal theology,” rocketed him higher and

higher into the Clinton stratosphere. “He gets things done,” Clinton’s chief of staff,

Erskine Bowles, enthused late in 1996, when Emanuel usurped George Stephanopoulos

as senior adviser for policy and strategy. Among his special projects was helping to pass

the North American Free Trade Agreement and the 1994 crime bill. He also tried to push

Clinton to the right on immigration, advising the President, in a memo in November, 1996,

to work to “claim and achieve record deportations of criminal aliens.”

These all, in the fullness of time, turned out to be mistakes.


 NAFTA, in alienating the Party’s working-class base, contributed to the Democrats

losing control of the House of Representatives in 1994. As for the crime bill, which

included a “three strikes” provision that mandated life terms for criminals convicted

of violent crimes even if their other two offenses were nonviolent, Clinton himself

has apologized for it, saying that the policy “made the problem worse.” The attempt

to out-Republican the Republicans on immigration never took off. Republicans are the

party solely associated with vindictive immigration policies, which leaves them in the

long-term crisis they’re finding themselves in now—identified as anathema by Latinos,

the nation’s fastest-growing ethnic group. If Rahm had had his way, that never

would have happened.


After Washington, Emanuel made eighteen million dollars in two and a half years as

an investment banker. (His buddy Rauner helped get him his job.) He came back

home—although diehards will insist that Emanuel isn’t really a Chicagoan, having

grown up in suburban Wilmette—and won a congressional seat in 2004. His next step

was chairing the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, in charge of recruiting

House candidates. In 2006, he got credit when Democrats took back the lower chamber.

One Democratic strategist from California who saw him working a room of worshipful

admirers shortly afterward marvelled, “Inside the Beltway, Rahm

is like … well, not Dylan or Madonna but maybe Britney or Paris.”


But that achievement disintegrates the more closely it’s examined. At the D-Trip, as

the D.C.C.C. is known, Emanuel aggressively recruited right-leaning candidates,

frequently military veterans, including former Republicans. But many of his hand-picked

choices fared poorly, losing in general elections. Some even lost in their primaries, to

candidates backed by liberals—many of whom won congressional seats

resoundingly, even after the D.C.C.C. abandoned them.


Victory, like defeat, can have a hundred fathers, and we can’t know what was ultimately

responsible for the Democrats’ success that November. Anger at Republicans for the

Iraq War (which Emanuel supported) certainly drove many voters’ decisions. What is

indisputable is that the 2006 majority proved to be a rickety one. Critics argue that, even

where Emanuel’s strategy succeeded in the short term, it undermined the party over time.

One of his winners, the football star Heath Shuler, of North Carolina, would not even

commit to vote for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House, and was one of many Rahm

recruits to vote against important Obama Administration priorities, like economic stimulus,

banking reform, and health care. Many are no longer congressmen. Some Democrats

now argue that, in the long run, 2006 might have weakened the Party more than it

strengthened it. “Rahm’s recruitment strategy” was “catastrophic,” the retired record

executive Howie Klein, who helps run a political action committee that funds liberal

congressional challengers, said, and it contributed to the massive G.O.P.

majorities we have now, the biggest since the nineteen-twenties.


Obviously, that conclusion wasn’t shared by Barack Obama in 2009, when he named

Emanuel as his White House chief of staff. There, however, Emanuel’s signature

strategy—committing Obama only to initiatives they knew in advance would succeed,

in order to put “points on the board”—nearly waylaid the President’s most historic

accomplishment: health-care reform. Emanuel wanted to scale it back almost to

the vanishing point. It took a concerted effort by Speaker Pelosi to convince the President

otherwise. This time, it was Emanuel who apologized: “Thank God for the country

he didn’t listen to me,” he said after the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare, in 2012.


By then Emanuel had became the mayor of Chicago, elected with fifty-five per cent of

the vote in the spring of 2011. Since then, there have been so many scandals in Emanuel’s

administration that have failed to gain traction that it’s hard to single them out. One

signature idea was lengthening Chicago’s school day by thirty per cent—controversial

because he proposed compensating teachers only two per cent more for the extra work.

The Chicago public-schools inspector general was soon investigating allegations that a 

local pastor linked to Emanuel was arranging buses to pack public hearings with

supporters of the idea, paying at least two “protesters” twenty-five to fifty dollars each.


The city also rolled out a new “smart card” system for customers to pay transit fares,

a product of the San Diego-based defense contractor Cubic. The system, known as

Ventra, worked about as well as Lucille Ball on a factory production line: 

some people would get on the bus for free, while others would be charged several times.

The cards were supposed to double as debit cards for Chicago’s “unbanked” poor.

But buried deep within the thousand-page contract with Cubic were nice little Easter eggs,

like the seven-dollar fee for customers who didn’t use the card for eighteen

months, and another five dollars tacked on for each dormant month after that.


The manager of Cubic’s Chicago division while the project was under negotiation had

previously been the Chicago Transit Authority’s vice-president for technology; then,

when it came time for implementation, he spun back through the revolving door to

his former city job. Well, that’s Chicago. Then Emanuel promoted the C.T.A. chief

responsible for the system as his mayoral chief of staff. Then he appointed him as the

Chicago public schools’ C.E.O., following the resignation of his previous pick, Barbara

Byrd-Bennett, ahead of an indictment for a kickback scheme, to which she later pleaded guilty.


Byrd-Bennett had taken over the job from an unfortunate gentleman named Jean-Claude Brizard,

who was forced to take the fall when Emanuel lost a teachers' strike in 2012.* She was

then tasked with another of Emanuel’s sketchy initiatives: closing fifty-four schools,

many of which were in the city’s black neighborhoods. Why were forty-nine pillars of

community stability ultimately shuttered? Suspicions of venal motives abounded,

but nobody could really be sure. A fact-check by Chicago’s public-radio station, WBEZ,

discovered that many of the facts that the city gave about the decision were not

accurate. But don’t confuse that inquiry with a joint investigation by WBEZ and the

schools magazine Catalyst Chicago which discovered that Emanuel’s claim about

high-school-graduation rates—that they would increase by fifteen percentage

points—was also a mirage. (Dropouts are reassigned to for-profit online education

programs that demand very little work, and then are awarded diplomas from

the school they last attended or one near where they live.) Or with the 

multi-part series by _Chicago _magazine that blew the mayor’s claims about Chicago’s

supposedly declining homicide rates out of the water, too.

(One method: categorizing homicide victims as “noncriminal deaths.”)


Now the sins of Emanuel are finally catching up with him. Lucky for him, however, the

compounding police-shooting scandal has erased from the news a peccadillo from this

past November: the mayor’s press team was eavesdropping and recording reporters

while they interviewed aldermen critical of the mayor. A spokesman responded to the

press by saying that their only intent was also “to make sure reporters have what you

need, which is exactly what you have here.” That made no sense. But then so much

of the legend of Rahm Emanuel’s brilliant career makes little sense. The bigger question,

perhaps, is what this says about a political party and the political press that bought the

legend in the first place.



Treasonous Quotes by dual-citizen Americans & Israeli leaders


“I encourage my soldiers to rape Arabic girls, since the Palestinian woman is a slave
for the Jews,and we do whatever we want to her and nobody tells us what we shall do
but we tell others what they shall do.”–Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon


“Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has

the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial.” Ariel Sharon



“I vow that if I was just an Israeli civilian and I met a Palestinian I would

burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him.” Ariel Sharon



“Even today I am willing to volunteer to do the dirty work for Israel, to kill as many Arabs as

necessary, to deport them, to expel and burn them, to have everyone hate us, to pull the rug

from underneath the feet of the Diaspora Jews, so that they will be forced to run to us crying.

Even if it means blowing up one or two synagogues here and there, I don't care.” Ariel Sharon



”The progress we have made in the last thirty years is overwhelming. Now we are in total control,

and there is NOTHING America can do. America is now marching under our orders into WW3″

– David Bloomberg http://www.rense.com/general20/billy.htm