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Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.
- A.J. Liebling


HNN: The Year in Review

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Defcon VII and BO2K
Defcon probably had the most mainstream media coverage of any hacker convention to date. With over 3000 attendees and over 200 press representatives present it was definitely one of the biggest conventions ever. With the release of Back Orifice 2000 from the Cult of Dead Cow the press was working at a fever pitch trying to cover the story even before the software was released.

HNN spent quite a few days inebriated in Las Vegas while we tried to cover the happenings at Defcon. Some of the highlights included the BO2K launch presentation, complete with thumping techno and strobe lights, the ejection of Carolyn Mienel from the conference floor, and the defacement of the web page.

When we returned we had over 1200 emails to answer and one pounding hang over. The media went nuts over the BO2K release, sparking debates on just what a virus is and what should be scanned. Network Associates claimed to be the first out of the gate with a patch for the program. Microsoft was even prompted to release a security bulletin.

Also at Defcon, Zero Knowledge released 1000 beta copies of Freedom, L0pht Heavy Industries introduced the revolutionary new security tool AntiSniff, Bruce Schneier announced that PPTPv2 'sucks less', and Security Wizards released their Capture the Flag Logs.

HNN Archive for July 9, 1999 - Press frenzy prior to con Defacement Mirror
HNN Archive for July 13, 1999 - the Aftermath
Defcon VII Review - Buffer Overflow Article
The Back Orifice 2000 Controversy - Buffer Overflow Article
How the Anti Virus Industry Works - Buffer Overflow Article
AntiVirus scanning for potentially misused tools is a doomed security strategy. - Buffer Overflow Article

Kevin Mitnick
Kevin Mitnick's road has been a long and bumpy one that has stretched for several years, 1999 was no different. One small bright thing is that Kevin is scheduled to be released, finally, sometime early in 2000.

In March the federal government succeeded in wearing Kevin down. He decided to plead guilty in the hopes to get his four year ordeal over with. Unfortunately he still had charges from the State of California to deal with.
HNN Archive for March 29, 1999

On April 26th it was revealed that the companies supposedly hurt by theft of software by Kevin Mitnick never reported those millions of dollars in losses to the SEC as required by law.
HNN Archive for April 25, 1999
Letters from companies estimating the amount of damages.

June 4th was supposed to be the day in which Kevin was officially sentenced and so demonstrations to support Kevin were planned at federal courthouses across the country. Unfortunately the hearing was postponed at the last minute but the demonstrations continued. Folks in other countries joined in by protesting outside embassies, the New York demonstration hired a skywriter to write FREE KEVIN over Central Park, the Philadelphia demonstration made onto the local news and many online news agencies covered the San Francisco Demonstration, numerous other cities attempted to live web cast their demonstrations.
HNN Archive for June 5, 1999
Press Release -Demonstration Announcement
Picture of the Russian Demonstration

On Kevin's fifth birthday behind bars the LA District Attorney graciously decided to drop the state charges against him. The DA claimed that the case had been mischarged.
Finally on August 9th, after numerous delays, Kevin received his sentence of 46 months in prison with credit for time served. He will also be forced to pay $4125 restitution to the supposed victims in the case. Instead of halfway house as expected he was remanded to Lompac Federal Prison.
HNN Archive for August 9, 1999

Much more in depth information regarding Kevin Mitnick, his current status and the historical significance of this case can be found here.

Virus Scares
1999 was a banner year for viruses. Melissa, CIH, and numerous other viruses had the press working over time. The virus writers keep churning them out, the antivirus companies keep detecting them and the press was not far behind.

Melissa seemed to be extremely virulent. By emailing 50 copies of itself after every infection it made it around the globe very quickly. It managed to jump the air-gap onto US governments SIPRNet and even made it on board ships in the Seventh Fleet. Numerous variants of Melissa surfaced with distributed DoS attack capability. Melissa was somehow traced through usenet to AOL and finally to David L. Smith who pleaded guilty to creating and releasing the virus.

HNN Archive for March 31, 1999 - Melissa makes it to 7th Fleet, Kills Marines Email, DoS Variant Appears
HNN Archive for April 2, 1999 - David Smith arrested and released on $100,000 bail
HNN Archive for April 5, 1999 - Melissa jumps air-gap onto classified SIPRNet
HNN Archive for December 12, 1999 - David Smith pleads guilty.

CIH while not as prolific as Melissa was definitely more destructive. CIH or Chernobyl is triggered to release its payload on April 26th every year and it has been around for a while. It hit exceeding hard this year especially in the Far East. Its creator was traced back to Taiwan where he said he was sorry.

HNN Archive for April 27, 1999 - CIH strikes worldwide
HNN Archive for April 29, 1999 - CIH Author Identified.
HNN Archive for May 12, 1999 - China Estimates 360,000 systems Damaged by CIH

The Virus Community Speaks
How the Anti Virus Industry Works - Buffer Overflow Article
AntiVirus scanning for potentially misused tools is a doomed security strategy. - Buffer Overflow Article

Ireland, Indonesia, China, Sweden, and Yugoslavia
Government sanctioned cyber attacks seem to be all the rage these days. Some countries are openly announcing their plans to create offensive cyber warriors while others are claiming to have already suffered government sanctioned cyber attacks.

In January a small ISP in Ireland, Connect Ireland, that hosts the top level domain for East Timor claimed that it had suffered a massive attack by Indonesian government forces. Indonesia of course denied the charges.
HNN Archive for January 26, 1999

Newsweek claimed that President Clinton authorized a "top-secret" plan against Slobodan Milosevic. One part of this plan would use "computer hackers" to attack his foreign bank accounts. Newsweek went on to say that the report instructed the CIA to wage "cyberwar" against Milosevic.
HNN Archive for May 24, 1999 HNN Archive for July 6, 1999
Yugoslavia Cut Off from the Net? - Buffer Overflow Article

Sweden announced the formation of a cyber defense force.
HNN Archive for July 14, 1999

Nobel Peace Prize laureate Jose Ramos-Horta claimed that hundreds of people around the world were poised to launch a cyber attack against Indonesia should there be any tampering in the election process for East Timor's freedom. No evidence was given for this cyber arsenal build up and no attack ever came. Connect Ireland, the ISP supposedly targeted by Indonesian forces earlier in the year asked that no internet attacks be launched.
HNN Archive for August 20, 1999
Connect Ireland - response to Indonesian threats

A Chinese military newspaper covering the activities of China's Peoples Liberation Army has called for the recruitment of 'civilian hackers' and for the training of 'cyber warriors' at Army schools.
HNN Archive for August 4, 1999

We hope that this disturbing trend does not continue into the next year. It will be an extremely bad day when the internet is legislated as a weapon of war.

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