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Click on this text to visit the KEVIN ALFRED STROM website

I DON’T CARE if you’re a “liberal” or a “conservative or a “libertarian.” If you live in America or western Europe or one of their satellites, virtually everything you have learned in school — virtually everything you’ve read or seen in the media — virtually everything you think you know — about history and politics and economics and human biology and morality and religion and sociology is wrong. I’m sick of your smugness. So today I’ve decided to pop several of your ridiculous rainbow balloons.


Continue reading Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong

The Speech

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 2 November, 2019

by Kevin Alfred Strom


SOME PEOPLE get excited when Donald Trump speaks. I can understand that. He’s a hate-object and love-object for the rubes and their emotions run wild on cue, just as the Cunning Race intends. And he’s kind of unpredictable. Will he withdraw troops from Syria, or just move them around a bit? Will he tell us that we have to “stop all these Middle Eastern wars” — while simultaneously funding Israel’s war machine to the tune of more billions than the whole US budget used to be? — and continuing to run the “kill list,” and the never-ending drone attacks, and the seldom-publicized commando raids, all across the many nations that Israel considers enemies? Will he tell us he’s raising tariffs — or lifting them? Will he blather about the much-needed but totally imaginary Wall? Or will he tell us how much we love and need all those “highly-skilled” and “patriotic” non-White immigrants? Will he ever dare to use the word “nationalism” again? Or will he get teary-eyed about the “heroes” who fought against the Germans and against nationalism in the “good war”? When Donald Trump speaks, it can make your head spin.


But that’s not the kind of speech I’m interested in hearing. I tune that garbage out just as automatically as I tune out commercials and animated Internet ads. Donald Trump’s speeches, and those of his rivals, might as well not even exist as far as I’m concerned.


Forget Donald Trump. This is the speech I want to hear:


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Kevin StromStrategy

Talking About It — and Making It Happen

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 26 October, 2019

by Kevin Alfred Strom


THERE IS A DOWNSIDE to having a comments section on our online magazine, National Vanguard. Don’t misunderstand me; the upside is very important, too — building community, building trust, meeting new and creative minds and bringing them into the National Alliance orbit; and even gauging what the enemy is thinking by analyzing what they try to sneak onto our site, and studying the hate mail we get in order to understand how the still-slumbering misunderstand our work — all very important, all very good. But we must be realistic at all times — and that means recognizing the downside.


Some of the problems in the comments section can be solved by the commenters themselves:


Continue reading Talking About It — and Making It Happen
InternetKevin StromStrategy

The Real Lessons of Vietnam

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 19 October, 2019

by Kevin Alfred Strom


A FEW WEEKS ago, National Alliance Chairman William White Williams sent me his transcription of a classic article from Instauration magazine from a quarter century ago, suggesting that it deserved to be republished and put on the air as an ADV program, and today’s show is the result. I’ve edited and expanded the piece for broadcast. It’s a lesson about what’s really important — and how those terrible, rotten Asian Communists were able to get something right — something that so many “right wing” constitution-loving American boomers from that era, with their Asian wives and childish “conservative” belief system, have gotten so, so wrong — and something that we must get right, or perish.


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Kevin StromVietnam

Sermons and Dreams

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 12 October, 2019

by Kevin Alfred Strom


MOST American Dissident Voices broadcasts don’t sound like sermons. But that’s what they really are: Cosmotheist sermons, every single one of them. Cosmotheist sermons are very different, however, from the sermons that most of us are used to.


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cosmotheismKevin Strom

Parasite-Induced Sickness

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 5 October, 2019

by Kevin Alfred Strom


IT IS A biological fact that parasitic organisms often cause profound sickness and sometimes even the death of their hosts. We, the White peoples of European Civilization, are infected. And we are sick, profoundly sick — soul-sick. I just found out how unbelievably, disgustingly sick we are. Even I, and I have out of necessity made a study of such sickness, was not prepared for this. I thought I had seen everything. I had not.


Listen to a new “sexy” “trend” among modern pleasure-seekers that has now made its way onto Yahoo Answers (for the moment I will ignore the acceptance of other sexual perversions and immoral behavior by the original poster, who is a critic of the new “trend”):


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Sexual perversionsexuality

Clarity: An Interview With Kevin Alfred Strom

Kevin Alfred Strom (right) speaks, 2019; National Alliance Chairman Will Williams at left

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 28 September, 2019

by Kevin Alfred Strom


THIS WEEK I was interviewed again on The Alternative Media program by rising star Farren Shoaf. Some of the subjects we talked about are:

Continue reading Clarity: An Interview With Kevin Alfred Strom
Farren ShoafKevin Strom

Revilo Oliver: What He Means to Us, part 4

Revilo Pendleton Oliver

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 21 September, 2019

by Kevin Alfred Strom


JAY HESS and I conclude our series on the great Revilo P. Oliver today, a man whose life and works will, we are convinced, be remembered for all time to come.

Some of the topics we’ll be discussing on this final segment of the series are:


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Jay HessKevin Stromrevilo oliver

Revilo Oliver: What He Means to Us, part 3

Revilo P. Oliver in 1969

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 14 September, 2019

by Kevin Alfred Strom


THIS WEEK, JAY HESS and I continue our discussion of the great Revilo Pendleton Oliver, a man whose works deserve to be — and we are determined will be — decisive in the lives of generations to come.


Some of the topics we’ll be discussing this time are:


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Jay HessKevin Stromrevilo oliver

Revilo Oliver: What He Means to Us, part 2

The most important venue for Dr. Revilo Oliver’s later writings, Liberty Bell magazine, published by German-American George P. Dietz of Reedy, West Virginia.

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 7 September, 2019

by Kevin Alfred Strom


ON OUR PROGRAM this week, I’ll be continuing my important interview with Jay Hess, the Army veteran and marine biologist who is in charge of the National Alliance campus in West Virginia. The topic: the great writer and thinker Dr. Revilo Pendleton Oliver, one of the greatest figures in racial-nationalism, one of the greatest writers of the last century, and a friend of the National Alliance.

Some of the topics we’ll be discussing this time are:


Continue reading Revilo Oliver: What He Means to Us, part 2

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