SUBJECT Index to Articles

April 2, 2010

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One reason that the general public, media, and uninformed government officials scoff at the truth of our story is that people tend to focus on the personal testimonial aspect, and ignore the crucially important organized stalking crime wave, and the UNclassified and commercial devices which can duplicate, right now, some of the effects we report.

For a concise report collecting the best information on unclassified and commercial equipment with invasive electronic harassment capabilities see:

In one big file:

Credibility reviews on selected information pieces relating to organized stalking and electronic harassment. Of possible interest to journalists.

The articles and images on this site are simple enough that most "non-technical" people can see quickly the principles which are involved. We organized stalking and electronic harassment targets beg you to spend a portion of your time looking at the book reviews and hard evidence technology side, in addition to our testimonial reports.

Organized Stalking: A Target's View, a free, not copyrighted e-booklet, telling the organized stalking and electronic harassment story in a simple format suitable for people who know nothing about the subect.

Information Handling Tips, free, not copyrighted e-booklet, giving information handling tips to targets. Written for targets, not the public.

Local group presentations booklet. How to get a demonstratedly effective form of activism going in your city.

"Coping" booklet, written for targets of organized stalking and electronic harassment, with some tips on how to cope until we can get the justice system to do its sworn and (well) paid job

Tech Talk, a booklet for targets about technology jargon, and technology concepts as relating to electronic harassment

If the alphabetized index below is not sufficient, consider using your browser's Search function to find the key word you want.

Click here for GLOSSARY



"Mind Control's" Portion of the full crime of organized stalking and electronic harassment (OS/EH)
Acoustic weapons and weapons-capable devices:
Brain entrainment
Classified Weapons
Detection of neuro-electromagnetic harassment
Effects of neuro-electromagnetic technology
Fakery and deception
Government, indisputable crimes against citizens
Government monitoring and control of communications
Government secret human experimentation
Implants (obsolete but still used by some)
Mind reading/thought reading
Psychotronic weapons and programmes, existence of
Radio frequency (microwave and voice-to-skull) weapons and how they work
Remote physical manipulation (selected targets)
Russian mind control:
"Silent sound", used with success in Gulf War
Through-wall devices
Unclassified and commercially available harassment-capable devices


"Mind Control's" Portion of the full crime of organized stalking and electronic harassment (OS/EH)
Coping for OS/EH targets
Court cases (see also legislation)
Diary entries
Doctors (and other professionals)
Government actions, pro and con
Julianne McKinney - began the anti psychotronic MC movement
Laws applicable to covert electronic attack
Media articles/editorials/videos
Medicine's, and government's adverse actions:
MKULTRA-era: - Covert mind control's 50+ year heritage:
MONUMENT, on line, to all MC and abuse targets:
Scientists, doctors, police, other professionals:
Tactics and ready answers:
Testimonials, from individual targets:
Time lines, historical:
Torture and brutality, showing it is happening NOW:



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Acoustic weapons and weapons-capable devices:

Acoustic heterodyning as a weapon, an article about American Technologies Corp. San Diego's weaponized version
Acoustic heterodyning US Navy contract for American Technologies Corp., San Diego
Acoustic heterodyne principle, a diagram illustrating the principle behind American Technologies Corp. San Diego "electronic ventriloquism" speaker system.
Acoustic manipulation of the nervous system, subliminal, U.S. patent #6,017,302
"Acoustic spotlight", very similar to the American Technologies acoustic heterodyne, under development at MIT
American Technologies Corp. of San Diego CA announces the successful patenting of their "acoustic heterodyne" aka "HSS" or "Hypersonic Sound" technology, clearing the way for commercial release of one form of voice-to-skull technology.
American Technologies Corp. of San Diego CA announces the U.S. military is interested in their acoustic heterodyne or "Hypersonic Sound" technology
Audio file tips, for those wishing to play audio (or video) clips from this and other web sites
Audio types, used by the perpetrators
bird.rm or bird.wma, FAKED bird calls, obviously electronic when heard live, which "follow" about one target in three as they go about their daily business
Book review, Controlling the Human Mind, by Dr. Nick Begich
Byrd, Dr. Eldon, 2002 report of experiment to check for mechanical sound in the vicinity of the ears of voice to skull targets. Microphones used as sound pickups. This version lacks some of the equipment photos but does have the diagrams needed for understanding of the setup. The full report is on the Mind Justice web site:
Commercial and unclassified technologies which are capable of generating some of the observed electronic harassment effects (long)
As separate pages: "Dream Machine", utilizing hypnotic methods to produce desired dreams. Manipulation of dreams is very common among targets of advanced electronic attacks.
Infrasound weapon sufficient to shake up a section of the city of Marseille, France. Click here if above link is broken.
Psychotechnology Research Institute web site, a site about the work of Russian "Psychotechnologist" Dr. Igor Smirnov, who was asked by the U.S. Government to be a consultant at the Waco, Texas Branch Davidian massacre. This site advises psychocorrection "can be carried out with or withOUT the person's agreement." Acoustics is a major component of Dr. Smirnov's psychocorrection system.
Silent Sound demo device, COMMERCIAL version, from Future Horizons, avaliable as of January 2004. Click here if the Future Horizons link above is broken. Do a Control-F text find for silent sound to scroll down to the device listing.
Sounds, smells, images sent to your brain by way of ultrasound signals, says Sony Corporation

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Brain Wave Fingerprinting, a writeup of a 60 Minutes show on this topic. If link broken, click here for the text (only) of that article
Book review, Controlling the Human Mind, by Dr. Nick Begich
Book review, Secret Life of Plants, by Peter Tomkins and Christopher Bird. Confirms the existence of biological signals which are NOT conventional electromagnetic, but operate at a performance level beyond that of as-taught-in-school signals, and which are like the current day mind/body weapon signals used on electronic harassment targets. Also describes possible countermeasure experiments.
Brain wave remote sensor, U.S. Army, can sense criminal intent in street situations ... at a distance, a distance
Center for Neural Communication Technology, U.S. National Institutes of Health, lays to rest any doubts about the existence and intent of human electronic implantation
Hacking the nervous system, an article showing the intent of the U.S. armed forces to do so, and a good description of what we targets experience (it hurts!)
Images, seen through cat's eyes, with photos, displays on screen and supports targets' claims that perpetrators can see through their eyes too
Implants, involuntary, Blanche Chavoustie
Implants, nanotechnology, proves the current level of even UNclassified implant technology - visitor, ponder the classified implants!
If above link is broken, copy of article is here
Implants, New Mexico prison style, a 1999 proposal by NM Governor Gary Johnson, which explicitly uses the phrase "we can insert microchips into people's brains and control their behavior"
Implants, Professor Warwick's unclassified experiment demonstrates that on a first try, human implants work, and are predicted as likely to improve to the point of direct brain/nerve interaction
Heartbeat detector, LADS, or Life Assessment Detector System, a product of VSE Corporation, which can detect the human heartbeat through non- or partially-conductive substances like snow or rock, at distances up to 135 feet.
Medical Technology Updates, a page for collecting excerpts from articles showing that UNclassified medical technology is approaching the advanced capabilities of the equipment used by today's organized stalking/electronic harassment perpetrators
Dr. Michael Persinger's findings when a target, Qijia Cheng requested Dr. Persinger to look for electronic causes of effects reported by electronic assault targets
M.I.N.D., or Magnetic Integrated Neuron Duplicator, a device used on involuntary experiment subject John Ginter while an inmate in a California prison
Mind Drive, an example of a set of computer games in which control of the game is picked up from the mind of the player
Neuromarketing, a line of research aimed at using functional MRI technology to find ways to influence people to make purchase decisions. Click here if above link is broken.
Sharks' use of neuro-magnetic fields of prey proves that the surveillance we experience is not only possible but has been done for millions of years by sharks
Telemetry is Coming of Age, article showing that implant-based radio telemetry is routinely do-able
Thought reading, NASA'S, electronic, for said silently to self thoughts, how it can be done. If that original link is broken, click here.
Thought Reading Now Possible, article from the San Francisco Chronicle, November 10, 2003, based on a New Orleans conference of neuroscientists
Thought read/write, article asserts it's doable

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Brain entrainment:

Book review, Controlling the Human Mind, by Dr. Nick Begich
Book review, Psychic Discoveries, by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, a compilation of Russian psychic discoveries and devices which can perform psychic and advanced physical effects, very likely the forerunners of current day advanced electronic harassment weapons
"Dream Machine", utilizing hypnotic methods to produce desired dreams. Manipulation of dreams is very common among targets of advanced electronic attacks.
Electromagnetic weapons video clips, CNN, circa 1985, scientists affirm viability
"Electronics and Brain Control", Popular Electronics, July 1973, Vol. 4, Number 1
ELF magnetic coil "sleeping" cap for targets
ELF sleeping cap schematic
ELF URL, describing how ELF electromagnetic fields can entrain the brain/nervous system, causing debilitating effects
From the Grassy Knoll, a Tampa area Florida radio talk show, February 13, 2004, airing an interview with Eleanor White:
First hour
Click here if the above link is broken
Second hour
Click here if the above link is broken
From the Grassy Knoll, a Tampa area Florida radio talk show, April 9, 2004, airing an interview with Sueann Campbell and Eleanor White:
First hour
Click here if the above link is broken
Second hour
Click here if the above link is broken
Hacking the nervous system, an article showing the intent of the U.S. armed forces to do so, and a good description of what we targets experience (it hurts!)
Hemi-Sync, a company selling specially prepared music recordings which use sound to entrain the brain in to relaxation. (Force-awake rhythms also possible.) See also US Patent #5,356,368
LIDA machine, a Soviet device which demonstrates the potentially good uses for the technology used to torment us involuntary experimentees over the past couple of decades
Medical Technology Updates, a page for collecting excerpts from articles showing that UNclassified medical technology is approaching the mind-weapon capabilities of the equipment used by today's organized stalking/electronic harassment perpetrators
Changing memories, New York Times article, September 2000 - describes memory changing technology which DELIGHTS MKULTRA, organized stalking, electronic harassment, and all child sex abuse perpetrators!
Dr. Michael Persinger's findings when a target, Qijia Cheng requested Dr. Persinger to look for electronic causes of effects reported by electronic assault targets
Microwave, high power, used on people in Europe, article by Dr. Reinhard Munzert. Click here if above link is broken
Oscilloscope trace, brain entrainment signal
Sounds, smells, images sent to your brain by way of ultrasound signals, says Sony Corporation
Thought reading, NASA's, electronic, for said silently to self thoughts, how it can be done. If that original link is broken, click here.
Thought Reading Now Possible, article from the San Francisco Chronicle, November 10, 2003, based on a New Orleans conference of neuroscientists
Thought read/write, article asserts it's doable

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Classified Weapons

Audio types, used by the perpetrators
"Banging" noises recorded in darkness by harassment target Norma Cross. Such noises have no visible source and are transmitted by very advanced technology, and are used to keep targets from falling asleep. The noises were also heard by Norma's son in an adjacent bedroom. Alternate video file for high speed connections
Book review, Psychic Discoveries, by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, a compilation of Russian psychic discoveries and devices which can perform psychic and advanced physical effects, very likely the forerunners of current day advanced electronic harassment weapons
Book review, Secret Life of Plants, by Peter Tomkins and Christopher Bird. Confirms the existence of biological signals which are NOT conventional electromagnetic, but operate at a performance level beyond that of as-taught-in-school signals, and which are like the current day mind/body weapon signals used on electronic harassment targets. Also describes possible countermeasure experiments.
Electromagnetic weapons video clips, CNN, circa 1985, scientists affirm viability
Hacking the nervous system, an article showing the intent of the U.S. armed forces to do so, and a good description of what we targets experience (it hurts!)
M.I.N.D., or Magnetic Integrated Neuron Duplicator, a device used on involuntary experiment subject John Ginter while an inmate in a California prison
Perp Groups, Local, including revelations and successful stoppage by a target who is also an accomplished remote viewer
Scalar weapons, an article describing the probable characteristics of scalar weapons
Vibrations, one of the most difficult to explain (in mainstream scientific terms) of the attack types experienced by targets of electronic harassment and organized stalking

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Advanced nature of current-day electronic harassment weaponry affirmed by former USAF scientist Dr. Tom Bearden; targets are advised to consider Dr. Bearden's words carefully before spending money on conventional detection/jamming/shielding experiments
ANTI-V2S (voice to skull) MP3 audio tracks. RIGHT click one or the other links below to download. Then load from your PC to your MP3 player to take anti-V2S multi-radio show masking with you in the community or at work:
6 radios, 64 kbps, stereo
6 radios, 32 kbps, mono
Multiple voices, not radio
** Please save a COPY to your hard drive for repeated playing.
Book review, Remote Viewing, by Tim Rifat. This book gives the history of Russian remote viewing and psychic manipulation, and contains points of interest to electronic harassment targets who wish to experiment with shielding, jamming, and detection of today's advanced electronic harassment signals
Book review, Secret Life of Plants, by Peter Tomkins and Christopher Bird. Confirms the existence of biological signals which are NOT conventional electromagnetic, but operate at a performance level beyond that of as-taught-in-school signals, and which are like the current day mind/body weapon signals used on electronic harassment targets. Also describes possible countermeasure experiments.
Book review, Electronic Projects from the Next Dimension, a practical book of experiments which might be useful in detecting some of the more advanced electronic harassment attacks
Countermeasure and Detection Experiments, an e-booklet listing experiments performed to date attempting to reduce, stop, and show the existence of electronic assaults
EEG-GSR experiments, with plants, aim is to create a detector which is independent of signal types (classified undetectable so far)
Electromagnetic signal detector, mentioned on The Power Hour by in-home microwave attack target Jesus Mendoza as the best indicator of the attack signals. (PLEASE read the caution note at the bottom of this page.)
Perp Groups, Local, including revelations and successful stoppage by a target who is also an accomplished remote viewer
PREPAREDNESS, without which, we won't survive to win this fight against organized stalking and electronic harassment, as the New World Order continues to stage artificial disasters

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Detection of neuro-electromagnetic harassment:

Advanced nature of current-day electronic harassment weaponry affirmed by former USAF scientist Dr. Tom Bearden; targets are advised to consider Dr. Bearden's words carefully before spending money on conventional detection/jamming/shielding experiments
Audio sensing add-on unit to extend the usefulness of [Tri] Field meters so they can be used without the need to watch them. Can also be connected to coils with many turns (say, 100) directly, without the need of a meter
"Banging" noises recorded in darkness by harassment target Norma Cross. Such noises have no visible source and are transmitted by very advanced technology, and are used to keep targets from falling asleep. The noises were also heard by Norma's son in an adjacent bedroom. Alternate video file for high speed connections
Book review, Remote Viewing, by Tim Rifat. This book gives the history of Russian remote viewing and psychic manipulation, and contains points of interest to electronic harassment targets who wish to experiment with shielding, jamming, and detection of today's advanced electronic harassment signals
Book review, Secret Life of Plants, by Peter Tomkins and Christopher Bird. Confirms the existence of biological signals which are NOT conventional electromagnetic, but operate at a performance level beyond that of as-taught-in-school signals, and which are like the current day mind/body weapon signals used on electronic harassment targets. Also describes possible countermeasure experiments.
Byrd, Dr. Eldon, 2002 report of experiment to check for mechanical sound in the vicinity of the ears of voice to skull targets. Microphones used as sound pickups. This version lacks some of the equipment photos but does have the diagrams needed for understanding of the setup. The full report is on the Mind Justice web site:
Book review, Electronic Projects from the Next Dimension, a practical book of experiments which might be useful in detecting some of the more advanced electronic harassment attacks
Detection and Countermeasure Experiments, an e-booklet listing experiments performed to date attempting to reduce, stop, and show the existence of electronic assaults
"Directed Energy Weapon attack", video, analyzed by Harry Sweeney. The clip shows interference with a camcorder taping in the home of a electronic harassment target.
EEG-GSR experiments, with plants, aim is to create a detector which is independent of signal types (classified undetectable so far)
Electromagnetic signal detector, mentioned on The Power Hour by in-home microwave attack target Jesus Mendoza as the best indicator of the attack signals. (PLEASE read the caution note at the bottom of this page.)
Dr. Michael Persinger's findings when a target, Qijia Cheng requested Dr. Persinger to look for electronic causes of effects reported by electronic assault targets
Record your 24-hour voice-to-skull harassment, suggested ways to try this
Spectrum analyzers, and why we targets are wise to avoid spending large sums to have one
U.S. Psychotronic Association, a group studying consciousness and advanced technologies - which is to say the type of studies which in the hands of other, unethical researchers have produced the electronic mind weapons from which we now suffer. Dr. Eldon Byrd, an ** ethical ** psychotronic researcher, is a member
Voice to skull receiver?, Try this EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena), a schematic diagram from Handbook of Psychic Discoveries by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder. A possible detector for perpetrator voice to skull transmissions.

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Activism Tips, free, not copyrighted e-booklet, giving activism tips to targets. Includes warnings about disinformation. Written for targets, not the public.
Information handling or sharing, tips for all targets whether or not they are interested in activism. Targets, your choice of words is very important until this crime becomes widespread public knowledge.
Rule by Secrecy, by Jim Marrs, book review of, a valuable reference showing how the mindset and impetus behind current day organized stalking and electronic harassment has come about
Voice of America interview, Eleanor White, June 2002, an example of one style of disinformation by a communications professional

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Effects of neuro-electromagnetic technology:

A Closer Look, radio show, hosted by Michael Corbin, March 5, 2004 hours 2 and 3, Eleanor White as guest:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Audio types, used by the perpetrators
"Banging" noises recorded in darkness by harassment target Norma Cross. Such noises have no visible source and are transmitted by very advanced technology, and are used to keep targets from falling asleep. The noises were also heard by Norma's son in an adjacent bedroom. Alternate video file for high speed connections
Book review, Controlling the Human Mind, by Dr. Nick Begich
Book review, Excalibur Briefing, by Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden, USAF (Ret), copyright 1978, revised and expanded 1988
Book review, Psychic Discoveries, by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, a compilation of Russian psychic discoveries and devices which can perform psychic and advanced physical effects, very likely the forerunners of current day advanced electronic harassment weapons
Book review, Remote Viewing, by Tim Rifat. This book gives the history of Russian remote viewing and psychic manipulation, and contains points of interest to electronic harassment targets who wish to experiment with shielding, jamming, and detection of today's advanced electronic harassment signals
Cheryl Welsh on mind control symptoms, with matching documentation on each
Book review, Secret Life of Plants, by Peter Tomkins and Christopher Bird. Confirms the existence of biological signals which are NOT conventional electromagnetic, but operate at a performance level beyond that of as-taught-in-school signals, and which are like the current day mind/body weapon signals used on electronic harassment targets. Also describes possible countermeasure experiments.
Child crying under electronic attack. Clip from The Power Hour from the March 3, 2004 show featuring electronic attack target Mr. Jesus Mendoza, of Mission Texas
Common effects observed by neuro-electromagnetic device targetted people
"Directed Energy Weapon attack", video, analyzed by Harry Sweeney. The clip shows interference with a camcorder taping in the home of an electronic harassment target.
"Dream Machine", utilizing hypnotic methods to produce desired dreams. Manipulation of dreams is very common among targets of advanced electronic attacks.
Electromagnetic weapons video clips, CNN, circa 1985, scientists affirm viability
Eleanor White on "Eye on the Future", a May 4, 2004 webcast out of British Columbia, Canada, hosted by Nazi-occupied Holland survivor Hehpsehboah, a rare broadcaster who fully understands what unchecked electronic harassment and government covered up organized stalking of citizens will lead to:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Electronic attacks on Mr. Jesus Mendoza, of Mission, Texas, AND HIS SMALL CHILDREN, who is pursuing a civil suit against the U.S. Attorney General to cease and desist, as broadcast on, March 3, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Hear Mendoza's daughter cry under attack
Hacking the nervous system, an article showing the intent of the U.S. armed forces to do so, and a good description of what we targets experience (it hurts!)
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, May 20, 2004:
Segment 1
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, August 27, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, March 14, 2005:
Segment (36 min)
Linda, a target of advanced electronic attacks on the body and nervous system, shows in this video clip some of the types of attack she experiences
Dr. Michael Persinger's findings when a target, Qijia Cheng requested Dr. Persinger to look for electronic causes of effects reported by electronic assault targets
Microwave, high power, used on people in Europe, article by Dr. Reinhard Munzert. Click here if above link is broken
Org@sm, electronic, forced, one of the effects experienced by psycho-electronic targets
Psychotechnology Research Institute web site, a site about the work of Russian "Psychotechnologist" Dr. Igor Smirnov, who was asked by the U.S. Government to be a consultant at the Waco, Texas Branch Davidian massacre. This site advises psychocorrection "can be carried out with or withOUT the person's agreement."
Microwave Weapons, Gulf War, images showing use against Iraqi troops in 1991
Sounds, smells, images sent to your brain by way of ultrasound signals, says Sony Corporation
"TortureWare", simulated image of electronic harassment perpetrator computer console screen
Vibrations, one of the most difficult to explain (in mainstream scientific terms) of the attack types experienced by targets of electronic harassment and organized stalking

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Fakery and deception:

Audio types, used by the perpetrators
bird.rm or bird.wma, FAKED bird calls, obviously electronic when heard live, which "follow" about one target in three as they go about their daily business
Book review, Gaslighting, by Victor Santoro. Reads like a how-to manual for organized stalking perpetrators
Changing memories, New York Times article, September 2000 - describes memory changing technology which DELIGHTS MKULTRA, organized stalking, electronic harassment, and all child sex abuse perpetrators!
Credibility reviews on selected information pieces relating to organized stalking and electronic harassment. Of possible interest to journalists.
Disinformation, Voice of America interview, Eleanor White, June 2002, an example of one style of disinformation by a communications professional
Faking visuals now a breeze, says Washington Post reporter William M. Arkin
Hacking the nervous system, an article showing the intent of the U.S. armed forces to do so, and a good description of what we targets experience (it hurts!)
Microwave, high power, used on people in Europe, article by Dr. Reinhard Munzert. Click here if above link is broken
Rule by Secrecy, by Jim Marrs, book review of, a valuable reference showing how the mindset and impetus behind current day organized stalking and electronic harassment has come about
Sounds, smells, images sent to your brain by way of ultrasound signals, says Sony Corporation
Thought reading, NASA's, electronic, for said silently to self thoughts, how it can be done. If that original link is broken, click here.
Thought Reading Now Possible, article from the San Francisco Chronicle, November 10, 2003, based on a New Orleans conference of neuroscientists
Thought read/write, article asserts it's doable

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Government, INDISPUTABLE crimes against citizens:

Book review, Bluebird, by Dr. Colin Ross, reviewed by Norma Cross
Book review, Controlling the Human Mind, by Dr. Nick Begich
Book review, Remote Viewing, by Tim Rifat. This book gives the history of Russian remote viewing and psychic manipulation, and contains points of interest to electronic harassment targets who wish to experiment with shielding, jamming, and detection of today's advanced electronic harassment signals
Book review, Search for the Manchurian Candidate, by John Marks, an excellent (but limited by CIA's burning of records) easy to read history of MKULTRA, the program which gave birth to the present psycho-electronic involuntary experimentation program
Book review, A Nation Betrayed, by MKULTRA survivor Carol Rutz. Fact-packed, recommended as a pocket/handbag reference for electronic harassment targets
Book review, War at Home, Brian Glick, lawyer and former activist. A great debate-ender!
CIA harassment, or, how the current psycho-electronic harassment regimen was born
Electronic attacks on Mr. Jesus Mendoza, of Mission, Texas, AND HIS SMALL CHILDREN, who is pursuing a civil suit against the U.S. Attorney General to cease and desist, as broadcast on, March 3, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Hear Mendoza's daughter cry under attack
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, May 20, 2004:
Segment 1
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, August 27, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, March 14, 2005:
Segment (36 min)
FBI ex-agent Geral Sosbee runs a campaign to expose FBI corruption, and includes on the page linked here electronic harassment relevant involuntary experimentation info
Greenbaum speech, the inside story of mind control from the psychiatrist's perspective
Implants, Brian Wronge case, demonstrating how even physicians who SAY they favour protecting human rights utterly cave in and refuse to help people with actual illegal implants
Implants, Brian Wronge case, update on this case of shameful refusal by doctors to uphold basic human rights
Intelligence activities, Church Committee's Final Report on, Book II, about effects on personal freedom, 1976
Military inspections of a target's web site, a screen shot by Brent from his firewall program, probably a result of the USA PATRIOT Act and similar laws which are being used to destroy the U.S. Constitution
M.I.N.D., or Magnetic Integrated Neuron Duplicator, a device used on involuntary experiment subject John Ginter while an inmate in a California prison
MKULTRA-era experiments, Bill Clinton apologizes for MKULTRA-era involuntary human torture by the U.S. government
MKULTRA-like involuntary experimentation leads to the deaths of 5 mental patients at Camp Mabry TX in 2001

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Government monitoring and control of communications:

Aerial Mind Control - The Threat to Civil Liberties, Judy Wall, Nexus magazine October-November 1999
Book review, Remote Viewing, by Tim Rifat. This book gives the history of Russian remote viewing and psychic manipulation, and contains points of interest to electronic harassment targets who wish to experiment with shielding, jamming, and detection of today's advanced electronic harassment signals
Brain Wave Fingerprinting, a writeup of a 60 Minutes show on this topic. If link broken, click here for the text (only) of that article
ECHELON, a network of countries whose security agencies scan virtually all electronic communications looking for key words to eavesdrop on people and groups "under suspicion". Helps to establish a pattern of motive for the neuro- electromagnetic harassment problem.
Military inspections of a target's web site, a screen shot by Brent from his firewall program, probably a result of the USA PATRIOT Act and similar laws which are being used to destroy the U.S. Constitution
TEMPEST technology, or, how someone can read your PC screen from some distance from your home

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Government secret human experimentation:

Arlene Tyner: Part 1, of a series of 4 articles on mind control
Arlene Tyner: Part 4, an investigative reporter's unbiased look at mind control and other government crimes
Biological warfare testing clearly shows the utter lack of care on part of government for experiment subjects
Book review, Bluebird, by Dr. Colin Ross, reviewed by Norma Cross
Book review, Controlling the Human Mind, by Dr. Nick Begich
Book review, Excalibur Briefing, by Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden, USAF (Ret), copyright 1978, revised and expanded 1988
Book review, A Nation Betrayed, by MKULTRA survivor Carol Rutz. Fact-packed, recommended as a pocket/handbag reference for electronic harassment targets
Book review, Psychic Discoveries, by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, a compilation of Russian psychic discoveries and devices which can perform psychic and advanced physical effects, very likely the forerunners of current day advanced electronic harassment weapons
Book review, Remote Viewing, by Tim Rifat. This book gives the history of Russian remote viewing and psychic manipulation, and contains points of interest to electronic harassment targets who wish to experiment with shielding, jamming, and detection of today's advanced electronic harassment signals
Book review, Search for the Manchurian Candidate, by John Marks, an excellent (but limited by CIA's burning of records) easy to read history of MKULTRA, the program which gave birth to the present psycho-electronic involuntary experimentation program
Mind Justice - UNIDIR Endorsement July 2002 Update, an excellent article about the state of the fight to expose and stop mind control (and electronic harassment)
CIA harassment, or, how the current psycho-electronic harassment regimen was born
Classified human experimentation, protection for subjects still lacking, MKzine article by Cheryl Welsh
Classified weapons: Blanche Chavoustie's anomalous weapon effects, stemming from MKULTRA institutional kidnap research
FBI ex-agent Geral Sosbee runs a campaign to expose FBI corruption, and includes on the page linked here electronic harassment relevant involuntary experimentation info
Greenbaum speech, the inside story of mind control from the psychiatrist's perspective
Human experimentation, classified, protection for subjects still lacking at end of 2003, article by Cheryl Welsh
M.I.N.D., or Magnetic Integrated Neuron Duplicator, a device used on involuntary experiment subject John Ginter while an inmate in a California prison
MKULTRA and historical mind weapons, a ten page well cited article by the group, based on three books on the topic. Click here if the above link is broken.
MKULTRA-era experiments, Bill Clinton apologizes for MKULTRA-era involuntary human torture by the U.S. government
MKULTRA-like involuntary experimentation leads to the deaths of 5 mental patients at Camp Mabry TX in 2001
"Nessie", the writings of, as posted on the web site of the San Francisco Bay Guardian newspaper
Physician from NIH (US National Insititutes of Health), anonymous but corroborated by Dr. Eldon Byrd, reveals that seniour government medical personnel are not only aware of mind control and electronic harassment, but have experienced targetting as well, some fatally
"Psychotronic Golgotha", a Russian book, partially translated, by N. I. Anisimov, 1999, courtesty Cheryl Welsh of Mind Justice
Psychotronic War and the Security of Russia, by V.N Lopatin and V.D. Tsygankov Moscow, 1999, selected translations courtesy, Cheryl Welsh
Secret human experiments, history of ... If link doesn't work, Click here

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Implants (obsolete but still used by some):

Artificial vision for the blind, using brain implants, signals to which generate primitive images in the blind. Early form of the technology used to force visions on involuntary experimentees.
Book review, Controlling the Human Mind, by Dr. Nick Begich
Brain chip lets stroke target 'talk' again, article from Toronto Star, Oct. 21, 1998
Implants, Brian Wronge case, demonstrating how even physicians who SAY they favour protecting human rights utterly cave in and refuse to help people with actual illegal implants
Implants, Brian Wronge case, update on this case of shameful refusal by doctors to uphold basic human rights
Center for Neural Communication Technology, U.S. National Institutes of Health, lays to rest any doubts about the existence and intent of human electronic implantation
Electromagnetic weapons video clips, CNN, circa 1985, scientists affirm viability
Images, seen through cat's eyes, with photos, displays on screen and supports targets' claims that perpetrators can see through their eyes too
Implants, human, for use with satellite tracking system, means and motive!
Implants, New Mexico prison style, a 1999 proposal by NM Governor Gary Johnson, which explicitly uses the phrase "we can insert microchips into people's brains and control their behavior"
Implants, Professor Warwick's unclassified experiment demonstrates that on a first try, human implants work, and are predicted as likely to improve to the point of direct brain/nerve interaction
Implantation backup article
Implants, "Telectrode", for wireless monitoring of both physical and psychological parameters, AF contract
Implants, U. of Albany, Albany Times-Union article about implant research in the late 1990s
Monkey victims of Dr. Jose Delgado, brain implant scientist. Monkeys in restraint with electric shocks being administered to electrodes in their brains. Demonstrates MKULTRA's utter disregard for life, pain, and suffering
Delgado, Dr. Jose, October 2005 Scientific American article
Satellite tracking system, for parolees, USA Today

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Mind reading/thought reading:

Artificial vision for the blind, using brain implants, signals to which generate primitive images in the blind. Early form of the technology used to force visions on involuntary experimentees.
Brain (eel) controls robot, original link
Brain reading from a distance, BBC news article. No implants, not even any contacts. Used in new "brain scanners" at airports to check for "criminal intent"
Brain Wave Fingerprinting, a writeup of a 60 Minutes show on this topic. If link broken, click here for the text (only) of that article
Book review, Remote Viewing, by Tim Rifat. This book gives the history of Russian remote viewing and psychic manipulation, and contains points of interest to electronic harassment targets who wish to experiment with shielding, jamming, and detection of today's advanced electronic harassment signals
Book review, Remote Viewing Secrets, by Joseph McMoneagle, former remote viewer for the U.S. Army STARGATE programme
Eye's visions read and displayed electronically
Images, seen through cat's eyes, with photos, displays on screen and supports targets' claims that perpetrators can see through their eyes too
Medical Technology Updates, a page for collecting excerpts from articles showing that UNclassified medical technology is approaching the mind-weapon capabilities of the equipment used by today's mind control/electronic harassment perpetrators
M.I.N.D., or Magnetic Integrated Neuron Duplicator, a device used on involuntary experiment subject John Ginter while an inmate in a California prison
Book review, Secret Life of Plants, by Peter Tomkins and Christopher Bird. Confirms the existence of biological signals which are NOT conventional electromagnetic, but operate at a performance level beyond that of as-taught-in-school signals, and which are like the current day mind/body weapon signals used on electronic harassment targets. Also describes possible countermeasure experiments.
Mind Drive, an example of a set of computer games in which control of the game is picked up from the mind of the player
Mind switch, one more device pointing towards the fact that classified science has already accomplished sub-vocal thought reading
Neuromarketing, a line of research aimed at using functional MRI technology to find ways to influence people to make purchase decisions. Click here if above link is broken.
Rats Control Robots, an article that pretty well shatters arguments that electronic thought reading isn't possible
Thought controlled robot video, unclassified (not secret,) strongly hinting that classified (secret) thought reading is probably already available. High speed version, better viewing quality, for those so equipped.
Thought reading for disabled, Sept. 2001 article
Thought reading, NASA's, electronic, for said silently to self thoughts, how it can be done. If that original link is broken, click here.
Thought Reading Now Possible, article from the San Francisco Chronicle, November 10, 2003, based on a New Orleans conference of neuroscientists
Thought reading, report from Stanford Research Institute shows process similar to "you-talk-it-types" computer speech recognition but based on brain electrical activity instead of voice:
(The HTML version loads fast but has scanning errors)
(The PDF version is 2.9 megs but is as the original)
Thought reading demonstrated, at Texas Instruments seminar, March 12, 2008 article from New Scientist. Silent nerve pulses from vocal cords converted to speech by commercial device developed by Ambient Corporation. This is "sub vocal" thought reading, where the device user says words silently to self.
Thought reading unclassified equipment, Thought reading, it's being worked on by "neuroengineers"
Thought read/write, article asserts it's doable

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Apparatus and Method for Remotely Monitoring and Altering Brain Waves, U.S. Patent 3,951,134 (1974); this description matches targetted individual experience closely
Book review, Controlling the Human Mind, by Dr. Nick Begich
Hemi-Sync, a company selling specially prepared music recordings which use sound to entrain the brain in to relaxation. (Force-awake rhythms also possible.) Jeff Rense (Sightings) Mind Control Patent Page. WOW!
See also US Patent #5,356,368
Patents related to e-weapon technology
Sounds, smells, images sent to your brain by way of ultrasound signals, says Sony Corporation
Stocklin patent #4,858,612, multi-channel microwave voice to skull device

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Psychotronic weapons and programmes, existence of:

Aerial Mind Control - The Threat to Civil Liberties, Judy Wall, Nexus magazine October-November 1999
Arlene Tyner: Part 1, of a series of 4 articles on mind control
Arlene Tyner: Part 4, an investigative reporter's unbiased look at mind control and other government crimes
Army (US) War College article, excerpted, demonstrating the military's clear interest in e-weapons. The reader should remember that writing an unclassified article like this one available to the military public is tantamount to admitting they possess such weapons at the classfied level.
Book review, Controlling the Human Mind, by Dr. Nick Begich
Book review, Psychic Discoveries, by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, a compilation of Russian psychic discoveries and devices which can perform psychic and advanced physical effects, very likely the forerunners of current day advanced electronic harassment weapons
Book review, Remote Viewing, by Tim Rifat. This book gives the history of Russian remote viewing and psychic manipulation, and contains points of interest to electronic harassment targets who wish to experiment with shielding, jamming, and detection of today's advanced electronic harassment signals
British Parliament Member Dr. Caroline Lucas firmly acknowledges the reality of electronic antipersonnel weapons
Cheryl Welsh article: 2003 Survey of Evidence Regarding Mind Control Experiments, an excellent overview of evidence relating to mind control programs world wide, by Cheryl, who is a very competent researcher
Commercial and unclassified technologies which are capable of generating some of the observed electronic harassment effects (long)
As separate pages:
Congress Asleep at the Switch, an article from The Phoenix Letter, Vol. 14, No. 8
Doctors who know, a log sheet of cases where doctors have admitted to targets that they know organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes are entirely real
Electromagnetic Weapons, Anti-Personnel, Some Aspects of, a synopsis prepared for a 1996 symposium of the International Red Cross. If the above link is broken, click here
Electromagnetics and the Mind, by Greg Harrison
FBI ex-agent Geral Sosbee runs a campaign to expose FBI corruption, and includes on the page linked here electronic harassment relevant involuntary experimentation info
Government involvement in e-weapons
Greenbaum speech, the inside story of mind control from the psychiatrist's perspective
Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, an Internet journal, an article titled "On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology" by Carole Smith. This article references work by Cheryl Welsh, founder of Mind Justice and is VERY welcome to those who have been targetted by such technology for decades! Click here if above link is broken.
Changing memories, New York Times article, September 2000 - describes memory changing technology which DELIGHTS MKULTRA, organized stalking, electronic harassment, and all child sex abuse perpetrators!
Microwave, high power, used on people in Europe, article by Dr. Reinhard Munzert. Click here if above link is broken
Microwave Technology And Its Use Against Humanity, a collection of articles from Orvotron, The Bimonthly Newsletter
M.I.N.D., or Magnetic Integrated Neuron Duplicator, a device used on involuntary experiment subject John Ginter while an inmate in a California prison
Mind Control and the Secret State, article by Daniel Brandt
MKULTRA-era experiments, Bill Clinton apologizes for MKULTRA-era involuntary human torture by the U.S. government
Mojimir Babacek: Article, "International Movement for the Ban of Manipulation of Human Nervous System by Technical Means", an overview of the world-wide effort to expose and stop electronic harassment and mind control
Monkey victims of Dr. Jose Delgado, brain implant scientist. Monkeys in restraint with electric shocks being administered to electrodes in their brains. Illustrates MKULTRA's utter disregard for life, pain, and suffering
Non-Lethal Weapons Policy, military vs. law enforcement
Physician from NIH (US National Insititutes of Health), anonymous but corroborated by Dr. Eldon Byrd, reveals that seniour government medical personnel are not only aware of mind control, but have experienced targetting as well, some fatally
Police who know, a log sheet of cases where (brave) police officers have admitted to targets that they know organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes are entirely real
Psychotechnology Research Institute web site, a site about the work of Russian "Psychotechnologist" Dr. Igor Smirnov, who was asked by the U.S. Government to be a consultant at the Waco, Texas Branch Davidian massacre. This site advises psychocorrection "can be carried out with or withOUT the person's agreement."
"Psychotronic Golgotha", Russian book, partially translated, by N. I. Anisimov, 1999, courtesty Cheryl Welsh of Mind Justice
Psychotronic War and the Security of Russia, by V.N Lopatin and V.D. Tsygankov Moscow, 1999, selected translations courtesy, Cheryl Welsh
Psychotronics Weapons Letter to Senate Committee, Julianne McKinney's letter to chairman John Glenn
Scalar weapons, an article describing the probable characteristics of scalar weapons
Sueann Campbell with Eleanor White, August 8, 2004, on "Eye on the Future", a webcast show hosted by Hehpsehboah, a lady who survived Nazi-occupied Holland during World War II. Hehpsehboah has a wide range of interests, but her first hand knowledge of tyranny has made her a friend of the cause of exposing and stopping electronic harassment and organized stalking:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
- The "noise" sample demonstrates how the perps interfere with such
broadcasts. We guests heard loud tones as well, making conversation
Sounds, smells, images sent to your brain by way of ultrasound signals, says Sony Corporation
Thought reading, NASA's, electronic, for said silently to self thoughts, how it can be done. If that original link is broken, click here.
Thought Reading Now Possible, article from the San Francisco Chronicle, November 10, 2003, based on a New Orleans conference of neuroscientists
Thought read/write, article asserts it's doable
"U.S. Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights", a Project Censored report by (professor) Peter Phillips, Lew Brown, and Bridget Thornton, Sonoma State University, December 2006
U.S. House of Representatives Bill 2977 recognizes psychotronic mind control as a problem
U.S. Psychotronic Association, a group studying consciousness and advanced technologies - which is to say the type of studies which in the hands of other, unethical researchers have produced the electronic mind weapons from which we now suffer. Dr. Eldon Byrd, an ** ethical ** psychotronic researcher, is a member
Vibrations, one of the most difficult to explain (in mainstream scientific terms) of the attack types experienced by targets of electronic harassment and organized stalking

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Radio frequency (microwave and voice-to-skull) weapons and how they work

ANTI-V2S (voice to skull) MP3 audio tracks. RIGHT click one or the other links below to download. Then load from your PC to your MP3 player to take anti-V2S multi-radio show masking with you in the community or at work:
6 radios, 64 kbps, stereo
6 radios, 32 kbps, mono
Multiple voices, not radio
** Please save a COPY to your hard drive for repeated playing.
Biological amplification, a biological response to radio signals which makes pulsed microwave "voice to skull" work, an excerpt from a book edited by Dr. James C. Lin, University of Illinois
Book review, Controlling the Human Mind, by Dr. Nick Begich
Book review, Excalibur Briefing, by Lt. Col. Thomas E. Bearden, USAF (Ret), copyright 1978, revised and expanded 1988
Brain reading from a distance, BBC news article. No implants, not even any contacts. Used in new "brain scanners" at airports to check for "criminal intent"
Commercial and unclassified technologies which are capable of generating some of the observed electronic harassment effects (long)
As separate pages:
Electromagnetic signal detector, mentioned on The Power Hour by in-home microwave attack target Jesus Mendoza as the best indicator of the attack signals. (PLEASE read the caution note at the bottom of this page.)
Frey, Allen, paper showing early e-weapons principle
Microwave auditory response references, which have been studied for use as bird clearing radar signals
Microwave bioeffect references, a researcher's smorgasbord
"Microwave cannon" plans, advertised for years by Information Unlimited. Demonstrates the ease with which microwave weapons can be had by the public.
Microwave hearing threshold for human beings
Microwave, high power, used on people in Europe, article by Dr. Reinhard Munzert. Click here if above link is broken
Microwave News article excerpts
Microwave Oven modification to use as a voice to skull transmitter (preliminary)
Microwave "Ray Gun", USMC, at long last the U.S. government has stopped denying microwave weapons exist!
Microwave Weapons, Gulf War, images showing use against Iraqi troops in 1991
Neuron's tiny current requirements for triggering
Organized Stalking: A Target's View, a free, not copyrighted e-booklet, telling the organized stalking and electronic harassment story in a simple format suitable for people who know nothing about the subect
Proven Technologies, a simple summary of the proven beyond all doubt and readily available through wall electronic harassment weapons, in simple language suitable for non-targets
Radio frequency control of DNA, an MIT Tech Talk article
Radio Signals vs. Nerve Cells, an explanation of how pulsed radio signals reach into our nervous systems
Scalar weapons, an article describing the probable characteristics of scalar weapons
Signal details for Frey-type voice-to-skull transmitter
Sharks' use of neuro-magnetic fields of prey proves that the surveillance we experience is not only possible but has been done for millions of years by sharks
Tech Talk, a booklet for targets about technology jargon, and technology concepts as relating to electronic harassment
Vehicle Stopper, electromagnetic, calls for design submissions by US National Institute of Justice (Why bother? They already exist in classfied circles.)
"Voice", "God's", article of Feb. 5, 2000, Sydney Morning Herald, speaking about USAF's use of "pulses" to create a voice within the skull of a target ...Voice to skull, aka Synthetic Telepathy, by Dr. Richard Alan Miller; Dr. Miller's article is an excellent 39-page overview of the technology covered on this site as well. A good place for a new visitor to start when the interest is in the technology.
Voice to skull article by Richard Gall, reports successful transmission of WORDS
Voice to skull (V2S/V2k), a commercial version dubbed MEDUSA - "Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio", proposed for commercial development for military and police use, ABC news. If that ABC link is down, click here for a backup copy. July 2008.
Voice to skull project for the US Department of Defence, by the US Environmental Research and Quality Assurance agency
Voice to skull SPEECH PROCESSOR, browser viewable version
Voice to skull SPEECH PROCESSOR, EDITable Corel Draw (3.0) version, RIGHT CLICK to DOWNLOAD
Voice to Skull ("V2K") reference, U.S. Army, direct address:
Click here if above link is broken
Wonder Weapons, an article in the July 7, 1997 issue of US News and World Report, by Douglas Pasternak, a landmark article

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Arlene Tyner: Part 1, of a series of 4 articles on mind control
Arlene Tyner: Part 4, an investigative reporter's article and end notes are a superb reference on this topic
Audio file tips, for those wishing to play audio (or video) clips from this and other web sites
Audio types, used by the perpetrators, Bibliography, Psychoactivity of Electromagnetic Fields, about 90K (long)
Book page for "mind control" related books
Book review, Controlling the Human Mind, by Dr. Nick Begich
Cheryl Welsh: Mind Justice - UNIDIR Endorsement July 2002 Update, an excellent article about the state of the fight to expose and stop mind control
Cheryl Welsh article: 2003 Survey of Evidence Regarding Mind Control Experiments, an excellent overview of evidence relating to mind control programs world wide, by Cheryl, who is a very competent researcher
Cheryl Welsh's best videos, per Cheryl Welsh, founder of Mind Justice. If above link doesn't work, click here. (Local copy as of July 2003.)
Cheryl Welsh, Mind Justice President, listed as an expert in non-lethal weapons (May 2001) in the U.N. media guide publication
Cheryl Welsh on mind control videos, with matching details on each
Credibility reviews on selected information pieces relating to organized stalking and electronic harassment. Of possible interest to journalists.
Book review, Electronic Projects from the Next Dimension, a practical book of experiments which might be useful in detecting some of the more advanced electronic harassment attacks
"Directed Energy Weapon attack", video, analyzed by Harry Sweeney. The clip shows interference with a camcorder taping in the home of an electronic harassment target.
Electromagnetic Weapons, Anti-Personnel, Some Aspects of, a synopsis prepared for a 1996 symposium of the International Red Cross. If the above link is broken, click here
Electromagnetic weapons video clips, CNN, circa 1985, scientists affirm viability
Infrasound weapon sufficient to shake up a section of the city of Marseille, France. Click here if above link is broken.
Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, an Internet journal, an article titled "On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology" by Carole Smith. This article references work by Cheryl Welsh, founder of Mind Justice and is VERY welcome to those who have been targetted by such technology for decades! Click here if above link is broken.
Dr. Michael Persinger's findings when a target, Qijia Cheng requested Dr. Persinger to look for electronic causes of effects reported by electronic assault targets
Milgram's experiments, graduated electric shocks, which showed the organized stalking and electronic harassment perpetrators how easy it would be to hire perpetrators to torture the targets; Alternate link to Milgram article if above link is broken
Nancy's EMW "Attack Article List"
Nancy's EMW "Belligerent Booklist" (Use it to fight back!)
"Nessie", the writings of, as posted on the web site of the San Francisco Bay Guardian newspaper
Psychotechnology Research Institute web site, a site about the work of Russian "Psychotechnologist" Dr. Igor Smirnov, who was asked by the U.S. Government to be a consultant at the Waco, Texas Branch Davidian massacre. This site advises psychocorrection "can be carried out with or withOUT the person's agreement."
Rule by Secrecy, by Jim Marrs, book review of, a valuable reference showing how the mindset and impetus behind current day organized stalking and electronic harassment has come about
Sounds, smells, images sent to your brain by way of ultrasound signals, says Sony Corporation
Tech Talk, a booklet for targets about technology jargon, and technology concepts as relating to electronic harassment

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Remote physical manipulation (selected targets):

Acoustic levitation starting point for our "power researcher" members
"Banging" noises recorded in darkness by harassment target Norma Cross. Such noises have no visible source and are transmitted by very advanced technology, and are used to keep targets from falling asleep. The noises were also heard by Norma's son in an adjacent bedroom. Alternate video file for high speed connections
Book review, Psychic Discoveries, by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, a compilation of Russian psychic discoveries and devices which can perform psychic and advanced physical effects, very likely the forerunners of current day advanced electronic harassment weapons
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers takes serious notice in 1996 of Finnish researcher's anti-gravity effect
Levitation, using diamagnetism of living things, as demonstrated on the CBS Evening News and CNN in April 1997, as reported in Science News Dec. 6, 1997 issue, vol. 152
Vibrations, one of the most difficult to explain (in mainstream scientific terms) of the attack types experienced by targets of electronic harassment and organized stalking

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Russian mind control:

Cheryl Welsh article: 2003 Survey of Evidence Regarding Mind Control Experiments, an excellent overview of evidence relating to mind control programs world wide, by Cheryl, who is a very competent researcher
Book review, Psychic Discoveries, by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, a compilation of Russian psychic discoveries and devices which can perform psychic and advanced physical effects, very likely the forerunners of current day advanced electronic harassment weapons
Psychotechnology Research Institute web site, a site about the work of Russian "Psychotechnologist" Dr. Igor Smirnov, who was asked by the U.S. Government to be a consultant at the Waco, Texas Branch Davidian massacre. This site advises psychocorrection "can be carried out with or withOUT the person's agreement."
"Psychotronic Golgotha", Russian book, partially translated, by N. I. Anisimov, 1999, courtesty Cheryl Welsh of Mind Justice
Psychotronic War and the Security of Russia, by V.N Lopatin and V.D. Tsygankov Moscow, 1999, selected translations courtesy, Cheryl Welsh
Book review, Remote Viewing, by Tim Rifat. This book gives the history of Russian remote viewing and psychic manipulation, and contains points of interest to electronic harassment targets who wish to experiment with shielding, jamming, and detection of today's advanced electronic harassment signals
Russian human rights group appeals for controls on psychotronic weapons
Russian law "About Weapons", Article 6 of which refers to some of the technologies capable of use as "mind weapons" or "psychotronic weapons"
Russian magazine article, courtesy Cheryl Welsh, with testimonial on the lives of Russian mind control targets
Soviets' microwave research into mind-altering use of microwave equipment released by US DIA in 1976
Russian psychotronics video, shown in 1998 on the German ZDF network, dialogue translated here. Includes descriptions by Dr. Igor Smirnov, who was invited by the U.S. to intervene at the Waco Branch Davidian standoff.
Russian translations, fragments as they are circulated, initiated by Cheryl Welsh and Mojimir Babacek

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"Silent sound", used with success in Gulf War, VERY likely the prime hypnotic technique carried via other voice to skull transmission methods:

Book review, Controlling the Human Mind, by Dr. Nick Begich
Psychotechnology Research Institute web site, a site about the work of Russian "Psychotechnologist" Dr. Igor Smirnov, who was asked by the U.S. Government to be a consultant at the Waco, Texas Branch Davidian massacre. This site advises psychocorrection "can be carried out with or withOUT the person's agreement."
Silent infrasound weapon sufficient to shake up a section of the city of Marseille, France. Click here if above link is broken.
"Silent Sound", Altered States Ltd version, a New Zealand supplier of "learning" tapes that are obviously "silent sound hypnosis" tapes, using the "voice-FM" technology
Silent Sound demo device, COMMERCIAL version, from Future Horizons, avaliable as of January 2004. Click here if the Future Horizons link above is broken. Do a Control-F text find for silent sound to scroll down to the device listing.
"Silent Sound", how hypnosis (and other effects) may be transmitted without the target being aware using voice-FM, with or without microwave to carry the signals over distance
"Silent Sound", one of the US military's UNclassified thought-influencing technologies, used in the Persian Gulf War
"Silent Sound" or "Silent Sound Spread Spectrum" or "SSSS" or "SQUAD" - one of the US military's classified thought-influencing technologies, used in the Persian Gulf War
"Silent Sound", the LOWERY patent, #5,159,703
Sounds, smells, images sent to your brain by way of ultrasound signals, says Sony Corporation

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Through-clothing radar, which can also penetrate non-conductive wall materials, a demo photo from Safe-View's millimeter wave radar system for airports and law enforcement

Through-wall devices, adaptable for stalking and covert observation:

Book review, Psychic Discoveries, by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, a compilation of Russian psychic discoveries and devices which can perform psychic and advanced physical effects, very likely the forerunners of current day advanced electronic harassment weapons
Book review, Remote Viewing, by Tim Rifat. This book gives the history of Russian remote viewing and psychic manipulation, and contains points of interest to electronic harassment targets who wish to experiment with shielding, jamming, and detection of today's advanced electronic harassment signals
Book review, Secret Life of Plants, by Peter Tomkins and Christopher Bird. Confirms the existence of biological signals which are NOT conventional electromagnetic, but operate at a performance level beyond that of as-taught-in-school signals, and which are like the current day mind/body weapon signals used on electronic harassment targets. Also describes possible countermeasure experiments.
Brain reading from a distance, BBC news article. No implants, not even any contacts. Used in new "brain scanners" at airports to check for "criminal intent"
Heartbeat detector, LADS, or Life Assessment Detector System, a product of VSE Corporation, which can detect the human heartbeat through non- or partially-conductive substances like snow or rock, at distances up to 135 feet.
Microwave, high power, used on people in Europe, article by Dr. Reinhard Munzert. Click here if above link is broken
Organized Stalking: A Target's View, a free, not copyrighted e-booklet, telling the organized stalking and electronic harassment story in a simple format suitable for people who know nothing about the subect
Radar Flashlight, the actual device as displayed at
Radar Flashlight for through-the-wall detection of humans, Georgia Tech, developers
Tactical through wall radar, Xaver 800 sales video, January 2010.
Tactical through wall radar, BACKUP COPY, Xaver 800 sales video, January 2010.
TEMPEST technology, or, how someone can read your PC screen from some distance from your home
Through-the-wall radar article from 1995 Popular Mechanics, confirms this equipment has existed for some time
Through-the-wall radar, Millivision Corp., Northampton MA, current manufacturer of passive millimeter wave radar
Through-the-wall radar, National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (National Institute of Justice, NIJ), a through the wall tracking/locating device for law enforcement
Through-the-wall radar, Patriot Scientific Corp., manufacturer of ground penetration radar, shows how penetration of even steel studded walls can be done using single cycle pulses
Through-the-wall radar, site of the Safe-View company which appears to continue the work started by Millivision Corp.

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Unclassified and commercially available MC-capable devices:

American Reporter 'zine, publishes article by Eleanor White. Special thanks to Joe Shea, Editor. Joe has experienced some harassment as a result.
Book review, Controlling the Human Mind, by Dr. Nick Begich
Brain (eel) controls robot, original link
Brain reading from a distance, BBC news article. No implants, not even any contacts. Used in new "brain scanners" at airports to check for "criminal intent"
Commercial and unclassified technologies which are capable of generating some of the observed electronic harassment effects (long)
As separate pages:
Electromagnetic Weapons, Anti-Personnel, Some Aspects of, a synopsis prepared for a 1996 symposium of the International Red Cross. If the above link is broken, click here
Infrasound weapon sufficient to shake up a section of the city of Marseille, France. Click here if above link is broken.
LIDA machine, a Soviet device which demonstrates the potentially good uses for the technology which is used to torment us involuntary experimentees over the past couple of decades
Medical Technology Updates, a page for collecting excerpts from articles showing that UNclassified medical technology is approaching the mind-weapon capabilities of the equipment used by today's mind control/electronic harassment perpetrators
MEDUSA, "Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio", microwave voice to skull (V2S/V2K) proposed for commercial development for military and police use, ABC news. If that ABC link is down, click here for a backup copy. July 2008.
Changing memories, New York Times article, September 2000 - describes memory changing technology which DELIGHTS MKULTRA, organized stalking, electronic harassment, and all child sex abuse perpetrators!
Microwave, high power, used on people in Europe, article by Dr. Reinhard Munzert. Click here if above link is broken
Microwave News article excerpts
Microwave Oven modification to use as a voice to skull transmitter (preliminary)
Mind Drive, an example of a set of computer games in which control of the game is picked up from the mind of the player
Neuromarketing, a line of research aimed at using functional MRI technology to find ways to influence people to make purchase decisions. Click here if above link is broken.
Radio frequency control of DNA, an MIT Tech Talk article
Sounds, smells, images sent to your brain by way of ultrasound signals, says Sony Corporation
Tactical through wall radar, Xaver 800 sales video, January 2010.
Tactical through wall radar, BACKUP COPY, Xaver 800 sales video, January 2010.
Thought reading demonstrated, at Texas Instruments seminar, March 12, 2008 article from New Scientist. Silent nerve pulses from vocal cords converted to speech by commercial device developed by Ambient Corporation. This is "sub vocal" thought reading, where the device user says words silently to self.
Unclassified technologies used in e-weapons
Voice to skull (V2S/V2k), a commercial version dubbed MEDUSA - "Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio", proposed for commercial development for military and police use, ABC news. If that ABC link is down, click here for a backup copy. July 2008.

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Coping for OS/EH Targets:

Coping blog, a source of suggestions for coping in addition to the "Coping" booklet below
"Coping", an e-booklet about coping with organized stalking and electronic harassment
"Earthworm Rescue", a feel good activity for organized stalking and electronic harassment targets
"Information Handling", an e-booklet to help OS/EH targets handle the flood of information about this crime
"Local Group Presentations", an e-booklet about forming local OS/EH target groups for purposes of making presentations to local agencies about this crime
"Making Friends With Squirrels", a feel good activity for OS/EH targets
"Organized Stalking", an e-booklet specifically designed for the public about the crime of OS/EH
"Organized Stalking", an e-booklet specifically designed for the public about the crime of OS **ONLY**; this may be useful in special circumstances
"Tech Talk", an e-booklet to assist targets with technology terms and concepts related to through-wall electronic weaponry

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Court Cases:

Bonacci case:, mind control victim awarded $1 million (ritual abuse case - same mentality as neuro-electromagnetic)
The Burzynski Breakthrough, a book by Thomas Elias demonstrating how an exceptionally efficient cancer cure has been covered up by the U.S. Government for more than a decade. Shows that government is, contrary to popular opinion, capable of covering up very important news and brutally harassing American citizens.
CIA tortures involuntary test subjects, successful Canadian court case PROVES BEYOND DOUBT
Court recognizes electronic harassment, the case of James Walbert, Sedgwick County, Kansas, U.S.A. Scans of court documents
Electronic attacks on Mr. Jesus Mendoza, of Mission, Texas, AND HIS SMALL CHILDREN, who is pursuing a civil suit against the U.S. Attorney General to cease and desist, as broadcast on, March 3, 2004:

Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Hear Mendoza's daughter cry under attack
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, May 20, 2004:
Segment 1
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, August 27, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, March 14, 2005:
Segment (36 min)
FBI ex-agent Geral Sosbee runs a campaign to expose FBI corruption, and includes information about his attempts to take his case to court
Justice, Getting, in an Unjust System, a transcript of a speech by Jeanette Westbrook at the 1999 Ritual Abuse/Mind Control conference of the SMARTNEWS group. Original link:
Pedophilia, world epidemic, a mainstream article showing how major crimes are covered up by way of infiltration of criminals leading double lives. Demonstrates how organized stalking and electronic harassment can be rampant yet not talked about in the media, and not be prosecutable.
Psychiatric drugging, forced, in New York State, Nazi style "list" of people deemed as only PROBABLE forced drugging candidates, being quietly compiled without the media reporting what is happening. First in the Soviet Union, now in the West, psychiatry has become the most powerful branch of law enforcement. Once "convicted" by psychiatrists, you have no trial, no defence. You will be forced by visiting medication enforcement teams in your own home to take brain damaging drugs. Click here if the above link is broken.

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Doctors (and other professionals) NEM-target-friendly:

ACHES-MC video letter to Pres. Clinton and Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien. This video includes individual testimonials by mind control victims, both MKULTRA-era and current day organized stalking and electronic harassment targets, and professionals who have provided help to them. To keep the bandwidth down so all PCs can view this video, quality has been sacrificed. But the information carried in the sound track is clear.
Arlene Tyner: Part 1, of a series of 4 articles on mind control
Arlene Tyner: Part 4, an investigative reporter's unbiased look at mind control and other government crimes
Book review, Bluebird, by Dr. Colin Ross, reviewed by Norma Cross
Book review, Controlling the Human Mind, by Dr. Nick Begich
Book review, Psychology of Stalking, by Sheryll Thompson, a psychotherapist with a real grasp of multi (organized) stalking.
Breggin, Dr. Peter R.'s psychiatric crime site - must reading if you are under psychiatric treatment or are thinking about consulting psychiatry, the most powerful arm of law enforcement, used routinely to discredit whistle blowers and protesters. The Soviet use of psychiatry to suppress dissent is in full blown use here in North America. Here is the May 2004 cover page in case the above link above doesn't work. May give you some clues for further web searching.
British Parliament Member Dr. Caroline Lucas firmly acknowledges the reality of electronic antipersonnel weapons
Doctors who know, a log sheet of cases where doctors have admitted to targets that they know organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes are entirely real
Greenbaum speech, the inside story of mind control from the psychiatrist's perspective
Goliszek, Dr. Andrew, on The Power Hour, February 13, 2004. Dr. Goliszek is a mainstream bioscientist and in this appearance he speaks about the revelations in his well-researched book In The Name of Science about highly unethical and outright criminal human experimentation by the United States government throughout the Cold War Era. Dr. Goliszek's research clearly sets the stage for the organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes listed on this web site and others:

Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Physician from NIH (US National Insititutes of Health), anonymous but corroborated by Dr. Eldon Byrd, reveals that seniour government medical personnel are not only aware of mind control, but have experienced targetting as well, some fatally
Rauni Leena Kilde, MD, the brave former chief medical officer of Finland, tells it like it is on global mind control, organized stalking, and electronic harassment
Dr. Michael Persinger's findings when a target, Qijia Cheng requested Dr. Persinger to look for electronic causes of effects reported by electronic assault targets
Mind control seminar, April 2005. Print this out if you are or intend to see a doctor or public official who is likely to deny mind control exists. Note: All lecturers and writers in the field of mind control are to some extent controversial, so don't depend on this bulletin to totally vindicate your claims. Instead, read (and print) material on MKULTRA, COINTELPRO, and organized stalking as well.
Organized stalker personality type, as described well by psychiatrist Debra A. Pinals, MD, in her book on single stalking. Clearly, this personality type exists in both the single and organized stalking arenas.
Ross, Colin, Dr., psychiatrist, who has carefully investigated alleged CIA-MKULTRA atrocities and is now satisfied they did happen

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Government actions, pro and con:

Aerial Mind Control - The Threat to Civil Liberties, Judy Wall, Nexus magazine October-November 1999
Alex Constantine on The Power Hour, April 1, 2004. Alex is an author who has researched and written extensively on mind control. This particular show covered the topic of government surveillance and harassment of rock music stars. These performers wield great influence over many of their fans, and it is this influence that gets them into trouble at times with the security agencies. This harassment clearly demonstrates that current-day government does engage in criminal behaviour, as did their COINTELPRO activity:

Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Biological warfare testing clearly shows the utter lack of care on part of government for experiment subjects
Book review, Bluebird, by Dr. Colin Ross, reviewed by Norma Cross
Book review, Controlling the Human Mind, by Dr. Nick Begich
Book review, Psychic Discoveries, by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, a compilation of Russian psychic discoveries and devices which can perform psychic and advanced physical effects, very likely the forerunners of current day advanced electronic harassment weapons
Book review, Psychology of Stalking, by Sheryll Thompson, a psychotherapist with a real grasp of multi (organized) stalking.
Book review, Terrorist Stalking in America, by David Lawson. A stunning expose of the growing problem of criminal stalking groups, which he calls "extremist groups" and "cause stalkers". This book reveals what happens behind the scenes when organized stalking targets report "street theater". The author reports confirming this problem exists with police. See also this review of one of the books the author uses as his reference for assigning blame for the existence of the criminal stalking groups.
Cheryl Welsh article: 2003 Survey of Evidence Regarding Mind Control Experiments, an excellent overview of evidence relating to mind control programs world wide, by Cheryl, who is a very competent researcher
Child crying under electronic attack. Clip from The Power Hour from the March 3, 2004 show featuring electronic attack target Mr. Jesus Mendoza, of Mission Texas
CHILDREN, Mind Control on, an article by distinguished investigative reporter Jon Rappoport. This is where the hidden "inner circle brutality" of government leaders in Western countries finally comes to light
CIA harassment, or, how the current psycho-electronic harassment regimen was born
Classified human experimentation, protection for subjects still lacking, MKzine article by Cheryl Welsh
COINTELPRO on The Power Hour radio show:
COINTELPRO segment 1
COINTELPRO segment 2
COINTELPRO segment 3
COINTELPRO segment 4
COINTELPRO segment 5 for COINTELPRO documents
COINTELPRO on The Power Hour radio show, with attorney, COINTELPRO researcher and author Brian Glick, December 16, 2003:
Brian Glick segment 1
Brian Glick segment 2
Brian Glick segment 3 for COINTELPRO documents
Original COINTELPRO documents
COINTELPRO, the non-electronic half of harassment type experienced by today's organized stalking and electronic harassment targets. See War at Home for an inexpensive paperback hip pocket reference for COINTELPRO.
DOJ (U.S. Dept of Justice) special report titled "Stalking Victimization in the United States." Dated January 2009, publication #NCJ 224527. This landmark report makes it undeniably clear that stalking by multiple stalkers, unknown to the target, happens to roughly half a million Americans as of 2006. Prior to this report, targets could not challenge the denials by police and doctors that multiple perpetrator stalking happens. Targets and activists are urged to save this report to their hard drives. Click here if the above link is broken.
DOJ (U.S. Dept of Justice) reports electronic harassment complaints to Congress. Significance is in the NUMBER of complaints.
Electronic attacks on Mr. Jesus Mendoza, of Mission, Texas, AND HIS SMALL CHILDREN, who is pursuing a civil suit against the U.S. Attorney General to cease and desist, as broadcast on, March 3, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Hear Mendoza's daughter cry under attack
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, May 20, 2004:
Segment 1
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, August 27, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, March 14, 2005:
Segment (36 min)
Eleanor White's organized stalking story, which may indicate city government complicity in organized stalking
European Parliament resolutions as passed. Not spectacularly great, but hopeful for the 21st century.
European Parliament Political Control Weapons position paper, text part only; or go to for the original with images.
Executive Orders, one method for quietly implementing a dictatorship without the people becoming aware until it's too late
FBI ex-agent Geral Sosbee runs a campaign to expose FBI corruption, and includes on the page linked here mind-control relevant involuntary experimentation info
French Government recognizes the reality of
neuro- electromagnetic weapons technology, an article from NATURE magazine
Goliszek, Dr. Andrew, on The Power Hour, February 13, 2004. Dr. Goliszek is a mainstream bioscientist and in this appearance he speaks about the revelations in his well-researched book In The Name of Science about highly unethical and outright criminal human experimentation by the United States government throughout the Cold War Era. Dr. Goliszek's research clearly sets the stage for the organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes listed on this web site and others:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Government involvement in e-weapons
Greenbaum speech, the inside story of mind control from the psychiatrist's perspective
Human experimentation, classified, protection for subjects still lacking at end of 2003, article by Cheryl Welsh
Implants, New Mexico prison style, a 1999 proposal by NM Governor Gary Johnson, which explicitly uses the phrase "we can insert microchips into people's brains and control their behavior"
Intelligence activities, Church Committee's Final Report on, Book II, about effects on personal freedom, 1976
Joan K. Christensen's letter to Eleanor White in which the
New York State Assemblywoman claims to have classified knowledge about
the neuro-influence weapons currently being illegally tested.
Kathleen Sullivan, MKULTRA-era torture survivor, interviewed on The Power Hour on January 20, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Michigan finally gets it right! Michigan State Legislature incorporates ANY harmful electronic or electromagnetic device into their definitions of criminal acts:
Public Act 0256 of 2003
Public Act 0257 of 2003
Military inspections of a target's web site, a screen shot by Brent from his firewall program, probably a result of the USA PATRIOT Act and similar laws which are being used to destroy the U.S. Constitution
M.I.N.D., or Magnetic Integrated Neuron Duplicator, a device used on involuntary experiment subject John Ginter while an inmate in a California prison
Mind Control, Sirhan Sirhan, The Power Hour's February 5th, 2004 interview with Sirhan's attorney Lawrence Teeter. Mr. Teeter is trying to get the word out that his client Sirhan Sirhan is an innocent, mind controlled target and the centerpiece of a massive government plot:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
MKULTRA-era experiments, Bill Clinton apologizes for MKULTRA-era involuntary human torture by the U.S. government, MKULTRA: Kill as a Child, Woman Learns How To, a Yahoo News item from May 2001. Direct evidence of MKULTRA atrocities.
MKULTRA-like involuntary experimentation leads to the deaths of 5 mental patients at Camp Mabry TX in 2001
Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace, a review of this book by Eleanor White, web site of the authors of the book "Mobbing: Emotional Abuse in the American Workplace". VERY encouraging that mobbing is beginning to get legislative attention, as the web site declares. Our job now is to try to get those involved in exposing and stopping mobbing to understand that it happens everywhere, not just in the workplace.
New World Order, (aka One World Government), openly admitted to as ongoing conspiracy by U.S. Congressional Rep Ron Paul. TEXT of what is on the video.
Book review, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, a journalist's look at the covert mechanisms back in the 1970s at work to convert the United States of America into a Socialist nation, then dictatorship, through extremely subtle moves controlled by the wealthy elite. Makes it clear that today's organized stalking and electronic harassment fits right in with those plans which continue today.
Non-Lethal Weapons Policy, military vs. law enforcement
NSA (US National Security Agency) confirms mind control is "for real", by confirming classification of a document about it
NSA surveillance laws, worth a good belly laugh for those of us who have been under surveillance for years and decades!
Official organized stalking in the United Kingdom, Daily Mail Online article of June 26, 2009. (Click here if the above link doesn't work - this is a type MHT file, may require Internet Explorer to open.)
Psychiatric drugging, forced, in New York State, Nazi style "list" of people deemed as only PROBABLE forced drugging candidates, being quietly compiled without the media reporting what is happening. First in the Soviet Union, now in the West, psychiatry has become the most powerful branch of law enforcement. Once "convicted" by psychiatrists, you have no trial, no defence. You will be forced by visiting medication enforcement teams in your own home to take brain damaging drugs. Click here if the above link is broken.
Secret human experiments, history of ... If link doesn't work, Click here
Rule by Secrecy, by Jim Marrs, book review of, a valuable reference showing how the mindset and impetus behind current day organized stalking and electronic harassment has come about
"Targeting Neighbourhood Troublemakers", or "TNT", an Indiana initiative that is ALSO being applied to citizens who commit NO offensive crimes or behaviour
U.S. House of Representatives Bill 2977 recognizes psychotronic mind control as a problem
Videos, Best, per Cheryl Welsh, founder of Mind Justice. If above link doesn't work, click here. (Local copy as of July 2003.)

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JULIANNE McKINNEY - began the anti psycho electronic MC movement:

Julianne McKinney's report and letters, from one of the most knowledgeable e-weapons targets
"Microwave Harassment and Mind Control" by Julianne McKinney
Psychotronics Weapons Letter to Senate Committee, Julianne McKinney's letter to chairman John Glenn

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Laws applicable to covert electronic attack:

Classified human experimentation, protection for subjects still lacking, MKzine article by Cheryl Welsh
DOJ (U.S. Dept of Justice) special report titled "Stalking Victimization in the United States." Dated January 2009, publication #NCJ 224527. This landmark report makes it undeniably clear that stalking by multiple stalkers, unknown to the target, happens to roughly half a million Americans as of 2006. Prior to this report, targets could not challenge the denials by police and doctors that multiple perpetrator stalking happens. Targets and activists are urged to save this report to their hard drives. Click here if the above link is broken.
FFCHS web site, "Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance" organization's web site. FFCHS is a group of activism-oriented targets, based in the U.S., which has been working to persuade the U.S. Congress to adjust legislation so that electronic weaponry is explicitly named. Public awareness work is also being undertaken.
Florida court helps expose mind control, by ruling that an expert witness who didn't agree with "conventional wisdom" COULD testify
Laws relating to e-weapons
Legislative suggestions your local legislators
can actually DO, at low cost and without credibility problems.
Michigan finally gets it right! Michigan State Legislature incorporates ANY harmful electronic or electromagnetic device into their definitions of criminal acts:

Public Act 0256 of 2003
Public Act 0257 of 2003
Psychiatric drugging, forced, in New York State, Nazi style "list" of people deemed as only PROBABLE forced drugging candidates, being quietly compiled without the media reporting what is happening. First in the Soviet Union, now in the West, psychiatry has become the most powerful branch of law enforcement. Once "convicted" by psychiatrists, you have no trial, no defence. You will be forced by visiting medication enforcement teams in your own home to take brain damaging drugs. Click here if the above link is broken.
Roy Bercaw's research subject protection bill submitted to the Massachusetts legislature
Russian State Duma processing bill which is aimed at removing secrecy from psychotronic weapons and preventing the current psychotronic arms race from escalating further
Stalking laws by state, (under construction,) a digest of stalking laws maintained by dedicated activist Vicky Kindhart. THANKS, Vicky!
"Targeting Neighbourhood Troublemakers", or "TNT", an Indiana initiative that is ALSO being applied to citizens who commit NO offensive crimes or behaviour
Thermal imaging versus the law, a discussion of the use of "sense enhancing" technology against a home based on the June 11, 2001 Kyllo U.S. Supreme Court decision. May apply to thru-wall radar. Not conclusive, but an interesting read.
U.S. House of Representatives Bill 2977 recognizes psychotronic mind control as a problem

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Media articles/editorials/videos:

Alex Constantine on The Power Hour, April 1, 2004. Alex is an author who has researched and written extensively on mind control. This particular show covered the topic of government surveillance and harassment of rock music stars. These performers wield great influence over many of their fans, and it is this influence that gets them into trouble at times with the security agencies. This harassment clearly demonstrates that current-day government does engage in criminal behaviour, as did their COINTELPRO activity:

Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
American Reporter 'zine, publishes article by Eleanor White. Special thanks to Joe Shea, Editor. Joe has experienced some harassment as a result.
Arlene Tyner: Part 1, of a series of 4 articles on mind control
Arlene Tyner: Part 4, an investigative reporter's unbiased look at mind control and other government crimes
Audio file tips, for those wishing to play audio (or video) clips from this and other web sites
Mind Justice - UNIDIR Endorsement July 2002 Update, an excellent article about the state of the fight to expose and stop mind control
Cheryl Welsh article: 2003 Survey of Evidence Regarding Mind Control Experiments, an excellent overview of evidence relating to mind control programs world wide, by Cheryl, who is a very competent researcher
Cheryl Welsh on mind control videos, with matching details on each
CHILDREN, Mind Control on, an article by distinguished investigative reporter Jon Rappoport. This is where the hidden "inner circle brutality" of government leaders in Western countries finally comes to light
Classified human experimentation, protection for subjects still lacking, MKzine article by Cheryl Welsh
COINTELPRO on The Power Hour radio show:
COINTELPRO segment 1
COINTELPRO segment 2
COINTELPRO segment 3
COINTELPRO segment 4
COINTELPRO segment 5 for COINTELPRO documents
COINTELPRO on The Power Hour radio show, with attorney, COINTELPRO researcher and author Brian Glick, December 16, 2003:
Brian Glick segment 1
Brian Glick segment 2
Brian Glick segment 3 for COINTELPRO documents
Original COINTELPRO documents
Congress Asleep at the Switch, an article from The Phoenix Letter, Vol. 14, No. 8
Dr. Rebecca Carley show "What's Ailing America," hour 1, January 17, 2009
Dr. Rebecca Carley show "What's Ailing America," hour 2, January 17, 2009
In the above 2-hour show, Dr. Carley discusses organized stalking and electronic harassment with Eleanor White and Debbie Newhook
Eleanor White on "Eye on the Future", a May 4, 2004 webcast out of British Columbia, Canada, hosted by Nazi-occupied Holland survivor Hehpsehboah, a rare broadcaster who fully understands what unchecked organized stalking and government covered up electronic harassment of citizens will lead to:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Eleanor White walking home after picketing, article in the Hamilton (Ontario) Spectator (mainstream) newspaper
Electronic attacks on Mr. Jesus Mendoza, of Mission, Texas, AND HIS SMALL CHILDREN, who is pursuing a civil suit against the U.S. Attorney General to cease and desist, as broadcast on, March 3, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Hear Mendoza's daughter cry under attack
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, May 20, 2004:
Segment 1
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, August 27, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, March 14, 2005:
Segment (36 min)
Organized stalking inteview, Eleanor White, on Radio show "Deadline Live", hosted by researcher and activist Jack Blood, October 20, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Goliszek, Dr. Andrew, on The Power Hour, February 13, 2004. Dr. Goliszek is a mainstream bioscientist and in this appearance he speaks about the revelations in his well-researched book In The Name of Science about highly unethical and outright criminal human experimentation by the United States government throughout the Cold War Era. Dr. Goliszek's research clearly sets the stage for the organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes listed on this web site and others:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Human experimentation, classified, protection for subjects still lacking at end of 2003, article by Cheryl Welsh
Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, an Internet journal, an article titled "On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology" by Carole Smith. This article references work by Cheryl Welsh, founder of Mind Justice and is VERY welcome to those who have been targetted by such technology for decades! Click here if above link is broken.
Judy Wall's letter to 180 editors, summer 1999
Judy Wall's timeline, covering the development of neuro-electromagnetic weapons
Kathleen Sullivan, MKULTRA-era torture survivor, interviewed on The Power Hour on January 20, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Mind Control and the Secret State, article by Daniel Brandt
"Mind Control" article Napa Sentinel, Harry V. Martin and David Caul, 28 pages (a masterpiece!)
MKULTRA-era experiments, Bill Clinton apologizes for MKULTRA-era involuntary human torture by the U.S. government, MKULTRA: Kill as a Child, Woman Learns How To, a Yahoo News item from May 2001. Direct evidence of MKULTRA atrocities.
Mind Control, Sirhan Sirhan, The Power Hour's February 5th, 2004 interview with Sirhan's attorney Lawrence Teeter. Mr. Teeter is trying to get the word out that his client Sirhan Sirhan is an innocent, mind controlled victim and the centerpiece of a massive government plot:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Microwave Technology And Its Use Against Humanity, a collection of articles from Orvotron, The Bimonthly Newsletter
Mojimir Babacek: Article, "International Movement for the Ban of Manipulation of Human Nervous System by Technical Means", an overview of the world-wide effort to expose and stop electronic harassment
"Nessie", the writings of, as posted on the web site of the San Francisco Bay Guardian newspaper
New World Order, (aka One World Government), openly admitted to as ongoing conspiracy by U.S. Congressional Rep Ron Paul. TEXT of what is on the video.
Book review, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, a journalist's look at the covert mechanisms back in the 1970s at work to convert the United States of America into a Socialist nation, then dictatorship, through extremely subtle moves controlled by the wealthy elite. Makes it clear that today's organized stalking and electronic harassment fits right in with those plans which continue today.
Official organized stalking in the United Kingdom, Daily Mail Online article of June 26, 2009. (Click here if the above link doesn't work - this is a type MHT file, may require Internet Explorer to open.)
Pedophilia, world epidemic, a mainstream article showing how major crimes are covered up by way of infiltration of criminals leading double lives. Demonstrates how organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes can be rampant yet not talked about in the media, and not be prosecutable.
Road to Freedom, a webcast show on the issues of organized stalking and electronic harassment
Rule by Secrecy, by Jim Marrs, book review of, a valuable reference showing how the mindset and impetus behind current day organized stalking and electronic harassment has come about
Russian psychotronics video, shown in 1998 on the German ZDF network, dialogue translated here. Includes descriptions by Dr. Igor Smirnov, who was invited by the U.S. to intervene at the Waco Branch Davidian standoff.
Satanic Ritual Abuse, news articles, a wake up call to the complacent public to demand genuine investigations into both SRA and mind control
Songs, scroll down for "T.I." and "Bang, Bang, Bang Bang", "T.I." for "targeted individual", songs composed and sung by target and artist Kuango - her protest of the crushing of freedom in the United States by organized stalking groups using electronic harassment, approved of and covered up by government.
The Power Hour radio show, 08-26-03, the two hour segment with Eleanor White on the topic of mind control. To my colleagues: I *NEVER* have claimed to anyone, the show hosts included, that I am an "expert" in mind control. I am far from that, and most of what I know comes from other people who have helped me assemble this web site! For information on The Power Hour show itself, either go to the show's web site, or The Power Hour radio show, 09-16-03, a two hour segment on the topic of mind control, with guests Dr. Rauni Kilde and investigative writer, Judy Wall. For information on The Power Hour show itself, either go to the show's web site, or Videos, Best, per Cheryl Welsh, founder of Mind Justice. If above link doesn't work, click here. (Local copy as of July 2003.)
Voice of America interview, Eleanor White, June 2002, an example of one style of disinformation by a communications professional
Wonder Weapons, an article in the July 7, 1997 issue of US News and World Report, by Douglas Pasternak, a landmark article!

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Medicine's, and government's adverse actions:

ACHES-MC video letter to Pres. Clinton and Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien. This video includes individual testimonials by mind control victims, both MKULTRA-era and current day organized stalking and electronic harassment targets, and professionals who have provided help to them. To keep the bandwidth down so all PCs can view this video, quality has been sacrificed. But the information carried in the sound track is clear.
Alex Constantine on The Power Hour, April 1, 2004. Alex is an author who has researched and written extensively on mind control. This particular show covered the topic of government surveillance and harassment of rock music stars. These performers wield great influence over many of their fans, and it is this influence that gets them into trouble at times with the security agencies. This harassment clearly demonstrates that current-day government does engage in criminal behaviour, as did their COINTELPRO activity:

Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Arlene Tyner: Part 1, of a series of 4 articles on mind control
Arlene Tyner: Part 4, an investigative reporter's unbiased look at mind control and other government crimes
Atrocities - why won't the media expose them?
Biological warfare testing clearly shows the utter lack of care on part of government for experiment subjects
Book review, Bluebird, by Dr. Colin Ross, reviewed by Norma Cross
Book review, Controlling the Human Mind, by Dr. Nick Begich
Book review, Psychic Discoveries, by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, a compilation of Russian psychic discoveries and devices which can perform psychic and advanced physical effects, very likely the forerunners of current day advanced electronic harassment weapons
Book review, Psychology of Stalking, by Sheryll Thompson, a psychotherapist with a real grasp of multi (organized) stalking, which is a substantial part of what we call organized stalking with electronic harassment.
Book review, Terrorist Stalking in America, by David Lawson. A stunning expose of the growing problem of criminal stalking groups, which he calls "extremist groups" and "cause stalkers". This book reveals what happens behind the scenes when organized stalking with electronic harassment targets report "street theater". The author reports confirming this problem exists with police. See also this review of one of the books the author uses as his reference for assigning blame for the existence of the criminal stalking groups.
Book review, When Medicine Failed, Janet Leih, the story of fighting both organized stalking and electronic harassment and medical malpractice at the same time
Breggin, Dr. Peter R.'s psychiatric crime site - must reading if you are under psychiatric treatment or are thinking about consulting psychiatry, the most powerful arm of law enforcement, used routinely to discredit whistle blowers and protesters. The Soviet use of psychiatry to suppress dissent is in full blown use here in North America. Here is the May 2004 cover page in case the above link above doesn't work. May give you some clues for further web searching.
British Medical Journal article appealing for medicine to guard against it's knowledge being used for weapons development
The Burzynski Breakthrough, a book by Thomas Elias demonstrating how an exceptionally efficient cancer cure has been covered up by the U.S. Government for more than a decade. Shows that government is, contrary to popular opinion, capable of covering up very important news and brutally harassing American citizens.
Cheryl Welsh article: 2003 Survey of Evidence Regarding Mind Control Experiments, an excellent overview of evidence relating to mind control programs world wide, by Cheryl, who is a very competent researcher
Child crying under electronic attack. Clip from The Power Hour from the March 3, 2004 show featuring electronic attack target Mr. Jesus Mendoza, of Mission Texas
CHILDREN, Mind Control on, an article by distinguished investigative reporter Jon Rappoport. This is where the hidden "inner circle brutality" of government leaders in Western countries finally comes to light
CIA harassment, or, how the current psycho-electronic harassment regimen was born
Classified human experimentation, protection for subjects still lacking, MKzine article by Cheryl Welsh
COINTELPRO on The Power Hour radio show:
COINTELPRO segment 1
COINTELPRO segment 2
COINTELPRO segment 3
COINTELPRO segment 4
COINTELPRO segment 5 for COINTELPRO documents
COINTELPRO on The Power Hour radio show, with attorney, COINTELPRO researcher and author Brian Glick, December 16, 2003:
Brian Glick segment 1
Brian Glick segment 2
Brian Glick segment 3 for COINTELPRO documents
Original COINTELPRO documents
COINTELPRO, the non-electronic half of the harassment type experienced by today's organized stalking with electronic harassment targets. See War at Home for an inexpensive paperback hip pocket reference for COINTELPRO.
Doctors who know, a log sheet of cases where doctors have admitted to targets that they know organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes are entirely real
DOJ (U.S. Dept of Justice) reports MC-like complaints to Congress. Significance is in the NUMBER of complaints.
Electronic attacks on Mr. Jesus Mendoza, of Mission, Texas, AND HIS SMALL CHILDREN, who is pursuing a civil suit against the U.S. Attorney General to cease and desist, as broadcast on, March 3, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Hear Mendoza's daughter cry under attack
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, May 20, 2004:
Segment 1
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, August 27, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, March 14, 2005:
Segment (36 min)
European Parliament resolutions as passed. Not spectacularly great, but hopeful for the 21st century.
European Parliament Political Control Weapons position paper, text part only; or go to for the original with images.
Executive Orders, one method for quietly implementing a dictatorship without the people becoming aware until it's too late
FBI ex-agent Geral Sosbee runs a campaign to expose FBI corruption, and includes on the page linked here electronic harassment relevant involuntary experimentation info
French Government recognizes the reality of
neuro- electromagnetic weapons technology, an article from NATURE magazine
Goliszek, Dr. Andrew, on The Power Hour, February 13, 2004. Dr. Goliszek is a mainstream bioscientist and in this appearance he speaks about the revelations in his well-researched book In The Name of Science about highly unethical and outright criminal human experimentation by the United States government throughout the Cold War Era. Dr. Goliszek's research clearly sets the stage for the organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes listed on this web site and others:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Government involvement in e-weapons
Greenbaum speech, the inside story of mind control from the psychiatrist's perspective
HAARP project related article from May 1998 Media Bypass magazine
HAARP project, excerpts from Angels Don't Play This HAARP, courtesy Patricia Mougey
Harlan Girard contributed to an October 1998 report by the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT)
Human experimentation, classified, protection for subjects still lacking at end of 2003, article by Cheryl Welsh
Human radiation experiments, by government on involuntary citizen experimentees, involving feeding and injecting of radioactive substances
Human radiation hearings, excerpt, for those who doubt mind control is a persistent and very real problem
Human radiation hearings testimony, showing tie in between these radiation experiments and mind control experimentation
Intelligence activities, Church Committee's Final Report on, Book II, about effects on personal freedom, 1976
Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, an Internet journal, an article titled "On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology" by Carole Smith. This article references work by Cheryl Welsh, founder of Mind Justice and is VERY welcome to those who have been targetted by such technology for decades! Click here if above link is broken.
Kathleen Sullivan, MKULTRA-era torture survivor, interviewed on The Power Hour on January 20, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Milgram's experiments, graduated electric shocks, which showed the organized stalking and electronic harassment perps how easy it would be to hire perpetrators to torture the victims; Alternate link to Milgram article if above link is broken
Military inspections of a target's web site, a screen shot by Brent from his firewall program, probably a result of the USA PATRIOT Act and similar laws which are being used to destroy the U.S. Constitution
M.I.N.D., or Magnetic Integrated Neuron Duplicator, a device used on involuntary experiment subject John Ginter while an inmate in a California prison
Mind Control, Sirhan Sirhan, The Power Hour's February 5th, 2004 interview with Sirhan's attorney Lawrence Teeter. Mr. Teeter is trying to get the word out that his client Sirhan Sirhan is an innocent, mind controlled victim and the centerpiece of a massive government plot:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Mind control, U.S. Navy's, officially admitted in SECNAVINST 3900.39D (standing instructions issued by the Secretary of the Navy), of 6 November 2006. Here is a quote from page 9:
(2) The Under Secretary of the Navy (UNSECNAV) is the
Approval Authority for research involving:
(a) Severe or unusual intrusions, either physical or
psychological, on human subjects (such as consciousness-altering
drugs or mind-control techniques).
If the above document is not available, click here.
MKULTRA and historical mind weapons, a ten page well cited article by the group, based on three books on the topic. Click here if the above link is broken.
MKULTRA-era experiments, Bill Clinton apologizes for MKULTRA-era involuntary human torture by the U.S. government
MKULTRA-like involuntary experimentation leads to the deaths of 5 mental patients at Camp Mabry TX in 2001
New World Order, (aka One World Government), openly admitted to as ongoing conspiracy by U.S. Congressional Rep Ron Paul. TEXT of what is on the video.
Book review, None Dare Call It Conspiracy, a journalist's look at the covert mechanisms back in the 1970s at work to convert the United States of America into a Socialist nation, then dictatorship, through extremely subtle moves controlled by the wealthy elite. Makes it clear that today's organized stalking and electronic harassment fits right in with those plans which continue today.
Official organized stalking in the United Kingdom, Daily Mail Online article of June 26, 2009. (Click here if the above link doesn't work - this is a type MHT file, may require Internet Explorer to open.)
Pedophilia, world epidemic, a mainstream article showing how major crimes are covered up by way of infiltration of criminals leading double lives. Demonstrates how organized stalking and electronic harassment can be rampant yet not talked about in the media, and not be prosecutable.
Book review, Plutonium Files, an informal review by correspondent Lynn Weed, with excerpts
Psychiatric drugging, forced, in New York State, Nazi style "list" of people deemed as only PROBABLE forced drugging candidates, being quietly compiled without the media reporting what is happening. First in the Soviet Union, now in the West, psychiatry has become the most powerful branch of law enforcement. Once "convicted" by psychiatrists, you have no trial, no defence. You will be forced by visiting medication enforcement teams in your own home to take brain damaging drugs. Click here if the above link is broken.
Police who know, a log sheet of cases where brave police officers have admitted to targets that they know organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes are entirely real

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MKULTRA-era - Covert mind control's 50+ year heritage:

ACHES-MC video letter to Pres. Clinton and Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien. This video includes individual testimonials by mind control victims, both MKULTRA-era and current day organized stalking and electronic harassment targets, and professionals who have provided help to them. To keep the bandwidth down so all PCs can view this video, quality has been sacrificed. But the information carried in the sound track is clear.
ACHES-MC web site Advocacy Committee for Human Experimentation Survivors - Mind can order a video there on involuntary human experimentation
Arlene Tyner: Part 1, of a series of 4 articles on mind control
Arlene Tyner: Part 4, an investigative reporter's unbiased look at mind control and other government crimes
Book review, A Nation Betrayed, by MKULTRA survivor Carol Rutz. Fact-packed, recommended as a pocket/handbag reference for electronic harassment targets. Together with Unshackled, by MKULTRA-era survivor Kathleen Sullivan, these books by those who survived the Nazi death camp level of brutality AS CHILREN, IN THE UNITED STATES, will ABSOLUTELY SILENCE objections by naysayers who tell you "Oh, government would never do that." These books are my WEAPONS OF CHOICE. Eleanor White
Book review, Bluebird, by Dr. Colin Ross, reviewed by Norma Cross
Book review, Controlling the Human Mind, by Dr. Nick Begich
Book review, Plutonium Files, an informal review by correspondent Lynn Weed, with excerpts
Book review, Psychic Discoveries, by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, a compilation of Russian psychic discoveries and devices which can perform psychic and advanced physical effects, very likely the forerunners of current day advanced electronic harassment weapons
Book review, Unshackled, A Survivor's Story of Mind Control, by MKULTRA-era Kathleen Sullivan. Together with A Nation Betrayed, by MKULTRA-era survivor Carol Rutz, these books by those who survived the Nazi death camp level of brutality AS CHILREN, IN THE UNITED STATES, will ABSOLUTELY SILENCE objections by naysayers who tell you "Oh, government would never do that." These books are my WEAPONS OF CHOICE. Eleanor White
Cheryl Welsh article: 2003 Survey of Evidence Regarding Mind Control Experiments, an excellent overview of evidence relating to mind control programs world wide, by Cheryl, who is a very competent researcher
CHILDREN, Mind Control on, an article by distinguished investigative reporter Jon Rappoport. This is where the hidden "inner circle brutality" of government leaders in Western countries finally comes to light
CIA harassment, or, how the current psycho-electronic harassment regimen was born
Classified human experimentation, protection for subjects still lacking, MKzine article by Cheryl Welsh
Classified weapons: Blanche Chavoustie's anomalous weapon effects, stemming from MKULTRA institutional kidnap research
Intelligence activities, Church Committee's Final Report on, Book II, about effects on personal freedom, 1976
Goliszek, Dr. Andrew, on The Power Hour, February 13, 2004. Dr. Goliszek is a mainstream bioscientist and in this appearance he speaks about the revelations in his well-researched book In The Name of Science about highly unethical and outright criminal human experimentation by the United States government throughout the Cold War Era. Dr. Goliszek's research clearly sets the stage for the organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes listed on this web site and others:

Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Greenbaum speech, the inside story of mind control from the psychiatrist's perspective
Human radiation experiments, by government on involuntary citizen experimentees, involving feeding and injecting of radioactive substances
Human radiation hearings, excerpt, for those who doubt mind control is a persistent and very real problem
Human radiation hearings testimony, showing tie in between these radiation experiments and mind control experimentation
Kathleen Sullivan, MKULTRA-era torture survivor, interviewed on The Power Hour on January 20, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
M.I.N.D., or Magnetic Integrated Neuron Duplicator, a device used on involuntary experiment subject John Ginter while an inmate in a California prison
Mind Control, Sirhan Sirhan, The Power Hour's February 5th, 2004 interview with Sirhan's attorney Lawrence Teeter. Mr. Teeter is trying to get the word out that his client Sirhan Sirhan is an innocent, mind controlled victim and the centerpiece of a massive government plot:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
MKULTRA and historical mind weapons, a ten page well cited article by the group, based on three books on the topic. Click here if the above link is broken.
MKULTRA documentation page - EXCELLENT!
MKULTRA cover page, U.S. Senate hearings in 1977
MKULTRA-era experiments, Bill Clinton apologizes for MKULTRA-era involuntary human torture by the U.S. government, MKULTRA: Kill as a Child, Woman Learns How To, a Yahoo News item from May 2001. Direct evidence of MKULTRA atrocities.
MKULTRA research site full of articles on covert government misbehaviour in general, with reference material on MKULTRA and related secret programmes. Richard G. Gall's excellent article on MKULTRA; supports the success of voice-to-skull for hypnotic purposes
MKULTRA survivors, an open letter to
MKULTRA survivors, a site by an MKULTRA child abuse victim dedicated to helping other MKULTRA victims with their healing process
MKULTRA U.S. Senate hearing excerpts
MKULTRA electronic projects with summaries of the specific purposes.
MKULTRA-like involuntary experimentation leads to the deaths of 5 mental patients at Camp Mabry TX in 2001
Monkey victims of Dr. Jose Delgado, brain implant scientist. Monkeys in restraint with electric shocks being administered to electrodes in their brains. Illustrates MKULTRA's utter disregard for life, pain, and suffering
Physician from NIH (US National Insititutes of Health), anonymous but corroborated by Dr. Eldon Byrd, reveals that seniour government medical personnel are not only aware of mind control, but have experienced targetting as well, some fatally
Videos, Best, per Cheryl Welsh, founder of Mind Justice. If above link doesn't work, click here. (Local copy as of July 2003.)

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MONUMENT, virtual, to all MKULTRA victims:

Monument, a list of victims' names

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Activism & Networking site, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance
Mind Justice web site Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse...Cheryl Welsh's well researched site - CAHRA IS NOW NO LONGER OPERATING
Mind Justice - UNIDIR Endorsement July 2002 Update, an excellent article about the state of the fight to expose and stop mind control
CATCH web site, Citizens Against Technological and Community-based Harassment, web site of the now inactive local targets' activism group based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Founded by Norma Cross.
Cheryl Welsh, Mind Justice President, listed as an expert in non-lethal weapons (May 2001) in the U.N. media guide publication (CAHRA is no longer active.)
Cherkova (Emilia) book, excerpts translated from Russian, courtesy Cheryl Welsh of Mind Justice
Cherkova (Emilia) letter, from a member of a Russian anti-mind control group, courtesy Cheryl Welsh, Mind Justice
CSETI, Center for the Search for Extraterrestrial FFCHS web site, "Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance" organization's web site. FFCHS is a group of activism-oriented targets, based in the U.S., which has been working to persuade the U.S. Congress to adjust legislation so that electronic weaponry is explicitly named. Public awareness work is also being undertaken.
Harlan Girard contributed to an October 1998 report by the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT)
NLPA (National Legal Professional Associates) a lawyers' organization which has worked on the Gregory Lambros implantation case, affirms the reality of covert mind control

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Activism History, an e-booklet outlining significant activism initiatives in the fight to expose and stop organized stalking and electronic harassment, Bibliography, Psychoactivity of Electromagnetic Fields, about 90K (long)
Book review, Bluebird, by Dr. Colin Ross, reviewed by Norma Cross
Book review, Controlling the Human Mind, by Dr. Nick Begich
Book page for "mind control" related books
Book review, "My Life Changed Forever", by Elizabeth Sullivan. An excellent personal testimonial on organized stalking. Available on
Book review, Psychology of Stalking, by Sheryll Thompson, a psychotherapist with a real grasp of multi stalking, which is a substantial part of what we call organized stalking and electronic harassment.
Book review, Terrorist Stalking in America, by David Lawson. A stunning expose of the growing problem of criminal stalking groups, which he calls "extremist groups" and "cause stalkers". This book reveals what happens behind the scenes when organized stalking and electronic harassment targets report "street theater". The author reports confirming this problem exists with police. See also this review of one of the books the author uses as his reference for assigning blame for the existence of the criminal stalking groups.
Cheryl Welsh, Mind Justice President, listed as an expert in non-lethal weapons (May 2001) in the U.N. media guide publication
Mind Justice - UNIDIR Endorsement July 2002 Update, an excellent article about the state of the fight to expose and stop mind control
Cheryl Welsh article: 2003 Survey of Evidence Regarding Mind Control Experiments, an excellent overview of evidence relating to mind control programs world wide, by Cheryl, who is a very competent researcher
CHILDREN, Mind Control on, an article by distinguished investigative reporter Jon Rappoport. This is where the hidden "inner circle brutality" of government leaders in Western countries finally comes to light
COINTELPRO on The Power Hour radio show:

COINTELPRO segment 1
COINTELPRO segment 2
COINTELPRO segment 3
COINTELPRO segment 4
COINTELPRO segment 5 for COINTELPRO documents
COINTELPRO on The Power Hour radio show, with attorney, COINTELPRO researcher and author Brian Glick, December 16, 2003:
Brian Glick segment 1
Brian Glick segment 2
Brian Glick segment 3 for COINTELPRO documents
Original COINTELPRO documents
COINTELPRO, the non-electronic half of the harassment type experienced by today's organized stalking and electronic harassment targets. See War at Home for an inexpensive paperback hip pocket reference for COINTELPRO.
DOJ (U.S. Dept of Justice) special report titled "Stalking Victimization in the United States." Dated January 2009, publication #NCJ 224527. This landmark report makes it undeniably clear that stalking by multiple stalkers, unknown to the target, happens to roughly half a million Americans as of 2006. Prior to this report, targets could not challenge the denials by police and doctors that multiple perpetrator stalking happens. Targets and activists are urged to save this report to their hard drives. Click here if the above link is broken.
Eleanor White's organized stalking story, which may indicate city government complicity in organized stalking
Organized stalking interview guide for media considering an article or talk show on the subject, or for organized stalking targets who may have an opportunity to be interviewed
Information handling or sharing, tips for all targets whether or not they are interested in activism. Targets, your choice of words is very important until this crime becomes widespread public knowledge.
Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, an Internet journal, an article titled "On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology" by Carole Smith. This article references work by Cheryl Welsh, founder of Mind Justice and is VERY welcome to those who have been targetted by such technology for decades! Click here if above link is broken.
Kathleen Sullivan, MKULTRA-era torture survivor, interviewed on The Power Hour on January 20, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Milgram's experiments, graduated electric shocks, which showed the organized stalking and electronic harassment perps how easy it would be to hire perpetrators to torture the victims; Alternate link to Milgram article if above link is broken
Mind Control, Sirhan Sirhan, The Power Hour's February 5th, 2004 interview with Sirhan's attorney Lawrence Teeter. Mr. Teeter is trying to get the word out that his client Sirhan Sirhan is an innocent, mind controlled victim and the centerpiece of a massive government plot:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Official organized stalking in the United Kingdom, Daily Mail Online article of June 26, 2009. (Click here if the above link doesn't work - this is a type MHT file, may require Internet Explorer to open.)
Organized stalking FAQ (frequently asked questions) about organized stalking groups
"Targ", a comic strip series about a target of organized stalking, intended for public education purposes.
Videos, Best, per Cheryl Welsh, founder of Mind Justice. If above link doesn't work, click here. (Local copy as of July 2003.)
Songs, scroll down for "T.I." and "Bang, Bang, Bang Bang", or "targeted individual", a song composed and sung by target and artist Kuango - her protest of the crushing of freedom in the United States by organized stalking groups using electronic harassment, approved of and covered up by government.

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Scientists, doctors, police, other professionals:

ACHES-MC video letter to Pres. Clinton and Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien. This video includes individual testimonials by mind control victims, both MKULTRA-era and current day organized stalking and electronic harassment targets, and professionals who have provided help to them. To keep the bandwidth down so all PCs can view this video, quality has been sacrificed. But the information carried in the sound track is clear., an article on the life and work of neuro-electromagnetic researcher, Dr. Ross Adey
Book review, Bluebird, by Dr. Colin Ross, reviewed by Norma Cross
Book review, Controlling the Human Mind, by Dr. Nick Begich
Book review, Psychic Discoveries, by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, a compilation of Russian psychic discoveries and devices which can perform psychic and advanced physical effects, very likely the forerunners of current day advanced electronic harassment weapons
Book review, Psychology of Stalking, by Sheryll Thompson, a psychotherapist with a real grasp of multi (organized) stalking, which is a substantial part of what we call organized stalking with electronic harassment.
Breggin, Dr. Peter R.'s psychiatric crime site - must reading if you are under psychiatric treatment or are thinking about consulting psychiatry, the most powerful arm of law enforcement, used routinely to discredit whistle blowers and protesters. The Soviet use of psychiatry to suppress dissent is in full blown use here in North America. Here is the May 2004 cover page in case the above link above doesn't work. May give you some clues for further web searching.
British Parliament Member Dr. Caroline Lucas firmly acknowledges the reality of electronic antipersonnel weapons
The Burzynski Breakthrough, a book by Thomas Elias demonstrating how an exceptionally efficient cancer cure has been covered up by the U.S. Government for more than a decade. Shows that government is, contrary to popular opinion, capable of covering up very important news and brutally harassing American citizens.
Cheryl Welsh's endorsement by one of her professors at California State University urging public investigation of electromagnetic weapons
Delgado, Dr. Jose, brain implant scientist. Article translated from Spanish - broad coverage
Delgado, Dr. Jose, October 2005 Scientific American article
Doctors who know, a log sheet of cases where doctors have admitted to targets that they know organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes are entirely real
DOJ (U.S. Dept of Justice) special report titled "Stalking Victimization in the United States." Dated January 2009, publication #NCJ 224527. This landmark report makes it undeniably clear that stalking by multiple stalkers, unknown to the target, happens to roughly half a million Americans as of 2006. Prior to this report, targets could not challenge the denials by police and doctors that multiple perpetrator stalking happens. Targets and activists are urged to save this report to their hard drives. Click here if the above link is broken.
"Dr." Ewen Cameron, MKULTRA psychiatrist-torturer as described on CBC's Fifth Estate, January 6, 1998
Goliszek, Dr. Andrew, on The Power Hour, February 13, 2004. Dr. Goliszek is a mainstream bioscientist and in this appearance he speaks about the revelations in his well-researched book In The Name of Science about highly unethical and outright criminal human experimentation by the United States government throughout the Cold War Era. Dr. Goliszek's research clearly sets the stage for the organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes listed on this web site and others:

Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Greenbaum speech, the inside story of mind control from the psychiatrist's perspective
Implants, Brian Wronge case, demonstrating how even physicians who SAY they favour protecting human rights utterly cave in and refuse to help people with actual illegal implants
Implants, Brian Wronge case, update on this case of shameful refusal by doctors to uphold basic human rights
Italian Doctor discovers in-body implants in people who have not knowingly been research subjects
Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, an Internet journal, an article titled "On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology" by Carole Smith. This article references work by Cheryl Welsh, founder of Mind Justice and is VERY welcome to those who have been targetted by such technology for decades! Click here if above link is broken.
Justesen says VOICE TO SKULL WORKED IN 1974!
NLPA (National Legal Professional Associates) a lawyers' organization which has worked on the Gregory Lambros implantation case, affirms the reality of covert mind control
Milgram's experiments, graduated electric shocks, which showed the organized stalking and electronic harassment perps how easy it would be to hire perpetrators to torture the victims; Alternate link to Milgram article if above link is broken
M.I.N.D., or Magnetic Integrated Neuron Duplicator, a device used on involuntary experiment subject John Ginter while an inmate in a California prison
Organized stalker personality type, as described well by psychiatrist Debra A. Pinals, MD, in her book on single stalking. Clearly, this personality type exists in both the single and organized stalking arenas.
Pedophilia, world epidemic, a mainstream article showing how major crimes are covered up by way of infiltration of criminals leading double lives. Demonstrates how organized stalking and electronic harassment can be rampant yet not talked about in the media, and not be prosecutable.
Physician from NIH (US National Insititutes of Health), anonymous but corroborated by Dr. Eldon Byrd, reveals that seniour government medical personnel are not only aware of mind control, but have experienced targetting as well, some fatally
Police who know, a log sheet of cases where brave police officers have admitted to targets that they know organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes are entirely real
Scheflin, Alan W., California lawyer with a track record of working to expose the mind control conspiracy
Standler, Dr. Ronald B., a clear, concise listing of serious medical ethics violations, for doubters
Videos, Best, per Cheryl Welsh, founder of Mind Justice. If above link doesn't work, click here. (Local copy as of July 2003.)

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DOJ (U.S. Dept of Justice) special report titled "Stalking Victimization in the United States." Dated January 2009, publication #NCJ 224527. This landmark report makes it undeniably clear that stalking by multiple stalkers, unknown to the target, happens to roughly half a million Americans as of 2006. Prior to this report, targets could not challenge the denials by police and doctors that multiple perpetrator stalking happens. Targets and activists are urged to save this report to their hard drives. Click here if the above link is broken.
EM weapon survey results, year 2002
Extreme Abuse Survey, 2008 results of, a survey of current-day extreme abuse victims and therapists helping them recover from the torture. Generally the victims and their therapists are dealing with MKULTRA-style physical/drug/electronic captive torture based mind control, and/or, ritual abuse/Satanic ritual abuse. Such abuse can happen under government auspices, or can happen when government provides cover for certain criminal groups by denying the groups exist. Visitors who feel that what organized stalking and electronic harassment targets report is just too horrible to happen in this "modern, civilized" world should scan the results of this survey.
Why are people chosen to be targetted?

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Tactics and ready answers:

Activism Tips, free, not copyrighted e-booklet, giving activism tips to targets. Written for targets, not the public.
Book review, Gaslighting, by Victor Santoro. Reads like a how-to manual for organized stalking perpetrators
Book review, Terrorist Stalking in America, by David Lawson. A stunning expose of the growing problem of criminal stalking groups, which he calls "extremist groups" and "cause stalkers". This book reveals what happens behind the scenes when organized stalking and electronic harassment targets report "street theater". The author reports confirming this problem exists with police. GREAT AMMO FOR DEBATES. See also this review of one of the books the author uses as his reference for assigning blame for the existence of the criminal stalking groups.
British Parliament Member Dr. Caroline Lucas firmly acknowledges the reality of electronic antipersonnel weapons
The Burzynski Breakthrough, a book by Thomas Elias demonstrating how an exceptionally efficient cancer cure has been covered up by the U.S. Government for more than a decade. Shows that government is, contrary to popular opinion, capable of covering up very important news and brutally harassing American citizens.
CATCH web site, Citizens Against Technological and Community-based Harassment, web site of the now inactive local targets' activism group based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Founded by Norma Cross.
Child crying under electronic attack. Clip from The Power Hour from the March 3, 2004 show featuring electronic attack target Local group presentations booklet. How to get a demonstratedly effective form of activism going in your city
Mr. Jesus Mendoza, of Mission Texas
CHILDREN, Mind Control on, an article by distinguished investigative reporter Jon Rappoport. This is where the hidden "inner circle brutality" of government leaders in Western countries finally comes to light
Coping blog, a source of suggestions for coping in addition to the "Coping" booklet below
"Coping" booklet, written for targets of organized stalking and electronic harassment, with some tips on how to cope until we can get the justice system to do its sworn and (well) paid job
Doctors who know, a log sheet of cases where doctors have admitted to targets that they know organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes are entirely real; a good tactic to refer to this in debates
DOJ (U.S. Dept of Justice) special report titled "Stalking Victimization in the United States." Dated January 2009, publication #NCJ 224527. This landmark report makes it undeniably clear that stalking by multiple stalkers, unknown to the target, happens to roughly half a million Americans as of 2006. Prior to this report, targets could not challenge the denials by police and doctors that multiple perpetrator stalking happens. Targets and activists are urged to save this report to their hard drives. Click here if the above link is broken.
FFCHS web site, "Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance" organization's web site. FFCHS is a group of activism-oriented targets, based in the U.S., which has been working to persuade the U.S. Congress to adjust legislation so that electronic weaponry is explicitly named. Public awareness work is also being undertaken.
Information handling or sharing, tips for all targets whether or not they are interested in activism. Targets, your choice of words is very important until this crime becomes widespread public knowledge.
Mind control seminar, April 2005. Print this out if you are or intend to see a doctor or public official who is likely to deny mind control exists. Note: All lecturers and writers in the field of mind control are to some extent controversial, so don't depend on this bulletin to totally vindicate your claims. Instead, read (and print) material on MKULTRA, COINTELPRO, and organized stalking as well.
Official organized stalking in the United Kingdom, Daily Mail Online article of June 26, 2009. (Click here if the above link doesn't work - this is a type MHT file, may require Internet Explorer to open.)
Organized stalking FAQ (frequently asked questions) about organized stalking groups
Pedophilia, world epidemic, a mainstream article showing how major crimes are covered up by way of infiltration of criminals leading double lives. Demonstrates how organized stalking and electronic harassment can be rampant yet not talked about in the media, and not be prosecutable.
Penny and Mitzi, a fantasy essay by Eleanor White, one method of lessening the impact of being a target
Police officers: You CAN solve these crimes, and do so with very little of your time and resources!
Police who know, a log sheet of cases where brave police officers have admitted to targets that they know organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes are entirely real; a good tactic to reference this in debates
PREPAREDNESS, without which, we won't survive to win this fight against organized stalking and electronic harassment, as the New World Order continues to stage artificial disasters
Protest poster concept samples for activists.
Songs, scroll down for "T.I." and "Bang, Bang, Bang Bang", or "targeted individual", a song composed and sung by target and artist Kuango - her protest of the crushing of freedom in the United States by organized stalking groups using electronic harassment, approved of and covered up by government.
Speaking and writing tactics, for education and persuasion about organized stalking and electronic harassment, yahoo group, for all targets. Should be scanned by new targets to avoid inadvertent false labelling as mentally ill.
Squirrels, one way to cope:

Making friends with squirrels
"Love that squirrel", squirrel baby photos
About "Street Theater", a page for both the public and known targets about this unique aspect of the organized stalking with electronic harassment problem
Tactics, verbal, for use with skeptics
Unshackled, by MKULTRA-era survivor Kathleen Sullivan, and A Nation Betrayed, by Carol Rutz. These books by those who survived the Nazi death camp level of brutality AS CHILREN, IN THE UNITED STATES, will ABSOLUTELY SILENCE objections by naysayers who tell you "Oh, government would never do that." These books are my WEAPONS OF CHOICE. Eleanor White
"True Justice" Field Operations Manual, a spoof on perpetrator tactics and apparent motives, written something like a military field manual
"True Justice" Electronic Operations Manual, a spoof on perpetrator electronic tactics in "military field manual" style
RIGHT CLICK for a Microsoft Word version of the "True Justice Field Operations Manual", viewable above
RIGHT CLICK for a Microsoft Word version of the "True Justice Electronic Operations Manual", viewable above
Voice of America interview, Eleanor White, June 2002, an example of one style of disinformation by a communications professional
Why are people chosen to be targetted?

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Testimonials, from individual targets:

Information handling or sharing, tips for all targets whether or not they are interested in activism. Targets, your choice of words is very important until this crime becomes widespread public knowledge.
Mind Control Forum is the MAIN archive for mind control/organized stalking/electronic harassment testimonials
A Closer Look, radio show, hosted by Michael Corbin, March 5, 2004 hours 2 and 3, Eleanor White as guest:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Abusive Witchcraft page, by Ellen Lacter, PhD, who is a therapist and activist on behalf of all targets of abuse. Dr. Lacter's photos here show that people really exist who are not "all sweetness and light". Stories from people abused to the point of split personality report that human and animal sacrifice has indeed happened and continues to happen. Only because they are extremely clever in covering up their activities are these atrocious crimes able to continue. Ponder this when you, visitor, read about the mind control, organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes described on this site. Click here if the above link is broken.
ACHES-MC video letter to Pres. Clinton and Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien. This video includes individual testimonials by mind control victims, both MKULTRA-era and current day organized stalking and electronic harassment targets, and professionals who have provided help to them. To keep the bandwidth down so all PCs can view this video, quality has been sacrificed. But the information carried in the sound track is clear.
Anecdotes, a place for the visitor to get a QUICK idea of what it's like to be a organized stalking and electronic harassment target
"Banging" noises recorded in darkness by harassment target Norma Cross. Such noises have no visible source and are transmitted by very advanced technology, and are used to keep targets from falling asleep. The noises were also heard by Norma's son in an adjacent bedroom. Alternate video file for high speed connections
Blanche Chavoustie, Dr. Rauni Kilde, and anti mind control activist attorney Helen McGonigle on The Power Hour, May 5, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Book review, A Nation Betrayed, by MKULTRA survivor Carol Rutz. Fact-packed, recommended as a pocket/handbag reference for electronic harassment targets. Together with Unshackled, by MKULTRA-era survivor Kathleen Sullivan, these books by those who survived the Nazi death camp level of brutality AS CHILREN, IN THE UNITED STATES, will ABSOLUTELY SILENCE objections by naysayers who tell you "Oh, government would never do that." These books are my WEAPONS OF CHOICE. Eleanor White
Book review, Gaslighting, by Victor Santoro. Reads like a how-to manual for organized stalking perpetrators
Book review, "My Life Changed Forever", by Elizabeth Sullivan. An excellent personal testimonial on organized stalking. Available on
Book review, Psychology of Stalking, by Sheryll Thompson, a psychotherapist with a real grasp of multi stalking, which is a substantial part of what we call organized stalking with electronic harassment.
Official organized stalking in the United Kingdom, Daily Mail Online article of June 26, 2009. (Click here if the above link doesn't work - this is a type MHT file, may require Internet Explorer to open.)
Book review, Remote Control, by Steve Lynch. A well documented testimonial of what it's like to be an electronic harassment/organized stalking target while serving time in prison
Book review, Suburban Spies by Anthony Brina. Shows powerfully that even highly placed corporate executives are not immune from the crime syndrome of organized stalking and electronic harassment!
Book review, Unshackled, A Survivor's Story of Mind Control, by MKULTRA-era Kathleen Sullivan. together with A Nation Betrayed, by MKULTRA-era survivor Carol Rutz, these books by those who survived the Nazi death camp level of brutality AS CHILREN, IN THE UNITED STATES, will ABSOLUTELY SILENCE objections by naysayers who tell you "Oh, government would never do that." These books are my WEAPONS OF CHOICE. Eleanor White
Book review, When Medicine Failed, Janet Leih, the story of fighting both organized stalking with electronic harassment and medical malpractice at the same time
Carpet out of place harassment, a variant of furniture out of place harassment done repeatedly each time a target leaves home. Sometimes similar things are done at the workplace and in the target's vehicle.
Cherkova (Emilia) book, excerpts translated from Russian, courtesy Cheryl Welsh of Mind Justice
Cherkova (Emilia) letter, from a member of a Russian anti-mind control group, courtesy Cheryl Welsh, Mind Justice
Cheryl Welsh on mind control symptoms, with matching documentation on each
Cheryl Welsh article: 2003 Survey of Evidence Regarding Mind Control Experiments, an excellent overview of evidence relating to mind control programs world wide, by Cheryl, who is a very competent researcher
Comic strip, showing what it's like trying to make a complaint to police about organized stalking
Doctors who know, a log sheet of cases where doctors have admitted to targets that they know organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes are entirely real
Eleanor White on "Eye on the Future", a May 4, 2004 webcast out of British Columbia, Canada, hosted by Nazi-occupied Holland survivor Hehpsehboah, a rare broadcaster who fully understands what unchecked organized stalking and electronic harassment harassment of citizens will lead to:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Eleanor White on Linda Kennedy's show "Precious Time", May 28, 2004. Linda wanted to discuss organized stalking and electronic harassment in general with emphasis on the organized stalking aspect. If the audio link above doesn't work, try these:
Segment 1
Segment 2
organized stalking inteview, Eleanor White, on Radio show "Deadline Live", hosted by researcher and activist Jack Blood, October 20, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Electronic attacks on Mr. Jesus Mendoza, of Mission, Texas, AND HIS SMALL CHILDREN, who is pursuing a civil suit against the U.S. Attorney General to cease and desist, as broadcast on, March 3, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Hear Mendoza's daughter cry under attack
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, May 20, 2004:
Segment 1
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, August 27, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Jesus Mendoza update, on The Power Hour, March 14, 2005:
Segment (36 min)
"Excuses", an essay by mind control researcher and target, Dr. Allen L. Barker giving a long list of classic human excuses for not stopping, or even participating in, lifelong torture of other human beings
Freemasons and torture?[fremason.htm - MISSING] One of the 1998 CKLN radio interviews discusses the connection
From the Grassy Knoll, a Tampa area Florida radio talk show, February 13, 2004, airing an interview with Eleanor White:
First hour
Click here if the above link is broken
Second hour
Click here if the above link is broken
From the Grassy Knoll, a Tampa area Florida radio talk show, April 9, 2004, airing an interview with Sueann Campbell and Eleanor White:
First hour
Click here if the above link is broken
Second hour
Click here if the above link is broken
Organized Stalking: A Target's View, a free, not copyrighted e-booklet, telling the organized stalking and electronic harassment story in a simple format suitable for people who know nothing about the subect
Organized stalking videos
Organized stalking video #2
Organized stalking interview guide for media considering an article or talk show on the subject, or for organized stalking targets who may have an opportunity to be interviewed
Organized Stalking site by Eleanor White
organized Stalking? You Decide.
Ginter, John, Magnetic Integrated Neuron Duplicator, a device used on John Ginter while an inmate in a California prison
Hiding Multiple Stalker Harassment, aka "street theater", an essay by Deborah Spilko showing how easy it is
Human radiation experiments, by government on involuntary citizen experimentees, involving feeding and injecting of radioactive substances
Human radiation hearings, excerpt, for those who doubt mind control is a persistent and very real problem
Human radiation hearings testimony, showing tie in between these radiation experiments and mind control experimentation
Implants, Brian Wronge case, demonstrating how even physicians who SAY they favour protecting human rights utterly cave in and refuse to help people with actual illegal implants
Implants, Brian Wronge case, update on this case of shameful refusal by doctors to uphold basic human rights
Improbable incident, typical, with good data cable
Italian Doctor discovers in-body implants in people who have not knowingly been research subjects
Jesus Mendoza's video describing his electronic harassment situtation which led to his suing (unsuccessfully - what else is new?) the U.S. federal government and Attorney General John Ashcroft in particular
Joan K. Christensen's letter to Eleanor White in which the
New York State Assemblywoman claims to have classified knowledge about
the neuro-influence weapons currently being illegally tested.
Kathleen Sullivan, MKULTRA-era torture survivor, interviewed on The Power Hour on January 20, 2004:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Segment 5
Linda, a target of advanced electronic attacks on the body and nervous system, shows in this video clip some of the types of attack she experiences
Map showing MKULTRA and e-weapon incident sites
Military inspections of a target's web site, a screen shot by Brent from his firewall program, probably a result of the USA PATRIOT Act and similar laws which are being used to destroy the U.S. Constitution
Mind Control Within the United States - A 1998 book by author Kai Bashir (reviews)
Moret, Leuren, former geoscientist at Livermore [U.S. government] Labs (California), a whistleblower about the plague of "depleted" uranium dust left at places where the U.S. has waged war in the last quarter of the 20th century until the present. Leuren Moret is also being targeted with electronic harassment and organized stalking as a result of her whistleblowing, and this PDF document, a chapter from her book, describes her situation and the "depleted" uranium issue very graphically.
Leuren Moret, June 15, 2006 memo to Berkeley (California) City Council, outlining her intense harassment related to her whistleblowing and asking for the return of her illegally confiscated automobile
NCVC call report, by an attorney who pressed the U.S. National Center for Victims of Crime for their estimate of call volume and percentage relating to organized (or "gang" or "group") stalking
New World Order, (aka One World Government), openly admitted to as ongoing conspiracy by U.S. Congressional Rep Ron Paul. TEXT of what is on the video.
Nice People, Places, and Things[nice.htm - MISSING], a photo album
Non-Lethal Weapons paper by neuro- electromagnetic weapons target and
Outrage page, to collect highlights of the more serious outrages which happen to targets. See also the opposite, the Petty Page, for some of the pettiest of the "gaslighting" style harassment to which targets are subjected.
Pat Jackson, testimonial, former sheriff's officer has endured some brutal harassment, including murder of pets
Perpetrator Recruiting Pep Talk, by Eleanor White
Perp Groups, Local, including revelations and successful stoppage by a target who is also an accomplished remote viewer
Perps Who Talk, a log of the rare cases where perpetrators make statements to targets acknowledging the harassment
Physician from NIH (US National Insititutes of Health), anonymous but corroborated by Dr. Eldon Byrd, reveals that seniour government medical personnel are not only aware of mind control, but have experienced targetting as well, some fatally
Police who know, a log sheet of cases where brave police officers have admitted to targets that they know organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes are entirely real
Psychiatric drugging, forced, in New York State, Nazi style "list" of people deemed as only PROBABLE forced drugging candidates, being quietly compiled without the media reporting what is happening. First in the Soviet Union, now in the West, psychiatry has become the most powerful branch of law enforcement. Once "convicted" by psychiatrists, you have no trial, no defence. You will be forced by visiting medication enforcement teams in your own home to take brain damaging drugs. Click here if the above link is broken.
Recruiting targets as perps, attempts to
Roy Bercaw Cambridge, MA publishes ENOUGH ROOM to raise awareness of marginalized subjects in the media. He is the founder of the Anti Censorship and Deception Union.
Roy Bercaw's speech to Cambridge, Mass. city council
Roy Bercaw's TV show on Cambridge MA cable
Russian magazine article, courtesy Cheryl Welsh, with testimonial on the lives of Russian mind control victims
Russian translations, fragments as they are circulated, initiated by Cheryl Welsh and Mojimir Babacek
Russian/U.S. International Coalition formed
Sabotage, real physical evidence
Satanic connections to mind control and harassment by stalking groups
Songs, scroll down for "T.I." and "Bang, Bang, Bang Bang", or "targeted individual", a song composed and sung by target and artist Kuango - her protest of the crushing of freedom in the United States by organized stalking groups using electronic harassment, approved of and covered up by government.
Sueann Campbell with Eleanor White, August 8, 2004, on "Eye on the Future", a webcast show hosted by Hehpsehboah, a lady who survived Nazi-occupied Holland during World War II. Hehpsehboah has a wide range of interests, but her first hand knowledge of tyranny has made her a friend of the cause of exposing and stopping electronic mind control, total immersion harassment and organized stalking:
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
- The "noise" sample demonstrates how the perps interfere with such
broadcasts. We guests heard loud tones as well, making conversation
Thefts, typical, of the possessions of Threats received by people being targetted by stalking groups (and often assisted by advanced electronic weapons). ... see also this page about Satanic threats.
Tone trigger programming, Eleanor White's
"Voice", involuntary, forced upon Eleanor White as Eleanor tries to lie as still as possible but is fully awake (SOUND)
Why are people chosen to be targetted?

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Time lines, historical:

Activism History, an e-booklet outlining significant activism initiatives in the fight to expose and stop organized stalking and electronic harassment
Time line, Cheryl Welsh's, of events in the history of neuro- electromagnetic weapons development
Time line, Eleanor White's based on the time line of MKULTRA electronic experiments (unverified); see trufax1.htm

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Torture and brutality, showing it is happening NOW:

Abusive Witchcraft page, by Ellen Lacter, PhD, who is a therapist and activist on behalf of all targets of abuse. Dr. Lacter's photos here show that people really exist who are not "all sweetness and light". Stories from people abused to the point of split personality report that human and animal sacrifice has indeed happened and continues to happen. Only because they are extremely clever in covering up their activities are these atrocious crimes able to continue. Ponder this when you, visitor, read about the 'mind control', organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes described on this site. Click here if the above link is broken.
Book review, Terrorist Stalking in America, by David Lawson. A stunning expose of the growing problem of criminal stalking groups, which he calls "extremist groups" and "cause stalkers". This book reveals what happens behind the scenes when organized stalking with electronic harassment targets report "street theater". The author reports confirming this problem exists with police. See also this review of one of the books the author uses as his reference for assigning blame for the existence of the criminal stalking groups.
Canadian prisoner's experience making it brutally plain that torture is not just a third world phenomenon
Child crying under electronic attack. Clip from The Power Hour from the March 3, 2004 show featuring electronic attack target Mr. Jesus Mendoza, of Mission Texas
Doctors who know, a log sheet of cases where doctors have admitted to targets that they know organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes are entirely real
Freemasons and torture?[fremason.htm - MISSING] One of the 1998 CKLN radio interviews discusses the connection
Organized Stalking site by Eleanor White
Mind control, U.S. Navy's, officially admitted in SECNAVINST 3900.39D (standing instructions issued by the Secretary of the Navy), of 6 November 2006. Here is a quote from page 9:

(2) The Under Secretary of the Navy (UNSECNAV) is the
Approval Authority for research involving:
(a) Severe or unusual intrusions, either physical or
psychological, on human subjects (such as consciousness-altering
drugs or mind-control techniques).
If the above document is not available, click here.
MKULTRA-era experiments, Bill Clinton apologizes for MKULTRA-era involuntary human torture by the U.S. government
MKULTRA-like involuntary experimentation leads to the deaths of 5 mental patients at Camp Mabry TX in 2001
Official organized stalking in the United Kingdom, Daily Mail Online article of June 26, 2009. (Click here if the above link doesn't work - this is a type MHT file, may require Internet Explorer to open.)
Outrage page, to collect highlights of the more serious outrages which happen to targets. See also the opposite, the Petty Page, for some of the pettiest of the "gaslighting" style harassment to which targets are subjected.
Pedophilia, world epidemic, a mainstream article showing how major crimes are covered up by way of infiltration of criminals leading double lives. Demonstrates how organized stalking and electronic harassment can be rampant yet not talked about in the media, and not be prosecutable.
Police who know, a log sheet of cases where brave police officers have admitted to targets that they know organized stalking and electronic harassment crimes are entirely real
Russian/U.S. International Coalition formed
"Targeting Neighbourhood Troublemakers", or "TNT", an Indiana initiative that is ALSO being applied to citizens who commit NO offensive crimes or behaviour

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