International Journal of Proof-of-Concept
or Get The F*ck Out
    Who would of thought LATEX could be so sexy?    


PoC||GTFO is a ridiculously awesome hacker 'zine edited by Manul Laphroaig ( and published by the Tract Association of PoC||GTFO and Friends: a partially anonymous group of computer security researchers and academics.  New issues are published whenever a sufficient number of articles are peer-reviewed, accepted, and edited.

Unlike other computer security publications, PoC||GTFO strongly emphasizes hardcopy distribution; issues are always distributed first in hardcopy, typically at large computer security conferences.  To accomplish this, issues are distributed under a самиздат license, which encourages readers to "bookleg" copies and set up digital mirrors.  Typically, digital copies are released within a week of the initial hardcopy distribution.  The Tract Assocation of PoC||GTFO does not have its own centralized website; digital copies are seeded to a handful of mirrors (including this one), which then spread virally throughout the readers' mirrors.

Also unlike other publications, PoC||GTFO has a clear editorial goal of supporting "Junk Hacking."

"PoC||GTFO (Proof of Concept or Get The F*ck Out) follows in the tradition of Phrack and Uninformed by publishing on the subjects of offensive security research, reverse-engineering, and file format internals.  Until now, the journal has only been available online or printed and distributed for free at hacker conferences worldwide."

PoC||GTFO Archives

"Because if burning a book is a sin - which it surely is! - then copying of a book is your sacred duty." --- Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Links & Notes

The PDF files can be "unzipped" and include bonus material and other surprises.  See the spoilers for more information.

# This is how to convert an issue for duplex printing.
# Use A3 / 11"x17" size paper
$ sudo apt-get install pdfjam
$ pdfbook --short-edge --vanilla --paper a3paper pocorgtfoXX.pdf -o pocorgtfoXX-book.pdf

Printing Instructions:  Pirate print runs of this journal are most welcome, but please do it properly!  PoC||GTFO is to be printed duplex, then folded and stapled in the center.  Print on A3 paper in Europe and Tabloid (11" x 17") paper in Samland.  Secret government labs in Canada may use P3 (280 mm x 430 mm) if they like.  The outermost sheet should be on thicker paper to form a cover.

"First they ignore you, then they threaten to sue you, then they deny the vulnerability, then you p0wn them."

    --- With apologies to Mahatma Gandhi

Download Issues

  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x00

International Journal of PoC || GTFO - Issue 0x00, a CFP with PoC

August 5, 2013 | 279k PDF | md5sum: d74949bc9ca4dc265dbf2ff540fe6837 | Entry

  1. Call to Worship  - An Epistle from the desk of Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig.
  2. iPod Anti-Forensics  - How to build your own anti-forensics hard disk out of an iPod by simple patching of the open-source Rockbox firmware.  The result is an USB disk, which still plays music, but which will also self-destruct if forensically imaged, by Travis Goodspeed
  3. ELFs Are Dorky, Elves Are Cool  - Some nifty tricks for abusing the differences in ELF dialect between exec() and producing a file that is both a library and an executable, by Sergey Bratus and Julian Bangert
  4. The Pastor Manul Laphroaig's First Epistle to Hacker Preachers of All Hats  In the sincerest hope that we might shut up about hats, and get back to hacking.
  5. Returning From ELF to libc  - A trick for returning from the ELF loader into a libc function by abuse of the IFUNC symbol, by Rebecca ".bx" Shapiro
  6. GTFO or #FAIL  - An adventure with Barnaby Jack, one which features a golden vending machine and some healthy advice to get the f*ck out of Abu Dhabi, by FX of Phenoelit
  7. A Call for PoC  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Editor at Large...............Rt.  Revd.  Pastor M.L.
Dept. of Bringing APT Home....Cultural attaché of the 41st Directorate
Dept. of Fail.................FX of Phenoelit
Ethics Board..................The Grugq
Dept. of Busting BS...........pipacs
Poet Laureate.................Ben Nagy
Dept. of Rejections...........Academic Refugee
Dept. of Drama................Xbf
Dept. of PHY..................Michael Ossmann

  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x01

Proceedings of the Society of PoC || GTFO - Issue 0x01

October 6, 2013 | 3.8M PDF/ZIP | Includes | md5sum: 151bb48f35895ba75e3c5f4b89b1ba87 | Entry

  1. Call to Worship  - An Epistle to the 10th H2HC in São Paulo.  From the writing desk, not the raven, of Rt. Revd. Preacherman Pastor Manul Laphroaig.
  2. Four Lines of JavaScript That Can't Possibly Work. So Why Do They?  - Four lines of JavaScript seem to produce random bytes, but that can't possibly be right.  If you disagreewith him - POC||STFU, by Dan Kaminsky
  3. Weird Machines From Serena Butler's TV Typewriter  - A thought experiment in which Ada Lovelace and Serena Butler fight on opposite sides of the Second War on General Purpose Computing using Don Lancaster's TV Typewriter as ammunition, by Travis Goodspeed
  4. Making a Multi-Windows PE  - Nifty trick for creating a Windows Portable Executable (PE) file that is interpreted differently by Windows XP/7/8, by Ange Albertini
  5. This ZIP is Also a PDF  - Demonstrates on four napkins how to make a PDF file that is also a ZIP file, by Julia Wolf  (OMG-WTF-PDF)
  6. Burning a Phone  - How to permanently brick an Android phone by screwing around with its voltage regulators in quick kernel patch, by Josh "@m0nk" Thomas  (Project Burner - Report & Findings)
  7. A Sermon Concerning the Divinity of Languages; or, Dijkstra Considered Racist  - The divinity of programming languages, from PHP to BASIC.  Following along with a little scripture and a lot of liquor, we'll see that every language has a little something special to make it worth learning and teaching - except Java, by Rt. Rvd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  8. A Call for PoC  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Rt. Rvd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Editor at Large...............Rt. Revd. Preacherman Pastor M.L.
Dept. of Bringing APT Home....Cultural attaché of the 41st Directorate
Dept. of Fail.................FX of Phenoelit
Ethics Board..................The Grugq
Dept. of Busting BS...........pipacs
Poet Laureate.................Ben Nagy
Dept. of Rejections...........Academic Refugee
Dept. of Drama................Xbf
Dept. of PHY..................Michael Ossmann

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo01.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo01.pdf
warning [pocorgtfo01.pdf]:  3505149 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile
  (attempting to process anyway)
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
     224  Defl:X      152  32% 2013-09-28 12:53 3b9c266e  README.txt      # This file.
    2099  Defl:X      779  63% 2013-09-19 07:25 2fdfe17e  bootme.fd       # Maybe you should boot this?
    5641  Defl:X     1526  73% 2013-09-24 08:53 e1def4c0
    5653  Defl:X     1712  70% 2013-09-24 08:53 7ec4d914  relocOSdet.asm  # yasm -o relocOSdet.exe relocOSdet.asm
   10599  Defl:X     3789  64% 2013-09-24 08:53 5f2b52c0  vcode2.txt      # One of the articles cited by Ange, from Valhalla #3.
  278598  Defl:X   276364   1% 2013-09-19 07:25 cd0ed2ff  pocorgtfo00.pdf
--------          -------  ---                            -------
  302814           284322   6%                            6 files

  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x02

Children's Bible Coloring Book of PoC || GTFO - Issue 0x02

December 28, 2013 | 14.1M PDF/ZIP/MBR | Includes | md5sum: 39e5658e24a08e786955af1f4d7e2852 | Entry

  1. Call to Worship  - An Epistle to the 30th CCC Congress in Hamburg.  Composed by the Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig to put pwnage before politics.
  2. A Parable on the Importance of Tools; or, Build Your Own F*cking Birdfeeder  - Preaches that in the tradition of Noah and of Howard Hughes, we should build our own birdfeeders, by Rt. Rvd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. A PGP Matryoshka Dool  - RFC 4880 gives just enough room to encode an LZ-compression quine within a message, and the PGP interpreter is just 'smart' enough to keep decoding it 'till the cows come home, by Brother Myron Aub
  4. Reliable Code Execution on a Tamagothi  - Techniques for reliably dropping shellcode into the Tamagotchi's 'Virtual Pet' 6502 controller from malicious plugin cartridges, by Natalie Silvanovich  (44CON Video, CCC 23C3 Video, CCC 30C3 Video & Slides)
  5. Some Shellcode Tips for MSP430 and Related MCUs  - Learn how to combine a Write and a Checksum primitive with weirder properties of Flash memory into a bitwise Read primitive when exploiting microcontrollers, how to NOP-out instructions without erasing Flash pages, and how to use bootloader ROMs for a return-to-libc attack, by Travis Goodspeed
  6. Calling putchar() From an ELF Weird Machine  - Shows you how to call putchar() from an ELF Weird Machine without having any of your own native code, by Rebecca ".bx" Shapiro
  7. POKE of Death for the TRS-80 Model 100  - Explains why POKE 62975, 0 will brick a TRS-80 Model 100 until that poor machine is put out its misery by a cold reset, by Dave Weinstein
  8. This OS is also a PDF  - Curious readers might want to run qemu-system-i386 -fda pocorgtfo02.pdf in order to experience all the neighborliness that this issue has to offer, by Ange Albertini
  9. A Vulnerability in Reduced Dakarand from PoC||GTFO 01:02  - A response and potential exploit to Dan Kaminsky's 4-line JavaScript RNG in Issue 0x01, joernchen of Phenoelit
  10. Juggernauty  - Ben Nagy's latest masterpiece, sure to get you, dear reader, on all sorts of watchlists.  We half-heartedly apologize in advance to any of our readers at spooky agencies who have to explain having this magazine to their employers, by Ben Nagy
  11. A Call for PoC  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Editor at Large...............Rt. Revd. Pastor M.L.
Dept. of Bringing APT Home....Cultural attaché of the 41st Directorate
Dept. of Funky File Formats...Ange Albertini
Dept. of Fail.................FX of Phenoelit
Ethics Board..................The Grugq
Dept. of Busting BS...........pipacs
Poet Laureate.................Ben Nagy
Dept. of Drama................Xbf
Dept. of PHY..................Michael Ossmann

# PoC or GTFO Issue 0x02
# by Rt. Rvd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig and Friends
# You have been eaten by a grue.  Sorry.

$ file pocorgtfo02.pdf
pocorgtfo02.pdf: DOS/MBR boot sector; partition 1 : ID=0xcc, active 0xcc, start-CHS (0x3cc,204,12), end-CHS (0x3cc,204,12), startsector 3435973836, 3435973836 sectors; 
partition 2 : ID=0xcc, active 0xcc, start-CHS (0x3cc,204,12), end-CHS (0x3cc,204,12), startsector 3435973836, 3435973836 sectors; partition 3 : ID=0xcc, active 0xcc, 
start-CHS (0x3cc,204,12), end-CHS (0x3cc,204,12), startsector 3435973836, 3435973836 sectors; partition 4 : ID=0xcc, active 0xcc, start-CHS (0x3cc,204,12), 
end-CHS (0x3cc,204,12), startsector 3435973836, 3435973836 sectors

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo02.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo02.pdf
warning [pocorgtfo02.pdf]:  8016414 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile
  (attempting to process anyway)
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
     852  Defl:X      487  43% 2013-12-06 09:25 0fc440e1  README.txt         # Bet you don't know what's in here!   
    6794  Defl:X     3480  49% 2013-12-06 09:25 4b385f76  coda.txt           # Ray Bradbury's afterward to Fahrenheit 451
   20164  Defl:X     8528  58% 2013-12-06 09:25 962bd958  feeling.txt        # The Feeling of Power by Isaac Asimov
   12618  Defl:X     5474  57% 2013-12-06 09:25 fcda0efb  harrison.txt       # Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr
       0  Stored        0   0% 2013-12-06 09:25 00000000  02/pgpquine/       # Code for producing Brother Myron Aub's PGP quine
     275  Defl:X      157  43% 2013-12-06 09:25 2790c077  pgpquine/Makefile
    1006  Defl:X      451  55% 2013-12-06 09:25 674094dc  pgpquine/inflate.c
    5323  Defl:X     1336  75% 2013-12-06 09:25 37ca5711  pgpquine/quine.c
  203706  Defl:X    56538  72% 2013-12-06 09:25 79ba361f  rfc4880.txt        # OpenPGP Message Format
 2046109  Defl:X  2008069   2% 2013-12-06 09:25 95b8c390     # Tamagotchi hacks
   15565  Defl:X     6602  58% 2013-12-06 09:25 cf9bdba0  thewub.txt         # Beyond Lies the Wub by Philip K. Dick
  278598  Defl:X   276364   1% 2013-08-05 06:06 cd0ed2ff  pocorgtfo00.pdf
 3790438  Defl:X  3723466   2% 2013-10-12 19:47 c9220017  pocorgtfo01.pdf
--------          -------  ---                            -------
 6381448          6090952   5%                            13 files

$ qemu-system-i386 -fda pocorgtfo02.pdf
 ____ ____   ___  ____
| __ ) ___| / _ \/ ___|
|  _ \___ \| | | \___ \
| |_) |__) | |_| |___) |
|____/____/ \___/|____/
Berliner Spargel Operating System
Mein Deutsch is nicht so gut, aber es ist Spargel zeit!
by Travis Goodspeed

m -- Memory Viewer
a -- About

This is a minimal operating system by Travis Goodspeed for 16-bit Real
Mode 8086 on an IBM PC.  It was written in order to learn about the
8086, and it quite likely will serve no use for you.  It is free
without any strings attached, but please give credit were credit is
due if you fork it.

Also, and this is very important, you should use the included hex viewer
to poke around this machine's memory.  The boot sector at 0000:7C000
is likely a good place to start.

  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x03


March 2, 2014 | 26.8M PDF/ZIP/JPG/AES(PNG) | Includes | md5sum: b90e36dbd5f192723c84c7ad002a616e | Entry

  1. Call to Worship  
  2. Greybeard's Luck  - Condemns the New Math and its modern equivalents.  The only way one can truly learn how a computer works is by smashing these idols down to bits and bytes, by Rt. Revd. Dr. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. This PDF is a JPEG; or, This Proof of Concept is a Picture of Cats  - Demonstrates how the PDF and JPEG portions work.  Readers will be pleased to discover that renaming pocorgtfo03.pdf to pocorgtfo03.jpg is all that is required to turn the entire issue into one big cat picture!, by Ange Albertini
  4. NetWatch: System Managment Mode is Not Just for Governments  - System Management Mode (SMM) backdoor and using SMM to hide PCI devices from the operating system and to build a GDB stub that runs within SMM despite certain limitations of the IA32 architecture, by Joshua Wise and Jacob Potter
  5. An Advanced Mitigation Bypass for Packet-in-Packet; or, I'm Burning Ø-Day to Use the Phrase 'Eighth of a Nybble' in Print  - Three mitigation bypasses for a PIP defense that was published at Wireless Days.  The first two aren't terribly clever, but the third is a whopper.  The attacker can bypass the defense's filter by sending symbols that become the intended message when left-shifted by one eighth of a nybble.  What the hell is an eighth of a nybble, you ask?  RTFP to find out, by Travis Goodspeed
  6. Prototyping a RDRAND Backdoor in Bochs  - Nifty little PoC for Bochs that hooks the RDRAND instruction in order to backdoor /dev/urandom on Linux 3.12.8.  It works by observing the stack in order to cancel out the other sources of entropy, by Taylor Hornby
  7. Patching Kosher Firmware for Nokia 2720  - How to patch a feature phone in order to create a Kosher Phone that can't be used to access porn.  Along the way, he'll teach you a thing or two about how to bypass the minimal protections of Nokia 1208 feature phone's firmware, by Assaf Nativ
  8. Tetranglix: This Tetris is a Boot Sector  - A complete implementation of Tetris in a 512-byte x86 bootsector, by Juhani Haverinen, Owen Shepherd, and Shikhin Sethi
  9. Defusing the Qualcomm Dragon  - How to explore undocumented eFuse settings in Qualcomm SoC security, which can serve as a basis for further understanding of Secure Boot 3.0 and other pieces of the secure boot sequence, by Josh "m0nk" Thomas
  10. Tales of Python's Encoding  - A nifty obfuscation trick for Python.  It seems that ROT-13 is a valid character encoding!  Stranger encodings, such as compressed ones, might also be possible, by Frederik Braun
  11. A Binary Magic Trick, Angecryption  - Neighbor Albertini wasn't content to merely do one crazy concoction for this file.  If you unzip the PDF, you will find a Python script that encrypts the entire file with AES to produce a PNG file!, by Ange Albertini and Jean-Philippe Aumasson
  12. A Call for PoC  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Rt. Revd. Dr. Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Technical Note:  This file, pocorgtfo03.pdf, complies with the PDF, JPEG, and ZIP file formats.  When encrypted with AES in CBC mode with an IV of 5B F0 15 E2 04 8C E3 D3 8C 3A 97 E7 8B 79 5B C1 and a key of Manul Laphroaig!, it becomes a valid PNG file.  Treated as single-channel raw audio, 16-bit signed little-endian integer, at a sample rate of 22,050 Hz, it contains a 2400 baud AFSK transmission.

$ file pocorgtfo03.pdf
pocorgtfo03.pdf: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, resolution (DPI), density 199x199, segment length 16, comment: "", progressive, precision 8, 1715x888, components 3

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo03.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo03.pdf
warning [pocorgtfo03.pdf]:  12224072 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile
  (attempting to process anyway)
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
    2561  Defl:X     1266  51% 2014-02-09 23:23 1cd771a3  alexander.txt
    7848  Defl:X     2438  69% 2014-02-08 13:20 8a6a8638  bochs-2.6.2.patch
    6135  Defl:X     2213  64% 2014-02-08 13:21 29c418e5  bochs-20140203.patch
    7248  Defl:X     6970   4% 2014-02-09 01:35 004f8d8a
    4830  Defl:X     2510  48% 2013-12-01 08:48 de2558ee  despair.txt
   14892  Defl:X     5919  60% 2013-11-27 12:03 c0544467  lasta.txt
   26325  Defl:X    10767  59% 2014-02-07 14:06 fdc977f0  lastq.txt
  473449  Defl:X   473001   0% 2014-02-07 14:06 54e11d4c  netwatch-337f8b1.tar.gz
  131930  Defl:X   127770   3% 2014-02-24 13:32 0de4adf4  nokiacipher.png
   14645  Defl:X     8926  39% 2014-02-17 11:52 35c18990  packed
    2129  Defl:X      989  54% 2014-02-07 14:06 02b0f193  saucers.txt
    3144  Defl:X     1399  56% 2014-02-07 14:06 536812c9  tamadec.txt
    6227  Stored     6227   0% 2014-02-07 14:06 091d21e7  tetranglix.tar.bz2
14109425  Defl:X 13873772   2% 2014-02-07 14:06 5215c937  pocorgtfo02.pdf
     322  Defl:X      234  27% 2014-03-02 18:28 050a8bf4
--------          -------  ---                            -------
14811110         14524401   2%                            15 files

> trid.exe pocorgtfo03.pdf
TrID/32 - File Identifier v2.10 - (C) 2003-11 By M.Pontello
Definitions found:  5279

Collecting data from file: pocorgtfo03.pdf
 71.4% (.MP3) MP3 audio (ID3 v1.x tag) (2500/1/1)
 28.5% (.MP3) MP3 audio (1000/1)

Twitter: @travisgoodspeed: Scan the barcode on page 31 or type the bytes on page 32 to get a working Tetris game as an x86 Master Boot Record.  Twitter: @angealbertini: PoC||GTFO 0x03 is my latest polyglot: a PDF/ZIP/JPG/Audio (raw AFSK)/PNG (encrypted with AES) file.

Image by Ange Albertini depicting the PoC||GTFO 0x03 polyglot.


  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x04


June 27, 2014 | 56.8M PDF/TrueCrypt/ZIP | Includes | md5sum: 895598b7946d5b11adedad2e574b2b24 | Entry

  1. Call to Worship
  2. First Epistle Concerning the Bountiful Seeds of Ø-Day  - Epistle concerning the bountiful seeds of zero-day, from which all clever and nifty things come.  The preacherman tells us that the mechanism - not the target! - is what distinguishes the interesting exploits from the mundane, by Pastor Manul Laphroig
  3. This OS is a Boot Sector  - The first in a series of articles on the practical workings of x86 operating systems.  This installment describes the A20 address line, virtual memory, and recursive page mapping, by Shikhin Sethi
  4. Prince of PoC; or, A 16-Sector Version of Prince of Persia for the Apple ][  - Peter Ferrie's patch to rebuild Prince of Persia to remove copy protection and fit on a single, two-sided 16-sector floppy disk, by Peter Ferrie
  5. Quick Introduction to the New Facedancer Framework  - A quick introduction to fuzzing with his rewrite of Sergey Bratus and Travis Goodspeed's Facedancer framework for USB device emulation, by gil
  6. Dumping Firmware from Tamagotchi Friends by Power Glitching  - She loads shellcode into the chip's memory and glitches the living hell out of its power supply with an AVR.  Most of the time, this causes a crash, but when the dice are rolled right, the program counter lands on the NOP sled and the shellcode is executed!, by Natalie Silvanovich
  7. Lenticrypt: A Provably Plausibly Deniable Cryptosystem; or, This Picture of Cats is Also a Picture of Dogs  - A provably plausibly deniable cryptosystem, one in which the ciphertext can decrypt to multiple plaintexts, but also that the file's creator can deny ever having intended for a particular plaintext to be present, by Evan Sultanik
  8. Hardening Pin-Tumbler Locks Against Myriad Attacks for Less Than a Sawbuck  - A forgotten trick for modifying normal locks with a tap and die to make them pick resistant, by Deviant Ollam
  9. Introduction to Reflux Decapsulation and Chip Photography  - An introductory tutorial on chip decapsulation and photography, by Travis Goodspeed
  10. Forget Not the Humble Timing Attack  - Exploits a pin-protected external hard disk and a popular AVR bootloader using timing and simple power analysis, by Colin O'Flynn
  11. This Encrypted Volume is Also a PDF; or, A Polyglot Trick for Bypassing TrueCrypt Volume Detection  - How to hide a TrueCrypt volume in a perfectly valid PDF file so that PDF readers don't see it, by Ange Albertini
  12. How to Manually Attach a File to a PDF  - How to attach ZIP files to PDF files so that Adobe tools see them as legitimate PDF attachments, by Ange Albertini
  13. Ode to ECB  - Poet Laureate Ben Nagy presents his Ode to ECB accompanied by one of Natalie Silvanovich's brilliant public service announcements.  Don't let your penguin show!, by Ben Nagy
  14. A Call for PoC  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Boss...........................................Reverend Doctor Pastor Manul Laphroaig
Dept. of PHY...................................Michael Ossmann
Ethics Advisor.................................The Grugq
Poet Laureate..................................Ben Nagy
Funky File Formats Polyglot....................Ange Albertini
Minister of Spargelzeit Weights and Measures...FX

Technical Note:  Like many of our prior issues, this one, pocorgtfo04.pdf, is a polyglot.  As a PDF, it renders to the document that you are now reading.  As a ZIP, it contains our prior issues and some of that good, old-timey mythology.  As a TrueCrypt volume, its contents is a mystery, but 123456 might not have been the best choice of a password.

$ file pocorgtfo04.pdf
pocorgtfo04.pdf: PDF document, version 1.5

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo04.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo04.pdf
warning [pocorgtfo04.pdf]:  798586 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile
  (attempting to process anyway)
error [pocorgtfo04.pdf]:  reported length of central directory is
  -798586 bytes too long (Atari STZip zipfile?  J.H.Holm ZIPSPLIT 1.1
  zipfile?).  Compensating...
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-06-24 11:56 00000000  bin2png/
    5010  Defl:X     1529  70% 2014-06-24 11:56 5b458885  bin2png/
   18025  Defl:X     6802  62% 2014-06-24 11:56 2bf94d82  bin2png/LICENSE
    1141  Defl:X      590  48% 2014-06-24 11:56 bac8ea63  bin2png/
  140413  Defl:X    54747  61% 2014-06-24 11:56 a54b802b  darfsteller.txt
    2841  Defl:X     1340  53% 2014-06-24 11:56 0ed7331f  gods.txt
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-06-24 11:56 00000000  lenticrypt/
   36445  Defl:X     7899  78% 2014-06-24 11:56 b115a5b5  lenticrypt/
   18025  Defl:X     6802  62% 2014-06-24 11:56 2bf94d82  lenticrypt/LICENSE
     776  Defl:X      388  50% 2014-06-24 11:56 44837f8e  lenticrypt/
    2709  Defl:X      697  74% 2014-06-24 11:56 42af5a59  lenticrypt/
 3111965  Defl:X  3112440   0% 2014-06-24 11:56 bc6aa4f8  pocorgtfo.png
   25986  Defl:X    10749  59% 2014-06-24 11:56 796d27c5  theveldt.txt
  239224  Defl:X   235980   1% 2014-06-24 11:56 9e276d18
26750864  Defl:X 26438160   1% 2014-06-24 11:56 c0113904  pocorgtfo03.pdf
--------          -------  ---                            -------
30353424         29878123   2%                            15 files

host:~$ truecrypt --mount pocorgtfo04.pdf
[password is 123456]
# That worked!
host:~$ cd /mnt/NO\ NAME
host:/mnt/NO NAME$ ls
host:/mnt/NO NAME$ file reverseme.bin
reverseme.bin: JPEG image data, JFIF standard 1.01, comment: "%PDF-1.4"
# Oh, this smells like another AngeMagic!
host:/mnt/NO NAME$ cp reverseme.bin /tmp/reverseme.jpg
# ... and we find

# But wait, what about the JPEG comment? The comment clearly says '%PDF-1.4'
# and that smells... so
host:/mnt/NO NAME$ cp /tmp/reverseme.jpg /tmp/reverseme.pdf
# And we obtain a valid PDF of the same image!
# But there is more...
host:/mnt/NO NAME$ unzip -v /tmp/reverseme.pdf
Archive:  reverseme.pdf


0 1
0000000000 65535 f
0000000010 00000 n

<</Root 1 0 R>>

 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
   23110  Stored    23110   0% 1980-00-00 00:00 67a0921c  reverseme.jpg
--------          -------  ---                            -------
   23110            23110   0%                            1 file

# Ah, the greatness of Ange...

  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x05

Addressed to the INHABITANTS of EARTH on the following and other INTERESTING SUBJECTS written for the edification of ALL GOOD NEIGHBORS

August 10, 2014 | 83.5M PDF/ISO/SWF | Includes | md5sum: 74a17e1cb87cbf1dc31eebe5c7aea639 | Entry

  1. Call to Worship
  2. Stuff is Broken, And Only You Know How  - Hacker Privilege, neighbor - do you have it?, by Rvd. Dr. Manul Laphroaig
  3. ECB as an Electronic Coloring Book  - A series of scripts for turning an ECB-encrypted image into a coloring book puzzle, by automatically correcting the dimensions, applying a best-guess set of false colors, and then walking a human operator through choosing a final set of colors, by Philippe Teuwen  (Additional Missing Info)
  4. An Easter Egg in PCI Express  - An Easter egg that relies on the internals of PCI Expresson recent x86 machines.  By reflecting traffic through the PCI Express bus, he's able to map the x86's virtual memory page table into virtual memory!, by Jacob Torrey
  5. A Flash PDF Polyglot  - A trick by Alex Inführ that makes a PDF file that is also an Adobe ShockWave Flash (SWF) file, by Alex Inführ (Blog)
  6. These Philosophers Stuff on 512 Bytes; or, This Multiprocessing OS is a Boot Sector  - Shikhin Sethi continues his series of x86 proofs-of-concept that fit in a 512 byte boot sector.  In this installment, he explains how the platform's interrupts and timers work, then finishes with support for multiple CPUs, by Shikhin Sethi
  7. A Breakout Board for Mini-PCIe; or, My Intel Galileo has Less RAM than its Video Card!  - Presenting a breakout board for the Intel Galileo platform that allows full-sized cards to be plugged into the Mini-PCIe slot of this little guy, by Joe FitzPatrick
  8. Prototyping a Generic x86 Backdoor in Bochs; or, I'll See Your RDRAND Backdoor and Raise You a Covert Channel!  - Matilda puts her own spin on Taylor Hornby's RDRAND backdoor.  She instead uses the RDRAND instruction to leak encrypted bytes from kernel memory.  A userland process can then decrypt these bytes in order to exfiltrate data, and anyone without the key will be unable to prove that anything important is being leaked, by Matilda
  9. From Protocol to PoC; or, Your Cisco Blade is Booting PoC||GTFO  - Mik will guide you from spotting an unknown protocol to a PoC that replaces a physical disk in a remote server's CD-ROM with your own image, over an unencrypted custom KVM session.  Bolt-on cryptography is bad, m'kay?, by Mik
  10. i386 Shellcode for Lazy Neighbors; or, I Am My Own NOP Sled  - A nifty alternative to NOP sleds by Brainsmoke.  The idea here is that instead of wasting so much space with NOP instructions, you can instead load a canary into a register at the beginning of your shellcode, branching back to the beginning if that canary isn't found at the end, by Brainsmoke
  11. Abusing JSONP with Rosetta Flash  - Rosetta Flash attack for abusing JSONP.  While surely you've heard about this in the news, please ignore that Google and Tumblr were vulnerable.  Instead, pay attention to the mechanism of the exploit.  Pay attention to how Michele abuses a decompression routine to produce an alphanumeric payload, which in isolation would be a worthy PoC!, by Michele Spagnuolo
  12. A Cryptographer and a Binarista Walk Into a Bar  - We all know that hash-collision vulns can be exploited, but the exact practicalities of how to do the exploit or where to look for a vuln aren't as easy to come by.  Ange and Maria teach us how to write sexy hash-collision PoCs.  When a director of funky file format steams up with a cryptographer, all sorts of nifty things are possible, by Ange Albertini and Maria Eichlseder
  13. Ancestral Voices; or, A Vision in a Nightmare  - Ben Nagy gives us his take on Coleridge's masterpiece.  Unfortunately, to comply with the Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies, this poem is redacted from our electronic edition, by Ben Nagy  
  14. A Call for PoC  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Bossy Pants...................................Reverend Doctor Pastor Manul Laphroaig
Unfinished Article............................Michael Ossmann
Ethics Advisor................................The Grugq
Poet Laureate.................................Ben Nagy
Editor of Last Resort.........................Melilot
Drafted for Hard Labor........................Jacob Torrey
Funky File Formats Polyglot...................Ange Albertini
Minister of Spargelzeit Weights and Measures..FX

Technical Note:  This issue, pocorgtfo05.pdf, is a polyglot that can be meaningfully interpreted as a PDF, SWF, ZIP, or ISO file.  The PDF is a good read; the SWF will never give you up or let you down; the ZIP contains all our prior issues; and, to top it all off, the ISO boots to a friendly game of Tetris.

$ file pocorgtfo05.pdf
pocorgtfo05.pdf: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data 'TetrangOS' (bootable)

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo05.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo05.pdf
warning [pocorgtfo05.pdf]:  26368859 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile
  (attempting to process anyway)
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-04 14:11 00000000  PEXternalizer/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-04 14:11 00000000  PEXternalizer/gerbers/
   36757  Defl:X     8364  77% 2014-08-04 14:11 8951ef3a  PEXternalizer/gerbers/mPEXternalizer.GBL
     350  Defl:X      178  49% 2014-08-04 14:11 41ef7268  PEXternalizer/gerbers/mPEXternalizer.XLN
   43198  Defl:X     9972  77% 2014-08-04 14:11 1d07892a  PEXternalizer/gerbers/mPEXternalizer.GTL
  126902  Defl:X    28569  78% 2014-08-04 14:11 9e23dd0a  PEXternalizer/gerbers/PEXternalizer.GTL
   10607  Defl:X     1999  81% 2014-08-04 14:11 1362f6a4  PEXternalizer/gerbers/mPEXternalizer.GTS
    1079  Defl:X      394  64% 2014-08-04 14:11 2b2fd9f2  PEXternalizer/gerbers/PEXternalizer.XLN
   20909  Defl:X     4710  78% 2014-08-04 14:11 ea04d9a4  PEXternalizer/gerbers/mPEXternalizer.GBO
   45783  Defl:X     9521  79% 2014-08-04 14:11 fa67abdf  PEXternalizer/gerbers/PEXternalizer.GBO
   35428  Defl:X     7655  78% 2014-08-04 14:11 a9df2250  PEXternalizer/gerbers/PEXternalizer.GTO
    1268  Defl:X      406  68% 2014-08-04 14:11 72fecc3a  PEXternalizer/gerbers/mPEXternalizer.GBS
    9731  Defl:X     2442  75% 2014-08-04 14:11 ab8908e0  PEXternalizer/gerbers/mPEXternalizer.GKO
  128653  Defl:X    29251  77% 2014-08-04 14:11 40fe72f8  PEXternalizer/gerbers/PEXternalizer.GBL
   11186  Defl:X     2061  82% 2014-08-04 14:11 c540d525  PEXternalizer/gerbers/PEXternalizer.GBS
    9012  Defl:X     2246  75% 2014-08-04 14:11 b25e9619  PEXternalizer/gerbers/PEXternalizer.GKO
   30759  Defl:X     6634  78% 2014-08-04 14:11 2ffd2bb9  PEXternalizer/gerbers/mPEXternalizer.GTO
   18201  Defl:X     3318  82% 2014-08-04 14:11 73340665  PEXternalizer/gerbers/PEXternalizer.GTS
   18026  Defl:X     6802  62% 2014-08-04 14:11 314a1dd2  PEXternalizer/LICENSE
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-04 14:11 00000000  PEXternalizer/eagle/
  118946  Defl:X    11313  91% 2014-08-04 14:11 a1811f8e  PEXternalizer/eagle/PEXternalizer.sch
   67047  Defl:X     9735  86% 2014-08-04 14:11 9a64483a  PEXternalizer/eagle/PEXternalizer.brd
   59982  Defl:X     8815  85% 2014-08-04 14:11 a20ed85f  PEXternalizer/eagle/mPEXternalizer.brd
   54806  Defl:X     6088  89% 2014-08-04 14:11 c7201662  PEXternalizer/eagle/mPEXternalizer.sch
     890  Defl:X      460  48% 2014-08-04 14:11 4079216b  PEXternalizer/PEXternalizer-BOM.csv
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-04 14:11 00000000  PEXternalizer/eagle-support/
   75865  Defl:X     7422  90% 2014-08-04 14:11 21e5cb30  PEXternalizer/eagle-support/con-pci_express-pci-e.lbr
  293800  Defl:X    32560  89% 2014-08-04 14:11 683f0417  PEXternalizer/eagle-support/securinghardware.lbr
   42631  Defl:X     4062  91% 2014-08-04 14:11 f9489239  PEXternalizer/eagle-support/con-heo.mini_pci_express.lbr
    1844  Defl:X      991  46% 2014-08-04 14:11 ef785144  PEXternalizer/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-04 14:11 00000000  collision/
  447780  Defl:X   248722  45% 2014-08-04 14:11 1d2cf7e7  collision/mbr_shell_rar1.pdf
  110809  Defl:X    50821  54% 2014-08-04 14:11 b7e897e3  collision/jpg-rar0.jpg
    2347  Defl:X      945  60% 2014-08-04 14:11 8fa25759  collision/
     354  Defl:X      167  53% 2014-08-04 14:11 fa48f512  collision/readme.txt
  447780  Defl:X   248722  45% 2014-08-04 14:11 dbf86217  collision/mbr_shell_rar0.pdf
    2560  Defl:X      997  61% 2014-08-04 14:11 c789f50e  collision/
  110809  Defl:X    50823  54% 2014-08-04 14:11 fa6f5705  collision/jpg-rar1.jpg
    1294  Defl:X      604  53% 2014-08-04 14:11 9899e045  lazy.c
     549  Defl:X      278  49% 2014-08-04 14:11 677cef1f  manulmascot.txt
    7873  Defl:X     2737  65% 2014-08-04 14:11 4cf0df95  mpbs.asm
    2285  Defl:X      975  57% 2014-08-04 14:11 d6685e2a  rosetta-rick.swf
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-04 14:11 00000000  rosettaflash/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-04 14:11 00000000  rosettaflash/utils/
    1340  Defl:X      537  60% 2014-08-04 14:11 8e5b076b  rosettaflash/utils/utils.go
   18092  Defl:X     6806  62% 2014-08-04 14:11 4e46f4a1  rosettaflash/LICENSE
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-04 14:11 00000000  rosettaflash/zlibStream/
   10608  Defl:X     2446  77% 2014-08-04 14:11 1425ab06  rosettaflash/zlibStream/zlibStream.go
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-04 14:11 00000000  rosettaflash/flashFile/
     973  Defl:X      389  60% 2014-08-04 14:11 431e95ba  rosettaflash/flashFile/flashFile.go
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-04 14:11 00000000  rosettaflash/huffman/
    9786  Defl:X     1906  81% 2014-08-04 14:11 9f69b64f  rosettaflash/huffman/huffman.go
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-04 14:11 00000000  rosettaflash/adler32_fuzzer/
    1306  Defl:X      536  59% 2014-08-04 14:11 64b13546  rosettaflash/adler32_fuzzer/adler32_fuzzer.go
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-04 14:11 00000000  rosettaflash/adler32_mod/
    1465  Defl:X      648  56% 2014-08-04 14:11 c111e13a  rosettaflash/adler32_mod/adler32_mod.go
     240  Defl:X      186  23% 2014-08-04 14:11 017e3177  rosettaflash/CREDITS
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-04 14:11 00000000  rosettaflash/charset/
    1139  Defl:X      440  61% 2014-08-04 14:11 6da2eaae  rosettaflash/charset/charset.go
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-04 14:11 00000000  rosettaflash/PoC/
    1158  Defl:X      517  55% 2014-08-04 14:11 61d7c149  rosettaflash/PoC/eval_load-ascii.swf
     148  Defl:X      104  30% 2014-08-04 14:11 b8d6cec9  rosettaflash/PoC/
     248  Defl:X      144  42% 2014-08-04 14:11 72266fc7  rosettaflash/PoC/
     377  Defl:X      286  24% 2014-08-04 14:11 813608cc  rosettaflash/PoC/rickroll.swf
     179  Defl:X      136  24% 2014-08-04 14:11 6d8363f1  rosettaflash/PoC/
     393  Defl:X      220  44% 2014-08-04 14:11 b16dd2e2  rosettaflash/PoC/
    1231  Defl:X      554  55% 2014-08-04 14:11 a18a5d35  rosettaflash/PoC/rickroll-ascii.swf
    1629  Defl:X      639  61% 2014-08-04 14:11 5218837d  rosettaflash/PoC/UniversalExfiltrator-ascii.swf
     541  Defl:X      360  34% 2014-08-04 14:11 0c957a2b  rosettaflash/PoC/UniversalExfiltrator.swf
     294  Defl:X      209  29% 2014-08-04 14:11 6de9a584  rosettaflash/.gitignore
    1085  Defl:X      570  48% 2014-08-04 14:11 8e98d963  rosettaflash/
    2796  Defl:X     1137  59% 2014-08-04 14:11 decc6797  rosettaflash/rosettaflash.go
     962  Defl:X      468  51% 2014-08-04 14:11 09e790ac  style.txt
56807352  Defl:X 56275027   1% 2014-08-04 14:11 be2ccd2d  pocorgtfo04.pdf
--------          -------  ---                            -------
59261442         57106024   4%                            74 files

$ cd collision
$ chmod +x /
$ ./ mbr_shell_rar*.pdf 5a827999 82b1c71a 5141963a b389abb9
mbr_shell_rar0.pdf 10382a6d3c949408d7cafaaf6d110a9e23230416
mbr_shell_rar1.pdf 10382a6d3c949408d7cafaaf6d110a9e23230416

$ ./ jpg-rar*.jpg 5a827999 9b73a440 71599fc5 0c8a53e4
jpg-rar0.jpg 7a00042714d8ee6f4978193b07df705b652d0e39
jpg-rar1.jpg 7a00042714d8ee6f4978193b07df705b652d0e39

host~$ sudo mount -o ro -t iso9660 pocorgtfo05.pdf /mnt
[sudo] password for user: 
host:~$ cd /mnt/
host:/mnt$ ls -l
total 1443
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root    2048 Jul 17 12:00
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root      51 Jul 17 12:00 readme.txt
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 1474560 Jul 17 12:00 tetrangl.img
# That worked!
host:/mnt$ cat readme.txt
Never gonna give you up!
Never gonna let you down!
host:/mnt$ file *     FoxPro FPT, blocks size 0, next free block index 16777216
readme.txt:   ASCII text
tetrangl.img: x86 boot sector

# So, what should you do next? Well, how about a little emulation...
host~$ qemu-system-i386 -cdrom pocorgtfo05.pdf

  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x06

PoC || GTFO; brings that OLD TIMEY EXPLOITATION with a WEIRD MACHINE JAMBOREE and our world-famous FUNKY FILE FLEA MARKET not to be ironic, but because WE LOVE THE MUSIC!

November 25, 2014 | 101.5M PDF/TAR/ZIP | Includes | md5sum: 02222f78842741c8b74237abe72f4015 | Entry

  1. Sacrament of Communion with the Weird Machines
  2. On Giving Thanks  - A sermon for the holidays, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. Gekko the Dolphin  - Collection of nifty tricks necessary to emulate modern Nintendo GameCube and Wii hardware both quickly and correctly.  Tricks involve fancy MMU emulation, ways to emulate PowerPC's bl/blr calling convention without confusing an x86 branch predictor, and subtle bugs that must be accounted for accurate floating pointemulation, by Fiora
  4. This TAR Archive is a PDF!  - Continuing the tradition of getting Adobe to blacklist our fine journal, pocorgtfo06.pdf is a TAR polyglot, which contains two valid PoC, as in both Pictures-of-Cats and Proofs-of-Concept, by Ange Albertini
  5. x86 Alchemy and Smuggling with Metalkit  - The story of the Pong Easter egg that hides in VMWare and the "pride" Easter egg that hides inside that, by Micah Elizabeth Scott
  6. Detecting MIPS Emulation  - Two effective tricks for detecting if MIPS code is running inside of an emulator.  From kernel mode, you identify special function registers that have values distinct to QEMU.  From user mode, you flush the cache just before overwriting and then executing shellcode.  Only on a real machine - with unsynchronized I and D caches - does the older copy of the code execute, by Craig Heffner
  7. More Cryptographic Coloring Books  - Philippe Teuwen extends his coloring book scripts from PoC||GTFO 5:3 to exploit the AngeCryption trick that first appeared in PoC||GTFO 3:11, by Philippe Teuwen  [Errata due to Frenglish to English translation ;-) : OFB and CTR are fine, only CBC & CFB can be compared to ECB]
  8. Introduction to Delayering and Reversing PCBs  - Some tricks for reverse-engineering printed circuit boards with sandpaper and a flatbed scanner, by Joe "Kingpin" Grand  (Twitter)  (Additional Info)
  9. Davinci Seal: Self-Decrypting Executables  - Some tricks that allow or frustrate debugging and emulation, Ryan O'Neill describes the internals of his Davinci self-extracting executables in Linux.  You'll learn how to prevent your process from being easily debugged, sidestepping LD_PRELOAD and ptrace(), by Ryan "ElfMaster" O'Neill  (Seattle, Washington, Twitter, GitHub)
  10. Observable Metrics  - A fine bit of "Vuln Fiction," describing a frightening Internet-of-All-Things run by a company not so different from one that shipped a malicious driver last month, by Don A. Bailey, Tamara L. Rhoads, and Jaime Cochran
  11. A Call for PoC  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Preacherman....................................Reverend Doctor Pastor Manul Laphroaig
Ethics Advisor.................................The Grugq
Poet Laureate..................................Ben Nagy
Editor of Last Resort..........................Melilot
Carpenter of the Samizdat Hymnary..............Redbeard
Funky File Formats Polyglot....................Ange Albertini
Minister of Spargelzeit Weights and Measures...FX

Technical Note:  This issue, pocorgtfo06.pdf, is a polyglot with microdots that can be meaningfully interpreted as a ZIP, a PDF, or a TAR.  It is filled with easter eggs, and if you are a very good reader, you will also hunt through it with a hex editor.  PoC||GTFO 0x06 also contains a scan of a softstrip.  There is a clean version here which can be decoded with this Python script.  (python softstrip_bw.png to get this output)

$ file pocorgtfo06.pdf
pocorgtfo06.pdf: POSIX tar archive (GNU)

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo06.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo06.pdf
warning [pocorgtfo06.pdf]:  10672929 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile
  (attempting to process anyway)
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
    4095  Defl:X     1827  55% 2014-11-24 16:44 806679c1  64k.txt
  818941  Defl:X   794538   3% 2014-08-18 16:28 c23e6c74  acsac13_zaddach.pdf
    4564  Defl:X     2127  53% 2014-10-04 17:06 ca9ce92b  burn.txt
  342232  Defl:X   323030   6% 2014-11-24 16:44 0d4dd4cd  davinci.tgz.dvs
    3785  Defl:X     1864  51% 2014-11-24 16:44 b704612e  davinci.txt
    5111  Defl:X     2430  53% 2014-09-28 14:05 0512e036  declare.txt
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-23 12:21 00000000  ecb2/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-22 06:19 00000000  ecb2/AngeCryption_CBC/
    2685  Defl:X     1166  57% 2014-08-22 06:02 da65bdb5  ecb2/AngeCryption_CBC/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-22 06:33 00000000  ecb2/AngeCryption_CBC/PoC/
 1935648  Defl:X  1450990  25% 2014-08-22 06:08 1d9d451a  ecb2/AngeCryption_CBC/PoC/combined.png
     252  Defl:X      198  21% 2014-08-22 06:08 891e6db9  ecb2/AngeCryption_CBC/PoC/
     173  Defl:X      150  13% 2014-08-22 06:33 cfcfb778  ecb2/AngeCryption_CBC/PoC/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-22 06:23 00000000  ecb2/AngeCryption_CTR/
    3022  Defl:X     1263  58% 2014-08-22 06:22 2e8dc1ef  ecb2/AngeCryption_CTR/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-22 06:34 00000000  ecb2/AngeCryption_CTR/PoC/
 1935648  Defl:X  1450984  25% 2014-08-22 06:22 4e43eb07  ecb2/AngeCryption_CTR/PoC/combined.png
     352  Defl:X      255  28% 2014-08-22 06:22 f63993f3  ecb2/AngeCryption_CTR/PoC/
     173  Defl:X      153  12% 2014-08-22 06:34 8f5d53b3  ecb2/AngeCryption_CTR/PoC/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-22 06:20 00000000  ecb2/AngeCryption_OFB/
    2739  Defl:X     1198  56% 2014-08-22 06:12 09c90dcc  ecb2/AngeCryption_OFB/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-22 06:34 00000000  ecb2/AngeCryption_OFB/PoC/
 1935648  Defl:X  1450987  25% 2014-08-22 06:17 9fc121b9  ecb2/AngeCryption_OFB/PoC/combined.png
     240  Defl:X      191  20% 2014-08-22 06:17 fe723463  ecb2/AngeCryption_OFB/PoC/
     173  Defl:X      153  12% 2014-08-22 06:33 038f6515  ecb2/AngeCryption_OFB/PoC/
   21674  Defl:X    21137   3% 2014-08-22 06:35 b553249f  ecb2/duckduckgo.png
   10546  Defl:X     3387  68% 2014-07-05 16:33 53ca3690  ecb2/
   11265  Defl:X    11133   1% 2014-08-22 06:35 c1394434  ecb2/google.png
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-19 17:48 00000000  ecb2/GynCryption_CTR/
    2583  Defl:X     1102  57% 2014-08-17 13:40 25ad9908  ecb2/GynCryption_CTR/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-22 13:21 00000000  ecb2/GynCryption_CTR/PoC/
     280  Defl:X      203  28% 2014-08-22 13:21 4f64cfc0  ecb2/GynCryption_CTR/PoC/
     140  Defl:X      127   9% 2014-08-22 13:20 fabaa064  ecb2/GynCryption_CTR/PoC/
 3870080  Defl:X  3867383   0% 2014-08-22 13:00 6dc24686  ecb2/GynCryption_CTR/PoC/gyncryption_ctr.pdf
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-17 13:40 00000000  ecb2/GynCryption_OFB/
    2331  Defl:X     1062  54% 2014-08-17 13:40 586ce03f  ecb2/GynCryption_OFB/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-22 13:21 00000000  ecb2/GynCryption_OFB/PoC/
     219  Defl:X      175  20% 2014-08-22 13:21 1cc1ea9c  ecb2/GynCryption_OFB/PoC/
     153  Defl:X      138  10% 2014-08-22 13:19 e428b12e  ecb2/GynCryption_OFB/PoC/
   66240  Defl:X    62760   5% 2014-08-22 13:17 6610f8e3  ecb2/GynCryption_OFB/PoC/gyncryption_ofb.pdf
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-22 06:19 00000000  ecb2/AngeCryption_CBC/
    2685  Defl:X     1166  57% 2014-08-22 06:02 da65bdb5  ecb2/AngeCryption_CBC/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-22 06:33 00000000  ecb2/AngeCryption_CBC/PoC/
 1935648  Defl:X  1450990  25% 2014-08-22 06:08 1d9d451a  ecb2/AngeCryption_CBC/PoC/combined.png
     252  Defl:X      198  21% 2014-08-22 06:08 891e6db9  ecb2/AngeCryption_CBC/PoC/
     173  Defl:X      150  13% 2014-08-22 06:33 cfcfb778  ecb2/AngeCryption_CBC/PoC/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-22 06:23 00000000  ecb2/AngeCryption_CTR/
    3022  Defl:X     1263  58% 2014-08-22 06:22 2e8dc1ef  ecb2/AngeCryption_CTR/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-22 06:34 00000000  ecb2/AngeCryption_CTR/PoC/
 1935648  Defl:X  1450984  25% 2014-08-22 06:22 4e43eb07  ecb2/AngeCryption_CTR/PoC/combined.png
     352  Defl:X      255  28% 2014-08-22 06:22 f63993f3  ecb2/AngeCryption_CTR/PoC/
     173  Defl:X      153  12% 2014-08-22 06:34 8f5d53b3  ecb2/AngeCryption_CTR/PoC/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-08-22 06:20 00000000  ecb2/AngeCryegg.aiff
   11933  Defl:X    11919   0% 2014-09-12 08:09 9d89d4a0  eggmaphone_instrument_for_ableton_live.adg
    2203  Defl:X      914  59% 2014-10-23 07:45 1da7301d  ftdi.txt
    2849  Defl:X     1378  52% 2014-09-07 12:11 dbc36244  getbetter.txt
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-11-11 22:31 00000000  metalkit/
     144  Defl:X      115  20% 2014-11-11 22:31 49448469  metalkit/.gitignore
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-11-11 22:31 00000000  metalkit/examples/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-11-11 22:31 00000000  metalkit/examples/apm-test/
    1430  Defl:X      545  62% 2014-11-11 22:31 5a8504bf  metalkit/examples/apm-test/main.c
     165  Defl:X      142  14% 2014-11-11 22:31 21009467  metalkit/examples/apm-test/Makefile
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-11-11 22:31 00000000  metalkit/examples/console/
     584  Defl:X      310  47% 2014-11-11 22:31 4146c64a  metalkit/examples/console/main.c
     161  Defl:X      132  18% 2014-11-11 22:31 e4bb33ed  metalkit/examples/console/Makefile
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-11-11 22:31 00000000  metalkit/examples/datafile/
     619  Defl:X      361  42% 2014-11-11 22:31 c1984e4a  metalkit/examples/datafile/main.c
     172  Defl:X      144  16% 2014-11-11 22:31 a5450889  metalkit/examples/datafile/Makefile
    2898  Defl:X     1385  52% 2014-11-11 22:31 e8f58aa9  metalkit/examples/datafile/sample.txt
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-11-11 22:31 00000000  metalkit/examples/keyboard/
     652  Defl:X      315  52% 2014-11-11 22:31 b5a411dd  metalkit/examples/keyboard/main.c
     162  Defl:X      134  17% 2014-11-11 22:31 1a013704  metalkit/examples/keyboard/Makefile
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-11-11 22:31 00000000  metalkit/examples/scanpci/
     757  Defl:X      391  48% 2014-11-11 22:31 521f79c3  metalkit/examples/scanpci/main.c
     150  Defl:X      128  15% 2014-11-11 22:31 92ca2922  metalkit/examples/scanpci/Makefile
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-11-11 22:31 00000000  metalkit/examples/threading/
    3199  Defl:X     1239  61% 2014-11-11 22:31 b05bd2c5  metalkit/examples/threading/main.c
     154  Defl:X      132  14% 2014-11-11 22:31 044d18e4  metalkit/examples/threading/Makefile
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-11-11 22:31 00000000  metalkit/examples/timer/
     562  Defl:X      313  44% 2014-11-11 22:31 03bf0417  metalkit/examples/timer/main.c
     150  Defl:X      125  17% 2014-11-11 22:31 80e5de05  metalkit/examples/timer/Makefile
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-11-11 22:31 00000000  metalkit/examples/vbe-info/
    1420  Defl:X      592  58% 2014-11-11 22:31 7579ed9b  metalkit/examples/vbe-info/main.c
     156  Defl:X      133  15% 2014-11-11 22:31 2d06c65d  metalkit/examples/vbe-info/Makefile
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-11-11 22:31 00000000  metalkit/examples/vbe-palette/
    2278  Defl:X      995  56% 2014-11-11 22:31 937ce12b  metalkit/examples/vbe-palette/main.c
     165  Defl:X      139  16% 2014-11-11 22:31 99b051b1  metalkit/examples/vbe-palette/Makefile
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-11-11 22:31 00000000  metalkit/examples/vbe-simple/
    2132  Defl:X     1008  53% 2014-11-11 22:31 a3ed6437  metalkit/examples/vbe-simple/main.c
     153  Defl:X      129  16% 2014-11-11 22:31 70d0d330  metalkit/examples/vbe-simple/Makefile
       0  Stored        0   0% 2014-11-11 22:31 00000000  metalkit/lib/
    4124  Defl:X     1850  55% 2014-11-11 22:31 46de6301  metalkit/lib/apm.c
    2259  Defl:X     1195  47% 2014-11-11 22:31 cfc974ce  metalkit/lib/apm.h
    7684  Defl:X     2870  63% 2014-11-11 22:31 2efab3ae  metalkit/lib/bios.c
    4408  Defl:X     1821  59% 2014-11-11 22:31 7c92cef5  metalkit/lib/bios.h
    2118  Defl:X     1118  47% 2014-11-11 22:31 a1bb0e94  metalkit/lib/boot.h
   19272  Defl:X     6342  67% 2014-11-11 22:31 05ad94c0  metalkit/lib/boot.S
    7292  Defl:X     2804  62% 2014-11-11 22:31 057020fb  metalkit/lib/console.c
    2647  Defl:X     1286  51% 2014-11-11 22:31 87e7a836  metalkit/lib/console.h
    6039  Defl:X     2077  66% 2014-11-11 22:31 ddfee1bb  metalkit/lib/console_vga.c
    2315  Defl:X     1085  53% 2014-11-11 22:31 44dbd01b  metalkit/lib/console_vga.h
    2342  Defl:X     1192  49% 2014-11-11 22:31 749f20d5  metalkit/lib/datafile.h
     579  Defl:X      356  39% 2014-11-11 22:31 d50d08bd  metalkit/lib/
    2049  Defl:X     1079  47% 2014-11-11 22:31 f80e1483  metalkit/lib/gcc_support.c
    3241  Defl:X     1384  57% 2014-11-11 22:31 871d2699  metalkit/lib/image.ld
    9994  Defl:X     3847  62% 2014-11-11 22:31 146737d0  metalkit/lib/intr.c
    7185  Defl:X     2885  60% 2014-11-11 22:31 d3e1f28a  metalkit/lib/intr.h
    2313  Defl:X     1052  55% 2014-11-11 22:31 7c516b81  metalkit/lib/io.h
   10738  Defl:X     3004  72% 2014-11-11 22:31 db62ffb6  metalkit/lib/keyboard.c
    4175  Defl:X     1834  56% 2014-11-11 22:31 b419ac82  metalkit/lib/keyboard.h
    2372  Defl:X     1228  48% 2014-11-11 22:31 02b93841  metalkit/lib/Makefile.rules
    1746  Defl:X      980  44% 2014-11-11 22:31 ba3d2efe  metalkit/lib/math.h
    6808  Defl:X     2464  64% 2014-11-11 22:31 9112514f  metalkit/lib/pci.c
    3412  Defl:X     1451  58% 2014-11-11 22:31 7cce390e  metalkit/lib/pci.h
   37036  Defl:X    11063  70% 2014-11-11 22:31 c0c58a78  metalkit/lib/puff.c
    1328  Defl:X      647  51% 2014-11-11 22:31 c773f778  metalkit/lib/puff.h
     405  Defl:X      242  40% 2014-11-11 22:31 fe207b0e  metalkit/lib/setjmp.h
    1765  Defl:X     1002  43% 2014-11-11 22:31 f5d84717  metalkit/lib/timer.c
    1609  Defl:X      929  42% 2014-11-11 22:31 e321a807  metalkit/lib/timer.h
    3397  Defl:X     1419  58% 2014-11-11 22:31 35cf6b5a  metalkit/lib/types.h
    5925  Defl:X     2494  58% 2014-11-11 22:31 7c0c5664  metalkit/lib/vbe.c
    4285  Defl:X     1762  59% 2014-11-11 22:31 bea39647  metalkit/lib/vbe.h
    2688  Defl:X     1324  51% 2014-11-11 22:31 cd2f24d2  metalkit/
    3421  Defl:X     1716  50% 2014-10-01 19:31 b113ef24  modernman.txt
  123094  Defl:X   121934   1% 2012-02-10 09:15 e58b86b1  postel.pdf
     886  Defl:X      430  52% 2014-11-24 16:44 cad45e96  rolldice.txt
    3589  Defl:X     1864  48% 2014-10-15 17:47 8ab6d896  russian.txt
    1620  Defl:X      884  45% 2014-09-07 12:26 46dad301  soul.txt
   20539  Defl:X     8867  57% 2014-10-04 17:03 a339478e  toynbee.txt
83488833  Defl:X 81130815   3% 2014-08-11 23:22 e615cc40  pocorgtfo05.pdf
--------          -------  ---                            -------
94858612         90814751   4%                            118 files

$ tar xvvf pocorgtfo06.pdf
-rw-r--r-- Manul/Laphroaig   0 2014-10-06 14:33 %PDF-1.5
-rw-r--r-- Manul/Laphroaig 525849 2014-10-06 14:33 1.png
-rw-r--r-- Manul/Laphroaig 273658 2014-10-06 14:33 2.bmp

$ sed '4025,4048!d' pocorgtfo06.pdf
Spoilers for our Pictures of Cats

- 1.png is a PNG picture. It's a RGB picture, with a palette.
  The RGB values have been altered to display another picture via the palette.
  So just change offset 0x19 from 0x2 (RGB) to 0x3 (paletted)
  to enjoy the hidden picture.
  Extra efforts were taken to make the picture not trivial to extract,
  and remove as many artifacts as possible.

  by Philippe Teuwen & Ange Albertini, original idea by Dominique Bongard

- 2.bmp is a BMP/PCM polyglot, which means it's a Bitmap picture,
  and a RAW audio polyglot that is directly playable
  (it's not really hidden, it's just happy co-existence).
  The audio, when viewed in spectrogram view, will show a familiar face.

  To enjoy it fully, just run:
  sox -t raw -r 44100 -c 1 -e signed -b 32 2.bmp -n spectrogram
  (with optional -m -x 555 -y 512 -z 24 -Z -36, for better rendering)

  For more details, check,
  including a nifty RGB spectrogram via baudline.

  by Philippe Teuwen & Ange Albertini

  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x07


March 19, 2015 | 33.4M PDF/BPG/HTML/ZIP | Includes | md5sum: 1cb67f33d8b1a63bf4f729ddf328eba3 | Entry

  1. With What Shall We Commune This Evening?
  2. The Magic Number: 0xAA55  - An executable poem by Morgan Reece Phillips.  Funny enough, 0xAA55 is also Pastor Laphroaig's favorite number, by Morgan Reece Phillips
  3. Coastermelt  - Having bought a Samsung SE-506CB burner, and knowing damned well that a neighbor doesn't own what she can't open, Micah reverse-engineered that gizmo.  Sniffing the updater taught her how to dump the firmware; disassembling that firmware taught her how to patch in new code; and, just to help the rest of us play along, she wrapped all of this into a fancy little debugging console that's far more convenient than the sorry excuse for a JTAG debugger the original authors of the firmware most likely used, by Micah Elizabeth Scott  (Coastermelt GitHub)
  4. Of Scientific Consensus and a Wish That Came True  - Warns us of the dangers that lurk in trusting The Experts, and of one such expert whose witch hunt set back the science of biology for decades.  This article is illustrated by (((Boris Efimov))), may he rot in Hell, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  5. When Scapy is Too High-Level  - Describes the internals of TCP/IP as a sermon against the iniquity of the abstraction layers that - while useful to reduce the drudgery of labor - also cloud a programmer's mind andkeep him from seeing the light of the hexdump world, by Eric Davisson  (Twitter)
  6. Abusing File Formats; or, Corkami, the Novella  - Ange finally presents us with a long article, a listing of dozens of nifty tricks that he uses in PoC||GTFO, Corkami, and other projects.  Study it carefully if you'd like to learn his art, by Ange Albertini
  7. Extending Crypto-Related Backdoors to Other Scenarios  - BSDaemon and Pirata extend the RDRAND trick of PoC||GTFO 3:6 - with devilish cunning and true buccaneer daring - to actual Intel hardware, showing us poor landlubbers how to rob not only unsuspecting virtual machines but also normal userland and kernel applications that depend on the new AES-NI instructions of their precious randomness - and much more.  Quick, hide your AES!  Luckily, our neighborly pirates show how, by BSDaemon and Pirata
  8. Innovations with Linux Core Files for Advanced Process Forensics  - Ryan O'Neill's Extended Core File Snapshots, which add new sections to the familiar ELF specification that our readers know and love, by Ryan "ElfMaster" O'Neill
  9. Bambaata Speaks from the Past  - Recently, Pastor Laphroaig hired Count Bambaata on as our Special Correspondent on NASCAR.  After his King Midget stretch limo was denied approval to compete at the Bristol Motor Speedway, Bambaata fled to Fordlandia, Brazil in a stolen - the Count himself says "liberated" - 1957 Studebaker Bulletnose in search of the American Dream.  When asked for his article on the race, Bambaata sent us by WEFAX a collection of poorly redacted expense reports and a lovely little rant on Baudrillard, the Spirit of the 90's, and a world of turncoat swine, by Count Bambaata
  10. Public Service Announcement
  11. Cyber Criminal's Song  - A peppy little parody of Hacker News and New-Media Web 2.0 Hipster Fashion Accessorized Cybercrime in the style of Gilbert and Sullivan, by Ben Nagy
  12. Fast Cash for Bugs!  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Preacherman.....................................Manul Laphroaig
Ethics Advisor..................................The Grugq
Poet Laureate...................................Ben Nagy
Editor of Last Resort...........................Melilot
Carpenter of the Samizdat Hymnary...............Redbeard
Funky File Formats Polyglot.....................Ange Albertini
Assistant Scenic Designer.......................Philippe Teuwen
Special Correspondent on NASCAR.................Count Bambaata
Minister of Spargelzeit Weights and Measures....FX

Technical Note:  This issue, pocorgtfo07.pdf, is a polyglot that can be meaningfully interpreted as a ZIP, a PDF, a BPG, or HTML featuring a BPG decoder.  We no longer include prior issues in the ZIP, in order to leave room for more curiosities.  Don't be surprised when you stumble upon occasional polyglot and chimeras.


Did you know notice BlueRay microdots in PoC||GTFO 7:3?  First one depicts scanlime's (Micah Elizabeth Scott) artwork.

$ file pocorgtfo07.pdf
pocorgtfo07.pdf: BPG (Better Portable Graphics)

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo07.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo07.pdf

******* PWNED ********

dumping credentials...


 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
    6325  Defl:X     3032  52% 2015-02-02 13:56 e3d550f2  500miles.txt
       0  Stored        0   0% 2015-03-19 09:51 00000000  abusing_file_formats/
  370375  Defl:X   369817   0% 2015-03-06 14:51 2665ab4f  abusing_file_formats/3in1.png
     512  Defl:X      262  49% 2015-03-06 14:51 57b674c3  abusing_file_formats/abstract.tar
  143360  Defl:X   114462  20% 2015-03-06 14:51 5ba069e8  abusing_file_formats/AppleII.pdf
     116  Defl:X       90  22% 2015-03-06 14:51 3ea22dd9  abusing_file_formats/asciizip
  420852  Defl:X   406185   4% 2015-03-06 16:27 3c9f19cb  abusing_file_formats/cameron.png
   41902  Defl:X    41912   0% 2015-03-19 09:51 cef8d310  abusing_file_formats/
  122880  Defl:X   107822  12% 2015-03-07 12:16 12a53154  abusing_file_formats/chimera.tar.pdf
  590538  Defl:X   459937  22% 2015-03-06 14:51 c1383895  abusing_file_formats/Corkami_spectrogram.bmp
  537654  Defl:X   231638  57% 2015-03-06 14:51 a4164931  abusing_file_formats/dr_nsa.bmp
   10213  Defl:X     8792  14% 2015-03-06 14:51 0366672b  abusing_file_formats/I love reliable forensics software.png
    1572  Defl:X      831  47% 2015-03-19 09:51 e40e67b7  abusing_file_formats/JPEGScript.pdf
     856  Defl:X      448  48% 2015-03-11 13:01 4d60373a  abusing_file_formats/JPEGScript_mini.pdf
 3542016  Defl:X   143776  96% 2015-03-07 12:16 2e6b6aa2  abusing_file_formats/MIThunt2015image.tiff
     311  Defl:X      137  56% 2015-03-06 14:51 8c862162  abusing_file_formats/NoMoreFreeAPP0.jpg
 6617738  Defl:X  5758743  13% 2015-03-06 14:51 0f1cea36  abusing_file_formats/PinkFloyd_listen_to_me.bmp
 6617738  Defl:X  6192066   6% 2015-03-06 14:51 fb537859  abusing_file_formats/PinkFloyd_RGB_spectrogram.bmp
  220341  Defl:X   122916  44% 2015-03-12 11:45 413ebd37  abusing_file_formats/pwnie.pdf
  309096  Defl:X   272587  12% 2015-03-07 12:16 f32b85cf  abusing_file_formats/qrinception.pdf
  132824  Defl:X   123264   7% 2015-03-06 14:51 ba52d5cb  abusing_file_formats/quine.pdf
  169400  Defl:X   144077  15% 2015-03-06 14:51 c7be9af0  abusing_file_formats/smsgbc.pdf
  262656  Defl:X   167363  36% 2015-03-19 09:51 f731ac6a  abusing_file_formats/snes_md.pdf
  315081  Defl:X   177722  44% 2015-03-06 14:51 f49ea8bb  abusing_file_formats/spock_nimoy.pdf
 2116880  Defl:X  1957325   8% 2015-03-06 14:51 77d6c1f3  abusing_file_formats/tribute_cabu.wav
 2469680  Defl:X  2129924  14% 2015-03-06 14:51 e3e64983  abusing_file_formats/tribute_rogers_stamos.wav
 1071194  Defl:X   975369   9% 2015-03-11 09:42 e3c0bd03  abusing_file_formats/vb201503-lossy.pdf
   70563  Defl:X    69688   1% 2015-03-06 14:51 8329d52f  abusing_file_formats/zipjpg.pdf
       0  Stored        0   0% 2015-03-19 09:51 00000000  aes-ni/
    1311  Defl:X      537  59% 2015-03-19 09:51 83b13033  aes-ni/aesni_module.c
     453  Defl:X      250  45% 2015-03-19 09:51 2f2c04e1  aes-ni/aesni_test.c
     110  Defl:X       79  28% 2015-03-19 09:51 25d491aa  aes-ni/aesni_ud_trigger.asm
    3204  Defl:X     1333  58% 2015-03-19 09:51 68c49f2a  aes-ni/chipsec.patch
    3431  Defl:X     1016  70% 2015-03-19 09:51 88bad63c  aes-ni/ud_hook.c
  682793  Defl:X   672461   2% 2015-02-12 15:08 5c7c8b0e  aprsthesis.pdf
   25677  Defl:X     9578  63% 2015-03-19 09:51 9c1ff2bf  chaffing.txt
  226083  Defl:X   213801   5% 2015-03-19 09:51 64a57f11
  109783  Defl:X   108607   1% 2015-03-19 09:51 8f922af2  csicyber.png
   11536  Defl:X     5453  53% 2015-02-17 15:13 6a41f734  offence.txt
   73798  Defl:X    37728  49% 2015-03-11 09:42 dad2ceb5  theMagicNumberAA55.mbr.asm.pdf
--------          -------  ---                            -------
27300852         21031028  23%                            40 files

  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x08

As exploits sit lonely, FORGOTTEN ON THE SHELF your friendly neighbors at PoC||GTFO proudly present PASTOR MANUL LAPHROAIG'S export-controlled CHURCH NEWSLETTER

June 20, 2015 | 60.5M PDF/ZIP/Shell | Includes | md5sum: 257fc8f01fa20e21f8bd5577639ff596 | Entry

  1. Please Stand; Now, Please Be Seated
  2. Witches, Warlocks, and Wassenaar; or, On the Internet, No One Knows You are a Witch  - Pastor Manul Laphroaig's rant on the recent Wassenaar amendments, which will have us all burned as witches.
  3. Deniable Backdoors Using Compiler Bugs  - A backdoored version of Sudo, but why should we give a damn whether anyone can backdoor such an application?  Well, these fine neighbors abuse a pre-existing bug in CLANG that snuck past seventeen thousand assertions.  Thus, the backdoor in their version of Sudo provably doesn't exist until after compilation with a particular compiler, by Scott Bauer, Pascal Cuoq, and John Regehr
  4. Protocol for Leibowitz; or, Booklegging by HF in the Age of Safe Æther  - Fancy variants of digital shortwave radio protocols.  They hide text in the null bits between PSK31 letters and in the space between RTTY bytes.  Just for fun, they also transmit Morse code from a 100 Mbit Ethernet to a nearby shortwave receiver!, by Travis Goodspeed and Muur P.
  5. Jiggling Into a New Attack Vector  - Analysis of a Weibetech MJ-3 "Mouse Jiggler" used to keep a screensaver from password protecting a seized computer while waiting for a forensic analyst, by Mickey "Laplinker" Shkatov
  6. The Hypervisor Exploit I Sat on for Five Years  - A hypervisor exploit that was unwanted bythe academic publishers.  As our Right Reverend has better taste than the Unseen Academics, we happily scooped up their neighborly submission for you, by DJ Capelis and Daniel Bittman
  7. Stegosploit  - Saumil presents us with tricks for encoding browser exploitsas image files, by Saumil Shah
  8. On Error Resume Next  - Back in the days of Visual Basic 6, there was a directive, On Error Resume Next, that instructed the interpreter to ignore any errors.  Syntax error?  Divide-by-zero?  Wrong number of parameters?  No problem, the program would keep running, the interpreter doing its very best to do something with the hideous mess of spaghetti code that VB programmers are famous for.  Jeffball commits the criminal act of porting this behavior to C on Linux, by Jeffball
  9. Unbrick My Part  - Tommy Brixton sings a heartbreaking classic - Unbrick My Part, by EVM and Tommy Brixton
  10. Backdoors Up My Sleeve  - JP Aumasson talks about those fancy little NUMS - Nothing Up My Sleeve - numbers.  He keeps a lot of them up his sleeves, by Jean-Philippe Aumasson
  11. Naughty Signals; or, The Abuse of a Raspberry Pi  - Russell Handorf teaches us how to build a wireless Capture-the-Flag (CTF) on the cheap, broadcasting a number of different protocols through Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) on a Raspberry Pi, by Russell Handorf
  12. Weird Cryptography; or, How to Resist Brute-Force Attacks  - Philippe Teuwen explains how he made this PDF into a polyglot able to secure your communications by encrypting plain English into - wait for it - plain English!  Still better, all cipher text is grammatical English, by Philippe Teuwen  (Sci-Fi Crypto)
  13. Fast Cash for Cyber Munitions!  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Preacherman.....................................Manul Laphroaig
Ethics Advisor..................................The Grugq
Poet Laureate...................................Ben Nagy
Editor of Last Resort...........................Melilot
Carpenter of the Samizdat Hymnary...............Redbeard
Editorial Whipping Boy..........................Jacob Torrey
Funky File Formats Polyglot.....................Ange Albertini
Assistant Scenic Designer.......................Philippe Teuwen
Supreme Infosec Thought Commander...............Taylor Swift
Minister of Spargelzeit Weights and Measures....FX

Technical Note:  This issue, pocorgtfo08.pdf, is a polyglot that can be meaningfully interpreted as a ZIP, a PDF and a Shell script featuring the weird cryptosystem described in 8:12.  We are the technical debt collectors!


The painting inspired by Magritte's Empire of Lights

Did you know?  PoC||GTFO 8.12 drawing is a David Hughes' printing telegraph

Did you know?  PoC||GTFO 0x08 Ossmann artwork is based on the Osman videogame.

# To run the PDF/script
$ chmod +x pocorgtfo08.pdf
$ ./pocorgtfo08.pdf

    echo "I want to encrypt this sentence" | ./pocorgtfo08.pdf -e 12345
    I need to besiege this carat
    echo "I need to besiege this carat" | ./pocorgtfo08.pdf -d 12345
    I want to encrypt this sentence

# Encryption
$ echo "I want to encrypt this sentence" | ./pocorgtfo08.pdf -e 12345 I need to besiege this carat

# Decryption
$ echo "I need to besiege this carat" | ./pocorgtfo08.pdf -d 12345 I want to encrypt this sentence

$ echo "terrible raccoons achieve their escapades" | ./pocorgtfo08.pdf -d 4321
good neighbors secure their communications

$ echo "this is a test message" | ./pocorgtfo08.pdf -d 4321
this is a hoodlum possibility

$ cp stegosploit_tool.png stegosploit_tool.html
$ firefox stegosploit_tool.html # Allows you to download stegosploit-tools.7z

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo08.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo08.pdf
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
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18043319  Defl:X 17692459   2% 2015-06-20 13:26 226c4c80  pocorgtfo08-booklet.pdf
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    1256  Defl:X      403  68% 2015-06-08 15:46 9cc26d91  weirdcrypto/link-grammar/en/words/words.v.8.5
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--------          -------  ---                            -------
41558060         39640353   5%                            84 files

  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x09


September 14, 2015 | 69.5M PDF/ZIP/WavPack | Includes | md5sum: 4dc7e88a1f88df3f169245af8c148bde | Entry

  1. Please Stand; Now, Please Be Seated
  2. From Newton to Turing, a Happy Family  - A sermon on Newton and Turing, in which we learn about the academics' affection for Turing-completeness and why they should be allowed to marry it, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. Breaking Globalstar Satellite Communications  - Colby Moore provides all the details you'll need to sniff simplex packets from the Globalstar satellite constellation, by Colby Moore  (Slides)
  4. Unprivileged Data All Around the Kernels; or, Pool Spray the Feature!  - Some tips by Peter Hlavaty of the Keen Team on kernel pool spraying in Windows and Linux, by Peter Hlavaty
  5. Second Underhanded Crypto Contest  - The results of the second Underhanded Crypto Contest, held at the Crypto Village of DEFCON 23, by Taylor Hornby
  6. Exploiting Out-of-Order-Execution; or, Processor Side-Channels to Enable Cross VM Code Execution  - Sophia D'Antoine introduces some tricks for communicating between virtual machines co-located on the same physical host.  In particular,the MFENCE instruction can be used to force strict ordering, interfering with CPU instruction pipelining in another VM, by Sophia D'Antoine
  7. Anti-Virus Tumors  - A nifty little trick for causing quarantined malware to be re-detected by McAfee Enterprise Virus Scan!  This particular tumor is benign, but we bet a neighborly reader can write a malignant variant, by Eric Davisson  (Twitter)
  8. Brewing TCP/IPA; or, A Useful Skill for the Zombie Apocalypse  - Ron Fabela of Binary Brew Works, presents his recipe for TCP/IPA, a neighborly beer with which to warm our hearts and our spirits during the coming apocalypse, by Ron Fabela  (GitHub)
  9. Shenanigans with APRS and AX.25 for Covert Communications  - Vogelfrei shares with us some tricks for Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) and AX.25 networking.  APRS exists around much of the western world and all sorts of mischief can be had through it, by Vogelfrei
  10. Napravi i ti Računar "Galaksija"  - A reprint, in the original Serbian, of Voja Antonić's article on the Galaksija, his Z80 home computer design - the very first in Yugoslavia, by Vojislav "Voja" Antonić
  11. Root Rights are a Grrl's Best Friend  - fbz's latest single, Root Rights are a Grrl's Best Friend, by Ms. Fabienne "fbz" Haas  (Twitter)  (2.1M MP3)  (Lyrics)
  12. What If You Could Listen to this PDF?  - If you'd rather listen to it than just read the lyrics, run vlc pocorgtfo09.pdf and jump to page 61, where Philippe Teuwen describes how he made this fine document a polyglot of PDF, ZIP, and WavPack, by Philippe Teuwen
  13. Oona's Puzzle Corner!  - Oona's Puzzle Corner, with all sorts of nifty games for a child of five.  If you aren't clever enough to solve them, then ask for help from a child of five!, by Oona Räisänen (Twitter)
  14. Fast Cash for Cyber Munitions!  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Preacherman....................................Manul Laphroaig
Ethics Advisor.................................The Grugq
Poet Laureate..................................Ben Nagy
Editor of Last Resort..........................Melilot
Carpenter of the Samizdat Hymnary..............Redbeard
Editorial Whipping Boy.........................Jacob Torrey
Funky File Formats Polyglot....................Ange Albertini
Assistant Scenic Designer......................Philippe Teuwen
Minister of Spargelzeit Weights and Measures...FX

Technical Note:  You'll be happy to find that, pocorgtfo09.pdf, is a polyglot that is valid in three file formats.  You may interpret it as a PDF to read this issue, as a ZIP to read this issue's source code releases, or as a WavPack lossless audio file to listen to fbz' classic from page 60.  You may have to change the file extension to .WV, depending on your audio player.  A list of compatible players is available at:

$ file pocorgtfo09.pdf
pocorgtfo09.pdf: WavPack Lossless Audio

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo09.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo09.pdf
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
 3173392  Defl:X   789433  75% 2015-09-07 01:14 12a7692a  aprs101.pdf
   45170  Defl:X    21801  52% 2015-08-04 11:36 11a04047
 4864479  Defl:X  4551251   6% 2015-09-07 01:14 ff858f8f  bhusa15wenxu.pdf
 1354044  Defl:X  1235716   9% 2015-09-07 01:14 6bfb6838  crossvm.pdf
   15008  Defl:X     6069  60% 2015-09-07 01:14 e7a8ec68  encham.html
   21307  Defl:X    21171   1% 2015-09-07 01:14 4fcb756f  globalstar.tar.gz
   27139  Defl:X    12325  55% 2015-08-04 11:36 01445942  lazlong.txt
  104113  Defl:X   101145   3% 2015-09-07 01:14 de1e8bf7  mattvbrady.jpg
 1115466  Defl:X  1066578   4% 2015-09-07 01:14 f0d77902  no_you_really_can_t.png
  274231  Defl:X   225203  18% 2015-09-07 01:14 542da31d  part97.pdf
    3918  Defl:X     1448  63% 2015-09-14 04:54 5a4f0a28  shellcode.js
   60448  Defl:X    60458   0% 2015-09-07 01:14 b2c52750  uhc-subs.tar.xz
     503  Defl:X      265  47% 2015-09-14 04:54 7cd934ab  xpdf-3.02-nodrm.diff
--------          -------  ---                            -------
11059218          8092863  27%                            13 files

$ mplayer pocorgtfo09.pdf
MPlayer 1.4 (Debian), built with gcc-10 (C) 2000-2019 MPlayer Team

Playing pocorgtfo09.pdf.
libavformat version 58.76.100 (external)
libavformat file format detected.
[wv @ 0x7f75b5a618e0]Tag size is way too big
[lavf] stream 0: audio (wavpack), -aid 0
Load subtitles in ./
Opening audio decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg/libavcodec audio decoders
libavcodec version 58.134.100 (external)
AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, s32le, 0.0 kbit/0.00% (ratio: 0->352800)
Selected audio codec: [ffwavpack] afm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg WavPack audio)
AO: [pulse] 44100Hz 2ch s32le (4 bytes per sample)
Video: no video
Starting playback...
A:   0.9 (00.9) of 132.7 (02:12.7)  1.4% 

  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x10


January 16, 2016 | 58.4M PDF/ZIP/LSMV | Includes | md5sum: a80760ce9298ead26efe566ed031e5f4 | Entry

  1. Please Stand; Now, Please Be Seated
  2. Three Ghosts and a Little, Brown Dog  - A sordid tale in the style of a Dickensian ghost story.  Pastor Laphroaig invites us to the anatomical theater, where helpless Tamagotchis are disassembled in front of an audience - for FUN!, Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. Pokémon Plays Twitch  - A delightfully sophisticated and reliable exploit for Pokémon Red on the Super Game Boy, starting from a save-game glitch, then working forward through native Z80 code execution to native 65C816 code on the host Super NES.  They do all of this on real hardware with scripted access to only the gamepad and the reset switch, by Allan Cecil (dwangoAC), Ilari Liusvaara, and Jordan Potter (p4plus2)
  4. This PDF is also a Game Boy Exploit that Displays the "Pokémon Plays Twitch" Article!  - Contains the details for how this PDF is also an exploit, loading 'Pokémon Plays Twitch' in the LSNES emulator.
  5. SWD Marionettes; or, The Internet of Unsuspecting Thing  - Notes on ARM's replacement for JTAG, called 'Single WireDebug' or SWD.  Driving SWD from an Arduino, she's able to move the target machine like a marionette, scripted from literate HTML5 programming with powerful new elements such as swd-hexedit, by Micah Elizabeth Scott
  6. Reversing a Pregnancy Test; or, Bitch Better Have My Money!  - When we heard that Amanda Wozniak was contracted to reverse engineer a pregnancy test, but never paid for the work, we quickly scrounged up five Canadian loonies to buy the work as scrap.  Page 32 contains her notes, and we'll happily pay five more loonies to the first use of this technology in a Hackaday marriage proposal or shotgun wedding, by Amanda Wozniak
  7. A Brief Description of Some Popular Copy-Protection Techniques on the Apple ][ Platform  - Peter Ferrie shares tricks for breaking the copy protection of dozens of Apple ][ games.  When we told Peter to keep his notes to six pages, he laughed and dared us to find tricks worth cutting from his article.  Accordingly, our cutting-room floor is empty and this article is the most complete collection of Apple ][ cracking techniques in modern publication, by Peter Ferrie
  8. Reverse Engineering the Tytera MD380  - Travis Goodspeed has been playing with Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) lately, a competitor to TETRA and P25 that is used for amateur radio, as well as trunked radio for businesses and cash-strapped police departments.  Page 76 contains his notes for jailbreaking the Tytera MD380's bootloader, dumping all of protected memory, then patching its application to enable promiscuous mode.  These tricks should also work on the CS700, CS750, and a variety of other DMR handhelds, by Travis Goodspeed (KK4VCZ), Christiane (DD4CR), and Patrick Hickey (W7PCH)
  9. Tithe Us Your Alms of Ø-Day!  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Preacherman.....................................Manul Laphroaig
Ethics Advisor..................................The Grugq
Poet Laureate...................................Ben Nagy
Editor of Last Resort...........................Melilot
LaTeXnician.....................................Evan Sultanik
Editorial Whipping Boy..........................Jacob Torrey
Funky File Formats Polyglot.....................Ange Albertini
Assistant Scenic Designer.......................Philippe Teuwen
Minister of Spargelzeit Weights and Measures....FX

Technical Note:  The polyglot file, pocorgtfo10.pdf, is valid as a PDF, as a ZIP file, and as a LSMV recording of a Tool Assisted Speedrun (TAS) that exploits Pokéon Red in a Super Game Boy on a Super NES.  The result of the exploit is a chat room that plays the text of PoC||GTFO 10:3.  Run it in LSNES (WinBuilds) with the Gambatte plugin, the Japanese version of the Super Game Boy ROM and the USA/Europe version of Pokémon Red: ./lsnes --library=gambatte/

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo10.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo10.pdf
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-01-12 10:38 00000000  AppleII/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-01-12 10:38 00000000  AppleII/LoGo/
  113208  Defl:X    17854  84% 2016-01-12 10:38 1cceb2a1  AppleII/LoGo/Karateka.txt
   40251  Defl:X     8303  79% 2016-01-12 10:38 03fa2f5f  AppleII/LoGo/Lode Runner.txt
   14984  Defl:X     4208  72% 2016-01-12 10:38 3f3c4616  AppleII/LoGo/Tunnels of Armageddon.txt
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-01-12 10:38 00000000  AppleII/qkumba/
   40171  Defl:X    10051  75% 2016-01-12 10:38 bb8bfa23  AppleII/qkumba/Bank Street Writer III.txt
   10485  Defl:X     4213  60% 2016-01-12 10:38 92e86679  AppleII/qkumba/Conan.txt
   12336  Defl:X     4941  60% 2016-01-12 10:38 f2afea9c  AppleII/qkumba/PoP.txt
    3656  Defl:X     1096  70% 2016-01-12 10:38 e96d2857  AppleII/qkumba/Rastan.txt
    9696  Defl:X     3840  60% 2016-01-12 10:38 d45d670f  AppleII/qkumba/Toy Shop.txt
  622342  Defl:X   622437   0% 2016-01-08 14:54 874aa6a3  AppleII/The 4am Collection 2015-12-31.7z
  434121  Defl:X   375763  13% 2016-01-08 14:54 7af14c45  adventure.pdf
 5089608  Defl:X  5089896   0% 2015-09-28 14:16 d59a3421  broken_abandoned.tar.gz
   46988  Defl:X    43791   7% 2015-12-21 09:43 613228d7
 1033007  Defl:X   537559  48% 2016-01-08 14:54 c5efc3e9  hrc5000.pdf
   26996  Defl:X     6365  76% 2016-01-12 10:38 ec31260b  index.bib
   12311  Defl:X     5951  52% 2016-01-12 10:38 ae72950e  index.txt
 6161020  Defl:X  5961672   3% 2015-11-16 12:50 aad2d2bb  is_v91no1.pdf
  994816  Defl:X   701211  30% 2016-01-16 08:41 487d2be0  md380shmoocon.bin
   38774  Defl:X    34937  10% 2016-01-12 10:38 08383ac7
 9615336  Defl:X  9508130   1% 2016-01-08 14:54 e5a02516  p25sec.pdf
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-01-16 08:55 00000000  pokemon_plays_twitch/
   44334  Defl:X    11464  74% 2016-01-01 13:17 b69575cb  pokemon_plays_twitch/controllers.lua
    1889  Defl:X      720  62% 2016-01-04 07:31 625edf0e  pokemon_plays_twitch/lsnes_dump_frames.lua
    1720  Defl:X      697  60% 2016-01-08 14:54 e73a3951  pokemon_plays_twitch/lsnes_dump_latch_subf.lua
 1930821  Defl:X  1468437  24% 2016-01-01 13:17 f3e97844  pokemon_plays_twitch/
  107936  Defl:X   100122   7% 2016-01-04 07:31 60339103  pokemon_plays_twitch/
   11834  Defl:X     4162  65% 2016-01-04 07:31 9a290616  pokemon_plays_twitch/
   11798  Defl:X     4139  65% 2016-01-04 07:31 56513e3a  pokemon_plays_twitch/
 4392174  Defl:X  1938787  56% 2016-01-16 08:55 72aa6115  pokemon_plays_twitch/sgbhowto.pdf
 1003339  Defl:X   956584   5% 2015-12-23 11:47 418a6dff  pregpatent.pdf
  168346  Defl:X   135691  19% 2015-12-28 11:43 f8c8beb2  rowhammer.pdf
    9555  Defl:X     3428  64% 2015-10-24 10:48 c50f2268  yolo.txt
   29509  Defl:X     9765  67% 2016-01-12 10:38 6a58528f  z_OS_LE_Daisy_Chain.rtf
--------          -------  ---                            -------
32033361         27576214  14%                            35 files

  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x11


March 17, 2016 | 32.3M PDF/HTML/ZIP/Ruby | Includes | md5sum: b162285329c2f293a3daef69889c327e | Entry

  1. Please Stand; Now, Please Be Seated
  2. In Praise of Junk Hacking  - Ignore the publicity and drama around a hack, ignore even its target and its CVE.  Instead, we should learn the mechanism of the hack, the clever tricks that make it work, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. Emulating Star Wars on a Vector Display  - In a fit of nostalgia for the good old vector arcade games, Trammel Hudson extended MAME to support native vector displays of the 1983 Star Wars arcade game on both his Tektronix 1720 scope and a Vectrex home vector display, by Trammell Hudson (Twitter)
  4. Master Boot Record Nibbles; or, One Boot Sector PoC Deserves Another  - A 512-byte game for the PC BIOS.  Eric discusses some nifty tricks for self-rewriting code in 16-bit Real Mode and shows that the fancier features of an operating system aren't needed to have a little fun - and that programming a constrained environment can be great fun indeed, by Eric Davisson  (Twitter)
  5. In Search of the Most Amazing Thing; or, Towards a Universal Method to Defeat E7 Protection on the Apple ][ Platform  - Peter Ferrie describes his work toward a universal bypass for the E7 protection mode used on a number of Apple ][ disks.  This is a follow-up to his encyclopedic coverage of protection modes for this platform in PoC||GTFO 10:7, by Peter Ferrie
  6. A Tourist's Phrasebook for Reversing Embedded ARM in the Dialect of the Cortex-M Series  - A series of tourist guides, intended to quickly introduce reverse-engineers to a new platform.  Page 20 provides a lightning-fast introduction to ARM's Cortex-M series, which you'll find in modern devices with a megabyte or less of Flash memory, by Ryan Speers and Travis Goodspeed
  7. A Ghetto Implementation of CFI on x86  - A poor-man's method of patching 32-bit x86 binaries to enforce the control flow graph.  With examples in Radare2 and legible C, you'll be itching to write your own generic patchers for large binaries this weekend, by Jeffrey Crowell
  8. A Tourist's Phrasebook for Reversing MSP430  - Contains similar notes for the Texas Instruments MSP430, MSP430X, and MSP430X2 architectures, a 16-bit competitor to the PIC and AVR, by Ryan Speers and Travis Goodspeed
  9. This HTML Page is Also a PDF, Which is Also a ZIP, Which is Also a Ruby Script, Which is an HTTP Quine; or, The Treachery of Files  - How Evan Sultanik made this PDF - the one that you're reading - into a poyglot webserver quine in Ruby with its own samizdat PoC||GTFO mirror, by Evan Sultanik
  10. In Memoriam: Ben "bushing" Byer  - It is with great sadness that we dedicate this release to the memory of our neighbor Ben Byer, the "hypothetical defendant by the name of 'bushing'" who inspired many of us to put pwnage before politics, to keep on hacking.  We're gonna miss him, by fail0verflow
  11. Tithe Us Your Alms of Ø-Day!  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Preacherman......................Manul Laphroaig
Editor of Last Resort............Melilot
LaTeXnician......................Evan Sultanik
Editorial Whipping Boy...........Jacob Torrey
Funky File Supervisor............Ange Albertini
Assistant Scenic Designer........Philippe Teuwen
.................................and sundry others

Technical Note:  Thanks to a Funky File Format Fire Sale, the file named pocorgtfo11.pdf is a polyglot in HTML, PDF, ZIP, and Ruby that executes as a quine over HTTP.

  • Open pocorgtfo11.pdf in Adobe Reader or in Acrobat (other PDF viewers cannot display the animation).
  • Go to page 8.
  • Click on page area at lower-end.
  • (The animation is JavaScript-based, so of course it won't work, if you disabled JavaScript in your Reader/Acrobat preferences.)
$ unzip -v pocorgtfo11.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo11.pdf
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-03-13 11:41 00000000  4am/
   14760  Defl:X     6237  58% 2016-03-08 10:19 960d7165  4am/Match It (4am crack).txt 
   28280  Defl:X    11072  61% 2016-03-08 10:19 c4863491  4am/Mathematics Activities Courseware Level 6 (4am crack).txt
   26927  Defl:X     9921  63% 2016-03-13 11:41 fd6bedd5  4am/Sentence Structure (4am crack).txt
   57588  Defl:X    19791  66% 2016-03-08 10:19 749fa1c1  4am/Speed Reader II 091286 (4am crack).txt
   25955  Defl:X     8716  66% 2016-03-08 10:19 5429aece  4am/Stickybear Math 2 (4am crack).txt
 1463299  Defl:X  1356309   7% 2016-03-07 09:17 40150663  batteryfirmware.pdf # Battery Firmware Hacking - Charlie Miller
   29496  Defl:X     6558  78% 2016-03-07 09:17 4da233ae #  BQ20Z80 IDA Processor module
    7716  Defl:X     6998   9% 2016-01-29 11:28 bb9b0e7c  favicon.png
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-03-08 10:19 00000000  homages/
  107633  Defl:X   107496   0% 2016-03-08 10:19 f7f81eab  homages/GitItaly.jpg
  807855  Defl:X   797081   1% 2016-03-08 10:19 65c5ae84  homages/ov-keephacking.jpg
  270411  Defl:X   269352   0% 2016-03-08 10:19 85e4a09a  homages/SecurityMug.jpg
 4459080  Defl:X  4287890   4% 2016-03-08 10:19 fe8370f0  homages/ShawNock.gif
   63669  Defl:X    63520   0% 2016-03-08 10:19 22b98466  homages/Zod.jpg
     945  Defl:X      563  40% 2016-03-17 10:03 3115effb  index.txt
   29770  Defl:X     6900  77% 2016-03-16 00:22 a5c9a281  issues.bib
   13628  Defl:X     6482  52% 2016-03-16 00:22 18322acd  issues.txt
 2913698  Defl:X  2625737  10% 2016-03-17 09:59 cac7b2fc  md380tool.apk # A quick tool for accessing the Tytera MD380 from Android.
  247868  Defl:X   189034  24% 2016-03-07 09:17 48fffd1b  sluu225.pdf # bq803xx ROM API v 3.0
  176187  Defl:X   143463  19% 2016-03-07 09:17 7e796116 # Tron Solitare github clone
   28949  Defl:X     7251  75% 2016-03-04 10:20 1f36df49  vectormame.diff # diff for Mame (see Star Wars article)
  314149  Defl:X   312119   1% 2016-03-07 15:41 a9f2e3d8  vst.tar.gz # vector board sources
    3241  Defl:X     1553  52% 2016-03-12 13:27 843513b1  wafflehouse.txt
--------          -------  ---                            -------
11091104         10244043   8%                            24 files

$ ruby pocorgtfo11.pdf &
Listening for connections on port 8080.
To listen on a different port,
re-run with the desired port as a command-line argument.
$ curl -s http://localhost:8080/pocorgtfo11.pdf | diff -s - pocorgtfo11.pdf
A neighbor at is requesting /pocorgtfo11.pdf
Files - and pocorgtfo11.pdf are identical

  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x12


June 18, 2016 | 60.2M PDF/ZIP/APK | Includes | md5sum: 23f54e6844686c6420fc66a981313b4c | Entry

  1. Lisez Moi!  ("read me")
  2. Surviving the Computation Bomb  - A sermon concerning peak computation, population bombs, and the joy of peeks and pokes in the modern world, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. Carols of the Z-Wave Security Layer; or, Robbing Keys from Peter to Unlock Paul  - A number of tricks for extracting pre-shared keys from wireless Z-Wave devices, and then show how to use those keys to join the network, by Chris Badenhop and Ben Ramsey
  4. Content Sniffing with Comma Chameleon  - Weaponize PDF polyglots to exfiltrate data via XSS-like vulnerabilities.  You will never look at a PDF with the same eyes again, by Krzysztof Kotowicz and Gábor Molnár
  5. Crisis of Existential Import; or, Putting the VM in M/o/Vfuscator  - How to implement M/o/Vfuscator as a virtual machine, producing a few bytes of portable C or assembly and a complete, obfuscated program in the .data segment, by Chris Domas
  6. A JCL Adventure with Network Job Entries  - IBM had JCL with syntax worse than Joss, and everywhere the language went, it was a total loss!  So dust off your z/OS mainframe and find that ASCII/EBCDIC chart, by Soldier of Fortran
  7. Exploiting Weak Shellcode Hashes to Thwart Module Discovery; or, Go Home, Malware, You're Drunk!  - What does a cult Brezhnev-era movie have to dowith how exploit code finds its bearings in a Windows process' address space?  Read to find out, by Mike Myers and Evan Sultanik
  8. UMPOwn  - A 'Device Guard Mitigation Bypass' for Windows 10, escalating from Ring 3 to Ring 0 with complete reconstruction of all corrupted data structures, by Alex Ionescu
  9. Vim Execution Engine  - A Turing-complete virtual machine for Vim using only the normal commands, such as yank, put, delete, and search, by Chris Domas  (GitHub)
  10. Doing Right by Neighbor O'Hara  - A sermon against the heresy of 'sanitizing' input as a miracle cure against injection attacks.  Our guest preacher exposes it as fundamentally unneighborly, and vouchsafes the true faith, by Andreas Bogk
  11. Are All Androids Polyglots or Only C-3PO?  - You get to practice Jedi polyglot mind tricks on the Android package system.  Now these are the droids we are looking for, neighbors!, by Philippe Teuwen
  12. Tithe Us Your Alms of Ø-Day!  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Preacherman......................Manul Laphroaig
Editor of Last Resort............Melilot
LaTeXnician......................Evan Sultanik
Editorial Whipping Boy...........Jacob Torrey
Funky File Supervisor............Ange Albertini
Assistant Scenic Designer........Philippe Teuwen
Spirit Animal Guide..............Spencer Pratt
.................................and sundry others

Technical Note:  The polyglot file, pocorgtfo12.pdf, is valid as a PDF, as a ZIP file, and as an Android application.  You can read all about the polyglot on page 79.  To install it on an Android terminal, simply drop it into /sdcard and run the following from the Android shell: pm install /sdcard/pocorgtfo12.pdf

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo12.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo12.pdf
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
30544923  Stored 30544923   0% 2016-06-18 04:26 00c65ce7  pocorgtfo12-printing.pdf
    2536  Defl:X      885  65% 2016-06-17 19:24 e164e44f  AndroidManifest.xml
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-06-15 12:37 00000000  CommaChameleon/
     361  Defl:X      246  32% 2016-06-15 12:37 5b6f822e  CommaChameleon/README
    4783  Defl:X     1584  67% 2016-06-15 12:37 b0a9f888  CommaChameleon/index.html
     522  Defl:X      345  34% 2016-06-15 12:37 5fd3fecd  CommaChameleon/smaller.pdf
     904  Defl:X      499  45% 2016-06-15 12:37 0ad842a5  CommaChameleon/doc.php
     732  Defl:X      476  35% 2016-06-15 12:37 4e5bcc7e  CommaChameleon/ascii.pdf
  299575  Defl:X   277172   8% 2016-06-15 12:37 b9ac5ab0  CommaChameleon/
    1264  Defl:X      630  50% 2016-06-15 12:37 30244692  CommaChameleon/xfa.pdf
      45  Defl:X       44   2% 2016-06-15 12:37 8c2c83dd  CommaChameleon/secret.txt
  236248  Defl:X   214257   9% 2016-06-18 04:08 5103fbbd  ExecPacket.pdf # Execute My Packet
  157652  Defl:X    50650  68% 2016-06-15 12:37 1c6a04ac  Gumball (4am & san inc crack).txt
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-06-15 12:37 00000000  HackBack/
   45018  Defl:X    18635  59% 2016-06-15 12:37 883d31a6  HackBack/GPSHF04A
   44244  Defl:X    18551  58% 2016-06-15 12:37 e0c80233  HackBack/6kho7.txt
   43086  Defl:X    17840  59% 2016-06-15 12:37 1b76d64c  HackBack/0SNSvyjJ
  668120  Defl:X   634105   5% 2016-06-18 04:08 8b309840  JSMinifier.pdf # Backdooring your JavaScript using minifier bugs, by bcrypt
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-06-15 12:37 00000000  KeepHacking/
  663267  Defl:X   648915   2% 2016-06-15 12:37 1e8c6541  KeepHacking/luca1.jpg
  240255  Defl:X   232013   3% 2016-06-15 12:37 91825fa4  KeepHacking/luca2.jpg
 8247437  Defl:X  6646819  19% 2016-06-18 04:08 19b46dd8  RE4B-EN-A5.pdf # Reverse Engineering for Beginners, A5 format
 6507401  Defl:X  6212880   5% 2016-06-17 18:37 97a28077  RE4B-EN.pdf # Reverse Engineering for Beginners
   27608  Defl:X     9349  66% 2016-06-15 12:37 e6e4169a  Rocky's Boots 4.0.txt
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-06-17 19:38 00000000  ShellCodeHashCollision/
    1399  Defl:X      431  69% 2016-06-17 19:38 4211b1d2  ShellCodeHashCollision/ShellcodeHarness.sln
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-06-17 19:38 00000000  ShellCodeHashCollision/InterferenceDLL/
     164  Defl:X      142  13% 2016-06-17 19:38 df441710  ShellCodeHashCollision/InterferenceDLL/InterferenceDLL.vcxproj.user
     314  Defl:X      193  39% 2016-06-17 19:38 05ca42df  ShellCodeHashCollision/InterferenceDLL/targetver.h
    1585  Defl:X      543  66% 2016-06-17 19:38 a1a2a189  ShellCodeHashCollision/InterferenceDLL/InterferenceDLL.vcxproj.filters
    9227  Defl:X     1291  86% 2016-06-17 19:38 380d5ced  ShellCodeHashCollision/InterferenceDLL/InterferenceDLL.vcxproj
    1317  Defl:X      695  47% 2016-06-17 19:38 ae754e75  ShellCodeHashCollision/InterferenceDLL/InterferenceDLL.cpp
     419  Defl:X      259  38% 2016-06-17 19:38 5aaa4001  ShellCodeHashCollision/InterferenceDLL/stdafx.h
     302  Defl:X      195  35% 2016-06-17 19:38 a000d7ab  ShellCodeHashCollision/InterferenceDLL/stdafx.cpp
    1235  Defl:X      628  49% 2016-06-17 19:38 84b6e5f1  ShellCodeHashCollision/InterferenceDLL/dllmain.cpp
    2224  Defl:X      846  62% 2016-06-17 19:38 db34ec5b  ShellCodeHashCollision/InterferenceDLL/ReadMe.txt
    3335  Defl:X     1276  62% 2016-06-17 19:38 02b56f73  ShellCodeHashCollision/InterferenceDLL/ProcessEnvironmentBlock.h
    7804  Defl:X     1931  75% 2016-06-17 19:38 ee58e198  ShellCodeHashCollision/InterferenceDLL/ProcessEnvironmentBlock.cpp
    1793  Defl:X      973  46% 2016-06-15 12:37 0a2688cf  ShellCodeHashCollision/
     200  Stored      200   0% 2016-06-17 19:38 b92dfc56  ShellCodeHashCollision/shellcode.raw
    3495  Defl:X     1582  55% 2016-06-15 12:37 baabdf69  ShellCodeHashCollision/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-06-17 19:38 00000000  ShellCodeHashCollision/ShellcodeHarness/
     314  Defl:X      193  39% 2016-06-17 19:38 05ca42df  ShellCodeHashCollision/ShellcodeHarness/targetver.h
    4537  Defl:X     1075  76% 2016-06-17 19:38 a6539e09  ShellCodeHashCollision/ShellcodeHarness/ShellcodeHarness.vcxproj
    4486  Defl:X     2031  55% 2016-06-17 19:38 e7c8336e  ShellCodeHashCollision/ShellcodeHarness/ShellcodeHarness.cpp
     320  Defl:X      196  39% 2016-06-17 19:38 c3262ff7  ShellCodeHashCollision/ShellcodeHarness/stdafx.h
     303  Defl:X      199  34% 2016-06-17 19:38 50f97b96  ShellCodeHashCollision/ShellcodeHarness/stdafx.cpp
    1778  Defl:X      614  66% 2016-06-17 19:38 75c7d52f  ShellCodeHashCollision/ShellcodeHarness/ReadMe.txt
     395  Defl:X      263  33% 2016-06-17 19:38 8969713f  ShellCodeHashCollision/ShellcodeHarness/ShellcodeHarness.vcxproj.user
    1274  Defl:X      509  60% 2016-06-17 19:38 e3f026b1  ShellCodeHashCollision/ShellcodeHarness/ShellcodeHarness.vcxproj.filters
    2927  Defl:X     1347  54% 2016-06-15 12:37 603f4235  ShellCodeHashCollision/
  776165  Defl:X   774955   0% 2016-06-17 18:37 725566b6 # Fully documented, reverse-engineered STAR RAIDERS source code
    6716  Defl:X     3241  52% 2016-06-17 19:24 6b1a93ab  classes.dex
     562  Defl:X      316  44% 2016-06-18 04:08 56033320  index.txt
   32263  Defl:X     7421  77% 2016-06-17 18:37 bfd57ab6  issues.bib
   14725  Defl:X     6982  53% 2016-06-17 11:46 998e56d6  issues.txt
    6588  Defl:X     2631  60% 2016-06-15 12:37 6f04fc46  nje-node-brute.nse
    6408  Defl:X     2351  63% 2016-06-15 12:37 4e6c44fd  nje-pass-brute.nse
  583819  Defl:X   470026  20% 2016-06-15 12:37 b3de0d37  pringlesenigma3a4.pdf
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-06-17 19:25 00000000  res/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-06-18 04:26 00000000  res/layout/
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       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-06-18 04:26 00000000  res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/
   27417  Stored    27417   0% 2016-06-15 17:49 ded29134  res/drawable-xhdpi-v4/manul.png
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-06-18 04:26 00000000  res/drawable/
  663663  Defl:X   663224   0% 2016-06-17 19:24 5308dc17  res/drawable/manulnfc.png
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-06-18 04:26 00000000  res/drawable-hdpi-v4/
   16112  Stored    16112   0% 2016-06-15 17:49 2de29687  res/drawable-hdpi-v4/manul.png
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-06-18 04:26 00000000  res/drawable-mdpi-v4/
    7550  Stored     7550   0% 2016-06-15 17:49 ab30d2bc  res/drawable-mdpi-v4/manul.png
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-06-18 04:26 00000000  res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/
   61718  Defl:X    61728   0% 2016-06-15 17:49 39095a3e  res/drawable-xxhdpi-v4/manul.png
    1420  Defl:X      370  74% 2016-06-17 19:24 846f860d  resources.arsc
12350367  Defl:X 12352047   0% 2016-06-15 12:37 09c5adcb  vimmmex.tar.gz
  213890  Defl:X   209872   2% 2016-06-15 12:37 7178721b  zwave.tar.gz
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-06-18 04:27 00000000  META-INF/
    1443  Defl:X     1135  21% 2016-06-18 04:27 b294282d  META-INF/POCORGTF.RSA
    6754  Defl:X     3051  55% 2016-06-18 04:27 58a5e9bd  META-INF/POCORGTF.SF
    6592  Defl:X     2915  56% 2016-06-18 04:27 1bc0a0e7  META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
--------          -------  ---                            -------
62572028         60162144   4%                            79 files


  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x13


October 18, 2016 | 62.1M PDF/PS/ZIP | Includes | md5sum: 1f019532beb6db4b234b3f328d4fa68e | Entry

  1. Read Me if You Want to Live!
  2. Reverse Engineering Star Raiders  - The story of how Star Raiders by Doug Neubauer for the Atari 400 was taken apart by Lorenz Weist, from a mere ROM cartridge dump to annotated and literate 6502 disassembly.  By a stroke of luck, Lorenz was able to read Doug's original source code for the game after completing his reverse-engineering project, giving him the rare opportunity to confirm his understanding of the game's design and behavior, by Lorenz Wiest  (Additional Info)
  3. How Slow Can You Go?  - Nifty little trick for simplifying reliable exploitation of race condition vulnerabilities.  Rather than spin-up a dozen attempts to improve racetrack odds, James instead induces situations with pathological performance penalties to Windows NT system calls, stunning the threads of execution that might interfere with his exploit for twenty minutes or more!, by James Forshaw
  4. The FaceWhisperer for USB Glitching; or, Reading RFID with ROP and a Wacom Tablet  - Micah explains an USB magic trick in which her FaceWhisperer board - combining the Facedancer and the Chip Whisperer - which is able to reliably glitch the USBstack of an embedded device to dump its firmware.  Or, we could say that on page 30 she explains how to use undocumented commands from that firmware dump to program the Harvard device by ROP.  Or, we could say that on page 30 she shows you to read RFID tags with a Wacom tablet.  These tricks are all the same article, by Micah Elizabeth Scott
  5. Decoding AMBE+2 in MD380 Firmware in Linux  - On page 38, Travis describes how to rip the AMBE audio codec out of the radio firmware, transforming it into a command line audio processing tool that runs on any Linux workstation.  Similar tricks can be used to quickly toss together emulators for many ARM and PowerPC embedded systems, reusing their library functions, or fuzzing their parsers in the familiar environment of an everyday laptop, by Travis Goodspeed
  6. Password Weaknesses in Physical Security: Silliness in Three Acts  - Evan Sultanik is back with a safe-cracking adventure that could only be expressed as a play in three acts, narrated by our own Pastor Manul Laphroaig.  Speaking parts are available for Alice Feynman, Bob Schrute, Havva al-Kindi, and the ghost of Paul Erdõs.  You'll find Evan's script on page 43, by Evan Sultanik
  7. Reverse Engineering the LoRa PHY  - Matt Knight has been reverse-engineering the PHY of LoRa, a low-power protocol for sub-GHz wireless networking over long distances.  On page 48 you will find not just the protocol details that allowed him to write an open-source receiver, but, far more importantly, you will also find the methods by which he reverse-engineered this information from captured packets, vague application notes, and the outright lies of the patent application, by Matt Knight
  8. Plumbing, Not Popper; or, The Problem with STEP  - Manul reminds us that science takes place neither on stage in front of a live studio audience nor in committees and government offices, but over a glass of fine scotch that's accompanied by finer conversation of practitioners.  In the same way that we oughtn't put Tim 'The Tool Man' Taylor in charge of vocational education, we ought to leave the teaching of science to those who do it, not those who talk about it on TV, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  9. Where is ShimDBC.exe?  - Geoff Chappell is an old-school reverse-engineer, an x86 archaeologist who has spent the past 24 years reading Windows binaries to identify all the forgotten features and corner cases that the rest of us might take for granted.  On page 63, he introduces us to the mystery of Microsoft's ShimDatabase Compiler, an unpublished tool for compiling driver shims that doesn't seem to be available to the outside world.  Geoff shows us that, in fact, the tool is available, wrapped up inside of a GUI as QFixApp.exe or CompatAdmin.exe.  By patching the program to expose its intact winmain(), hec an recover the long-lost ShimDBC.exe for compiling Windows driver compatibility shims from XML, by Geoff Chappell  (Additional Info)
  10. Post Scriptum: A Schizophrenic Ghost  - Evan Sultanik and Philippe Teuwen have teamed-up on page 71, to explain the inner workings of pocorgtfo13.pdf, which you can rename to read as or, by Evan Sultanik and Philippe Teuwen
  11. Tithe Us Your Alms of Ø-Day!  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Man of the Book..................Manul Laphroaig
Editor of Last Resort............Melilot
LaTeXnician......................Evan Sultanik
Editorial Whipping Boy...........Jacob Torrey
Funky File Supervisor............Ange Albertini
Assistant Scenic Designer........Philippe Teuwen
.................................and sundry others

Technical Note:  As described in PoC||GTFO 13:10, pocorgtfo13.pdf, is a polyglot that may be interpreted as both a PDF and a PostScript file.  As a PDF, this file is mostly harmless, but we warn you that the PostScript will render differently each time, including both a randomly generated maze and - if Tavis Ormandy hasn't killed such a lovely bug yet - a copy of your /etc/passwd file.

$ file pocorgtfo13.pdf
pocorgtfo13.pdf: PDF document, version 1.5, ISO-8859 text, with very long lines

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo13.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo13.pdf
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
 5170872  Defl:X  4988137   4% 2016-08-13 19:04 e4c2c318  AIM-239.pdf
   42858  Defl:X    33332  22% 2016-08-13 19:04 bf50a902
  413615  Defl:X   408416   1% 2016-09-27 08:05 c90b73b8  PE6-5000.m4a
    1195  Defl:X      433  64% 2016-10-15 13:20 fa679520
   95671  Defl:X    89872   6% 2016-10-15 13:20 00aa3c9f  SerialDOS.jpeg
    3798  Defl:X     1695  55% 2016-10-15 13:20 98fff872  SerialDOS.txt
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-08-19 14:54 00000000  StarRaiders/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-08-19 14:54 00000000  StarRaiders/extras/
  250327  Defl:X   227305   9% 2016-08-19 14:54 4ab8d7ad  StarRaiders/extras/ColorSheets.pdf
  237177  Defl:X   218675   8% 2016-08-19 14:54 1bfb2a19  StarRaiders/extras/DisplayListSheets.pdf
    1409  Defl:X      716  49% 2016-08-19 14:54 58651d90  StarRaiders/
  643687  Defl:X   140653  78% 2016-08-19 14:54 e1ff14eb  StarRaiders/StarRaiders.source.asm.txt
  825509  Defl:X   177829  79% 2016-08-19 14:54 ad7aefbe  StarRaiders/StarRaiders.source.txt
  776889  Defl:X   775778   0% 2016-09-27 08:05 05e20476
  157840  Defl:X    46304  71% 2016-09-27 08:05 4f20f1bf  StarRaiders_001-112.txt
  234210  Defl:X   221901   5% 2016-08-16 19:45 0961373c  Sugihara.pdf
   20843  Defl:X     8958  57% 2016-06-27 12:34 4375924b  WriteProcessMemory.txt
  439765  Defl:X   331919  25% 2016-08-15 07:44 f9248e0c  aarch64shellcode.pdf
    5268  Defl:X     2581  51% 2016-10-04 07:33 ee6c7860  aard.txt
  766273  Defl:X   654025  15% 2016-10-04 07:33 d787042f  atrisk.pdf
  207850  Defl:X   189600   9% 2016-08-15 13:29 ffbb2036  backyardwireantennaes.pdf
 1093375  Defl:X  1021797   7% 2016-08-16 19:45 3bc8531c  caninjection.pdf
 1189077  Defl:X  1189053   0% 2016-10-03 08:38 98ce0fb0  cte450-homebrew.tar.gz
       0  Stored        0   0% 2016-08-05 14:29 00000000  da_667/
    2106  Defl:X     1068  49% 2016-08-05 14:29 66df947d  da_667/Bohemian_hacksody.txt
    1165  Defl:X      573  51% 2016-08-05 14:29 1392ff2a  da_667/Cyberia.txt
    3339  Defl:X     1783  47% 2016-08-05 14:29 1c29bf18  da_667/L0s3_Urs3lf.txt
    3600  Defl:X     1731  52% 2016-08-05 14:29 440a9dee  da_667/My_ident_is.txt
  366017  Defl:X   364721   0% 2016-10-03 08:38 04d538c3  facewhisperer.tar.gz
    1934  Defl:X      945  51% 2016-10-15 13:20 7e512046  fingerprint.html
  599345  Defl:X   569989   5% 2016-10-04 07:33 0d2b0385  freudenthal.pdf
   97753  Defl:X    97550   0% 2016-09-27 08:05 03259875  gr-lora.tar.gz
   28370  Defl:X    11493  60% 2016-09-27 08:05 18735f0b  hamburgers.txt
    2366  Defl:X     1352  43% 2016-10-17 10:32 2a0f8dc2  index.txt
   34578  Defl:X     7890  77% 2016-10-12 10:00 f4e9dfa1  issues.bib
   15785  Defl:X     7437  53% 2016-10-12 09:58 6c27463f  issues.txt
    4740  Defl:X     2112  55% 2016-10-03 08:38 81b0f922  meat.txt
   27898  Defl:X     7837  72% 2016-08-13 19:04 51913832  mudge_buffer_overflow_tutorial.html
   17239  Defl:X     3767  78% 2016-09-27 08:05 5e60acbe  object_manager_lookup_poc.cs
  111739  Defl:X   110537   1% 2016-08-16 19:45 6fa842e8  scn-final.pdf
     841  Defl:X      408  52% 2016-09-27 08:05 c429db58  seafever.txt
  769628  Defl:X   695854  10% 2016-10-04 07:33 4def8479  selfies.pdf
   19490  Defl:X     5136  74% 2016-10-15 13:42 9c930347
   21831  Defl:X     5678  74% 2016-10-15 13:31 8e2251ed
  245948  Defl:X   170368  31% 2016-06-27 12:34 0a9d46e5  subversiveld.pdf
    1817  Defl:X      528  71% 2016-10-15 13:42 610b7d28
 5071447  Defl:X  5066404   0% 2016-09-27 08:05 4cffff3e  wcc.tar.gz
  184470  Defl:X   176067   5% 2016-10-04 10:47 722cc7bb  wu-preparing-teachers.pdf
 3718504  Defl:X  3717013   0% 2016-09-27 08:05 9565d5af
 5632830  Defl:X  5483438   3% 2016-09-27 08:05 a349baf5  years.pdf
      48  Defl:X       44   8% 2016-09-27 08:05 bdda9d92  zllkey.txt
--------          -------  ---                            -------
29562336         27240702   8%                            51 files

  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x14


March 20, 2017 | 43.9M PDF/ZIP/iNES | Includes | md5sum: 5eaf00d25c14232555a51a50b126746c | Entry

  1. Let Us Share Some Water
  2. Z-Ring Phreaking from a Game Boy  - Vicki Pfau shares with us the story of how she reverse-engineered the Pokémon Z-Ring, an accessory for the Nintendo 3DS whose wireless connection uses audio, rather than radio.  In true PoC||GTFO spirit, she then re-implements this protocol for the classic GameBoy, by Vicki Pfau
  3. Concerning Desert Studies, Cyberwar, and the Desert Power  - A sermon on page 12 concerning Liet Kynes, water, Desert Studies, and the Weirding Way, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  4. Flush+Reload  - Taylor Hornby on page 14 shares with us some handy techniques for communicating between processors by reading shared memory pages, without writes, by Taylor Hornby  (GitHub)
  5. Anti-Keylogging with Random Noise  - Mike Meyers on page 19 shares some tricks for breaking Windows user-mode keyloggers through the injection of fake events, by Mike Myers
  6. How Likely are Random Bytes to be a NOP Sled on ARM?  - Niek Timmers and Albert Spruyt consider a rather specific, but in these days important, question in exploitation: suppose that there is a region of memory that is encrypted, but not validated or write-protected.  You haven't got the key, so you're able to corrupt it, but only in multiples of the blocksize and only without a clue as to which bits will become what.  On page 26, they calculate the odds of that corrupted code becoming the equivalent of a NOP sled in ARM and Thumb, in userland and kernel, on bare metal and in emulation, by Niek Timmers and Albert Spruyt
  7. Routing Ethernet over GDB and SWD for Glitching  - How to bridge an under-clocked Ethernet network by routing packets over GDB, OpenOCD, and a JTAG/SWD bus, by Micah Elizabeth Scott  (GitHub)
  8. Control Panel Vulnerabilities  - Geoff Chappell is back again, ready to take you to a Windows Wonderland, where you will first achieve a Mad Hatter's enlightenment, then wonder what the Caterpillar was smoking.  Seven years after the Stuxnet hype, you will finally get the straight explanation of how its Control Panel shortcuts were abused.  Just as in 2010, when he warned that bugs might remain, and in 2015 when Microsoft admitted that bugs did in fact remain, Geoff still thinks that some funny behaviors are lurking inside of the Control Panel and LNK files.  You will find his article on page 37, and remember what the dormouse said!, by Geoff Chappell
  9. A PostScript That Shows Its Own MD5  - On page 46, Greg Kopf will show you how to make a PostScript image that contains its own checksum, by Gregor "Greg" Kopf
  10. A PDF That Shows Its Own MD5  - On page 50, Mako describes a nifty trick for doing the same to a PDF, by Mako
  11. How We Put the MD5 on the Front Cover  - A short addendum, by Philippe Teuwen
  12. This GIF Shows its Own MD5!  - Kristoffer Janke's trick for generating a GIF that contains its own MD5 checksum, by Kristoffer "spq" Janke
  13. This PDF is a NES ROM that Prints Its Own MD5 Hash!  - Evans Sultanik and Teran describe how they coerced this PDF to be a NES ROM that, when run, prints its own MD5 checksum, by Evan Sultanik and Evan Teran
  14. Tithe Us Your Alms of Ø-Day!  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Man of the Book..................Manul Laphroaig
Editor of Last Resort............Melilot
LaTeXnician......................Evan Sultanik
Editorial Whipping Boy...........Jacob Torrey
Funky File Supervisor............Ange Albertini
Assistant Scenic Designer........Philippe Teuwen
.................................and sundry others

Technical Note:  This file, pocorgtfo14.pdf, is a polyglot valid as a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) ROM cartridge, a PDF document, and a ZIP archive.  We collided 9,824 MD5 block pairs to place the hash of this document on its front cover and the title screen of the NES game, but only 609 of them made it to the final release.

Cover Art:  The cover illustration from this issue is by William E. Damon, first published in Ocean Wonders: A Companion for the Seaside in 1879.

$ file pocorgtfo14.pdf
pocorgtfo14.pdf: NES ROM image (iNES): 2x16k PRG, 1x8k CHR [H-mirror] [Trainer]

$ tail -c +4920 pocorgtfo14.pdf | head -c 2150
                      .'cdxccoO0O:.  ..:kX0ocdc.                
                    .OOo:oklldx;         .,00cox:               
                   'kockxxdlO;.             ,0kxK;              
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               ,kdOco:oX;...   .;coc.      co;  dXok,           
             odlccdocoKK....clcc,c:l,l.  ;l:xxoo.xOocOl         
           .ddcoocodXNNc...........'..'   ...'. .:MdldX         
           OdccdllccxXO'....       .x,.''.,;.    .MOlcW.        
          :Noc:lkx,.Kxxl.....     .lccKXKdk,ko.. 'MxOdKc        
        'KolK00OkxKOoKNX:lxcc;,,l;....,'.'.  .'.kK::KWkWl       
       .dNkxKK0kxxKcO00Mo:oo:;cc:,...        ..okWdlW0OxW;      
      kMdlK00O00kOKkK0dkXOo;. .';coolodxdolc.'coo0K0XOXkNc      
     .W0cONO0NWKKKOxxxOk0O0KXKKkkxdd,     ckOOoO.;oxKWMdKl      

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo14.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo14.pdf
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-03-11 09:20 00000000  AntiKeylogger/
   34816  Defl:X     4214  88% 2017-03-11 09:20 3fe2d047  AntiKeylogger/KeyDemo.v11.suo
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-03-11 09:20 00000000  AntiKeylogger/.vs/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-03-11 09:20 00000000  AntiKeylogger/.vs/KeyDemo/
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-03-11 09:20 00000000  AntiKeylogger/.vs/KeyDemo/v14/
   42496  Defl:X     6188  85% 2017-03-11 09:20 42b9154f  AntiKeylogger/.vs/KeyDemo/v14/.suo
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-03-11 09:20 00000000  AntiKeylogger/KeyDemoGUI/
   15954  Defl:X     4548  72% 2017-03-11 09:20 c80e51b6  AntiKeylogger/KeyDemoGUI/KeyDemoGUI.cpp
     747  Defl:X      373  50% 2017-03-11 09:20 ebc99bbc  AntiKeylogger/KeyDemoGUI/Resource.h
      39  Stored       39   0% 2017-03-11 09:20 6da82c83  AntiKeylogger/KeyDemoGUI/KeyDemoGUI.h
     314  Defl:X      193  39% 2017-03-11 09:20 05ca42df  AntiKeylogger/KeyDemoGUI/targetver.h
     529  Defl:X      296  44% 2017-03-11 09:20 e3d028fa  AntiKeylogger/KeyDemoGUI/stdafx.h
    7430  Defl:X     1281  83% 2017-03-11 09:20 ff5503fd  AntiKeylogger/KeyDemoGUI/KeyDemoGUI.rc
    4698  Defl:X     1073  77% 2017-03-11 09:20 71af6886  AntiKeylogger/KeyDemoGUI/KeyDemoGUI.vcxproj
     297  Defl:X      199  33% 2017-03-11 09:20 33b926b0  AntiKeylogger/KeyDemoGUI/stdafx.cpp
   23558  Defl:X     5099  78% 2017-03-11 09:20 2c5790d5  AntiKeylogger/KeyDemoGUI/KeyDemoGUI.ico
    1836  Defl:X      571  69% 2017-03-11 09:20 1e7db2bd  AntiKeylogger/KeyDemoGUI/KeyDemoGUI.vcxproj.filters
   52328  Defl:X     7139  86% 2017-03-11 09:20 71b21e99  AntiKeylogger/KeyDemoGUI/KeyDemoGUI.aps
    2611  Defl:X      881  66% 2017-03-11 09:20 8a888762  AntiKeylogger/KeyDemoGUI/ReadMe.txt
   23558  Defl:X     5099  78% 2017-03-11 09:20 2c5790d5  AntiKeylogger/KeyDemoGUI/small.ico
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-03-11 09:20 00000000  AntiKeylogger/KeystrokeNoise/
      98  Defl:X       79  19% 2017-03-11 09:20 c5c08a08  AntiKeylogger/KeystrokeNoise/KeystrokeNoise.h
    9013  Defl:X     1269  86% 2017-03-11 09:20 aed92f22  AntiKeylogger/KeystrokeNoise/KeystrokeNoise.vcxproj
     314  Defl:X      193  39% 2017-03-11 09:20 05ca42df  AntiKeylogger/KeystrokeNoise/targetver.h
   23412  Defl:X     7636  67% 2017-03-11 09:20 5caca274  AntiKeylogger/KeystrokeNoise/KeystrokeNoise.cpp
    3782  Defl:X     1303  66% 2017-03-11 09:20 76d1dafc  AntiKeylogger/KeystrokeNoise/IATHook.cpp
     419  Defl:X      259  38% 2017-03-11 09:20 5aaa4001  AntiKeylogger/KeystrokeNoise/stdafx.h
     301  Defl:X      200  34% 2017-03-11 09:20 b4532d9a  AntiKeylogger/KeystrokeNoise/stdafx.cpp
    1717  Defl:X      555  68% 2017-03-11 09:20 a81389f0  AntiKeylogger/KeystrokeNoise/KeystrokeNoise.vcxproj.filters
    1118  Defl:X      632  44% 2017-03-11 09:20 1e3d39fb  AntiKeylogger/KeystrokeNoise/dllmain.cpp
    2217  Defl:X      850  62% 2017-03-11 09:20 2d986ce7  AntiKeylogger/KeystrokeNoise/ReadMe.txt
    2040  Defl:X      870  57% 2017-03-11 09:20 f5dfb7be  AntiKeylogger/KeystrokeNoise/IATHook.h
     377  Defl:X      261  31% 2017-03-11 09:20 24b9d4ab  AntiKeylogger/KeystrokeNoise/KeystrokeNoise.vcxproj.user
    1533  Defl:X      456  70% 2017-03-11 09:20 4438bd0b  AntiKeylogger/KeyDemo.sln
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-03-13 03:17 00000000  CPL/
    3309  Defl:X     3098   6% 2017-03-12 16:31 04b7a4bc  CPL/
   14543  Defl:X    13741   6% 2017-03-12 16:31 e4493aec  CPL/
    6969  Stored     6969   0% 2017-03-12 16:31 ab60abf1  CPL/
    4310  Defl:X     1624  62% 2017-03-05 15:14 7abca69c  CreateSetgidBinary.c
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-03-12 16:31 00000000  Rogdham/
   22162  Defl:X     6096  73% 2017-03-12 16:31 fa65260a  Rogdham/Rogdham.html
   80125  Defl:X    75133   6% 2017-03-12 16:31 f8749603  Rogdham/
   12257  Defl:X     4893  60% 2017-03-12 16:31 4bb2bdd5  Rogdham/gif-md5-hashquine.en.mkd
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-03-12 16:31 00000000  Rogdham/Rogdham_files/
    1887  Defl:X      764  60% 2017-03-12 16:31 faf6cb8e  Rogdham/Rogdham_files/print.min.css
   13007  Defl:X    12514   4% 2017-03-12 16:31 542fd3b1  Rogdham/Rogdham_files/gifmd5hashquine_rogdham_bg_hash.png
  190317  Defl:X   176133   8% 2017-03-12 16:31 ff05e4b3  Rogdham/Rogdham_files/gifmd5hashquine_rogdham_diff.png
   85606  Defl:X    36885  57% 2017-03-12 16:31 b1d21bf2  Rogdham/Rogdham_files/gifmd5hashquine_spq.gif
    6918  Defl:X     2046  70% 2017-03-12 16:31 f98f3984  Rogdham/Rogdham_files/screen.min.css
    3111  Defl:X     2379  24% 2017-03-12 16:31 1dec0453  Rogdham/Rogdham_files/gifmd5hashquine_spq_white_bg.png
  109727  Defl:X   101137   8% 2017-03-12 16:31 1f4d8660  Rogdham/Rogdham_files/gifmd5hashquine_spq_hexdump_nop.png
   15809  Defl:X    15439   2% 2017-03-12 16:31 0c64cb28  Rogdham/Rogdham_files/gifmd5hashquine_proof.png
   36787  Defl:X     3132  92% 2017-03-12 16:31 e09e2120  Rogdham/Rogdham_files/gifmd5hashquine_animated_loop.gif
  107699  Defl:X    99437   8% 2017-03-12 16:31 dbad197f  Rogdham/Rogdham_files/gifmd5hashquine_spq_hexdump_img.png
  291259  Defl:X   277061   5% 2017-03-11 13:14 8b87ac55  Stupid certificate tricks.pdf
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-03-11 13:14 00000000  The Infinitely Profitable Program/
    4339  Defl:X     3130  28% 2017-03-11 13:14 6d2f2f80  The Infinitely Profitable Program/1_launchCPM.pdf
  592835  Defl:X   576846   3% 2017-03-11 13:14 441a509f  The Infinitely Profitable Program/The Infinitely Profitable Program.pdf
    4426  Defl:X     3296  26% 2017-03-11 13:14 bee6ae48  The Infinitely Profitable Program/2_PoC.pdf
   27567  Defl:X    26234   5% 2017-03-12 03:32 d8e1e597
    1282  Defl:X      711  45% 2017-03-18 18:59 9772c655  index.txt
   38160  Defl:X     8403  78% 2017-03-13 16:25 b3c0f169  issues.bib
   16886  Defl:X     7903  53% 2017-03-13 16:25 171cb6e0  issues.txt
  421076  Defl:X   371855  12% 2017-03-13 02:58 ff6773d4  md5-1block-collision.pdf
   85606  Defl:X    36885  57% 2017-03-08 03:32 b1d21bf2  md5.gif
   42337  Defl:X    19532  54% 2017-03-08 03:32 e5ea690e
  398906  Defl:X   175550  56% 2017-03-08 03:32 54481b33  md5_avp_loop.gif
  392219  Defl:X    74028  81% 2017-03-08 17:43 d30a3419  md5jpg.pdf
  202288  Defl:X   103214  49% 2017-03-08 17:43 268d5455  md5text.pdf
   33767  Defl:X     4305  87% 2017-03-05 15:14 96a21b21  phreakium-js.html
    6633  Defl:X     5599  16% 2017-03-05 15:14 835cc4e2
   12770  Defl:X      954  93% 2017-03-08 03:32 252f36ff  quine.pdf
   88023  Defl:X    75281  15% 2017-03-05 15:14 87e946d3
 8558972  Defl:X  8554223   0% 2017-03-18 18:59 1ef8b6fe
  530778  Defl:X   454800  14% 2017-03-12 03:32 5a6ff16e  shattered.pdf
  666661  Defl:X   519871  22% 2017-03-13 02:58 89e24629  stevensthesis.pdf
      69  Stored       69   0% 2017-03-14 10:27 ec3b55b1  zring-flash-info.txt
  524288  Defl:X   320940  39% 2017-03-14 10:27 597c16a0  zring-flash.bin
--------          -------  ---                            -------
13913242         12233866  12%                            78 files


  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x15


June 17, 2017 | 50.6M PDF/ZIP/ILDA | Includes | md5sum: 8363161248b01cc83bc7b437c423ce70 | Entry

  1. There's No Excuse for Not Knowing
  2. Pier Solar and the Great Reverser  - At BSides Knoxville in 2015, Brandon Wilson gave one hell of a talk on how he dumped the cartridge of Pier Solar, a modern game for the Sega Genesis; the lost lecture was not recorded and the slides were never published.  After others failed with traditional cartridge dumping techniques, Brandon jumped in to find that the cartridge only provides the first 32 kB until an unlock sequence is executed, and that it will revert to the first 32 KB if it ever detects that the CPU is not executing from ROM.  On page 5, Brandon will explain his nifty tricks for avoiding these protection mechanisms, armed with only the right revision of Sega CD, a serial cable, and a few cheat codes for the Game Genie, by Brandon L. Wilson
  3. That Car by the Bear Ain't Got No Fire; or, A Sermon on Alternators, Voltmeters, and Debugging  - A sermon on alternators, Studebakers, and bug hunting in general.  This allegory of a broken Ford might teach you a thing or two about debugging, and why all the book learning in the world won't match the experience of repairing your own car, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  4. Text2COM  - Saumil Shah reminds us of those fine days when magazines would include type-in code.  This particular example is one that Saumil authored twenty-five years ago, a stub that produces a self-printing COM file for DOS, by Saumil Shah
  5. RISC-V Shellcode  - Don A. Bailey presents on page 17 an introduction to writing shellcode for the new RISC-V architecture, a modern RISC design which might not yet have the popularity of ARM but has much finer prospects than MIPS, by Don A. Bailey
  6. Gumball  - The monumental task of cracking Gumball for the Apple ][.  Neighbors 4am and Peter Ferrie spent untold hours investigating every nook and cranny of this game, and their documentation might help you to preserve a protected Apple game of your own, or to craft some deviously clever 6502 code to stump the finest of reverse engineers, by 4am and Peter Ferrie
  7. In Which a PDF is a Git Repository Containing its Own LaTeX Source and a Copy of Itself  - Evan Sultanik has been playing around with the internals of Git, and on page 60 he presents a PDF which is also a Git repository containing its own source code, by Evan Sultanik
  8. Zero Overhead Networking  - Rob Graham is our most elusive author, having promised an article for PoC||GTFO Issue 0x04 that finally arrived this week.  On page 66 he will teach you how to write Ethernet card drivers in userland that never switch back to the kernel when sending or receiving packets.  This allows for incredible improvements to speed and drastically reduced memory requirements, allowing him to portscan all of /0 in a single sweep, by Robert Graham
  9. Detecting Emulation with MIPS16 Delay Slots  - Ryan Speers and Travis Goodspeed have been toying around with MIPS anti-emulation techniques, which this journal last covered in PoC||GTFO 6:6 by Craig Heffner.  This new technique, found on page 76, involves abusing the real behavior of a branch-delay slot, which is a bit more complicated than what you might remember from your Hennessy and Patterson textbook, by Ryan Speers and Travis Goodspeed
  10. Windows Kernel Race Condition Analysis While Accessing User-Mode Data  - Page 82 describes how BSDaemon and NadavCH reproduced the results of the Gynvael Coldwind's and Mateusz Jurczyk Pwnie-winning 2013 paper on race conditions, using Intel's SAE tracer to not just verify the results, but also to provide new insights into how they might be applied to other problems, by BSDaemon and NadavCh
  11. x86 is Turing-Complete Without Data Fetches  - Chris Domas, who the clever among you remember from his M/o/Vfuscator, returns on page 87 to demonstrate that x86 is Turing-complete without data fetches, by Chris Domas  (GitHub)
  12. Nail in the Java KeyStore Coffin  - Tobias Ospelt shares with us a nifty little taleon page 89 about the Java KeyStore (JKS) file format, which is the default key storage method forboth Java and Android.  Not content with a simple proof-of-concept, Tobias includes a fully functional patch against Hashcat to properly crack these files in a jiffy, by Tobias "Floyd" Ospelt
  13. The Gamma Trick: Two PNGs for the Price of One  - There's a trick that you might have fallen prey to: sometimes there's a perfectly innocent thumbnail of an image, but when you click on it to view the full image, you are hit with different graphics entirely.  On page 97, Hector Martin presents one technique for generating these false thumbnail images with gAMA chunks of a PNG file, by Hector 'marcan' Martin
  14. Laphroaig's Home for Unwanted Polyglots and Ø-Day  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Man of the Book..................Manul Laphroaig
Editor of Last Resort............Melilot
LaTeXnician......................Evan Sultanik
Editorial Whipping Boy...........Jacob Torrey
Funky File Supervisor............Ange Albertini
Assistant Scenic Designer........Philippe Teuwen
.................................and sundry others

Technical Note:  This file, pocorgtfo15.pdf, is valid as PDF document and as a ZIP file of the relevant source code.  Those of you who have laser projection equipment supporting the ILDA standard will find that this issue can be handily projected by your laser beams.

Cover Art:  The cover illustration from this issue is a Hildebrand engraving of a painting by Léon Benett that was first published in Le Tour Du Monde En Quatre-Vingts Jours (Around the World in Eighty Days) by Jules Verne in 1873.  In George M. Towle's English translation of the same year, you will find this illustration on page 137.

$ file pocorgtfo15.pdf
pocorgtfo15.pdf: ILDA Image Data Transfer Format Color Palette, palette poc|gtfo, number of records 20, palette number 0

$ unzip pocorgtfo15.pdf
$ git clone PDFGitPolyglot.pdf repo
Cloning into 'repo'...
Receiving objects: 100% (432/432), 622.40 KiB | 41.49 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (270/270), done.

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo15.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo15.pdf
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
  144090  Defl:X   137711   4% 2017-06-06 14:47 a7d8c92a  18bytes.pdf                 # Chris Evans' 18 byte file write-up
   28767  Defl:X     9508  67% 2017-05-10 11:18 63075b72  AdvancedGenGGtips.txt       # Tony Hedstrom's Advanced Game Genie code making tips for Sega Genesis
   16818  Defl:X     6009  64% 2017-05-10 11:18 691ac4ea  MakingGenesisGGcodes.txt    # Tony Hedstrom's How to make Sega Genesis Game Genie codes
  638270  Defl:X   608654   5% 2017-06-06 15:01 0234d2bf  PDFGitPolyglot.pdf          # Evan Sultanik's PDF/Git Bundle Polyglot Article and PoC
 1065865  Defl:X   926259  13% 2017-06-12 07:23 7f591035  bochspwn.pdf                # The original Bochspwn paper
 2492489  Defl:X  2074544  17% 2017-06-12 07:23 acfae939  chachmon.pdf                # Simulation and Analysis Engine for Scale-Out Workloads
  310421  Defl:X   309394   0% 2017-06-06 14:47 1cc19460              # chaostavi's Sega CD Transfer Suite
  676881  Defl:X   509789  25% 2017-06-06 14:47 ffe56b2c  flexsc-osdi10.pdf           # Livio Soares & Michael Stumm's Flexible System Call Scheduling with Exception-Less System Calls
  145178  Defl:X   144370   1% 2017-06-06 14:47 c8bec947  gammatrick.png              # Marcan's gamma trick PoC
    3268  Defl:X     1628  50% 2017-06-06 14:47 deda91e1               # Marcan's gamma trick script
  486631  Defl:X   191797  61% 2017-06-12 07:23 5e76cd39  godsathirst.html            # The Gods are Athirst, a novel
  173382  Defl:X   159513   8% 2017-06-06 14:47 0a46bf9a  gumball_ebook.pdf           # Gumball's writeup, in ASCII ebook PDF
    1336  Defl:X      770  42% 2017-06-17 19:40 706d8c3d  index.txt
   39976  Defl:X     9048  77% 2017-06-17 20:55 f703b1b6  issues.bib
   18275  Defl:X     8544  53% 2017-06-17 20:55 d93cfcbb  issues.txt
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-06-08 07:49 00000000  jksprivk/                   # Tobias Ospelt's Java KeyStore private key password cracking suite
    5991  Defl:X     2233  63% 2017-06-06 14:47 63ccbb5f
   27263  Defl:X    24844   9% 2017-06-08 07:49 11e70bd7
   10021  Defl:X     9689   3% 2017-06-07 08:45 6bf84a61  JksPrivkPrepare.jar
  542324  Defl:X   526408   3% 2017-06-06 14:47 c28b97b1                     # BSDaemon and NadavCh's Article Materials on Kernel Double Fetch
 1358803  Defl:X   403041  70% 2017-06-12 07:23 e4581784  mips16e-isa.pdf             # MIPS16 Instruction Set Architecture
  153298  Defl:X   104388  32% 2017-06-06 14:47 3edfc5f7  mips74kc.pdf                # MIPS32 74KcTM Processor Core Datasheet
   17434  Defl:X    15227  13% 2017-06-06 14:47 12bbeca9          # Don Bailey's RISC-V research materials, documentation, and code
 6663858  Defl:X  5343681  20% 2017-06-17 19:40 b8ab30ac  thisnetisyournet.mp3        # Don Bailey and Alex Kreilein's summer hit
     884  Defl:X      490  45% 2017-06-17 19:40 0f11222f  thisnetisyournet.txt        # Lyrics to the summer hit
    4578  Defl:X     3387  26% 2017-06-06 14:47 06d9111b                # Chris Domas' PoC that ARM and x86 are Turing-complete without actually reading data
--------          -------  ---                            -------
15026101         11530926  23%                            26 files

  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x16


October 23, 2017 | 50.4M PDF/ZIP/WebIDE | Includes | md5sum: 077321dc32ba752a1b52039649e9bf31 | Entry

  1. Every Man His Own Cigar Lighter
  2. Sapere Aude!; or, Do You Have a Moment to Talk About Enlightenment?  - A sermon on intellectual tyranny dressed up in the name of science, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. Saving My '97 Chevy by Hacking It  - Brandon Wilson shares his techniques for emulating the 68K Electronic Control Unit (ECU) of his 1997 Chevy Cavalier.  Even after 315 thousand miles, there are still things to learn from your daily driver, by Brandon L. Wilson
  4. Bars of Brass or Wafer Thin Security?  - Deviant Ollam was so kind as to include an article describing why electronic defenses are needed, beyond just a strong lock.  You'll find his explanation on page 17, by Deviant Ollam
  5. Fast Cash for Useless Bugs!  - Page 18 features uses for useless bugs, finger-printing proprietary forks of old codebases by long-lived unexploitable crashes, so that targets can be accurately identified before the hassle of making a functioning exploit for that particular version, by EA
  6. The Adventure of the Fragmented Chunks  - Page 21 holds Yannay Livneh's Adventure of the Fragmented Chunks, describing a modern heap-based buffer overflow attack against a recent version of VLC, by Yannay Livneh
  7. Extracting the Game Boy Advance BIOS ROM through the Execution of Unmapped Thumb Instructions  - On page 39, you will find Maribel Hearn's technique for dumping the protecting BIOS ROM of the Game Boy Advance.  While there is some lovely prior work in this area, her solution involves the craziest of tricks.  She executes code from unmapped parts ofthe address space, relying of bus capacitance to hold just one word of data without RAM, then letting the pre-fetcher trick the ROM into believing that it is being executed.  Top notch work, by Maribel Hearn
  8. Naming Network Interfaces  - Cornelius Diekmann, on page 45, shows us a nifty trick for the naming of Ethernet devices on Linux.  Rather than giving your device a name of eth0 or wwp0s20f0u3i12, why not name it something classy in UTF-8, like ☃?  (Not to be confused with, of course), by Cornelius Diekmann
  9. Code Golf and Obfuscation with Genetic Algorithm Based Symbolic Regression  - On page 47, JBS introduces us to symbolic regression, a fancy technique for fitting functions toavailable data.  Through this technique and a symbolic regression solver (like the one included in the feelies), he can craft absurdly opaque functions that, when called with the right parameters, produce achosen output, by JBS
  10. Locating Return Addresses via High-Entropy Stack Canaries  - Given an unannotated stack trace, with no knowledge of where frames begin and end, Matt Davis identifies stack return addresses by their proximity to high-entropy stack canaries.  You'll find it on page 49, by Matt Davis
  11. Rescuing Orphans and their Parents with Rules of Thumb2  - Binary Ninja is quite good at identifying explicit function calls, but on embedded ARM it has no mechanism for identifying functions which are never directly called.  On page 52, Travis Goodspeed walks us through a few simple rules which can be used to extend the auto-analyzer, first to identify unknown parents of known child functions and then to identify unknown children called by unknown parents.  The result is a Binary Ninja plugin which can identify nearly all functions of a black box firmware image, by Travis Goodspeed
  12. This PDF is a Shell Script that Runs a Python Webserver that Serves a Scala-Based JavaScript Compiler with a HTML5 Hex Viewer; or, Reverse-Engineer Your Own Damn Polyglot  - On page 58, Evan Sultanik explains how he integrated the hex viewer IDE from Kaitai Struct as a shell script that runs a Python webserver within this PDF polyglot, by Evan Sultanik
  13. Laphroaig's Home for Unwanted Polyglots and Ø-Day  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Man of the Book..................Manul Laphroaig
Editor of Last Resort............Melilot
LaTeXnician......................Evan Sultanik
Editorial Whipping Boy...........Jacob Torrey
Funky File Supervisor............Ange Albertini
Assistant Scenic Designer........Philippe Teuwen
Scooby Crew Bus Driver...........Ryan Speers
.................................and sundry others

Technical Note:  This file, pocorgtfo16.pdf, is a polyglot that is valid as a PDF document, a ZIP archive, and a Bash script that runs a Python webserver which hosts Kaitai Struct's WebIDE which, allows you to view the file's own annotated bytes.  Ain't that nifty?

Cover Art:  As with the previous issue, the cover illustration from this release is a Hildebrand engraving of a painting by Léon Benett that was first published in Le Tour Du Monde En Quatre-Vingts Jours (Around the World in Eighty Days) by Jules Verne in 1873.

# To run the webserver
$ bash pocorgtfo16.pdf
Listening on port 80...

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo16.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo16.pdf
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
	6066  Defl:X     2001  67% 2017-10-10 20:13 f7fd5605  canarypoc.c                   # C source code for PoC||GTFO 16:10
  188835  Defl:X   179495   5% 2017-09-26 09:41 51129a66  clemency.pdf                  # cLEMENCy architecture from DEFCON 2017's CTF.
 2290846  Defl:X  2144561   6% 2017-09-26 09:41 b19aac5b  crosstalk.pdf                 # Nifty paper on USB crosstalk.
    4757  Defl:X     2221  53% 2017-09-26 09:41 3ef0f078  dakarand_linux.txt            # Patch for implementing a Dakarand number generator in Linux.
  585378  Defl:X   374431  36% 2017-10-12 09:40 d4f48ecc  ehrevents.pdf                 # Paper on events of Electronic Health Records
   53511  Defl:X    15989  70% 2017-10-12 09:40 8bec069d  feynman-what_is_science.html  # Richard Feynman's essay on the meaning of science.
 1020086  Defl:X   692721  32% 2017-10-12 09:40 ced2b63b  forgottenchunks.pdf           # GlibC Adventures: The Forgotten Chunks by Goichon
 1169408  Defl:X  1149370   2% 2017-10-17 07:24 a90c5627  hackedintranslation.pdf       # Director's cut of the VLC subtitle exploit paper.
  220672  Defl:X   128573  42% 2017-10-12 09:40 33de218b  how2heap.tar.gz               # Heap exploit tutorial from the ShellPhish team.
    1535  Defl:X      858  44% 2017-10-17 07:24 0f08026d  index.txt
	 973  Defl:X      839  14% 2017-10-12 09:40 0f94b839                    # Memory dumping code from PoC||GTFO 16:07.
   42637  Defl:X     9683  77% 2017-10-23 07:27 acb03093  issues.bib
   19582  Defl:X     9143  53% 2017-10-23 07:27 0f1d7647  issues.txt
   15849  Defl:X     6652  58% 2017-10-12 09:40 ab20a458  kant-sapere-aude.html         # Philosophy paper by Kant.
   52173  Defl:X    16048  69% 2017-10-12 09:40 c1d36c62  MallocMaleficarum.txt         # Classic heap corruption paper.
 3042349  Defl:X  1040380  66% 2017-10-10 20:13 2bb38340  mc68332um.pdf                 # Motorola 68332 User's Manual
 1329318  Defl:X  1190897  10% 2017-09-26 09:41 9c41981a  mc68705u3_eprom.pdf           # Datasheet for a Motorla EEPROM.
  717623  Defl:X   448785  38% 2017-10-10 07:38 e3c13db2  mc68hc58.pdf                  # Datasheet for the Motorola data link controller.
15454366  Defl:X 12863165  17% 2017-09-26 09:41 01ba3ee0  oflynn.pdf                    # Colin O'Flynn's Dissertation
   34812  Defl:X    12359  65% 2017-10-12 09:40 8f402a82  onceuponafree.txt             # Phrack paper on heap exploits.
 6632534  Defl:X  6460923   3% 2017-10-24 07:52 b7623a8e  PoC.pdf
 1123237  Defl:X  1118026   1% 2017-09-26 09:41 a58c84ae  solver430.pdf                 # Nifty paper on automatically reverse engineering the MSP430 instruction set with solvers.
       0  Stored        0   0% 2017-09-26 09:41 00000000  SymbolicRegression.tgz
   33824  Defl:X    12894  62% 2017-09-26 09:41 62735c04  timeenoughatlast.txt                                  # The short story behind the classic Twilight Zone episode.
  234373  Defl:X   226736   3% 2017-09-26 09:41 796663ff  us-17-Domas-Breaking-The-x86-Instruction-Set-wp.pdf   # A nifty paper by Chris Domas on identifying unknown X86 instructions.
  148992  Defl:X   148530   0% 2017-10-10 20:13 3c3feafe                                  # EA's collection of useless crashers for PoC||GTFO 16:05.
 2644408  Defl:X  2581900   2% 2017-09-26 09:41 96d8df89  woot17-paper-obermaier.pdf                            # Excellent paper on STM32 readout protection bypasses.
--------          -------  ---                            -------
40571113         33613667  17%                            348 files


  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x17

It's damned cold outside, so let's light ourselves a fire!  Warm ourselves with whiskey!  And teach ourselves some tricks!

December 30, 2017 | 59.7M PDF/ZIP/AGC | Includes | md5sum: 4d5097fb4bab124475cb5c7b0bd04de8 | Entry

  1. I Thought I Turned It On, But I Didn't
  2. Constructing AES-CBC Shellcode  - As you'll recall from PoC||GTFO 3:11, AES in CBC mode allows you to flip bits of the initialization vector to flip bits of the first cleartext block.  On page 5, Albert Spruyt and Niek Timmers share some handy tricks for using a similar property: by flipping bits of one block's ciphertext you can also flip blocks of the subsequent ciphertext block after decryption.  In this manner, they can sacrifice half of the blocks by flipping their bits to control the other half, loading shellcode into the cleartext of an encrypted ARM image for which they have no key, by Albert Spruyt and Niek Timmers
  3. In the Company of Rogues: Pastor Laphroaig's Tall Tales of Science and of Fiction  - Pastor Laphroaig has a sermon for you on page 9, concerning the good ol' days of juvenile science fiction, when chemistry sets were dangerous and Dr. Watson's trusty pistol was always at hand, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  4. Sniffing BTLE with the Micro:Bit  - On page 13, Damien Cauquil shows ushow to write custom firmware for the nRF51 chip in the BBC Micro:Bit to sniff an ongoing Bluetooth Low Energy connection, without previously knowing the hop interval, increment, or even the channel map, by Damien Cauquil  (GitHub)
  5. Up-Close and Personal with Ethernet  - Speaking of PHY layer tricks, what does a clever neighbor do when he hasn't got a hardware PHY?  For Ethernet, Andrew Zonenberg simply bit-bangs it from an old Spartan-6 FPGA and the right resistors, by Andrew D. Zonenberg
  6. The DIP Flip Whixr Trick: An Integrated Circuit that Functions in Either Orientation  - When assembling hardware, sometimes it can be ambiguous whether a chip is inserted one way, or rotated one hundred and eighty degrees from that way.  On page 32, Joe Grand shares with us a DIP-8 design that selectively re-adjusts itself to having the chip rotated.  Build your PCB by the ferric chloride method with a 0.1" DIP socket for proper nostalgia, by Joe "Kingpin" Grand  (Additional Info)
  7. Injecting Shared Objects on FreeBSD with libhijack  - Back in the good ol' days, folks would share hooking techniques over a pint of good ale.  Now that pints have as few as eight ounces, and some jerk ranting about Bitcoin ruins all our conversations, it's nice to read that Shawn Webb has been playing with methods for hooking functions in FreeBSD processes through unprivileged ptrace() debugging, by Shawn Webb
  8. Murder on the USS Table  - Page 42 features a gumshoe detective novella, one in which Soldier of Fortran hangs out his neon sign and teams up with Bigendian Smalls to create the niftiest EBCDIC login screen for his z/OS mainframe, by Soldier of Fortran
  9. Protecting ELF Files by Infecting Them  - Leandro Pereira has some clever tricks on page 56 for injecting additional code into pre-existing ELF files to enable defensive features through seccomp-bpf, by Leandro "acidx" Pereira
  10. Laphroaig's Home for Unwanted Polyglots and Ø-Day  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Man of the Book..................Manul Laphroaig
Editor of Last Resort............Melilot
LaTeXnician......................Evan Sultanik
Editorial Whipping Boy...........Jacob Torrey
Funky File Supervisor............Ange Albertini
Assistant Scenic Designer........Philippe Teuwen
Scooby Bus Driver................Ryan Speers
             with the good assistance of
Samizdat Postmaster.....................Nick Farr

Technical Note:  This file, pocorgtfo17.pdf, is valid as a PDF file, a ZIP file, and as firmware for the Apollo Guidance Computer  We the editors do not recommend it for use in space navigation, and we warn our fine readers that replacing a spaceship's navigational firmware before a flight would be a joke in extremely poor taste.

Cover Art:  As with the previous issue, the cover illustration from this release is a Hildebrand engraving of a painting by Léon Benett that was first published in Le Tour Du Monde En Quatre-Vingts Jours (Around the World in Eighty Days) by Jules Verne in 1873.

# Start the emulator GUI on localhost:19697
$ (cd VirtualAGC/Resources && ../bin/yaDSKY2) &

# Assemble the firmware image.
$ yaYUL pocorgtfo17.pdf

# Engage!
$ yaAGC --nodebug pocorgtfo17.pdf.bin

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo17.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo17.pdf
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
    1215  Defl:X      630  48% 2017-12-30 11:28 6b1bfb8c  index.txt
  734494  Defl:X   711328   3% 2017-12-07 13:20 0c6a388b           # A firmware-only half-duplex 10Base-T implementation for AVRs
 1595020  Defl:X  1556154   2% 2017-12-23 16:46 d369c8bc  promiscuousnrf24l01.pdf # Promiscuity blog post for the BTLE Sniffing article.
   25438  Defl:X     7467  71% 2017-12-22 16:29 b1a6419c  phrack56-7.txt          # Phrack citation for the libhijack article 
 2556531  Defl:X  1500629  41% 2017-11-21 11:05 4b4d8ab7  audioformats.pdf        # Audio formats reference by Brian Langenberger
  205819  Defl:X   205132   0% 2017-12-07 16:44 e5b509e8  ubitle.tar.gz           # Source code attachment in the BTLE article
  101406  Defl:X   101411   0% 2017-10-31 08:16 7dc91589  ELFkickers-3.1.tar.gz   # Kickers for "Protecting ELF Files by Infecting Them"
 1503257  Defl:X  1107207  26% 2015-08-31 03:15 116073c7  nrf51.pdf               # nRF51 family guide for "Sniffing BTLE with the Micro:Bit"
 2574418  Defl:X  2508504   3% 2017-12-28 12:28 62ceaaf4  sec17-koppe.pdf         # Reversing microcode paper - included for good reading
   44974  Defl:X    10199  77% 2017-12-30 11:28 2cd6f100  issues.bib
   20685  Defl:X     9613  54% 2017-12-30 11:28 88db59d8  issues.txt
   11509  Defl:X    10842   6% 2017-12-20 20:15 9d3b6bab              # Another feelie for "Protecting ELF Files by Infecting Them"
 1418161  Defl:X  1347866   5% 2017-12-14 22:16 7c716cba           # Ubertooth code as cited in the BTLE article
  162870  Defl:X   155635   4% 2013-09-26 04:42 7e37813d  woot13-ryan.pdf         # Mike Ryan's WOOT13 paper for the BTLE article
 9710680  Defl:X  9366650   4% 2017-12-07 13:27 466dd4c4          # Antikerel OS source
   49194  Defl:X    41484  16% 2017-11-06 16:41 c9f6d290           # Source code for "Injecting shared objects on FreeBSD with libhijack"
   48130  Defl:X    32785  32% 2017-12-22 16:34 77715fba  phrack59-8.txt          # Phrack citation for the libhijack article
  316749  Defl:X   313294   1% 2017-12-23 13:30 b7299278             # Feelies associated with the "The DIP Flip Whixr Trick" article
  131072  Defl:X   115189  12% 2017-12-30 11:28 38014fac     # Mako's hashquines' sources and MegaDrive MD5 collider polyglot
 1304978  Defl:X   563219  57% 2017-12-18 07:59 0d88c58c  christmas.pdf           # Christmas polyglot presentation by Michael Schwarz
 1050609  Defl:X   835687  21% 2016-11-26 22:11 40fee8e6  Asm-1.pdf               # IBM 360 assembly slides
--------          -------  ---                            -------
23567209         20500925  13%                            21 files


    Poc||GTFO - Issue 0x18

Pastor Manul Laphroaig's Montessori Soldering School and Stack Smashing Academy for Youngsters Gifted and Not

June 23, 2018 | 92.3M PDF/ZIP/SHA-1 | Includes | md5sum: 84c49ffee3fffebed5875a162e43bb1d (or f5879ccb9570ec8def41c36854021b4e) | Entry

  1. I Thought I Turned It On, But I Didn't
  2. An 8 Kilobyte Mode 7 Demo for the Apple II  - Nintendo's SNES platform was famous for its Mode 7, a video mode in which a background image could be rotated and stretched to create a faux 3D effect.  This didn't exist for the Apple ][, so on page 4 Vincent Weaver describes his recreation ofthe technique in software as a recent demo coding exercise, by Vincent M. Weaver
  3. Fun Memory Corruption Exploits for Kids with Scratch!  - Many of us began our careers in reverse engineering through line numbered BASIC, and we fondly remember the PEEK and POKE commands that let us do sophisticated things with a child's language.  On page 10, Kev Sheldrake extends the Scratch language so that his son can experiment with memory corruption exploits, by KevSheldrake
  4. Concealing ZIP Files in NES Cartridges  - Vi Grey was reading PoC||GTFO 14:12, and a nifty thought occurred.  Why not merge a ZIP file into an NES cartridge itself, and not just its iNES emulator file?  See page 17 for all the practical details, by Vi Grey
  5. House of Fun; or, Heap Exploitation Against glibc in 2018  - If you enjoyed Yannay Livneh's article on the VLC heap from PoC||GTFO 16:6, turn to page 22 for his notes on the House of Fun, exploiting glibc heaps in the year 2018, by Yannay Livneh
  6. RelroS: Read Only Relocations for Static ELF  - Ryan O'Neill, whom you might know as ElfMaster, has been playing around with static-linking of ELF files on Linux.  You certainly know that static files are handy for avoiding missing libraries, but did you know that static-linking breaks Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) and RELRO defenses, that the global offset table might still be writable?  See page 37 for his notes on producing a static executable that does include these defenses, by Ryan "ElfMaster" O'Neill
  7. A Trivial Exploit for TetriNET; or, Update Player TranslateMessage to Level Shellcode  - TetriNET is a multiplayer clone of Tetris that St0rmCat released in 1997.  On page 48, John Laky and Kyle Hanslovan give us a remote code execution exploit for that game just twenty years too late for anyone to expect a patch, by John Laky and Kyle Hanslovan
  8. A Guide to KLEE LLVM Execution Engine Internals  - I would like to talk to you about KLEE, an open-source symbolic execution engine originally developed at Stanford University and now maintained at Imperial College in London.  Symbolic Execution (SYMEX) stands somewhere between static analysis of programs and [dynamic] fuzz testing, by Julien Vanegue
  9. Memory Scrambling on Intel Sandy Bridge DDR3  - When performing a cold-boot attack, it's important to recover not just the contents of memory but also to descramble it, and this scrambler is often poorly documented on modern systems.  On page58, Nico Heijningen patches Coreboot to reverse-engineer the scrambler of the DDR3 controller on Intel's Sandy Bridge processors, by Nico van Heijningen
  10. Easy SHA-1 Colliding PDFs with PDFLaTeX  - Ange Albertini was one of the fine authors of the SHAttered attack that demonstrated a practical SHA-1 collision.  On page 63, he shows how to reuse that same colliding block to substitute an arbitrary image in a larger document, conveniently generated by pdflatex.  As is the tradition in most of Ange's articles, pocorgtfo18.pdf uses this technique to place a stamp on the front cover.  We'll release two variants, but because they have the same SHA-1 hash, we politely ask mirrors to include the MD5 hashes as well, by Ange Albertini
  11. Bring Out Your Dead!  Bugs, That Is  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Man of the Book..................Manul Laphroaig
Editor of Last Resort............Melilot
LaTeXnician......................Evan Sultanik
Editorial Whipping Boy...........Jacob Torrey
Funky File Supervisor............Ange Albertini
Assistant Scenic Designer........Philippe Teuwen
Scooby Bus Driver................Ryan Speers
             with the good assistance of
Virtual Machine Mechanic.........Dan Kaminsky

Technical Note:  This file, pocorgtfo18.pdf, is valid as a PDF, ZIP, and HTML.  It is available in two different variants, but they have the same SHA-1 hash.

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo18.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo18.pdf
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
    2522  Defl:X     1416  44% 2018-06-22 10:08 ec44b3c8  index.txt
   25936  Defl:X    11217  57% 2018-05-15 09:12 d559b662  manwholostthesea.txt           # Brilliant sci-fi story of an explorer's noble end. 
 5257758  Defl:X  5074434   4% 2018-02-06 09:59 1236430a  heijningen-thesis.pdf          # Heijningen's thesis on Intel's memory scramblers.
  652547  Defl:X   616791   6% 2018-06-21 09:53 7788fb46  automatedwhiteboxfuzzing.pdf   # Microsoft Research paper on SAGE
  469377  Defl:X   427063   9% 2018-06-03 15:46 4d9d37b6  stp.pdf                        # A Decision Procedure For Bit-Vectors and Arrays
 2485699  Defl:X  2391447   4% 2008-06-11 14:00 3768349c  cytron.pdf                     # Paper on reversing SSA from a control graph.
   22685  Defl:X     7493  67% 2018-06-21 10:34 79c7c48d               # FrizN's From heap to RIP
  435553  Defl:X    66537  85% 2018-02-06 20:53 ca193131  paper.pdf                      # Tom7's ASCII C89 compiler
   11483  Defl:X     4237  63% 2018-01-04 15:43 28da8b57  relros.c                       # Read Only Relations for Static Elf, source code.
   39295  Defl:X    11686  70% 2018-06-07 14:43 c4d31920                  # CTF writeup cited in House of Fun.
 1074497  Defl:X   988128   8% 2018-02-06 20:53 ba305f4a  SIGGRAPH2001_Tupper.pdf        # Jeff Tupper's self referential formula
  478053  Defl:X   455862   5% 2018-06-21 09:53 2efb14fc  s2e.pdf                        # S2E: A platform for in-vivo multi-path analysis of software systems
   70358  Defl:X    62115  12% 2018-06-03 15:45 7c16ac4e  z3.pdf                         # Z3: An efficient SMT solver.
   27977  Defl:X     6511  77% 2011-11-17 06:48 9e5d73bb                    # script from, cited in RelroS.
   47265  Defl:X    10742  77% 2018-06-07 15:50 a81c4d6a  issues.bib 
   21750  Defl:X    10121  54% 2018-06-07 15:50 082f12c0  issues.txt
   65310  Defl:X    28796  56% 2018-06-03 13:47 ef0a5950  yetanotherfree.txt             # Phrack 66:6, Yet another free() exploitation technique.
   14137  Defl:X     9411  33% 2018-01-11 12:17 cec51cee       # Source code for Heijningen's article on Intel's memory scrambler.
   15258  Defl:X    13337  13% 2017-12-20 13:00 4d4e81fb             # Offline archive of the Tetrinet wiki.
  270920  Defl:X   265378   2% 2017-11-02 11:19 643d1c91                   # Tetrinet game and exploits.
  161481  Defl:X    41837  74% 2017-02-08 08:22 347a9ea2  APPNOTE.TXT                    # PKWare ZIP File Format Specification
  177689  Defl:X   177596   0% 2018-06-03 12:26 ebf3cb6d            # Scratch Exploit Source Code
  120796  Defl:X    31234  74% 2018-04-09 12:00 a76743eb  vudo.txt                       # Phrack 57:8, Vudo - An object superstitiously believed to embody magical powers.
    8955  Defl:X     3950  56% 2018-03-17 11:17 e7b7c66b  pciwhitelistwithoutbiosmods.txt # How to defeat whitelisting without BIOS modding.
   52173  Defl:X    16048  69% 2018-04-09 11:55 c1d36c62  MallocMaleficarum.txt          # Glibc Malloc Exploitation Techniques by Phantasmal Phantasmagoria
 1615511  Defl:X  1321233  18% 2018-06-22 10:08 17c669ba  bochspwn_reloaded.pdf          # Mateusz Jurczyk's brilliant paper on detecting kernel memory disclosures.
   90995  Defl:X    30158  67% 2018-06-03 13:41 83da36ac  mallocdesmaleficarum.txt       # Phrack 66:10 by Blackngel
 8545083  Defl:X  8539322   0% 2018-06-07 14:18 1813f99c               # SHA1 Collider Scripts
  614163  Defl:X   557359   9% 2018-06-03 15:47 fc53f7d0  kleenet.pdf                    # Using KLEE to track distributed components.
   25931  Defl:X    23551   9% 2018-06-07 14:40 f5ae8dc8                   # Nifty repo on learning heap techniques by the Shellphish CTF team.
37772357  Defl:X 37702714   0% 2018-06-21 09:53 ce44e8da                # Archive of The Hacker's Choice.  (Mildly redacted of old versions to save space.)
   21111  Defl:X    20725   2% 2018-02-24 11:56 1c3a474c               # x86/x64 virus code by hh86
   34812  Defl:X    12359  65% 2018-04-09 12:01 8f402a82  onceuponafree.txt              # Phrack 57:9, Once Upon a Free
    1390  Defl:X      568  59% 2018-01-09 20:06 3ba388cf  static_to_dyn.c                # Elfmaster's tool for converting a static executable to a dynamic one.
   73781  Defl:X    73641   0% 2018-05-03 10:44 54a2f916  mode7.tar.gz                   # Source code to Vincent Weaver's 8kb Mode7 demo for the Apple ][.
  749675  Defl:X   749072   0% 2018-06-05 13:15 b0d06dde  dietlibc.tar.gz                # Diet Libc from
   24592  Defl:X    10123  59% 2018-02-24 11:56 e67608ee  neszip-example.nes             # Vi Grey's ZIP file that doubles as a Nintendo cartridge.
   21660  Defl:X     7445  66% 2018-06-05 09:41 984f63ee  vmmirror.txt                   # VMA Mirroring Docs from the PaX Team
  409600  Defl:X   137913  66% 2018-06-07 14:32 514bf74c  MainframeHacker.img            # Disk image for a Mainframe Choose-Your-Own-Adventure game!
  333041  Defl:X   313727   6% 2018-06-11 10:24 4ccb8ed5  nextgendebuggers.pdf           # Julien Vanegue's paper on next generation debuggers for reverse engineering.
--------          -------  ---                            -------
62343176         60233297   3%                            40 files

  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x19

This janky old piano has a few more tunes!  And so do you!  And so do I!

March 27, 2019 | 64.7M PDF/ZIP/HTML/MD5(PE/PNG/MP4) | Includes | md5sum: ac75bf434f3624612cc3b6ee1aa59218 | Entry

  1. Let's Start a Band Together!
  2. Of Coal and Iron  - Our editor-in-chief regales us with tales of coke!  Neither the soft drink nor the alkaloid, he speaks here of the refined coal that ushered in the Industrial Revolution, the compromises necessary to build an affordable bridge from wrought and cast iron when steel has yet to be invented, and the disastrous collapse of the Tay Bridge in Scotland.  What modern marvels are made affordable and efficient by similar fancy tricks, only to collapse under an adversarial load?, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. On CSV Injection and RFC 5322  - On page 11, Jeff Dileo presents a trick for formatting PowerShell scripts as email addresses, such that they are executed when exported by spammers into Microsoft Excel as CSV textfiles, by Jeff Dileo
  4. Undefining the ARM  - Eric Davisson shows on page 17 that, at least in the instructions of modern ARM executables, it is possible to scramble the constants, breaking compatibility with disassemblers while executing exactly as intended on real hardware.  Perhaps you, dear reader, can do the same to other architectures?, by Eric Davisson
  5. An MD5 Pileup Fit for Jake and Elwood  - After our paper release, and only when quality control has been passed, we will make an electronic release named pocorgtfo19.pdf.  It is a valid PDF document, an HTML page, and a ZIP file filled with fancy papers and source code.  You might also find pocorgtfo19.exe, pocorgtfo19.png and pocorgtfo19.mp4 with the same MD5 hash.  On page 21, our very own Ange Albertini will show youshow he made this pileup of a polyglot and hash collisions,by Ange Albertini and Marc Stevens
  6. Selectively Exceptional UTF-8; or, Carefully Tossing a Spanner in the Works  - There's a lot of fancy work that can be do with homoglyphs in UTF-8, but what other clever things can be done with it?  Ryan Speers and Travis Goodspeed have been fuzzing UTF-8 interpreters not for crashes, but for differences of opinion on string legality.  On page 39, they will show you how to make a string that is happily allowed by Java and Golang, but impossible to insert into a PostgreSQL table, by Travis Goodspeed and Ryan Speers
  7. Never Fret that Unobtainium  - Even the best among us, having hoarded electronic components for years, sometimes lack that one nifty piece that would make a project work.  Page 44 presents one such project, a vacuum fluorescent display driver that was saved by clever thinking and a refusal to give into frustration, by Matthew Peters
  8. Steganography in .ICO Files  - Rodger Allen presents us, on page 47, with a clever tool in Haskell that hides text in the unused space of BMP and ICO palettes.  You just might find a copy of its source code in the favicon of your favorite PoC//GTFO mirror!, by Rodger Allen
  9. The Pages of PoC||GTFO  - We relax for intermission on page 53 with a delightful ditty by Dr. EVM and MMX Show, their hit single, The Pages of PoC//GTFO!, by Dr. EVM and the MMX Show
  10. Vector Multiplication as an IPC Primitive  - So there's this idea that wherever two users share a constrained resource, they can use it as a communications channel, just by hogging the resource or leaving it be.  The faster and more tightly constrained the resource is, the better to communicatewith it.  On page 55, Lorenzo Benelli shows us that vector multiplication on Intel's AVX instruction set is a constrained resource, and that its startup and shut down delays can be used as a communications channel, by Lorenzo Benelli
  11. Camelus Documentum: A PDF with Two Humps  - Gabriel Radanne presents his Camelus Documentum on page 60, a PDF file that is also executable OCaml bytecode.  The Sapir-Albertini hypothesis - you heard of it here first - neighbors!, by Gabriel 'Drup' Radanne
  12. Inside the Emulator of Windows Defender  - You might remember Alexei Bulazel from his hilarious AVLeak research at WOOT, in which he exfiltrated file and registry listings from cloud anti-virus products through thousands of preselected false positives and a fresh unpacker.  Windows Defender has been a pet research project of his, and on page 64, he explains the internals of its emulator.  You'll learn how its custom apicall instruction can be added to IDA Pro, how to add an output channel for printf() debugging from the emulator, and how to bypass Microsoft's mitigations against abuseof this emulation layer, by Alexei Bulazel
  13. What Clever Things Have You Learned Lately?  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Man of the Book..................Manul Laphroaig
Editor of Last Resort............Melilot
LaTeXnician......................Evan Sultanik
Editorial Whipping Boy...........Jacob Torrey
Funky File Supervisor............Ange Albertini
Assistant Scenic Designer........Philippe Teuwen
Scooby Bus Driver................Ryan Speers

Technical Note:  This file, pocorgtfo19.pdf, is valid as a PDF document, a ZIP archive, and a HTML page.  It is also available as a Windows PE executable, a PNG image and a MP4 video, all of which have the same MD5 as this PDF.

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo19.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo19.pdf
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
   15905  Defl:X    14500   9% 2019-01-04 10:19 838d0657           # Code accompanying "Inside the Emulator of Windows Defender".
   90291  Defl:X    23139  74% 2019-03-04 13:23 8da8fe88  phrack6612.txt         # Alphanumeric RISC ARM Shellcode. 
  181069  Defl:X   181080   0% 2019-01-04 10:19 a00486ec  jonesforth.tar.gz      # Mirror of Richard WM Jones's excellent literate x86 assembly implementation of Forth.
   95259  Defl:X    77726  18% 2019-03-04 13:23 6f6633b9  hydan.pdf              # Hydan: Hiding Information in Program Binaries.  
   22868  Defl:X    10578  54% 2019-03-25 15:17 7439e221  issues.txt          
  603752  Defl:X   588233   3% 2019-03-09 13:41 f477ff8d            # CamlPDF is an OCaml library for reading, writing and modifying PDF files.
   28380  Defl:X    27629   3% 2019-02-22 13:10 51ea928c   # Helper for writing a MD5-related crypto song/poem.
 1075200  Defl:X   176180  84% 2019-03-04 13:23 e00f3579  hydan-0.13.tar.gz      # Hydan steganographically conceals a message into an application.
   65552  Defl:X    26040  60% 2019-01-04 10:19 0d9ef401  opexii.nes             # I Dream of Game Genies and ZIP Files Presentation NES ROM File (HOPE XII).
 3096660  Defl:X  2978685   4% 2019-03-09 12:01 ba128e24  winalskiworm.mp3       # Paul Winalski: On Crashing DECnet for Fun and Profit.
  192504  Defl:X    57264  70% 2019-03-09 12:01 d7df3e33  rfc2821.txt            # RFC 2821: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
  269027  Defl:X   258781   4% 2019-01-04 10:19 f963e8aa        # Horrifying PDF Experiments Github Repository Archive.
  168131  Defl:X   141594  16% 2019-03-10 16:53 a929afef  thomsenmd2.pdf         # An improved preimage attack on MD2.
 1250401  Defl:X  1117819  11% 2019-01-04 10:19 5d052ab8  avgvawtrak.pdf         # Analysis of Banking Trojan Vawtrak White Paper.
 2371249  Defl:X  2368980   0% 2019-03-09 13:41 446638d1            # A tool to create PDFs that are also OCaml bytecodes.
10437803  Defl:X 10222369   2% 2019-01-04 10:19 3ddd39f9  softstripthesis.pdf    # Reverse Engineering The Cauzin Softstrip.
  157703  Defl:X   130609  17% 2019-01-04 10:19 25a0e435  caml-formats.pdf       # Caml Virtual Machine - File & data formats.
   85611  Defl:X    73089  15% 2019-01-04 10:19 da22e955  utf.pdf                # Hello World or Καλημέρα κόσμε or こんにちは 世界.
   49800  Defl:X    11294  77% 2019-03-25 15:17 9553e216  issues.bib          
  380650  Defl:X   347230   9% 2019-01-13 11:55 82ebfb5f          # A tool for manipulating 'optional' bits in ARM processor instructions.
  122322  Defl:X    32150  74% 2019-03-09 12:01 59f0fba6  rfc5322.txt            # RFC 5322: Internet Message Format
 5316181  Defl:X  4734743  11% 2019-02-22 13:10 fffd6b98  stevensthesis.pdf      # Attacks on Hash Functions and Applications.
   24967  Defl:X     9371  63% 2018-09-30 20:35 89e381a6  vaxhax-0xabad1dea.txt  # VaxHax: A Quick Guide to Asm on the VAX-11.
   64954  Defl:X    60284   7% 2019-03-09 13:41 9c252ad5           # OCaml bytecode library tools.
   24087  Stored    24087   0% 2019-01-04 10:19 8267d0d9  stegpal- # Steganography in .ICO Files, PoC in Haskell.
  134809  Defl:X   131531   2% 2016-08-08 02:11 863df509  avleak.pdf             # AVLeak: Fingerprinting Antivirus Emulators Through Black-Box Testing.
  298853  Defl:X    70216  77% 2019-01-04 10:19 ca2e12e2  galaxian.asm           # Galaxian 1979 Reverse Engineered Assembly Code.
  852868  Defl:X   370976  57% 2019-01-04 10:19 ddf712d1  caml-instructions.pdf  # Caml Virtual Machine - Instruction set.
 4008193  Defl:X  3917253   2% 2019-01-25 06:28 1af71635  reverse-engineering-ble-devices.pdf  # Reverse Engineering BLE Devices Documentation.
    2145  Defl:X     1238  42% 2019-03-25 15:17 fe048d98  index.txt
 2306945  Defl:X  2192382   5% 2019-01-04 10:19 c78f5e48  urh.pdf                # Universal Radio Hacker: A Suite for Analyzing and Attacking Stateful Wireless Protocols.
   19676  Defl:X    17862   9% 2019-03-09 13:41 d8324af6      # An OCaml bytecode which is also a PDF and a PNG.
   83900  Defl:X    77184   8% 2019-01-04 10:19 c1f51574            # Handcrafted PDF with an interactive Game Of Life in WebAssembly.
--------          -------  ---                            -------
33897715         30472096  10%                            33 files

  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x20

Grab gifts from the genizah, reading every last page!  And write in their margins!  And give them all again!

January 21, 2020 | 39.9M PDF/ZIP/TI-sign(PDF) | Includes | md5sum: c1624bd2a775a0f179fad0c1b8d5fae9 | Entry

  1. Let's Start a Band Together!
  2. Let's Build a Geniza from the World's Flash Memory!  - A sermon about preserving books for the long haul on page 5, which imagines a technique by which we could put unused pages of Flash memory to good use, preserving the books of our civilization just as well as the fine folks of the Ezra synagogue in Cairo did a thousand years ago, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. NFC Exploitation with the RF430RFL152 and 'TAL152  - Travis Goodspeed and Axelle Apvrille introduce us to the RF430FRL152H chip from Texas Instruments, an NFC tag with a built-in microcontroller that runs from FRAM instead of Flash memory.  Not only is it handy for emulating other NFC Type V tags, but we'll also learn how to dump memory from a locked tag with a custom mask ROM, by Travis Goodspeed and Axelle Apvrille  (GitHub)
  4. Turtles All the Way Down  - In this day of hardware virtualization, we often take emulation for granted, and it is no surprise that programs for one platform run on another.  But on page 14, Charles Mangin presents an Altair 8800 emulator that runs accurately on the Apple ][, with fewer registers and less configurable memory, by Charles Mangin
  5. An Arbitrary Read Exploit for Ryzenfall  - You might recall that in March of 2018, there was a bit of drama around an arbitrary physical memory read vulnerability in AMD's Ryzen platform, but did you ever understand the bug well enough to exploit it?  Those of us who merely made a flippant comment on Twitter about disclosure policies, and therefore must ask forgiveness for our crass ways, can find a thorough and technical explanation with code examples, by David Kaplan on page 25. by David Kaplan  (Twitter, GitHub)
  6. A Short History of Texas Instrument Calculator Hacks  - Quite a few of us first learned Z80 assembly language for our calculators in high school, and on page 32, we bring you Brandon Wilson's short history of TI graphing calculator hacking.  You'll learnhow the TI-85's memory backups were used to corrupt function pointers in the Custom menu, how the TI-83+ RSA512 signing keys were factored in bedrooms, and how the Z80 emulation mode of the Zilog eZ80 calculators left holes through which the operating system could be patched, by Brandon L. Wilson
  7. Modern ELF Infection Techniques of SCOP Binaries  - Ryan O'Neill, whom you might know as ElfMaster, is back on page 45 with an accurate technical description of ld's -separate-code feature that changes the ways in which ELF segments are parsed and might be infected, by Ryan "ElfMaster" O'Neill
  8. Encryption is Not Integrity!  - Page 62 presents a nice little riddle in cryptographic numerology by Cornelius Diekmann, which is itself generated by a Python script, by Cornelius Diekmann
  9. RSA GTFO  - We then continue to a second crptography rant, in mildly more explicit language, by Ben Perez on page 68, by Ben Perez
  10. A Code Pirate's Cutlass: Recovering Software Architecture from Embedded Binaries  - EVM concludes this release with tricks for detecting the boundaries between statically-linked objects.  He begins by noticing that functions at the beginning of a module are more likely to call forward than backward, while by the end of the module the call backward more than forward until the beginning of the next module, when they abruptly begin to call forward again.  Through this and other tricks, plus a lot of necessary calibration, he presents a polished toolkit for cutting apart linked objects on page 73, by EVM
  11. What Clever Things Have You Learned Lately?  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Man of The Book..................Manul Laphroaig
Editor of Last Resort............Melilot
LaTeXnician......................Evan Sultanik
Editorial Whipping Boy...........Jacob Torrey
Funky File Supervisor............Ange Albertini
Assistant Scenic Designer........Philippe Teuwen
Scooby Bus Driver................Ryan Speers
Samizdat Postmaster..............Nick Farr

Technical Note:  The electronic edition of this magazine is valid as both PDF and ZIP.  The PDF has been cryptographically signed with a factored private key for the TI-83+ graphing calculator.

$ pdfsig pocorgtfo20.pdf
Digital Signature Info of: pocorgtfo20.pdf
Signature #1:
  - Signer Certificate Common Name: TI-83 Plus Silver Edition OS Signing Key
  - Signer full Distinguished Name: CN=TI-83 Plus Silver Edition OS Signing Key
  - Signing Time: Jan 21 2020 19:28:53
  - Signing Hash Algorithm: SHA1
  - Signature Type: adbe.pkcs7.sha1
  - Signed Ranges: [0 - 39897127], [39898675 - 39903679]
  - Total document signed
  - Signature Validation: Signature is Valid.
  - Certificate Validation: Certificate issuer isn't Trusted.

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo20.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo20.pdf
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
    2388  Defl:X     1340  44% 2020-01-21 11:55 dd4c3b61  index.txt
  102530  Defl:X    34589  66% 2019-11-03 04:29 77087fb1           # TI-83 Plus Include File, by Brandon Wilson.
 1901300  Defl:X  1855666   2% 2019-11-03 04:29 e3907236            # SIM-8800: Altair 8800 emulator for Apple II, by Dann McCreary.
  455128  Defl:X   182484  60% 2019-11-03 04:29 109eca67  revolt_en.txt          # The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Revolt of the Angels, by Anatole France.
   64811  Defl:X    20275  69% 2019-12-06 04:44 9603091c  phrack61-8.txt         # The Cerberus ELF Interface, by mayhem
   48667  Defl:X    11496  76% 2020-01-20 10:16 0631d209  issues.bib              
 2472176  Defl:X  1436312  42% 2019-11-03 04:29 106aa609  decompilerthesis.pdf   # Reverse Compilation Techniques, by Cristina Cifuentes.
   22573  Defl:X    10813  52% 2020-01-20 10:16 4f7c0cb2  issues.txt
   12411  Defl:X     9568  23% 2019-11-03 04:29 5d7e3bc6       # TI-73/83/84/89/92 and Voyage 200 Flash and OS Signing Keys.
 2295101  Defl:X   210041  91% 2020-01-20 12:16 7f02503e  pocsag.pdf             # The POCSAG Paging Protocol, application note by Adam Hickerson
  386802  Defl:X   363850   6% 2020-01-04 13:55 3b3cd0c0  weakkeys12.pdf         # Mining Your Ps and Qs: Detection of Widespread Weak Keys in Network Devices, by Nadia Heninger
  520283  Defl:X   515498   1% 2020-01-04 13:55 4117f45e  primeandprejudice.pdf  # Prime and Prejudice: Primality Testing Under Adversarial Conditions, by Martin R. Albrecht
 1329049  Defl:X  1239285   7% 2019-11-03 04:29 ffb2973b  w25q128fv.pdf          # W25Q128FV (128M-bit) Serial Flash memory datasheet.
   54047  Defl:X    16068  70% 2019-12-06 04:44 e0daf514  retaliation.txt        # An unofficial analysis of the Retaliation Virus (Authored by JPanic).
     964  Defl:X      512  47% 2019-11-03 04:29 f761500b  exactitude.txt         # Relic of the Disciplines of Binary Analysis.
   50472  Defl:X    24544  51% 2019-12-06 04:44 470e7375  elf-pv.txt             # UNIX ELF Parasites and Virus, by Silvio Cesare.
  124687  Defl:X   109871  12% 2020-01-04 13:55 73ff1ffd  historyofrsa.pdf       # The RSA Cryptosystem: History, Algorithm, Primes.
 4987220  Defl:X  4974984   0% 2019-11-03 04:29 cd97cd11  wabbitemu- # A TI graphing calculator emulator.
   10026  Defl:X     8772  13% 2020-01-20 12:16 76a1613d               # Code by ElfMaster for PoC||GTFO 20:07
   65927  Defl:X    17392  74% 2020-01-21 11:55 2c055855                 # The source code to Encryption Is Not Integrity, PoC||GTFO 20:08 by Cornelius Diekmann.
  317705  Defl:X   122868  61% 2019-11-03 04:29 71a28847  thais.txt              # The Project Gutenberg EBook of Thais, by Anatole France.
   13057  Defl:X     4422  66% 2019-11-22 16:29 47ca92ce  scop2018.txt           # Secure Code Partitioning With ELF binaries, aka. SCOP.
 1687150  Defl:X  1605247   5% 2019-11-03 04:29 941cdbed  bxthesis.pdf           # Types for the chain of trust: No (loader) write left behind, by Rebecca ".bx" Shapiro.
 1925108  Defl:X  1529902  21% 2019-11-03 04:29 486318a7  preboot.pdf            # Bypassing pre-boot authentication passwords by instrumenting the BIOS keyboard buffer.
11322095  Defl:X 11225250   1% 2019-11-03 04:29 e0d40440            # Detecting Object File Boundaries in IDA Pro, by The Johns Hopkins University APL.
  398631  Defl:X   149060  63% 2019-11-03 04:29 55ec6db7  80days.txt             # The Project Gutenberg EBook of Around the World in 80 Days, by Jules Verne.
  186919  Defl:X   138055  26% 2019-11-03 04:29 990684ae  flashretention.pdf     # Understanding MSP430 Flash Data Retention, by Texas Instruments.
   75511  Defl:X    73272   3% 2019-11-03 04:29 61489c32        # A Windows PoC exploit for the Ryzenfall series of vulnerabilities discovered by CTS Labs.
   94898  Defl:X    92346   3% 2019-11-03 04:29 c72a4a3d                # Phoenix - The ultimate(?) shoot-em-up for the TI-82 through TI-86!
--------          -------  ---                            -------
30927636         25983782  16%                            29 files

  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x21

Notebook of Altera NIOS Disassembly, Routable IPIP Spoofing, PCAP-NG Polyglots, Weird Machinery, Code Golfing, and UHF-VHF TUNERS

February 12, 2022 | 63.9M PDF/ZIP/PCAP-NG | Includes | md5sum: 991b5bb29a0ad0449910a441cef73fb9 | Entry

  1. Don't Give Up on Your Library Card!
  2. A Tale of Glavlit and Samizdat  - The old joke goes that Stalin's 1936 Constitution of the USSR guaranteed freedom of speech, but that rat bastard never made any promises about freedom after speech.  On page 6, our own Pastor Manul Laphroaig takes a step back from the tragedy of so many brilliant works being unpublished or unwritten, to consider another question: If you had the power to censor just the bad stuff, would you use it?, by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  3. Spoofing IP with IPIP  - A long time ago in a fancy bar in Tel Aviv, Yannay Livneh told us of a bug in the IPIP tunneling protocol that might allow for convenient injection of an IP frame into a remote network, that this might be nested to create a very complicated route, and that a large number of machines on the Internet were possibly vulnerable.  His proof of concept took just a week or two, but the coordinated disclosure dragged on for many months, and the only way you can re-pay this blood debt is by reading his fine article on page 7, by Yannay Livneh
  4. Anti-Debugging Tips and Tricks for Cortex-M Microcontrollers  - Suppose that you have some firmware, but you don't want us meddle some reverse-engineers to run that same firmware under a debugger, even after they've defeated the readout protection.  On page 8, Balda describes a grab bag of these anti-debugging tricks, by Balda
  5. Symgrate: A Web API for Thumb2 Symbol Recovery  - Travis Goodspeed and EVM have spent the past year collecting three hundred gigabytes of microcontroller SDKs, which they've parsed and blinded into a SQL database.  Accessible through a JSON API, this database allows such nifty queries as function name recovery and I/O port naming, by Travis Goodspeed and EVM
  6. Reversing the Fair-Play 710 Baseball Scoreboard  - EVM has also been playing with a baseball scoreboard, the Fair-Play 710.  On page 17, he describes his method for attaching this ancient artifact to a modern network, allowing parents in his town to display the scores from the comfort of the bleachers, by EVM
  7. A Tourist's Guide to Altera NIOS  - Our fine journal frequently runs tourist guides to strange CPU architectures.  On page 24, Christopher Hewitt introduces us to Altera's original Nios architecture, a soft-CPU from the year 2000 that was largely forgotten after Intel's acquisition of the FPGA company in 2015.  This particular Nios machine was used in a GPS-disciplined oscillator that Chris wanted to repurpose for other uses, by Christopher Hewitt
  8. An Electromechanical Telephone Exchange  - Those of our readers old enough to have used a rotary telephone might have explored the network with a blue box or at least made free payphone calls with a red box.  Younger readers might've made their own small telephone networks with VoIP and other newfangled technologies.  An anonymous article on page 31 goes beyond those tricks, to show you how a rotary telephone network might be built from scratch with vintage technology, by Anonymous
  9. An ELF Palindrome for AMD64  - Netspooky is a damned clever code golpher who is new to these pages.  On page 42, you'll find a technique for producing palindrome ELF files, by Netspooky  (Twitter, GitHub, YouTube Channel)
  10. BootNoodle: A Palindromic Bootloader for BGGP  - Harvey Phillips also describes his own techniques for machine code palindromes, applied to a x86 boot-loader on page 50.  These were both written for 2020's Binary Golf Grand Prix, and we eagerly await what clever things they'll do this year, by Harvey Phillips
  11. Windrose Fingerprinting of Code Architecture  - Suppose that you have a bit of raw firmware that you're pretty sure is executable code, but you don't yet know the architecture.  You might try looking for common sequences, or you might check that relative function calls match entry points.  EVM has a simpler method, which is to draw a windrose diagram of byte frequencies, skipping universally common ones like 0x00, by EVM
  12. NSA's Backdoor of the PX-1000Cr  - In the early eighties, a gizmo called the Text Lite PX-1000 allowed folks to encrypt short messages with DES, then transmit them by audio coupler modem.  At some point the NSA got nervous about this, purchased all outstanding units, and convinced the manufacturer to update the ROM to support aunique and proprietary encryption protocol, rather than the standard for which it was made.  On page59, Stefan Marsiske explains how he reverse engineered the backdoored algorithm and cracked it with modern tooling, by Stefan Marsiske
  13. Solving the Load Address; or, Fixing Useless Firmware Disassembly  - It's not so uncommon to find a firmware image, but not a load address.  On page 67, EVM describesa generalized solution to this problem, first defining function entry points as a function of the load address and then solving for the load address that matches a strong majority of any absolute calls, by EVM
  14. Counting Words with a State Machine  - Robert Graham has often lectured our editors on the virtues of state machine implementations of software, as a leaner and meaner alternative to the object-oriented monstrosities that might be more organized, but are undeniably more computationally expensive.  On page 71, he applies his highfalutin performance optimizations to the wc command, by Robert Graham
  15. Never Say 'No' to Adventures  - We pass the collection plate and beg that you contribute some PoC of your own, by Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Man of The Book..................Manul Laphroaig
Editor of Last Resort............Melilot
LaTeXnician......................Evan Sultanik
Editorial Whipping Boy...........Jacob Torrey
Funky File Supervisor............Ange Albertini
Assistant Scenic Designer........Philippe Teuwen
Scooby Bus Driver................Ryan Speers
Stunts (Uncredited)..............Alexei Bulazel
          with the good assistance of
Tree Killer......................EVM

Technical Note:  The electronic edition of this magazine is valid as both PDF and ZIP.  Thanks to Ange Albertini, it is also a PcapNG packet capture of an experiment by Yannay Livneh.  See page 7.

Cover Art:  The cover art for this issue is adapted from a 1951 television repair manual by Edward M. Noll, a lecturer at Temple University in Philadelphia.

$ file pocorgtfo21.pdf
pocorgtfo21.pdf: pcapng capture file - version 1.0

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo21.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo21.pdf
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
 2024322  Defl:X  1934885   4% 2021-11-24 12:02 437f28f7  packratgps.pdf      # A GPS receiver project by WA2OMY and WA3YUE of the Packrats club.
   21258  Defl:X     7527  65% 2000-05-11 11:40 e8260089  bcp38.txt           # IETF BCP38 standard.
   23110  Defl:X    20623  11% 2020-09-07 11:25 663f2948            # Intro to Assembly Optimization
    1936  Defl:X      955  51% 2022-02-11 07:40 c6389789  index.txt
   18632  Defl:X    17481   6% 2020-11-04 18:23 7e5f8b2f      # A palindrome bootloader.
  814172  Defl:X   724553  11% 2014-07-17 03:09 6acf84fb  brucker-thesis.pdf  # Ben Bruecker's thesis on the PX-1000, cited in PoC||GTFO 21:12.
 3735300  Defl:X  3705870   1% 2022-02-05 09:53 1ea9770b  phones3.mp3         # Audio recording of a hobby phone network.
    7511  Defl:X     6658  11% 2021-11-24 12:02 5ded6885        # Source code for the Fairplay baseball scoreboard controller.
 3704610  Defl:X  3704847   0% 2020-04-28 09:35 9f1be183  nrfsec.tar.bz2      # nRF52 Security Tools - Corrupted file?
  563380  Defl:X   538583   4% 2021-10-22 16:01 fa1b5777  sim68xx.tgz         # Main branch of sim68xx.
  594280  Defl:X   565624   5% 2022-02-12 12:01 05c1a979  bakoev-afn.pdf      # Valentin Bakoev's paper on fast bitwise implementations of AFNs.
   88431  Defl:X    23003  74% 2021-11-24 12:02 d49e897e  phrack5715.txt      # Rix' article on alphanumeric shellcode from Phrack 57:15.
  674487  Defl:X   659570   2% 2021-12-05 14:25 2b27363e            # PX1K cracking source code.
 4681425  Defl:X  4513193   4% 2021-10-22 15:56 a3f242ac  hd6303rp.pdf        # Datasheet for the HD6303.  Pages are out of order.
 5042857  Defl:X  4142611  18% 2022-02-12 12:01 63a1a967  schwarzthesis.pdf   # Michael Schwarz' thesis on software side-channel attacks.
  255045  Defl:X    10657  96% 2021-11-24 12:02 429a7e92  nios-epp-mmap.txt   # NIOS Memory Map
 2843256  Defl:X  2740485   4% 2022-02-12 12:01 11ff4a58  woot20-paper-obermaier.pdf  # Excellent paper from Usenix WOOT on exploiting counterfeit STM32 chips.
   20559  Defl:X     8683  58% 2020-06-29 10:38 c4aba46f  innerring.txt       # Who should you learn from?
  669672  Defl:X   640416   4% 2021-10-22 16:05 9f81102d  sim68xx-px1000.tgz  # PX1K fork of sim68xx.
   34082  Defl:X     5862  83% 2021-05-03 07:50 0cbd7951  zmap-ipip.patch     # Patch to ZMAP for scanning for the IPIP reflection vulnerability.
 5853935  Defl:X  5848759   0% 2021-05-14 12:59 ded1c9b1   # Issue 1 of tmp.0ut, a fine journal.
 4252321  Defl:X  3426483  19% 2020-08-10 09:18 8dbb1ea5  ble-rce.pdf         # Veronica Kovah's paper on writing memory corrption exploits for Bluetooth LE.
 6747035  Defl:X  6398769   5% 2020-05-15 15:45 3a6ac585  atari-protections.pdf  # Old book by George Morrison on Atari copy protections.
   51577  Defl:X    12141  77% 2022-02-05 17:02 d290cc93  issues.bib
   40013  Defl:X    14540  64% 2021-11-27 16:04 39219a7e  phrack6317.txt      # Cawan's article on FPGA hacking, from Phrack 63:17.
  447904  Defl:X   422999   6% 2021-11-06 12:18 39e98807 # Source code for Balda's anti-reversing tricks.
   23792  Defl:X    11269  53% 2022-02-05 17:02 a8881665  issues.txt
   45911  Defl:X    43425   5% 2021-11-28 11:50 3d0721cc             # Rob Graham's state machine implementations of WC.
--------          -------  ---                            -------
43280813         40150471   7%                            28 files

>>> from scapy.all import *
>>> pcap = defrag(rdpcap("pocorgtfo21.pdf"))
>>> for packet in pcap:
0000 Ether / IP / UDP / DNS Qry "b''"
0000 Ether / IP / IP / IP / IP / IP / IP / IP / IP / IP / ... / > 4 / Raw

  PoC||GTFO - Issue 0x22

Through desert & wilderness, Laphroaig reaches great heights from the deepest of depths.

February 3, 2024 | 53.2M PDF/ZIP/ISO | Includes | md5sum: 4d37c6712a2239962005eda3be6367b4 | Entry

  1. Need Something Good to Read, My Good Neighbor?  - by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig
  2. A Mask ROM Bit Extraction Tool  - Travis Goodspeed shares his tools for reverse engineering a photograph of a mask ROM into an ASCII art bitstream, and then converting that physically ordered bitstream into logically ordered bytes that might work in a disassembler or emulator.  If you need to reverse engineer microcontroller firmware from before flash memory became cheap and plentiful, this is the tool for you, by Travis Goodspeed
  3. Mitra and Mocky: Near-Polyglots and Mocks  - Ange Albertini wrote PoC||GTFO 7:6, the classic article on abusing file formats with polyglots.  On page 11, he presents a follow-up with better classifications and the idea of "polymocks," which are not polyglots but easily confuse libmagic and its friends into believing that file is valid in dozens of formats, by Ange Albertini
  4. More Letters from Screwtape  - Eighty years ago, C.S. Lewis published The Screwtape Letters, a classic of apologetics presented as letters from a senior demon named Screwtape to his junior nephew, Wormwood.  On page 17, Pastor Laphroaig shares with us a more recent set of mis-delivered letters, in which Wormwood - now a senior demon - writes to his young nephew Malört about modern video clips, computer programming and how hard it is for a concerned demon to earn the wages of sin, by Wormwood
  5. Inside Out; or, Abusing Archive File Formats  - Ange presents a series of tricks building up to generic, reusable hash collisions for tarballs and zippped XML files, such as .DOCX files, by Ange Albertini
  6. Mitigations Are a Reverser's Friend; or, Abusing XFG  - Windows, LLVM and Grsecurity all have control flow integrity schemes that can restrict the targets of indirect calls, such as function pointers.  Aleksandar Nikolic has been playing with the eXtended Flow Guard (XFG) scheme from Windows 11, using the hashed integrity markers as a means of reverse engineering the calling conventions of functions.  What began as a mitigation against memory corruption exploits has become an oracle for reverse engineering, by Aleksandar Nikolic
  7. Timecryption, OTP with Near-Polyglots  - Stefan Kölbl and Ange Albertini have been playing around with CTR mode, coming up with near-polyglots that have a different meaning and file format for each of a few different key/nonce pairs, by Ange Albertini and Stefan Kölbl
  8. The Электроника MK-51 is a Casio fx-2500  - A long time ago in an evil empire far away, the Soviet Union's consumer electronics monopoly produced a pocket calculator, the Электроника MK-51.  This looks exactly like Casio's fx-2500, and on page 32, Travis Goodspeed deconstructs both calculators to show that the MK-51 counterfeits not just the look and feel of the Casio, but also its NEC microcontroller and every last bit of mask ROM, by Travis Goodspeed
  9. A Tourist's Guide to Reversing Renesas M16C and the R8C  - We've recently been including tourist guides to new computer architectures, and this release is no exception.  Christopher Hewitt and Niccolò Izzo describe the M16C and R8C series of microcontrollers from Renesas on page 39, beginning with the basics and working their way up to a fault injection attack, by Christopher Hewitt and Niccolò Izzo
  10. A Tourist's Guide to Эльбрус  - EVM can't let them have all the fun, so page 46 presents his guide to the Elbrus 2000 architecture, Russia's domestically designed VLIW architecture with register windowing, by EVM
  11. Janus Polyglot  - Harvey Phillips shares on page 52 his Janus polyglot from the Binary Golf Grand Prix.  It's valid as an x86 bootloader, ELF, COM, RAR, and a GNU Multiboot2 image, but also as program for the Commodore 64!  To keep the size to a minimum, many of these formats have useful sections overlapping, by Harvey Phillips
  12. Let's Bide Our Time for a Brand New Adventure!  - We pass the collection plate, not for bitcoins or wooden nickels, but for nifty stories.  What fine stories do you have, left untold except at your local pub?  With what clever tricks might you grace our readersi?, by Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig

Man of The Book..................Manul Laphroaig
Scooby Bus Driver................Ryan Speers
Editor of Last Resort............Melilot
TEXnician........................Evan Sultanik
Editorial Whipping Boy...........Jacob Torrey
Funkmaster of File Formats.......Ange Albertini
Assistant Scenic Designer........Philippe Teuwen
Stunts (Uncredited)..............Alexei Bulazel
          with the good assistance of
Tree Killer......................EVM

Technical Note:  The electronic edition of this magazine is valid as both PDF and ZIP.  Thanks to Ange Albertini, it is also a polymock with many bogus file type signatures (TAR, DICOM, XMS, PIF) - check page 11.

$ file pocorgtfo22.pdf
pocorgtfo22.pdf: tar archive

$ file pocorgtfo22.pdf --keep-going --raw
pocorgtfo22.pdf: tar archive
- DR-DOS executable (COM)
- Windows Program Information File for 145     
- MAR Area Detector Image,
- PDF document, version 1.5
- Linux kernel x86 boot executable RW-rootFS,
- XMS Adlib Module Composer: "%PDF-1.5"
- Files-11 On-Disk Structure (ODS-0); volume label is '            '
-  ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data (DOS/MBR boot sector) 'CDROM'
- DOS/MBR boot sector
- Nintendo DS ROM image: "%PDF-1.5" (**, Rev.103) (multiboot)
- Plot84 plotting file
-  DOS/MBR boot sector
- Kodak Photo CD image pack file , landscape mode
- Old EZD Electron Density Map
- 4-channel Fasttracker module sound data Title: "%PDF-1.5"
- Scream Tracker Sample adlib drum mono 16bit little endian
- SoundFX Module sound file
- Unix Fast File system [v1] (little-endian), last mounted on , last written at Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970, clean flag 0, number of blocks 0, number of data blocks 0,  
                                              number of cylinder groups 0, block size 0, fragment size 0, minimum percentage of free blocks 0, rotational delay 0ms, 
                                              disk rotational speed 0rps, TIME optimization
- F2FS filesystem, UUID=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, volume name ""
- DICOM medical imaging data
- Linux Software RAID version 1.2 (0) UUID=       0:       0:       0:       0 name= level=0 disks=0
- CCP4 Electron Density Map
- VirtualBox Disk Image (%PDF-1.5), 5715999566798081280 bytes
- IBM OS/400 save file data
- data

$ trid pocorgtfo22.pdf
TrID/32 -File Identifier v2.24 - (C) 2003-16 By M.Pontello
Definitions found:  18772

Collecting data from file: pocorgtfo22.pdf
 34.8% (.PIF) Program Information File (Windows) (7515/1/1)
 23.1% (.PDF) Adobe Portable Document Format (5000/1)
 20.8% (.XMS) XMS-Tracker module (4509/1/1)
 11.7% (.ISO) ISO 9660 CD image (2545/36/1)
  9.2% (.DCM/DIC/DICOM) DICOM medical imaging bitmap (2004/1/1)

$ unzip -v pocorgtfo22.pdf
Archive:  pocorgtfo22.pdf
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
    5797  Defl:X     5727   1% 2023-12-15 09:59 20adbb0f                  # Janus: Polyglot and source
    1334  Defl:X      629  53% 2024-01-24 12:31 72bcec3d  index.txt
    3445  Stored     3445   0% 2023-12-15 09:59 0a2442c8  xfg-scripts-args.tgz       # XFG: Scripts to support XFG processing including BinaryNinja plugin
 5494231  Defl:X  4080709  26% 2023-12-15 09:59 e0383338  r5r0c00cn.pdf              # Renesas: Chinese language datasheet used for memory map reference
  165409  Defl:X   117237  29% 2023-12-15 09:59 83b28562  r8c-glitch.ipynb           # Renesas: Jupyter notebook
  120737  Defl:X   110573   8% 2023-12-15 09:59 398d75a1  renesasflash.pdf           # Renesas: DJ Delorie 2009 paper on Renesas programming and unlocking
     689  Defl:X      569  17% 2023-12-15 09:59 42b6f491  mini.docx                  # InsideOut: DocX example
 1046636  Defl:X   928991  11% 2023-12-15 09:59 37683ad5  project_MircoStauble.pdf   # TimeCryption: Referenced Material
   25863  Defl:X     8106  69% 2023-12-19 13:12 7316de8c  APPNOTE-1.0.txt            # InsideOut: PK-ZIP File Format Description
 2587360  Defl:X  2531075   2% 2023-12-19 13:12 ae6c89c2  withoutcommit.pdf          # TimeCryption: How to Abuse and Fix Authenticated Encryption Without Key Commitment
 1053279  Defl:X   874871  17% 2023-12-19 13:12 1c6555af  elbrusprog.pdf             # Elbrus: Guide to Effective Platform Programming on Elbrus
 1373184  Defl:X  1294833   6% 2023-12-15 09:59 d0ccb839  m32c90-compiler.pdf        # Renesas: Referenced Material
    5503  Defl:X     1752  68% 2023-12-19 13:12 a6a0ce3a                   # Mitra & Mocky: Ange Albertini's polymock file maker
   54057  Defl:X    12688  77% 2024-02-03 12:38 dd4c0221  issues.bib
   15042  Defl:X    13724   9% 2023-12-15 09:59 04d6cacb                # XFG: Control Flow Guard Instrumentation
 1026701  Defl:X  1021320   1% 2023-12-19 13:12 75d6a23d                  # Elbrus: Port of Rix's C++ VPTR exploit to Elbrus architecture
 1961332  Defl:X  1689202  14% 2023-12-15 09:59 d78bb51a  m32-compiler.pdf           # Renesas: Referenced Material
 3322880  Defl:X  3008238  10% 2023-12-15 09:59 9c25c482  r8c-hardware.pdf           # Renesas: Referenced Material
   24872  Defl:X    11783  53% 2024-02-03 12:38 2176f5b2  issues.txt
  406497  Defl:X   404937   0% 2023-12-15 09:59 f92cade9                # InsideOut: David Buchanan's PNG and ZST hashquines
--------          -------  ---                            -------
18694848         16120409  14%                            20 files

$ file ELF invalid byte order, unknown class 10
$ qemu-system-x86_64

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