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The Romanoff Execution


Austrian Banker, Who Placed Billions of Dollars with Madoff, Vanishes
Murder Most Foul
Who Killed California's Economy?
IAF to train overseas for Iran strike op
160,283 Kids Had Cosmetic Surgery In 2008
Biden Speech Sparks Fierce Response From Iran
The  date rape drug is the black-market drug of choice
Congressman survives the holocaust but Michael Jackson Fans Raise Money To Defeat him.
Eisenhower and his post war Death Camps - video
Congressman Izzie Peter King calls Michael Jackson a perverted child molester
Good video on Cynthia McKinney
Madoff is just one of a long line of crooks - top ten
Iran says it will retaliate if Israel attacks its nuclear facilities
Seven U.S. troops killed in one day as Afghan violence flares
Al Franken, the SNL fart-comedian, arrives in Washington
Judge Beckloff gives control of Michael Jackson estate to lawyer pal
Ponzi schemer, Jeffery Herber,  gets early release
2 more US troops killed in southern Afghanistan
As Israel gears up for war, US divide appears
Israeli soldiers execute a 17 yr-old girl
Afghan Triangle: Opium, oil and Taliban
Juvenile delinquents treated to a Holocaust film
Three British soldiers die in Afghanistan
Another wave of foreclosures is poised to strike
Biden: ‘We misread how bad the economy was’
9 Israelis suspected of masterminding multimillion U.S. 'Nigerian scam'
Report: Saudis to Let IDF Use Airspace to Attack Iran
A NY-Israeli drug ring busted for distributing drugs using children toys
Two US soldiers die in fight over Zio-opium fields that Taliban shut  down
Biden Suggests US Not Standing in Israel's Way on Iran
Who are the faces behind the gun control
Zimbabwe apologizes for soldiers stealing Zio-diamonds
Japan to let Jewish drug smuggler serve his sentence in Israel
Biden says - "Israel has the sovereign right to attack Iran"
Madoff Hires Consultant to Find Best Possible Jail
David Irving says - "Rethinking the Holocaust - It was the Reinhardt camps, as we have always argued"
Israelis busted in major drug ring

Palin links resignation to 'higher calling'

Two children fight and the Yenta mother puts 9 year old on the internet, in sex section of Craigs-List 
Cynthia McKinney furious at Uncle Tom Obama
Iran hangs 20 drug traffickers
New Yorkers line up to get $500k from SIPC for Madoff swindle - naturally there are no records
Serial killer roams Carolina, at least five victims so far
Obama refuses to discuss Israeli arrest of US congresswoman - new 10 min audio
Iraq was about oil, and Afghanistan is about the Taliban kicking out the Zionist opium trade
2 US troops die in attack on base in Afghanistan
How California's Fiscal Woes Began: A Crisis 30 Years in the Making
Israel sub sails through Suez with four nukes missiles - a message to Iran
A Zionist propaganda video -- "Extremely brutal execution"  -- graphic
Where did the Pentagon jet go for 62 minutes?
Chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals runs a bestiality website
The great wealth transfer is really health care - Where 50% of the doctors are Zionists, and 95% of all labs are Zionist owned
Official government statement on the imprisonment of Congressmen McKinney
US remains silent over McKinney arrest by Israel
Israel beating the Iran War Drums Again
 Senior British commander killed by 'Sophisticated car bomb' in Afghanistan - Mossad promoting more terror
Prime Mortgage Delinquencies Up 260%
Duke Univ Pedophile Will Benefit From Hate Bill
The top tourist destination for Israelis - 3 min video
British chain store sells Josef Fritzl's personal book on his dungeon depravity
Israel is angry about countless legal battles over their recent genocidal attack where 1500 women and children were massacred
American Congresswoman - McKinney was arrested and being held in Israeli prison and Obama refuses to discuss it
Is Alan Dershowitz all that he is cracked up to be?
A gay administrator at Duke university tries to sell his 5 yr old son for sex
A women's has her dog in a subway and the Jewish cop goes ballistic - Cop says "She called me a dirty Jew"
Meltdown 101: Unemployment by the Numbers
Jobless data sends stocks reeling; Dow loses 223
Rense News discusses Fl 77 - The Pentagon jet
A look at what happened in California, and the 2009 fiscal crisis
California to start printing IOUs
467K jobs cut in June; jobless rate at 9.5 percent
Too many jobs lost, Obama says in AP interview
Emergency Email to Obama Re Gaza
Eurozone unemployment hits 10-year high
U.S. job losses spike in June, dampen recovery hopes
Obama Silent On Zionist Israeli Arrest Of McKinney
Arnold Declares Fiscal Emergency In CA
Escaped pet python strangles Fla. two-year-old
A Canadian Zionist creates an American empire and there are soon questions
Israel Attacks Gaza Aid Ship; US Congresswoman Kidnapped
Murdoch CEO Labels Bloggers “Political Extremists”
A look at the past 100 years of trying to grab Iraq's vast oil fields
Sotomeyor bungles another case
Russian mafia makes millions collecting SS checks on dead Zionists
Blood crazed Israeli settlers attack village and burn Palestinian Crops
Phil Spector in 'Special needs' cell
Phil Spector's filthy wife  - video
Zio-Fart comedian elected as Minnesota senator and will send your kids to Iran
Bomb in market place in Kirkut, Iraq kills 33
Al Franken, the 'Fart Comedian', is now the senator from Minnesota
Obama to give 20 million illegals health insurance under his new plan
Debasing the Currency is Leading to Financial Collapse . . . Just As It Has for Thousands of Years
Iraq to auction contracts on oil fields- Zionists get first grab
Losing one war? Just start another
Hyperdeflation On The Streets of Paris
Israel Blocks Rebuilding Of Gaza
4 US soldiers killed during Iraq cities pullout
Home prices post 18.1 percent annual drop in April
Brits just shut their eyes and go about eating their 'Fish and chips'
Jackson kids' Jewish mother could regain custody
46 nations back new effort for return of $17 billion of Jewish WWII assets
Subsidies for Israel, Sanctions for Iran
Israeli soldiers poisoned well in West Bank village, say local officials
CNN Poll: Americans don't want to intervene in Iran election crisis
Look at this token clown who oversees the Federal Reserve- 5 min video
Americans pull out of Baghdad and the Zio-Death squads take over
Sotomeyor has pro-hispanioc discrimination decision reversed
The Hispanic Yenta Sotameyor wants gun control
Karzai: US mercenaries are assassinating local political opposition
Bernard Madoff gets maximum 150 years in prison, but none of the $65 billion is found - expect a country club prison, a heart attack, and a closed casket, and Tel Aviv
'Inspector' Coleman of the Federal Reserve can't account for trillions
Economy takes it's toll as murder-suicide skyrockets
Secret US-equipped 'Dirty Brigade' in Iraq - an elite American-trained [death squad] - Iraqis call it "the dirty brigade." Its real name is the Counter Terrorism Bureau
Billionaire Madoff tied to Mossad
Kimberly-Clark to cut 1,600 jobs
Seeing Through All the Propaganda About Iran
More 'Change' - Obama Calls For Cuts In Medicare, Medicaid
If it's Sunday than it's Holocaust Survivor time
Sarkozy is fulfilling every Bubeleh's dream
How Did Mossad Know the London Bombings Were Going to Happen?
AIPAC Zionist Ross De Facto National Security Advisor
Zimbabwe - Gold And Diamonds
Adam Kaufman strangles his wife and fellow Zio-Judge grants him bail

Obama Moves to Fund Iranian Dissidents

A priest gets sent to a Super-Max prison but Phil Spector goes to a medical Country Club
Phil Spector moved to 'sensitive needs' area of prison over fears he will be attacked by inmates
Phil Spector winds up in Country Club medical facility
California's Fiscal Crisis: The Legacy of Proposition 13
Lithuanian is ravaged by Zio-bankers, and now their government to pay billions in WW2 reparations


Obama Calls Iran Violence 'Outrageous'- says nothing about the execution of Rachel Corrie
Another crypto billionaire
Motorcycle bombs kill 20 in Baghdad attacks
Another bank scam and investors are out $100 million
Obama Plot To Create More Illegal Immigration
China To Buy $80 Billion Of Gold
Let these people become American citizens
A look at the 'Beautiful People' and a corporation that lost $2.2 billion in stock value
Is anti-Semitism rising again in Germany?
Good summary of Beth Twitty's book on her daughter, Natalee Holloway
Phil Zack was the real anthrax killer
Key senator says $1 trillion health bill possible - zio wealth transfer
Moqtada al-Sadr, the Israeli stooge in Iraq, says the USA was behind this weeks monsterous bombs - more dead GIs thanks to Israeli propaganda
Zionist Sen Lautenberg's Gun Blocking Bill
The animal preyed on young girls by promising them movie roles
Kissinger Calls For Attack On Iran If Revolution Fails
38% of Americans blame the Zionists for America's present financial crisis - The ADL says it will take action
Who kills women and children. Is it Muslims, Al-Quada, or Zionists?
Massive bomb in Iraq vegetable market kills at least 65 -  Israel denies knowledge
The 1972 porn movie 'Deep Throat' is being pushed as Yiddish art
Pensions crisis: 96% of final salary schemes are doomed... OAPs worst off in Britain... and state funds withering on the vine
Illegal Immigration In CO & CA - Long Process Of Deterioration
New ADL Hate Bills surface -
French police lose DNA on the 'Virgin serial killer'
In occupied France the Jews were killed, but if you crossed into unoccupied France, then the Nazis let you live
Dirt poor Africans pay to turn Entebbe into a shrine
IMF dumps it's gold reserves and Zionists buying hand over fist
DOJ: AIPAC case witness was asked to 'fake...suicide'
NY mystery teachers make $70,000, mostly Russian immigrants
Bombings and shootings kill more than 30 in Iraq
Markoff killed them and took their panties as trophies
Abe Markoff 'The panty killer'  pleads not guilty to numerous murders
BBC caught faking photos of pro-Ahmadinejad rallies in Iran as "anti-government protests" in favor of US puppet Hossein Mousavi
Stalin's execution fields come in handy as Jewish  Catholic priest transforms these Bolshevik mass graves into Nazi killing fields
Senator Lautenberg And His Stealth Amendment
Art killer found with 16 pairs of panties from his victims
Coach rapes students - 3 min video
Craigslist 'Panty Killer' indicted
Actual holocaust footage of girl receiving a "Bare Buttocks" whipping - 60 sec video
Judge Samuel Kent assaulted two of his employees, and then obstructed justice
Sex judge to be impeached
Go watch this video of father doing "God's Work" to child molester
Murder on 'Slide Mountain'
Columbia's populace fears the Zionists influence of it's President - oil grab
The possible next president of Venezuela  is a Holocaust survivor
A father beats up his child's molester and a judge lets the pedophile off, and charges the father
Israeli agents detonate a massive bomb as villagers exit a remote mosque, at least 55 dead
Sir Stanford (nee Stein?) takes $8 billion and it barely makes the news
Killed and stuffed in a closet as a trophy
Is Ken Lay, The Ex-CEO and Chairman Of Enron, Really Dead?
Blowtorch killers want third trial
A video of Jenny Jerome (nee Jacobson) - Churchill's Jewish mother -  video
David Irving discusses Churchill and WW2 - fascinating video
Broadcom's founder finds an interesting way to spend your 401-K money
FBI: Child porn on accused 90 year-old museum shooter computer
Russian Gold Reserves Fall To $406.6B
The mastermind behind the Health South fraud
Internet beats TV, radio as preferred news source
Christopher Bollyn: The Zionist Gang that Bankrupted General Motors
Larry Seidlein facing big trouble in fraud case
Anna Nicole's judge sued in fraud complaint
Canadian Jewish Congress Organized Nazis
Norman Bates is in New York and his Momma is pulling a Medicare scam
Prime minister of Peru is Jewish
Eyewitness - One Guard Shot The Other At Holo Museum
Cop killer complains of mistreatment and lack of kosher accommodations
Holocaust survivor discovers Auschwitz jewelry
Abe Shipman, the world's most prolific serial killer is writing a romantic novel
Cohen-Bedict is the hottest property in France
Homeland Security gives $64 million to these NY groups - Excel spreadsheet
Hitler saw England, and America, as allies, his goal was to stop the communists from invading Europe
AIG lawyer: Ex-top exec plundered retirement plan
Some frightening background on these creatures  - AIGs Greenberg
Christians are forming their own communities and porn shops, drug dealers, and Hollywood are not wanted.
Alleged Holocaust Museum Shooter: Perfect story for Zionist Media: Guilty before Trial:
Hate Laws - Out To Get Pro-Lifers
The Coming Economic Collapse
Scammer clips gullible Aussies for $1.5 billion
The most holy Father Rydzyk said Poland must not sign $65 billion in WW2 restitution
How pigeons protected a boy from the Nazis
Is Curt Maynard a 'Heretic'?
Glamorizing Russian terrorists, but demonizing Muslims
Woody Allen's latest pedophile movie - a 61 year old eccentric New Yorker is banging a 21 year old evangelist girl
Alleged butcher receives minor sentence
Sarah Palin video - 90 sec
Suicide bombers strike Pakistan mosque, seminary
Gangster holds private party at NY jail, complete with caterers and a band
Could the Von Brunn incident be another Mossad Op?
Sarah Palin calls Letterman a 62 year old pervert after his comments about a 14 year old being raped 
Florida entrepreneur gets multi million dollar grant to run sexual conflict clinic
Okay, this whole story is starting to smell kinda funny.
California nears financial "meltdown" as revs tumble
White House advisors block Obama from meeting Reverend Wright
Iraq market full of families ripped apart buy massive bomb
Hassidic leader of police sponsored vigilante group has criminal record of racial child beating
The depression quietly deepens
Jewish FBI Boss Defends Use Of Mosque Spies, but is outraged at suggestion of infiltrating AIPAC or terrorist synagogues
A Scion to a banking fortune is found with 4 bullets to the head
Obama will not recognize Armenian genocide  for fear of ADL's wrath
Arrogant judge refers to black jury as 'Non-Human'
Feds get tough on mortgage fraud
Was Larry Lawrence a war hero, or a fraud?
Couple Accused Of Spying For Cuba For 30 Years
Jacob Gansman involved in Ponzi scheme, and insider trading
Privatization of 'Obama's War'
Arson was behind the deaths of 168 people
'Lead Pipe'  Neulander
Germans Demanding Return Of Physical Gold?
Zionists show their true feelings about Obama  - 4 min video
One of the darkest tales of the holocaust
Jobless rate hits 9.4 percent in May; layoffs slow
Carridine death may be tied to drugs, Lady-Boys, and forbidden sex
Banks take foreclosed homes in good neighborhoods and give them to Hispanics and such - race war is brewing
Gross Fraud At Nuremberg - An Ugly History
Another Zio-Fraudster clips the American working man
Canadian taxpayers to give $1 million to B'ani B'rith to research holocaust
Pearl Harbor heroes flock to South Florida
Actor David Carradine found dead in Bangkok
Mint can't account for missing gold
The Looting of America: How Wall Street Fleeced Millions from Wisconsin Schools
The super exclusive community of Bedford Hills has a sex parlor in the middle of town
Obama Has 250,000 "Contractors" in Iraq and Afghan Wars, Increases Number of Mercenaries
Why all the mourning over an abortion doctor?
Harper disgraces Canada once again
The horrors of Bolshevism - video
Obama sends in U.S. Marshals to protect abortion clinics across America after controversial doctor is killed
Ireland may go bankrupt
US Can't Tolerate Unbridled Immigration
Why is the ADL involved in the monitoring of anti abortion groups?
Was Mervyn Griffin a 'Dirty Boy'?
Abortion Doctor A Victim Of America's 'Taliban'
Obama issues orders to protect Zionist abortion mills
Jeffrey Swayman was late on child support so 'Mad-dog Keitz' took an axe to him
The Big Collapse Could Be Very Near
Air France plane crashes into Atlantic with 228 aboard
The lust and depravity of B'ani B'rith executive
Abortion kingpin, 'Butcher Tiller', was shot and Obama says he will protect the Zionist owned baby death mills
The lust, and depravity, of Josef Fritzl
Eric Huffschmidt's latest audio
Louie Pearlman, an Impresario, fleeced his bands, fleeced his investors, and indulged in the forbidden fruit of pre-teen sex
A good look at the Zionist ties to 9/11
Interesting four minute video on the origins of Khazars
Israel denies involvement in Iran mosque bombing
Iran hangs three just two days after Mosque bombing - Israel worried that other defendants will talk
Obama looking at Hank Asher for cyber czar
Homeland Security to provide millions in 'Special Grants' for Synagogue security
Oil Is Plentiful, Demand Weak. Why Are Gas Prices Going Up?
Oil was just an engineered farce to grab hedge funds, and bank money, through derivatives
Sotomayor on the Supreme Court: A Gun-grabber’s Dream Come True
The shocking arrest transcript of the 'Dirty Boy' Phil Spector
How small town America is being destroyed
Phil Spector, 'The Beast of Alhambra', was sentenced to 19 years for murdering Lana Clarkson, and taking liberties with the corpse
There are at least 25 dead, and 160 wounded, and the place looks like a slaughterhouse
Should Mel Gibson ever be forgiven?
Bomb attack at Starbucks
Israeli interrogators at Iraqi prison raped women
Was Alan Berg another silly 'Hate Hoax'?
Mel Gibson and his silly Hate Hoax
This idiot is in charge of Britain?
Multiracial people become fastest-growing US group
Sotomayor's Jewish ties
WWIII Has Started - Israel Pushing For Iran Attack Again
The Avian and Swine flu will be Zionist's new tool of Genocide
Is Sonia Sotomayor a pure breed Puerto Rican?
Another hedge Fund bites the dust
Mossad double agent killed when Lockerbie points to Israel
US will stay in Iraq to guard Mosul-Haifa pipeline
S&P: Home prices fall by record 19.1 percent in 1Q
Internet detectives
Roadside bomb kills 3 Americans in Iraq
The Silence Is Deafening...The Calm Before The Storm
New research paper tells the story of brothels and prostitutes in Nazi concentration camps
FBI Creates 'Synagogue Bombers'
As Germany is racked by International Banking schemes it enters a poverty similar to the 1920s
A pizza delivery man is kidnapped, wired with a bomb, made to rob a bank, and then explodes - video
Berlin went from the artistic capital of Europe to a sewer in 15 years
An actual survivor from Sobibor - Very very moving video
Death squads kill 22 in Iraq
Just who was Winston Churchill
God Bless Huey Long
New York art dealer, and Torah scholar,  turns out to be a con man
Two Illinois Banks Seized, Bringing U.S. Tally This Year to 36
Yet Another Bogus 'Terror' Plot
A 2 min video on the bubble economy
Federal Reserve Cannot Account For $9 Trillion
How World Zionism Created WWII  - video
European singer beds his 12 year-old daughter
Media does headstands for Mossad spy freed from Iran, but three dead US soldiers are page four
Scoundrel embezzler fleeces France's soldiers and flees to Israel
Israeli general turns out to be post WW2 Communist killer
'Hiding Halina' - only one in ten Jewish children survived the holocaust - 90 sec video
Holocaust survivor/speaker brings a bar of soap made from dead Jews to show 10 year-old kids
When Israeli settlers attack
FBI Agent on Synagogue Case Has Questionable Record - Hate Hoax
Holocaust survivor shows 'Poison Ring' to  7 year-old students
 25% UK Babies Born To Foreign Mothers
Holocaust survivor that hide diamonds in anal cavity on high school speaking tour
Broken glass from Kristallnacht to be sold on EBAY
Thief steal's holocaust survivor's 'Poison ring' and gets six months
Catch this 'Fleabag' and her holocaust tale - video
Abe King, another Nuremberg prosecutor dies
The second largest bank collapse in recent FDIC history
Synagogue Bomb Plot - Latest Zionist Publicity Coup
England's chief fool in charge
Gordon Brown is certifiable
Three Americans and seventy Iraqis died today for Israel and their mideast oil grab
Fritzl the dungeon master writes a book
Israeli agents kill three US soldiers in Iraqi bomb attack
Horror in Montreal
New York spared from horrible attack that targeted Temples
British taxpayers pick up $30 billion in Zio RBS Bank scam
Chuck Schumer wants amnesty for 20 million illegal Hispanics

Israeli settler runs over a three-year-old Palestinian girl

Schwarzenegger is no more qualified to be governor than Obama is to be president
Present Economy worse than Depression


A professor at the University of Chicago pushes the idea of same-sex toilets
Honor Killings, and 72 Virgins' myth are meant to dehumanize, so why is a Muslim writer pushing this Zio-Propaganda?
A romance turns sour and the ADL turns it into a Russian Pogram of death
Obama waves magic wan over auto industry - The little people are in 'Awe' of his magic
GOP must confront Obama's celebrity appeal - How exciting
Leo Frank sodomized and killed a 12 yr-old girl in 1913 Atlanta but today he is a martyr - 2 min video
Housing construction plunges to record low in April
A look at Gen Petreaus the CINCOM commander
Israeli settlers reject Obama call to halt building
Police rough up and arrest 80 yr old priest at Obama - Notre Dame
  Israeli gunzel  Netanyahu is in awe of Obama
Lebanon: 2 suspected spies flee to Israel
He was  a real life Hannibal Letcher
Drew Peterson pleads not guilty to murdering wife
Another Chosen One Anointed to Treasury Department
Israeli troops kill U.N. truck driver at Gaza crossing
They were good Jewish boys that made a mistake
Iran to mass produce long-range missiles
Who runs Princeton University?
Obama concerned that protesting abortion will lead to a rise in anti-Semitism
Things to consider when blogging or making a website
Aussie high justice forged diplomas
Australian Judge drops charges on racketeer, but sentences Dr Tobin to prison
Zio-Terror team being held in Afghanistan for executions
Another Ponzi scheme collapses and 'Izzie Ruderman' may flee to Israel rather than do 20 years
 German Economy Shrinks 3.8%
GM starts terminating about 1100 dealers - another wealth transfer
Barack Obama on Friday named Dr. Thomas Frieden to head CDC
The University of Chicago falls under the spell of Communism
Code Pink is Zio-BS - You need to believe that this goofs were allowed to assault Rumsfeld and no one took action
An American/Israeli billionaire is caught smuggling animal trophies
A look at Obama's supreme court picks
Howard K. Stern says medical law doesn't apply to him
Children sodomized at Abu Ghraib, on tape- "Israelis interrogators and children are a formula for sex"
Congress weighs federal aid for health insurance
Catholic Church, Pope, Muzzled On Israeli Butchery
A Penn State professor savagely kills his wife with a crowbar and gets five years
Actual footage from the Concentration Camps - 4 min
First hand testimony about the Beautiful Beast of Belsen - 2 min video
Howard K. Stern, Doctors Plead Not Guilty to Charges in Anna ...
Foreclosures: 'April was a shocker'
Australian photo journalist faces 14 years for arguing with Zionist at a Perth rally
Australian academic defies High Council of Australian Jewry and goes to prison
RealtyTrac: April foreclosures rise 32 percent
Lance and Rod get married at Disney
Donald Trump declares Miss California can retain title
Social Security and Medicare finances worsen
A look into the dark world of  Freudian fantasies - 2 min video
Home prices take record drop
Israelis angry with Pope over lack of holocaust teaching in Catholic grade schools
GM shares tumble to lowest level since Great Depression
Wisconsin Court Upholds GPS Tracking By Police
Who's behind the 'Pedophile Protection Act'? -
100 poisoned at Muslim high school in an attempt to turn create a rift between Taliban and Muslim - Israeli agents suspected
NPR: Accused Nazi Guard On Plane To Germany

Neo Nazi punks call National Treasures horrible names

Another Hate Hoax
Chinese Deflation Picks Up Speed
Israel demands a 'More Aggressive' general be put in charge of Afghanistan
Suspected Nazi guard taken to federal officials by ambulance

The pope visits the Holocaust museum but say nothing about Gaza

Pope, in Israel, confronts dark history of Germany
Bobby Dylan has multiple families
Pope visits Jerusalem holocaust museum - 90 sec video
Sheriff shoots 14 yr old carrying toy gun - 'It was self defense'
Estimate of Budget Deficit Now Tops $1.84 Trillion
Israel limits Gaza Christians hoping to see Pope
Israel has secret plan to thwart division of Jerusalem
U.S. service member kills 4 fellow troops in Iraq
 Abe Foxman mentored Pope before his arrival to Israel?
Pope pledges to remember Jews killed in Holocaust while in Israel, but refuses to discuss the genocide in Gaza
 Iran frees a Mossad agent, posing as US journalist, after Israelis kill hundreds of Iranian pilgrims in Iraq
A Ukrainian who roamed Belgium and Hungary in the 1980's and butchered up to sixty people
John Jamelske is the American dungeon master
He brutally murders his girlfriend, and keeps the body as a trophy
Concerns white phosphorus used in Afghan battle
One nasty pedophile - 4 min video
Pope urges Middle East Christians to persevere
AIG Misses Targets; Shares Slide
The Taliban stopped the opium production and Zionists have Americans dying over it
11 Million Germans Were Murdered Post WWII
Four More British Soldiers Killed In Afghanistan
Upfront costs complicate Obama's health care plan
US Jobless At 26 Year High
Police say they found a body that may be the Israeli professor - $10 says it's a wino and the professor is in Israel
Obama OKs a giant military base in Afghanistan
A shocking poll on who is behind the financial meltdown
Three minute video on the lifestyle of the cougar - funny
Prowling everything from Bar Mitzvahs to college bars - lust in their hearts
The filthy cover-up over the Columbine massacre continues - "Dylan Klebold Was a victim too"
Aussies take to the streets over Israeli brutality - 7 min video
Real Unemployment At 15.8%: - Highest Level On Record
Sen. Feinsteins Husband Cashes In On Crisis
How propaganda took a NY dilettante  communist, from Krakow trash to a national hero
Assault Weapons Ban to be introduced next week
Obama Releases $3.4 Trillion Budget Plan
Toyota sees $8.6 billion annual loss
Americans blame Zionists for financial crisis
China may sell $2 trillion in US government bonds - creating panic
Israel Military Deeply Active In Tamil Tiger Massacre
If Swine Flu isn't contained it could infect 2 billion
"Rachels Challange", becomes a nationwide movement, and the ADL is livid - Columbine Massacre
Rosen likens AIPAC spy case to Dreyfus Affair
'120 die' as US bombs village
Prison Awaiting Hostile Bloggers
Pakistan Orders Military to Eliminate Militants, Terrorists
Supreme court OKs deporting 90 yr-old to Germany
The secret life of Dr Seuss

God bless Father Coughlin

Miami Beach developer defaults on Iceland's loan
Mickey Roth, the president of  Wesleyan college, locks down as Zio-shooter roams campus
Porn star 'Stormy Daniels' (nee Rosen) to challenge Louisiana senate seat
Israeli gangs extort Arabs from inside protected Jewish settlements
'Tough' toddler found alive after 2 days in woods
The coming dollar collapse
Six Israelis charged with drug trafficking in California
Israel would inform, not ask U.S. before hitting Iran
House Prices Continue To Plummet
Stanford may not be charged in $2.2 billion dollar fraud
Steny Hoyer and 3000 Zionists in a Flatulence Festival - 3 min
Newt Gingrich - AIPAC - 3 minutes of a total idiot
Senator Durbin speaks at AIPAC - 'Gutter trash' - 3 min
Biden at AIPAC - 3 min video
Bank of America may need $34B in new capital
Rich Americans Default on Luxury Homes Like Subprime Victims
Harry Solomon Truman had a few skeletons in his closet
Who bought all the ammo?
Israel tied to the Red Sea piracy
Hanoi Jane Harman covers up the Armenian Genocide and joins the ADL if fighting against the 'Armenian genocide resolution'  - 4 min video
Italian PM Berlesconi gets ADL awards - A 'Wink and a nod' for a Marono
Napalitano for Supreme Court
Is Jane Harmon a Red Diaper Baby?
"Hanoi Jane Harman" - 6 min video
A defiant and treacherous Harman spits on the American people - 90 sec video
Lawyers Credit Obama Team for Dismissing AIPAC Case
Video re-enactment of Zionists executing the Romanovs
Chrysler's salaried retirees about to see their pensions evaporate
Another shocking sex case from Austria
A look at the Ukrainian buckaroo who is PM of Alberta Canada
Scarsdale mother stole $12 Million in gold
Killer professor said to be in Israel
Japan arrest 3 Yeshiva students in massive ecstasy smuggling ring
The brutal execution of Izzie Klinghoffer on the cruise ship Archille Lauro
Rosen and Weismann to seek restitution after Israeli espionage case is dropped by US Government
Boys at Brooklyn deli swindle $20 million
Israeli tourist killed in Thailand's forbidden bar
Mark Levine hires a hit man and his relatives lay dead
FBI Furious Over AIPAC Spy Case Drop
U.S. court clears way for Demjanjuk removal
Dow Below 1000: Seriously?
Commie bastards fried together - Julius and Ethyl Rosenberg
Immigrants push for reforms at rallies across US
Big immigration rallies
Austrian expert finds war crime suspect, 96, not fit enough to stand trial:
3.4 Trillion federal budget - "Goodnight Irene"
The latest star in the anti-immigration fight
This is a Harvard professor?
Germany's economy shrinks 6%
A look at a Harvard Professor and the question of dual loyalties
Why is the ADL so adamant that a resolution teaching the Armenian Genocide should be banned?
The ADL is outraged and wants a California professor removed.  He sent an anti Semitic email to students (the professor  is Jewish)
Are the Rockefellers Jewish?
Video on 'Mad-Dog Zikhan' the professor that killed three, and has fled to Israel
"Bowling for Arabs" is Israelis latest sport - they run over kids with their cars
Dr Abe Horowitz says the CIA/America, and a gentile named Dr Robertson, engineered the flu
Rumsfeld (nee Rumsfelder) the architect of the Iraq war and his connection the the genetic engineered swine flu
Jungian Graf and David Irving at odds
Obama is appalled at waterboarding, but hasn't said a word about Zionist snipers shooting pregnant women
Give these morons a free college education??
2 min immigration video - funny - this is why the ADL is infiltrating the anti-immigrations movement
A brilliant book discusses the  state of America if Lindbergh had beaten FDR
2 min video as Zionists shoot entire family
Poland's very own version of Anne Frank
Swine Flu? - Israel Heavily Into BioWeapons Since 1948
Britain's head clown, Gordon Brown, pledges $150 million to keep Auschwitz running as museum
 Germany's Woes Spark Talk Of Weimar
 Obama considered the black FDR
Margaret Sanger, the Zio-Founder of Planned Parenthood - "Negoes are like weeds and need to be exterminated"
Pandemic Alert: Deadly Swine Flu about to Explode?
Obama Vows To Confront 'Holocaust Deniers' ... versus saving the economy?.
Iran: We've arrested Israel spy ring
The horror of Buchenwald
Craig's List killer aka 'The Panty Snatcher' borrowed $135,000 in student loans
David Irving discusses death figures on Dresden
'Israel uses sub to sink Iranian ship - Zionist claim "This was a pre-emptive strike" and allowed under Israeli law
Israeli bomb teams connected to election in Iran
Speculation to another $10 billion dollar fraud
Israeli settlers gun down six Arab children
$6 billion venture fund linked to Israel
Net cast for Ga. prof suspected in fatal shootings - He may try to flee to Israel
The dark side of Superman
A professor shoots six, killing three,  and he is walking around campus with a mini arsenal
Germany's slump risks 'explosive' mood as second banking crisis looms
He strangled the wife and married the family nanny

Laying the groundwork for a major plague?

Zio-Judges seek to protect 'Cop Killer'
The year is 1982, but schemes are always the same- Felony  Bunko
Rep Harmon Bribed By Mossad Agent
Iran arrested a Mossad spy and Israel is teaching them a lesson
The Shamelessness of Jane Harman, she should have the decency to step down
Women leaves 10 year-old child on deserted road
The 1955 Brooklyn Thrill Killings
Brooklyn's 'Butcher Boy' had a drawer full of women's panties, two were identified as his victims
Red Cross gets a message about their interference in Gaza
 Jan Harman the government official accused of abetting two Israelis in an espionage trial is a child of a  holocaust survivor
Washington /Mexican's 'Dream Act', which gives free college tuition to illegals, has Zio-backers
France buys Sarkozy a $500 million dollar jet
The rarified world of billionaire Venture Capitalists aka 'The Money Lender'
Police say there may be other victims of Markoff, who is termed the 'Butcher Boy Of Boston'




Worst foreclosure rates found in 4 states
Another gun control resolution HR 45
California GOP Decries Anti-Semitic Tea Party Activism
Sen Feinstein's Husband Cashes In On Crisis
Dark Voyage - A shiksa is killed  - 5 min video
This beauty queen is murdered on the high seas
Abe Geithner, the treasury secretary, says government will sell 'Toxic Mortgages' for pennies on the dollar to 'Qualified Investors'
Audience cries as holocaust survivors describes Nazi monsters beating a child with his own violin
The 'Butcher Boy' of Boston
What would be the timetable for Israel strike on Iran?
"Craigslist Killer" is SUNY-Albany graduate
Bombshell: Rep. Jane Harman Caught on Tape Agreeing to Lobby for Alleged AIPAC/Israel Spies?
Palm Beach billionaire receives fifth lawsuit on child molestation
The 'Dream Act' is a bill that subsidizes college tuition so Mexicans can compete
Women, children among eight killed in new type of U.S.drone strike
Nanna Sendler smuggled 2500 babies past the Nazis in shoe boxes ..that's five a day - TV movie
Who killed 21 polo ponies - Russian mafia
Israel disrupts UN conference on Genocide and racism
Majority in US want Israel to be penalized
Civilian shoots a cop at a radar stop
Israeli Spying: The Mother of all Scandals
Lying about WW2
Israelis Warn Of Eritrea Flashpoint With Iran
The heartbreak of a holocaust survivor
Jason Berman of 9/11 fame explodes at question about Israel involvement on Sept 11 - five min video
Madonna's DNA questioned
Immigrants promise a blood bath if their relatives are deported
Did Iran arrest an American reporter or a Mossad spy?
Israel stands ready to bomb Iran's nuclear sites
Iran Does 'Enormous Damage' With 'Spy' Sentence
What Piracy? This Is the Same Old Jihad ...Just one article tells you all you need to know about the driving force behind the Tea Party protest
US to boycott United Nations racism meeting, and Israel is very pleased
Venture investments fall 61 percent in 1st qtr - Opps, there goes your pension!
Couple, their 3 kids found dead in Maryland home
Grisly slayings brings Mexican drug war to US
Russian billionaires say "We are victims of the down-turn", or is it really that they are afraid of the have-nots lynching them?
Banks Must Brace For Huge New Losses
The truth on Columbine
You have to ask who is really organizing all these 'Tea Party' protests
China Dumping Dollars For Copper
Israel stands ready to bomb Iran's nuclear sites
Adding Insult to Injury–Powerful Jewish Groups Demand Case Against Accused Spies Be Dropped
US banks step up home foreclosures
Ask yourself "Who is organizing this nationwide protest"

Georgetown Says It Covered Over Name of Jesus to Comply With White House Request

Who really funded and organized the 'Boston tea parties'  ... An old Zio-Tactic to gather names
Bomb at mess hall kills 16 Iraqi soldiers
A Shiksa gets slaughtered and everyone looks the other way
Holocaust denier Fredrick Toben guilty of criminal contempt in Australia
Phil Spector's first day in jail
Illinois opens $45 million dollar Holocaust museum
Jakob Burksbaum's real estate empires collapses leaving a wake of bad debt
One very strange Feminist icon
France's Sarkozy has a concubine with political ambitions
Bailouts And Manipulations
Dean Arthur Schwartzmiller is the number one sexual predator in America
Rev Tony Alamo  (nee Feinberg) is held on child molestation charges - 60 sec video
Any connection to Somalia pirates?
Foreclosures Soar in March, Up 44 Percent Over February’s High
Who is this Netanyahu threatening world peace?
Why this Crisis May be Worse than the Great Depression
 Air France Drops 2,500 Jobs - Gloom Deepens
Were two hillbillies from Arizona the masterminds of the Oklahoma City bombing?
A renegade German speaks his mind
Student killed in love triangle involving teacher
Christopher Bollyn - Super-Thermite Demolished Twin Towers on 9-11:
Zionists have made subtle threats about these spies going to trial
Illegals cost America $346 billion a year - that's 5100 high schools at $70 million each.
Homeland Security Report equates 'abortion opponents' with white supremacists
4.5 million babies born to illegal immigrants in 2008 America
Taleban 'kill love affair couple' ... Zio-Propaganda
Americans Stick To Their Guns - Sales Soar
The Vatican prays for God to send them help for the earth quake victims, and holocaust survivors flood into Italy
Babysitter Arrested, Accused Of Running Molestation Ring
Israel quietly suggest that the Mossad could infiltrate and destroy the pirates of Somalia
Rumors were that this was Sarkozy's 'Boy-Toy'
The French collaboration in WW2
Jewish people becoming nervous as the financial system implodes and an astounding 40% of Americans blame Jewish financiers
AIG sent $50 billion in American taxpayer funds, used for their bailout to Israeli and European banks
Much like the 'Black September' hijacking of the 1970's, and 1980s, lead back to Israel, these pirate attacks are smelling of Zionist backing

Piracy in the Red Sea: Saudi points towards Israel

Black market nukes - 8 min video
Iranians know that if a war starts, it will be a fight to the death, and they must go all out
85 yr old Holocaust survivor, Esther Blotski, goes to Israel and is forced to drop her bloomers by the IDF - 2 min video
European internet consumption to overtake TV in 14 months
Calif. returns Renoirs  to 3rd generation Holocaust survivors
George Soros aka György Schwartz
If the first two jets hit the WTC, than why did Norad let the second two fly over nuclear reactors?
Switzerland is entering a deflation, and so is most of Europe, but Obama says 'We is Okie Dokie'
5 More US soldiers Just Died for Israel in Iraq
The Swiss slide into deflation  - The current US housing is called a 'Slump'. Picture outright deflation!
Russian video on Dresden - Part 1 - eight min
Russian video on Dresden - Part 2 - eight min
Obama to legalize 20,000,000 immigrants
Obama to seek $83.4 billion for Iraq, Afghan wars - that is the equivalent of 1328 high schools
Zionists in malls buying  Gold Jewelry For Cash
Pelosi Demands Gun Registration
Stanford (nee Stein) laundered money to fund anti-leftist rebellions - tied to Madoff
Ambrose Pritchard-Evans: The G20 moves the world a step closer to a global currency
Israel leader says-  "If America doesn't stop Iran, than Israel will"
Interesting read on Dresden
The Dresden attack of 1945
Sir Allen Stanford (nee Stein) maybe indicted
ADL advises universities as to who are acceptable commencement speakers
AIPAC sues the American government over espionage case

 Texas Holocaust Commission wins Senate approval

68 Israelis arrested in Poland for child porn ring
Leopards attacking a small Israeli village, and Jewish men fight them with bare hands
Israelis behind the traffic in Iraqi babies?
 Gutemalean's dream is answered - "Mariana Vasques is going to Harvard'
New York social figure has been charged
Austrian royalty is arrested on massive fraud
 Did the Nazis make the Jewish men undress for their executions, or is this voyeurism?
German and French banks got $36 billion from AIG Bailout
Starbucks denies support of Israeli soldiers during recent Gaza genocide
Nine fireman died in a small fire
Police deny delay at Bingham massacre, saying "No shooting victims could've been saved"
10 yr olds sit through 1 week holocaust course and then write letters to survivors
2 min video of cop shootout in Pittsburg
Israelis say this child attacked them and they had to shoot her, Arabs claim kidnapping and rape
Five cops lay dead or  dying as this 22 year old psycho blazes away
  IMF to sell 340 tones of gold ... Zio-Scheme
Rare color film of Hitler 1944 - 4 min
A shocking 1930 anti Semitic video
A 19 year old postal clerk was hung to satisfy the pigs at the Nuremberg trials
He killed eight at a nursing home and no one will give his shrink's name
Jakob Stein, president of Gemini Fund I hedge fund, has been arrested
Starbucks bristles under pressure from Christians to stop supporting Israel
This has the distinct smell of gun control
The Zionist engineered world collapse is resulting in a rise in German Nationalism
Zionists past legislation giving 22 Japanese the Medal of Honor to ease the path for their 168 Medals
Video on Audie Murphy - most decorated soldier in history - 5 min
It's 1943 and Germans push Russians out of  Riga and Bolshevik atrocities uncovered, and the town takes it's revenge - 7 min video
Dov Zakheim Is "The Face Of Evil"
The lost Columbine video
Obama and Gordon Brown used their combined IQs of 140 to save the world
What is Israel doing in Darfur?
Nuttier than fruitcakes - Jewish Defense League video 
Petraeus Says Israel Might Choose to Attack Iran
Who are the ones behind the Gay Movement?
Berlin Rabbi orders police to arrest demonstrators because their sign said 'Israel kills children in Gaza'
Home Prices in 20 U.S. Cities Fell by a Record 19%
Video of San Francisco riots
This book claims that the Jewish genius lies in their DNA
US home price drops set records in Jan. 3
Kansans to vote on gun ownership amendment
Israel closes investigation on illegal Gaza killings - Considers rumors to be outrageous
Increased anti-Semitism in Norway
New York art dealer steals $88 million
Police storm protestors as they gather outside Israeli consulate, even though they had a permit
The stigma of Hate Hoaxes tarnishes Jewish credibility
I shake my fist at heaven and scream "Where was God"?
Israel moves it's bombing operations from Iraq to Afghanistan
Carnival Cruise line Heiress (Rachel Arison) spends $100 million on a yacht ..Your 401K money at work
ADL sponsors a documentary on the crime of the century - The Leo Frank case
Israel's top advisor not allowed in United States
AIPAC espionage case becomes US trouble
Ray Kroc  - He was so special
This may be the biggest pedophile case in US history
American Jews extremely worried about a Gaza backlash are now protesting Israel
Notre Dame University struggles to find it's soul
81 year old priest is sent to jail by 33 yr old Judge Kristi Jacobs Marx
He owns the most expensive house in America
Hezbollah is behind the international drug trade - not Zionists
Charles Simonyi  Private World of wealth and decadence
US Judge says Iran behind 1996 killing of Jewish soldier by Hamas, and Iran must pay $25 million
Zio-Bankers stage hate hoaxes to get Federal protection
Mossad suspected in Afghan bomb that killed 48
AJC, ADL urge AIPAC prosecution to reconsider
Venezuela synagogue that was ransacked was a Hate Hoax 
Eisenhower and post war Germany
The sun is setting on the college radicals talking circuit
Soldiers shoot youth and kidnap 17 Palestinians in the West Bank - organ donors?
The Sandlers were credited with the Wachovia collapse
Anti-Semitism may boost housing sales in Israel
Phils Spector's murder trial goes to the jury
Irving Feldkamp's $4 million plane came down in mysterious circumstances
Zio-Controlled Teamsters let Fed Ex to operate without a union contract
Abe Mueller, the FBI head, gives a wink to financial fraud and money in Israel
Freeze $1.5 Qaudrillion Derivs As First Step To Recovery
Closing arguments in the execution of Lana Clarkson
Obama's Economic Guru: Larry Summers
Hollywood does back flips for Darfur but is silent on Israeli snipers executing pregnant women
Kosher Kingpin wants his trial on 98 felony charges delayed because of Jewish holidays
Swedish Countess savaged by New York Tycoon
Israeli troops shut down press conference with injured American's parents; beat activists
Rockefeller: Internet is “Number One National Hazard”
Commander confirms Netanyahu war plans
USA has Two Options to Save its Economy: Declare Default or Trigger a War
IDF Soldiers Ordered To Ambulance drivers
Geithner, Obama Bowing To 'Massively Corrupted' Banks
Is Alex Jones A Zionist?...Controversy Swirls
DOW up 500 points on a Con-Job
Pope warned about bringing up the subject of the coming demolition of Arab homes in Jerusalem
Suicide bomb blast kills 23 at funeral in Iraq- Arabs killing Arabs?
Is the Pope's trip to Israel a fatal mistake?
Two Israeli-Americans sue federal government for defamation inn their espionage trial
G-20 Must Freeze The $1.5 Quadrillion Derivatives Bubble As The First Step To World Economic Recovery
IDF shells refugee camp for sport
A two minute video on Israeli psycho mentality
Israelis restrict pope when he visits Jerusalem
Hucksters clip $1 trillion from taxpayers in latest banking fraud
Kids among the 17 dead in MT plane crash
Students with graduate degrees working as dancers in 'Gentleman's Clubs'
Israel's PM warns Obama that if Madoff is not to be made an example of
Ex-cops apologize for deadly drug raid ahead of sentencing
Pelosi Tells Illegal Immigrants That Work Site Raids are Un-American
Cadaver dogs flown to Aruba - More heartache for the Holloway family
Obama Should Note Growing Anger In America
A serial killer admits to 200 murders
The Oxford Rugby team pulls an anti-Semitic prank and England is 'Outraged'
Pope refuses to name the 'Marxists' who are behind all of Africa's wars
A hundred cops involved in Los Angeles shoot-out and four are dead

What rabbis told Israeli soldiers in Gaza war

WTC's Silverstein Wants Taxpayer Bailout!
Romania weighs decriminalizing consensual incest
Look at these goofy Zio-Christians - Hagee video
Hungary PM Quits Amid Worsening Crisis
A sudden rush of books to make the Columbine killers to look like angels
A stain on the FBI
Latest craze in Israel is sniper T-Shirts
70 yr old pediatrician accused of bl*wing his 8 yr old patients
Manhunt in Aspen for Israelis assassin
This is a keystone event which must be brought up when discussing 9/11, or the Oklahoma City Bombing
Alaska and Florida consider bans on bestiality
Government will reimburse Madoff's small investors, most are Jewish, and none have verifiable financial statements
Josef Fritzl is not Austrian
Four Canadians die in sophisticated bombing in Afghanistan - Israelis are advisors
Teacher masturbates in front of female student
Fritzl suspected in at least four other murders
Spiritual leader found guilty in molestation case
Josef Fritzl's sentence shocks Austrians
The real AIG conspiracy
Israel admits to "Sport Shooting" of Arab civilians
For Obama, the clock on Iran Is ticking -- but how fast?
This vicious midget was the head of the NKVD
Obama asks patience, guarantees better days ahead
Million French workers march against Sarkozy
Zionists collapse house prices and then sell foreclosures to Hispanic immigrants. Neighborhood prices drop even more and they have their race war
The furor over AIG bonuses is just a diversion from the real scam
The brains behind AIG
Fritzel gets life at a medical facility
Madoff's accomplices catch a break from prosecutor
The truth on Josef Fritzel the Dungeon Master
Jewish 'Dungeon Master' is senteced to a medical facility (nee a 'Kosher Country Club) - Drugs and young boys
France's Zionists are afraid as people take to the streets over the economy
Gun Advocates Ready for Battle on Federal Assault Weapons Ban
Killer Cop Puts Yet Another Man Six Feet Under
Christopher Bollyn on Madoff
FBI turned to Mobsters for help
Fed launches bold $1.2T effort to revive economy
Rabbis want meth trial moved out of Iowa. Their fear is this could wind up like Leo Frank
Fritz could make millions
Prosecutors want Fritzl in a psychiatric facility (Zio-shrinks keep him high, and young inmates keep him happy)
Austrian incest father pleads guilty to charges
Israel contemplates using ballistic missiles on Iran
Health care overhaul may cost about $1.5 trillion

An audio of Klebold at the Columbine library

Terror expert predicts a False Flag of massive proportions in America
Columbine was suppose to be about gun control, but instead it focused on the monsters that did the killing
Listen to this and you will understand why the Judge locked the tapes up for twenty years
Is This Last Gasp for the Israel Lobby and the Neocons?
Caterpillar to lay off 2,454 workers in 3 states
Abe Shulman, the New IRS director to give $17 billion to Madoff's victims
Zionists to get billions from the IRS in tax breaks from Madoff scheme
More on the Anthrax Zio-False Flag
Nokia to cut 1,700 jobs in sinking phone market
The DOJ And the U.S.D.C. for the Southern District of New York... Hot Beds Of Zionist Treason?
Horrifying video of Jewish girl defiled by Nazis - 2 min
Hassidics beat negro boy and police say it was 'Self Defense'
AIG ships billions in bailout abroad
Alabama Shootings (10 dead) is caused by the financial meltdown and Zionists are afraid - so give them your weapons

Israel to raze 1,700 Palestinian homes in Jerusalem

High School teens contemplate suicide as Stella Kramer tells he holocaust story
It seems one of Monthy Python's troupe was a little naughty at a girl's prep school
Afghan IED kills four US soldiers
I broke into Auschwitz
High school allows 'fleabag' to tell 13 yr old kids how she lived under the floorboards for 20 months
Holocaust survivor speaks at Carthage college - I want to see this dean's credentials
A.I.G. to Pay $100 Million in Bonuses After $180 billion Bailout
As US Economy Continues To Tank, More Bonuses Planned For Bankers
The real question is - "Where is the $65 billion?"
Before The Stampede - Dollar Crisis In The Making
Should Sarah lose her federal scholarship?
Churches going bankrupt
Zionists want leniency for the Austrian Dungeon Master - Josef Fritzl
Roman Polanski says the holocaust made him rape a 12 yr old - video 9 min
Obama picks another Zionist to head the FDA
Psychiatric Drug Use of German Shooter Confirmed
Wal-Mart To Launch ‘Hispanic’ Stores
Obama’s Gun Ban List Is Out
Accused Allen Stanford invokes t(nee Steinberg) he Fifth Amendment
American citizen critically injured after being shot in the head by Israeli forces in Ni’lin

Dutch judge orders teens to visit Anne Frank House

Madoff's was charged with stealing $65 billion, up from the original $50 billion figure
What is driving gold up?
Canada's stain on humanity - Steven Harper
Dresden - The Worst War Crime Of WWII - 600,000 Dead
The 2002 Erfurt massacre
Anna Nicole Smith's boyfriend, doctors charged
Where are the MADOFF Funds Now?
French anti-P2P internet law toughest in the world
Madoff will fake a heart attack, have a closed casket, and spend his golden years in Tel Aviv banging 10 yr old Ukranian sex slaves
US and Israel meet to plan strike on Iran
Madoff's victims
Alabama Shooter Trained To Be A Cop; 11 People Dead
Jewish Society in Old Palm Beach
The fabulous South Hampton crowd
Video of German shooter - 90 sec
German school massacre has a lot in common with Columbine
Abe killed his wife, and shot a delivery boy, saying the young boy was the culprit
German gunman targeted girls
11 die in Alabama shooting rampage
After attacks, Europe hurries to tighten gun laws
Woman hating Zios go on blood bath - Marcus LaPine
Polish Zionist imprisons and rapes his daughter - authorities will not reveal his name
German shooter angry at being shunted by gentile girls so he went back to the school and executed Christian girls
Big protest at AIPAC and Jewish attendees spit and curse on protestors - 9 min video
Rabbi and his wife may have abused children
Meth trial in Iowa compared to holocaust persecution
Eisenhower's Cadillac with his 5 star license plate, flags on the fenders, and sirens blazing, and Kay driving
Will a multicultural police dept be a problem when the economy implodes and arrests need to be made?
Horrific rape by Las Vegas entertainer in limbo
Is a multicultural army a good thing?
Yenta runs world's largest sex/kidnap ring
Illegal immigrants might get stimulus jobs,
Giant sex slave ring busted
An amazing video on Eisenhower's death camps
Australian child kidnapped and Judge lets Israeli go back to Israel and serve in the IDF
Los Angeles' multicultural  police rough up people who boo Israelis
Obama speech teleprompter goes out- 1 min video
The hero of the last church massacre
An decent Christian leader is charged by a gun wielding Zionist, and brave parishioners stop further bloodshed
Russian Oligarch claims to own the Romanov's jewels
Was ADL's ongoing battle with Baptists linked to church massacre?
Top U.S., European Banks Got $50 Billion in AIG Aid
Eisenhower's Holocaust - His Slaughter Of 1.7 Million Germans
Abraham Karatz gets indicted but money has vanished
Californians shaken as big time philanthropist is indicted in massive retiree swindle
How much of AIG’s bailout/handout is financing Israeli mortgages in Jerusalem & the West Bank?
Israel annexing East Jerusalem, says EU
Two minute video of Leopold and Loeb
Hollywood portrays Leopold and Loeb as confused boys, but forgets to mentions they butchered five people
Another Hate Hoax or is this deer an anti-Semite?
Arthur 'Bugsy' Nadel gets bail
Jewish fund manager steals $350 million and judge gives him house arrest
The hero of Iwo Jima turns out to be a fraud
The miracle of the Dead Sea Scrolls unravels and hoaxster indicted for threats
Israeli letter bombs
Medal of Honor war hero arrested
Savvy investors buys foreclosed houses for 10 cents on the dollar
Suspicions grow that attack on Sri Lankan cricket team was 'Israeli sponsored'
One in 8 U.S. Households Late Paying or in Foreclosure
Wilhem Marrs, a terrible anti Semite turns out to be another Kosher Nazi
Holocaust film heroes were real bandits who killed 138 Poles in the village of Naliboki 
Momma was making chicken soup while poppa was raping me
When SWAT was sent into get 'Tampa Terrorist' the government said 'No rough stuff''
Interesting video on Julius Striechter  - 9 min
‘Sex-trafficking’ family is arrested
Israeli operatives park car bomb in Baghdad  market
Principal arrested on molestation charges
Betty Ong was the stewardess on Flight 11, and the transcript confirms an Israeli was involved
The court at the Hague charges the President of the Sudan-- The Israelis are behind it in an effort to grab Sudan's oil - another Iraq


Brutal confrontation on jet
Young American teens go to Israel for summer camp and the thrill of being with the IDF on 'Hunts'
Someone doubts the Hamas rocket story - 4 min video
Swindler caught with 100 gold bars
The story of a young girl being defiled by an SS colonel, and a illicit affair after the war
The Greatest Depression Under Way
A look at Obama's cabinet
Obama Lied To Gun Owners - Attack Plan Revealed
International court issues warrant for Sudanese president - The massacre in Gaza is a different story
Obama appoints another Zionist to head the FCC
The JDL won't allow a Canadian high school to have mid-east social studies of Israel's history


Don't worry, houses and stocks will come back.
Abe Fish - A serial killer
Oh, the horror and inhumanity. Treblinka is one of the most massive graves in history. The grave may be 10,000 feet deep!
Christopher Bollyn: Understanding the Zionist Corporate Network Linking 9-11 and the Financial Crisis
Wesley Clarke - War hero or just another BS artist?
Why didn't the pilot of Fl 11 get off a hijack alert to the FAA on 9/11
Who was the mystery man who sat next to the Mossad assassin on Flight 11
This Iraq slaughter was about the Mosul-Haifa pipeline, and US troops guarding it.
Rosita Gonzales gets a $35,000 a yr teaching job and Sandy Bell, an American college graduate, gets $6.75 at Wal-Mart
Warren Buffet, another Zio-Created legend, takes a market hit
Abe Gershman came to America for his piece of the pie
The Ecstasy academic among our children
Obama moved toward commanders in Iraq decision (AP)
An ugly bias is back: blaming Jews for financial woes
230 pound cop assaults a 100 pound teenage girl - video
Repo clowns in shootout, and three are dead
Taxpayer buy 36% of Citicorp - Who knows how much toxic debt they hold
Britain may nationalize RBS and taxpayers are on the hook for $450 billion in bad debts
Holder To Reinstitute Assault Weapon Ban
England is at the brink of financial collapse and the Prime Minister signs a bill making anti-Semitism a crime
A look at Hefner and his playmates at the mansion
New Mexico schools on verge of collapse  thanks to immigration -1965 Hart Cellar act
Harvard has a 35% Jewish enrollment, and it is estimated another 20% are cryptos.
CFTC charges futures traders in alleged $1.3 billion scam
Australian Bishop who opposes Zio-Abortion racket receives a bomb threat, and parties involved say it is a renegade priest that did it

Israel sponsoring Darfur rebels

Even Boston Legal plants the seed that Muslims are killing Africans. Why? Because Muslims are evil
Israel dual-citizens win round in US espionage case 
Principal Abe Shore forbids students from wearing Arabic scarf
Stimulus bill gives $1 billion to Jewish social service providers - (Which could build 17 high schools for your kids)
George Clooney fights for Darfur
Bishop leaves Argentina under orders from Jewish president Kirshner
Five More US Soldiers Killed In Iraq so Zionists can steal the world's oil
Video of horrific sexual harassment by Zio-Judge on two Christian women
ADL heartened by leniency in Judge's sex case
A prominent Vicar speaks up about the persecution of the Pope over the Holocaust denying Bishop
Guess who is behind the African American Slave Reparation bill?


Finland's Jewish community calls for strict gun laws in wake of anti Semitism cause by financial crisis
Finland wants gun banned on anniversary of shooting


The SPLC spies on KKK and takes pictures of them in the woods.
The tragic death of Selena


Obama aims to slash budget deficit by half - What his this fool's IQ?
Ritz Camera files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy - Abe Ritz apparently will stiff banks, employees, and creditors for $500 million - No doubt they will reopen in a week
Obama to give Las Vegas a $2 billion dollar high speed train
The Holocaust, a tale of Yetis, and speaking at universities
Interesting short video on Henry Ford
The history of Jewish comedians at the Catskills - 5 min video
Jews shoot Arab farmers for sport - 2 min video


Did Israeli Agents sink the Estonia and kill 1,000 people?
And you think they couldn't get any lower -New York art dealer defrauds nuns out of $5 million
Latvia Zio-Rulers took $8.2 billion from the IMF, the Latvia people threw them out, and they appear to have fled the country
Mossad spy tied to 9/11 - 80 sec video
New Jersey Hassidic forbid gentiles to ride bikes through their neighborhoods

Latavia agrees to pay Jews $60 million for holocaust memories

ABC makes a degrading movie about real estate salesman's reaction as a 'Negro couple' try to buy an expensive house
'Mossad spy' tied to Mughniyeh hit
Obama seeks leniency in Weisman-Rosen espionage case
Rocket from Lebanon hits Arab village inside Israel, suddenly the wounded Arabs become 'Israelis'
Greenspan - 'Recession' Will Be Worst Since 1930s
UK Could Crash Like Iceland
Diane Feinstein -It seems her husband gets millions in government contracts and no one says a word
Drag Queen elected homecoming queen at George Mason University
Obama's New Deal will dwarf Franklin Roosevelt's 1933 scam
Bomb kills 28 at Shiite funeral in Pakistan -- more Israeli terror
NY Post sorry for 'Obama' cartoon
Who stole the Confederate's gold?
Zionists at NY Post remind Obama that he is just a "Chimp" - 2 min video
 Swindler is friends and supporter of fellow Zionist, Nancy Pelosi
The Mossad's latest toy --- GPS trackers
Great Grandson sues Yale Secret ‘Skull and Bones’ Society to Return Geronimo’s Skull
American Jewry & The Economic Crisis
Historians paint Lindbergh as a Nazi, and General Patton as an Egotistical Nazi sympathizer
Zionists remind Obama he is just a 'Schwartzer'
Video of Holocaust Idiot that made fraud movie
Billionaire scammer has fled to Israel
New York art dealer rumored to have organized heist at Baghdad's museum
Jewish war heroes fight Nazis --- 2 min video
French 'Tart'  sues France for $500k because her Momma went to Auschwitz
The giant government pension insurer is broke
Judge lets thief who embezzled $8 million walk because he was a 'Holocaust Survivor'
Horrifying murder of child - possible 'Ritual Sacrifice'   - 5 min video
$8 billion made it's way to the Caribbean, and on to Israel
Obviously a 757 didn't go through seven concrete walls, leave a perfect circle, and no engines, or landing gear
Judge rules sex offender Jeffrey Epstein agreement to remain sealed
The story of Britney Spears persecution
Jeffrey Bezos is worth $12 billion but his employees get $8.50 an hr and no benefits
Eleven Israeli tourists arrested for seducing 8 yr olds with hallucinogenic drugs
Israeli officer acquitted on child execution charges
 Probe of USS Cole Bombing Unravels as it points to Israel
Why did Shipman kill 500 patients?
After seeing this 3 min video there can be no doubts as to the Holocaust
Vicious Communist Jews attack German Nationalists as they march in remembrance of the firebombing of Dresden
Video of police interrogating Dr Harold Shipman - # 1 mass murderer in history
Abe Foxman wants Holocaust bishop to either recant or face trial
Status of Phil Spector murder trial
The truth about this heinous crime - St Valentine Day Massacre
James Franco discovers his roots at a Harvard Bar Mitzvah


Video of Karbala attack - 1 min
Concerned citizens confront Mossad Sayanims at rural mall - 2 min video
Another hate crime hoax - woman who claimed racist attack caused miscarriage was not pregnant, wounds self-inflicted.


Blackwater Is Out But I Wonder Who Owns Their Competitor?
A look at Paris during the war
A bomb went off in a tent full of women and children and the news media says it was a Arab female
How Banks Are Worsening the Foreclosure Crisis
Mossad tied to the killing of Anna Lindh
Female bomber kills 32 on Iraqi pilgrimage route -- Israeli agents
Roosevelt was given orders revenge on the German people
International Jewry ordered Eisenhower, and Churchill, to firebomb Dresden, where 250,000 died 
Pakistan's Zionist advisor implicates country in Mumbai attack
Michele Obama's cousin is a Rabbi
Renegade holocaust Bishop attended party at David Irving's estate
The world's ecstasy kingpin
Taxpayers may have to cover octuplet mom's costs of raising kids, plus $1.5 mill hospital fees, and Doctor's Fines fee of $60,000 - And she is an immigrant
Two judges make $2.6 million for sending juveniles to Zionist's controlled youth facilities
With the election of Bibi Netanyahu the settlers in remote towns terrorize, rape, and kill
Who Concocted The Slaughter Of Iraq?
Poll: 31% of Europeans blame Jews for global financial crisis
Will Phil Spector ever be convicted
Australia's disastrous fire was set by arsonists
Obama ‘will give green light for Iran war’
Is Ann Coulter another 'False Prophet'?
Great video on the history of Israel's occupation
Organizer of Venezuela synagogue attack was Rabbi's bodyguard for four year's - another 'Zio-Hoax'
The Anne Frank Diary Fraud
Google is watching
Another Hate Hoax on Venezuela synagogue attack
Jakob Pappas TV empire goes broke
Hudson 'miracle' pilot gets applause on Broadway
NATO to attack independent Afghan opium operations (Zio-drug ops get the government to kill their competitors)
The horror of child molestation - 5 min video
What is a financial Derivative?
Layoff Legions Turn To Parties, Internet
Child sex in the Holy City
Turkish town has sign "No dogs and no Jews"
A  look into the dark souls of West Bank settlers that lust for blood!
Netanyahu 'will coax Obama into Iran war'
Germany's children see a bleak future as another bank is looted, and Chancellor Merkel looks the other way
Louisiana judges send attractive children to two special camps
Zio-gangsters in Bermuda defraud London stock investors of $600 million
Who was Henry Wirz, this pig commandant, and why are Zionists historians so interested in his image?
California Pension Funds Close To Bankruptcy
Israelis forced mother to choose which of her children would die
Indicted Miami Beach weapons dealer Efraim Diveroli is still making millions of dollars from the U.S. government
Another cover-up like the 2001 Anthrax attacks
500,000 More US Jobs Lost In January
Another unsolved mystery
Police investigate Holocaust-denying bishop
When 'Terror' strikes an Oregon University
Who were the North Hollywood shooters
The 'Zio-Clown' Bush and his $2.5 trillion dollar war
A special look into their 'stench filled' world of Hate - 2 min video
Who is really firing rockets into Israel? A video confirms these are Israeli collaborators
Sudan: Israel arming Darfur rebels
Sarkozy says French whites who marry interracially will get job preferences
Tex Marrs wonders who is plundering the wealth of American citizens
Oligarch paid Labour peer more than £600,000
Lt. Colonel Avi fought 'Hand to hand' combat in Gaza, despite many wounds, he fought on!  Throwing grenades into houses full of children?
Retirees lose $600 million to Israeli run fraud
The dirty secret of Michigan university
It seems Izzie doesn't know where the $500 Million has gone!!
Marcus is indicted in $400 million dollar fraud
Pedophile video arrest - shocking 5 min
Israel Plans To Colonize Parts Of Iraq
Mel Brooks alongside George Patton in the Battle Of The bulge -No records available
Is Madoff the tip of a money laundering pyramid in Israel?
Don't panic about your 401(k) losses. Zionist money managers say everything will be 'Hunky Dorie'
BBC Blasts Pope on Holocaust bishop - 2 min video
Arab American doctors go to Gaza and are appalled - 90 sec video
Spanish police arrest six over massive '£420m London Stock Exchange fraud'
What qualifies a 50 yr old Israeli immigrant to be a $175,000 a yr professor at the University of Connecticut - what about hiring an American?
Hefner's assistant was arrested for five kilos of cocaine, was about to turn state's evidence, and suddenly overdosed 
German Neo Nazis stand trial for burning a copy of the Anne Frank book
Do foxes guarding the hen house make sense?
Bankrupt Lehman Brother's chairman, Abe Fuld,  hides assets
The Great Depression was not accidental


"Mad-Dog' Braunstein
Another manager at Iowa kosher slaughterhouse charged with violations of child labor laws
IDF: Hamas didn't carry out attack – but is responsible - Israel were planting booby traps and one went boom
Sandra goes to prison, but Naomi gets to attend Florida State University
Abe took $400 million and it's page four news
$4.2M unfrozen from Miami Beach munitions dealer's accounts
$380 Million Ponzi Suspect Arrested as he tries fleeing to Israel
The story of today's super wealthy and how they travel the world defiling woman and children
Tel Aviv 'Love triangle' where 10 men raped a 15 yr old boy
Jewish anger as pope reinstates Holocaust-denier
Children savaged at Catskill's camp by sex crazed 38 yr old teacher
Rabbis want bail for 'Meth-Kingpin'
He shot 55 Jews as a tribute to Hitler's 55th birthday- actual Nuremberg testimony
Actual holocaust survivor on Treblinka - 'Very moving'  - 5 min video
Video of 'Evil Bishop' saying gas chamber are bullsh*t
Accountant For Jacob Nadel $350 million fund Had No License
Levinson says he will not flee to Israel
Zsa Zsa Gabor lost millions due to Madoff - lawyer - She just remembered - "Oy Geyvalt"
Mexican 'Stew Maker' Dissolved 300 Victims In Acid
A visit to Auschwitz can test anyone's faith!
The White House warned Sunday that the country could face a long and painful financial recover
The 2006 murder of Sister Kelly by blood crazed Muslims?
Israeli war against Hamas scars Gaza's children
Israel vows to back soldiers accused of war crimes
Who was Khrushchev?
German prosecutors after Catholic Bishop
Israelis Capture, Jail Children IDF denies this is organ trafficking  
The First Fifteen Minutes of September 11th
America builds a $2 billion railroad  but Israelis want free tickets
Looking into the mind of "Human Garbage"  ... Abe Foxman says the Gaza war was a 'Just War'

Josef Fritzl 'made daughter watch porn' - Telegraph

Some churches actually stand up to the evil Zionists
Abbie Guzman of the Shining Path killed 70,000 Peruvians
Zionists want Catholic Bishop charged and arrested
Nazi Mengele's created a town of twins in Argentina. More Zio-Bullsh*t, or the real deal.  Rumors of ruins of Dr Frankenstein's castle
Icelandic government becomes first to be brought down by the credit crunch
Gaza doctors: Wounded in danger of dying
Zionism is the world of gangsters and terrorists
5.5% World's Container Ships Now Idle
Canadian Zionists want Pro-Gaza rallies to be investigated by police
Jews outraged by Holocaust-denying bishop
Zale jewlelrers tanks - good people you can trust
Diamond dealer files for bankruptcy and tells 520 employees, countless creditors, and millions in bank loans, 'Everything is safe' .... $500 million in liabilities
 Chinese factory workers return to the farms
Kirsten Gillibrand supports blockade of Iran.
Israeli soldier shot 6 yr old girl in front of mother, and then shot the mother
Why did Caroline decide not to run?
Hospitals Demanding Cash Up Front
California's median home price falls 38 percent
Harley-Davidson axes 1,100 jobs
FBI amazed that 76 shots were fired and no one was hit!! Rumors of another hoax
Next time your at the Aladdin as for a 'Non-smoking and Non-swinger' room
JCN takes a cruel stance on French synagogue attack - How can anyone doubt the authenticity - 2 min video
Israelis are living high on US expense account
Is Finkelstein a Jewish martyr or just another shill, where SPLC plants ringers in the audience to take names?
Iceland Government On Verge Of Collapse
Seymour Steeger, Virginia Tech, refuses to step down even after second brutal slaying
Another Real Estate Crisis is About to Hit
The $4 billion opportunity off the coast of Gaza (Natural Gas Field)
New Zealand may prosecute cafe for refusing to serve Jewish women
The economic collapse has Zionists at a fever pitch to exploit Iceland
Interesting Pro-Think video - 5 min
German taxpayers to fund elaborate synagogues
Israel accused of executing parents in front of children in Gaza
Israelis flood the internet with propaganda videos
Iceland's Christian majority are furious - Video
Iceland's PM worried about a pogram against Zionist bankers
Video - Body guards go for guns as protestors throw snowballs - Iceland
Iceland's police savage protestors with clubs and gas - twenty arrested
Iceland's Jewish Prime Minister is attacked by mob, he only escapes as his 'Israeli trained' body guards pull their guns  
Video of Jewish vacationers at tourist stop that overlooks the killing at Gaza
That oh so zany Sarah Silverman - 90 sec video
Brits want their guns back!
Stock value drops from £600 to £10 a share. Zionist bankers blame market condition, but have suitcases packed.
Lloyds Slumps 47% As Investors Flee
Assad Wants Israel Named 'Terrorist' State'
Dragnet continues for missing money manager
Russia's oligarchs are borrowing billions from western banks and the defaulting
Tom Cruise always wanted to kill Hitler - no doubt his Nanna was gassed?
Kevin Macdonald on the multi-cultural calamity
Taxpayers get £2.5 billion tab as Lenoid Blavatnik defaults
British bank RBS quietly writes off $2.5 billion loan to "Russian" oligarch Leonid Blavatnik
Julie Andrews is trashed by Hollywood
Israel is prepared to use the " Samson Option"
Methamphetamine plague sweeps rural Iowa
Israelis bulldoze house with Arabs inside - when they came out with white flags the IDF shot them
"Lo Hashuv Ma Yagidu HaGoyim" ("Who cares what the goyim say?")
Israel put 57 people in a Gaza building and shelled it - 60 sec video
Israel says Solomon Morel won't be extradited
In 1946 Solomon Morel put the Germans in Auschwitz, and delighted in sadistic tortures
As Gaza digs out there are countless bodies - 90 sec video
Whoops, another bank failure and the records seemed to be a little vague
Zionist monitor Facebook, and even start a 'Pro-Israeli' series of videos - catch this video ..."Pray for the brave solders of the IDF"
Israeli Spokesman "Hamas killed Palestinian children to make us look bad"
Richest apartment block in US becomes a house of horrors
British Zionist insurance fraud-artists want taxpayers liable for £200bn in toxic bank loans
Another 'Kosher-Nazi' comes out of the closet
Here is a billion dollar fraud by the Steinger brothers which never made the headlines
Pill King of the internet
Hedge Fund - Son says 'Pray for my father, so he doesn't commit suicide'
Interesting WW2 colored video
Israelis let  their dogs eat wounded children
A hedge fund manager has fled with $350 million
Jewish soldiers Uses Dead Boy For Target Practice
The giant insurance company AIG, owned by Izzie Greenberg, which received $150 bill in bailouts, has offshore accounts
New Zealand restaurant tells two Jewish woman they must leave
Zio money manager flees with $350 million to Israel?
Israelis attack a camp - video
Why did Sarkozy fly to Chad over the arrest of eight Israelis?
What are Israelis doing in American malls?
Killed by Israel, Eaten by Dogs
Where are the famous Bielski brothers today? The stars of the movie 'Defiance'
11 year old boy survives 10 concentration camps - now he lectures your children at grade schools
New York's city workers see their pensions gouged
Insurance companies pay $350 mill to some lucky New Yorkers - and the records will be sealed
Mark Weber of the IHR throws in the towel on the holocaust denial scene - Another Kosher plant, or did he have a vision
These Judeo-Bolsheviks killed 45 million
IDF officials classify Gaza as a 'Free Fire' zone and snipers anxious for this target rich environment
Terror stalks Canadian University
US foreclosure filings up 81 percent in 2008
Arabs Sell Out Palestinians For Israeli Cash
Medical director at county jail arrested for selling oxy contin - more anti semitism?
Two minute video of Lenin and the persecution of Jews
Germans sick of Israel
Germany is asked to help rebuild Auschwitz. Director wants $160million.
Mega swindler is transferred to medical facility, and may not stand trial
Purple Heart museum flooded with war stories from NY heroes
France contemplates establishing a fund to bail out Madoff investors
Bush signs $30 billion aid package to Israel
American Jews flock to Gaza to get in on the 'Final kill'
Israeli snipers kill everything that moves
Gaza residents: IDF troops posing as Hamas men
Video on Israel and White Phospherous
Arrestee tries to entice cop, but she smelled
Zio-Swindler fakes own death
US businessman 'fakes own death' - collects insurance, embezzles and flees to Israel
Video of Zionist psychos in New York dancing about dead Arabs
Israel Involved in the Somali Piracy of MV FAINA
IDF soldier seriously hurt in Gaza, possibly by friendly fire - his own booby trap
New York socialite novelist contemplates suicide - Madoff investor


An Israeli soldier talks about raping a German girl
England's clown PM sold gold reserves to Zionists
"Get Bush on the phone" screams Israeli PM
Missouri passes mandatory holocaust training for grammar schools
Gaza residents: IDF troops posing as Hamas men
Synagogues Attacked Across France-Hate Hoax
War and Natural Gas: The Israeli Invasion and Gaza's Offshore Gas Fields
The Churchill family's dirty secret about Winston's mother
3 Israeli dead, and 24 injured, when IDF blown up by their own booby traps
Joe the plumber is now a Zionist War Correspondent
Another silly Madoff story - Naturally only Zionists were swindled
A very naughty New York controller
Dead Gaza citizens "bulldozed into piles"
Obama picks two more Zionists for his cabinent
ADL Promotes Gaza Palestinian Genocide
Jewish protestors say "Don't blame us for Israel"
Ottawa backs Israel despite protests
Canada refuses to evacuate sixty of it's citizens from Gaza
Massacre of a family seeking sanctuary
US rushes howitzer ammo to Israel
Israel fire bombs refugee camp - 50 Arabs burned
Will Gaza be the excuse
Dogs feasting on Palestine corpses
Getting away with murder
Anger at cardinal’s likening of Gaza to death camp
Rice says it is 'hard' for Israel to spare civilians in Gaza
Israelis fake art scam busted
Zionist school tells student don't bring interracial dates to prom - "No Shiksas please"
University students tell Neo Nazis "Go to hell!"
Israel tells Gazans to brace for war escalation
Bush Ordered US to Abstain From Gaza Vote
A Music School Silenced in Gaza
Livni - Israel 'Not Going To Show Restraint'
Two More Ponzi Schemes Found In US
Obama To Face Iran Nuke Crisis 
Israel confirms it is using the banned White Phosphorous on Arabs
Reporter corners Israeli spokesman - 12 min video
Israel fires on UN convoy
UK paper confirms Israel is using White Phosphorus on Palestinians
 Israel Shells Hospitals and ambulances - 21 Medics Dead and 30 more wounded  30
50 More Children's' Bodies In IDF Holocaust House
Klebold said "Go be with your Christian God" as the shotgun took half her head off
The Talmud, the Stock Market and Bernie the Goniff
Bavarian children must visit Nazi camps as part of school curriculum
US in 2008 lost 2.6 million jobs, highest since 1945.
The 'Baroness' claims she only hurt Russian Oligarchs when her Austrian Bank collapsed
All FBI agents must take an ADL course at the Washington Holocaust Museum
Marilyn & Jeffrey Katzenberg Foundation for holocaust studies devastated by Madoff - "Where is God?"
US porn industry seeks multi-billion dollar bailout
Some of Israelis latest 'Killing Toys'
Red Cross: Israel breaking int'l law, letting children starve in Gaza
US military re-supplying Israel with ammunition through Greece
Prepare for dollar collapse
Mark Glenn on Zionism
Israel bombed Gaza 'safe' house full off evacuees, says UN
Jobless rate jumps to 7.2 percent in December
8,000 Zionists get a letter from the SPIC saying they can apply for $500,000 each to cover their loses
Iran sends a ship with supplies and doctors to Gaza - Israel says 'We will sink the ship'
ADL wants the Columbine speakers to be quiet
'Hunter-Killer' teams in Hebron
IDF Orders 100 Into Home Then Shell It Killing 70
Israel's richest man buys $70m. bulletproof house in London
Aussies must not go topless - video
Israelis take over ski resort and employees complain
The hoax of Hamas rockets
AIPAC praises senate for supporting massacre!
Mossad connected to hundreds of Jewish Israeli kiosk vendors - perfect for mall bombing

US Senate supports Israel's Gaza incursion

Red Cross: Israel delayed access to Gaza wounded
Israeli snipers shooting United Nation drivers
Israel blocks Red Cross
Corporate America faces big pension shortfalls
Phil Specter trial farce continues
Madoff Investigators Claim to Find 100 Checks in Desk
Holy Catholic Cardinal says "Israelis are animals"
Macy's will shutter 11 stores in 9 states
ICRC: Israel delayed access to wounded for days
UN halts Gaza aid shipments, cites Israeli attacks
Another cannibal pedophile killed at least three boys
Oprah Winfrey is livid over Holocaust fake story
Holocaust judge sentences Cuban pharmaceutical owners to prison and Zionist competitors cheer
Israel threatens to bomb Al-Shefa hospital
Mumbai-like attack could happen in U.S. : Bush aide
Red Cross finds starving children with 12 corpses in Gaza 'house of horrors'
Vatican Cardinal - Gaza Like A Nazi Death Camp
Israel Rains Illegal White Phosphorus On Gaza
Hamas and the ADL trade blows
Watch this 3 min video
Israelis herd Arabs in a house and then shell it - At least 70 dead
Some interesting pictures of who was behind Kristallnacht
Hedge fund that invests in Porn industry is all the rage in New York
Canada's repulsive PM blames Hamas for Israeli massacre of fifty children at UN school
US military deaths in Iraq war at 4,222
Israel to start bombardment of remote refugee camps in southern Gaza
Ontario's largest university workers union calls for ban on Israeli professors
Israelis dance as Arab children are shredded
Federal Judge allegedly assaulted court personnel
Zionists agree to 3 hr cease fire so they can reposition sniper teams
Anger grows over children slaughtered at Gaza school by Israelis -80 sec video
Sources say online gambling funds terrorist groups, but oddly all internet gambling is 100% Zionist controlled
Dutch looking for 'Fall Guy' in Holloway case, and Deepak Kalpoe may talk (If he lives)
Columbine victim's school tour irks ADL - Klebold and Harris race has nothing to do with the violence
Budget deficit to reach $1.2 trillion in 2009
Time Warner loses $74 Billion in stock value
Federal Reserve minutes detail fear of deflationary spiral

Why do they hate the West so much, we will ask - Robert Fisk

The Gaza Slaughter Is Premeditated Genocide
25 Palestinians killed - 3 min video
Alcoa to cut 13 pct of global work force
Aruba prosecutor: End is near in Holloway case
Who murdered Adolf Merckle, the Billionaire German?
Jewish and conservative, New Zealand's elected PM promises change
Flashback - How to spot an antisemitic hate crime hoax
Venezuela Expels Israeli Envoy After Gaza Invasion
Prosecutors to Polanski: All is not forgiven
Obama says trillion-dollar deficits may last years
What was Hillary's role in pardoning the gunzels known as the ''Hasidic Six'?
Armed and dangerous - contact US Marshals
England balks at extraditing Hasidic conman
Video on Israeli attack on school
Obama appoints four Zionists to Justice Dept
Obama will spend $30 million on inauguration
More Jewish people hurt in Madoff scheme
Sixth IDF soldier blows himself up setting bobby trap
UN official says Gaza school was clearly marked
Obama and Rahm Emanual discuss plans for draft
Israelis told the families to go to schools where they would be safe, and then bombed the schools
Will Obama send these kids to Iran or Syria to die for Israel
Robert Fisk on Gaza
US troops 'monitoring Rafah crossing'
Hamas is a Creation of Mossad
Israelis Shooting At Gaza Hospitals
Zionist Sarkozy Pretends To Be 'Against' Israel
3 minute video by Norwegian doctor in Gaza
Police kill college student - They 'Claim' he tried to hurt them
Madoff Billions Said Stashed In Israel
Israel's Arab Collaborators
Abe Ringland wants to be internets' teen best friend
Obama picks cryto-Italian Panetta to head CIA
Polanski’s Lawyers Seek Change of Venue From Hollywood
The world's most prolific serial killer
NY Fed begins purchasing mortgage securities
Israeli forces kill five Palestinian children in Gaza
Israel rains fire on Gaza with phosphorus shells
Zionists Obama, Hillary Silent About Massacre In Gaza
Zio-Scat comedian elected to US Senate
ADL appeals to attorney general in Rubashkin case - Meth lab
The writings of JB Campell
White Phosphorus: Israel fires artillery shells into Gaza
Israelis using depleted uranium on Palestinians
She hid her diamond by swallowing, then defecating, and re-swallowing!!
The truth about Hamas
Zionist Scholars confirm Nazis shot nuns -Could this be true?
Israelis bomb children - Very graphic
Bush Gives OK For Israeli Ground Slaughter
How Israel spies on every day people
Hindu scholar says Israel behind Mumbai attack
Jewish investors claim they were main victims of Madoff and taxpayers will foot the bill - Naturally there are no records
Rumors fly over Pelosi and Rahm Emanuel - Mazel Tof moment
Peter Kraus (nee Cohen) buys $37 million penthouse on taxpayer money used for bailout
Multiculturalism at it's best - four Mexicans rape LA woman
Israeli jets drop smart bomb on a 11 yr old girl, and her 4 yr old brother, as they took their donkey cart to scavenge for food
Israeli settler kills four Arabs for sport
The hoax of Quassum rockets
San Francisco hate hoax
Two Israelis shot in Demark were a Hate Hoax
Arnold Zaler charged with 30 felonies flees to Israel
Israel Guns Down Refugee Protestors
Firing NASA's chief is called anti Semitism at it's worst
The unbridled lust of Tony Alamo
Catskills Camp psychologist fights extradition over Pedophile rape charges
Israelis prefer pre-teen Gentile Girls in Israel
Following Zakheim and Pentagon trillions to Israel and 9-11
This is a giant natural gas field, but Zionists say 'God gave it to the Jews, not the Arabs'
Bolton: Gaza Conflict Could Lead To U.S. Attack On Iran
Please Help The Victims Of The Madoff Natural Disaster...Give Now To The Gefeltifish Foundation!
Local boys teach an Arab who is boss
New Zealand's new Prime Minister is a Zionist - and his mother Ruth Lazar is a holocaust survivor
36 Jews who have shaped the 2008 U.S. election
Israel Bombs University, Pharmacies, Homes 
Gaza Father Buries 5 Little Girls
Home prices post 18 percent annual drop in October
In Pictures: Massacre of Gazan Children
US Faces Immigration Nightmare In 2009
Israel's Attack On Gaza Is A Massacre
Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Steny Hoyer stand behind Israel as genocide continues
Israeli defrauds thousands of working people in check fraud
Israel 'claims' that Arabs fired sixty rockets - but who is dumb enough to believe these lying propagandists
ADL control over local police - 6 min video
A look at Carolyn Kennedy
Israel prepares to unleash 'Death Dogs' on Gaza civilians
The Anne Frank Diary Fraud
Did Madoff Move $100 Billion to Israel?
Uproar in Australia over plan to block Web sites
Jews kill 300 Arabs and Obama says nothing
Pelosi: US must stand strongly with Israel

USA needs nuclear explosion to turn the world into dictatorship

A review by Kevin MacDonald - Henry Ford
 Zionist billionaire says she lost a billion to Abbie Matoff
Olivia Newton John is a 2nd generation holocaust survivor
If Lebanese kids look 'suspicious' then Israeli soldiers can 'Shoot in self defense'
Bush pardons Israeli war profiteer, but the only Ace from Vietnam rots in a max prison
A look at the history of Zionism
The USS Cole was a standard Israeli Black Op
Jakob Kobi embezzled Comverse, then fled to Israel, and now he is suing for $80 million in stock options
Another Zio-Hoax is the Quassum Rockets
Judge denies former Agriprocessors CEO release- fears he will flee to Israel

Viktor Anatolyevich Bout  is a Ukrainian Zionist gun runner

Man Calls His Lawyer A Jew And Gets One Year Sentence
Another school massacre barely averted
A look into the Zionist's soul
Where Is The Outrage Over Haider?
Tallying the Jewish Communal Losses from Madoff
Poland's catholic bishop called an 'Anti Semitic Monster'
Who is Lech Laczynski?
Jakob Twain took a $85 million salary and $300 million in stock options
Heim Levy lost $300 million to Matoff (Of course there are no records), but heim will get his money back courtesy of the US Taxpayer
Israelis claim dual citizen status to obtain FDIC funds from Madoff fraud
General Patton was assassinated claims UK newspapers
Israel uses phony rocket attacks as an excuse to destroy Gaza
Here is the Zionist's safety net from the real possibility of a pogram in America
After Bolshevik gangs slaughtered 58,000 German citizens the Fuehrer had to act - 1939 Poland
The Propagandist - In 1387 it was the traveling merchant, and today it's the internet
Secrecy surrounds those receiving benefits of Federal Reserve’s trillions
Countless children were molested and monster flees to Israel
The massacre at the Ibrahimi Mosque
Lindbergh, who was backed by Henry Ford, was set to run until they killed his baby
Thousands of Madoff's "Supposed" clients will be paid off by taxpayer programs
Christopher Bollyn on the Madoff fraud
Tax Law to Provide Bailout to Madoff's Victims
Madoff Moved The Money To Israel?
Jewish students face off against Negroes over stabbing
A black student is knifed, and others are told "These is our school, stay out!"
This clown puts three Zionists in key financial positions
Matoff's total swindle was $100 billion and the money is in Israel
Obama picks Mary Schapiro for SEC- another Zionist
Israel predicts Iran will use a nuke in an American city
Patton was assassinated, but few have said 'Who and Why'
A famous lawyer "Izzie Dreir" is indicated for allegedly stealing $390 million
The real cost of hosting
Thinking of building a website
A look at the beautiful people
Pro-think questions Israeli kiosk vendors in malls - Their carts are perfect for a bomb - 5 min video
The stock market has been very very good for these two, but retirees are hurting
These two Zionists have a semi truck full of holocaust trinkets and posters, and Berliners say no
Government wants to bail out Matoff's investors - but there are no records
The Matoff cover-up continues - only wealthy Jews were hurt!!
One day he picked up an half eaten apple core and Nazis knocked out his teeth
We must never forgive Germany!
NY diamond dealer bilks $35 million and flees to Israel
Bailouts now top $8.4 trillion
Obama names a Harvard Zionist to head education dept
MGM Mirage is sold, naturally there will be winners, and eventual losers
Here is a video that everyone wants buried
What is a gift of 36 F-22's ($12 billion) to our greatest ally?
Report: India readied to attack Pakistan
Why is a person's racial heritage important?
Home values seen losing over $2 trillion during 2008 2
Gaza families eat grass as Israel locks border
Who killed Pakistan's Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto
A prophet of sorts predicts a nuclear strike within months
Israel order's blood banks to throw out 'Schwartzer's blood'
Opium is the real reason US troops are in Afghanistan
Setting up a new False Flag? With Pakistan as the patsy this time?
Shell's Dutch pension fund tumbles by 40pc
Iceland's Meltdown
The propaganda volume is way up, and that is usually an indicator of attacks to come
Fed Refuses to Disclose Recipients of $2 Trillion in Lending
Abe Madoff is arrested for $50 billion dollar Ponzi Scheme (GM's bailout is only $7 billion)
GM dealers lose franchise and  Zionists may be new franchisees. The new Auto Czar speaks
Bush wants Israel's help with Somalia pirates
The Beslan massacre
Billionaire rapist allowed out of jail 12 hrs a day, and has bodyguard protect him
Russian runs a child porn ring and a Beslan charity
Never Trust a 'Carnie'
19 arrested in global sex ring, and police won't release names
Judge allows Israeli/Russia porn kingpin out on bail
A massive car bomb killed at least 55 women and children at an Iraqi restaurant
'Teen Challenge' is a mystery cult, and one of Obama's key men is linked
Five New York businessman runs child prostitution ring - 3 min video
Obama's drug czar tied to troubled teen foundation
German families forced to give their art collection to Jewish authorities
Premier holocaust historian calls it a day after London arrest
Washington is aflutter as Obama's crack team moves in, it is truly a Mitzvah
Stalin, and the 1917 Bolsheviks, preferred famines, genocides, and wars, so what's in store for Americans
Russian sex ring sells 12 yr old Mexican girls?
A New York diamond dealer who stole millions is going to Rikers Island
Sammie Zell (nee Zolenski) says he's sorry about the $8.2 billion, but he had to bankrupt the Tribune
The Federal Reserve was the greatest swindle ever
What are the Greek riots really about?
Wal-Mart's Waltons - The Beasts Of Bentonville
Diamonds and gold found at Holocaust Camp
Zionist  Mafia Prepares to Defend Against Guerrilla Forces
Real estate mogul says 'I don't know what happened!'
Zionist from 9/11 fund put in charge of auto bailout billions
A holocaust miracle
Israeli psychos use an electric fence and machine  gun tower with robotic guns
Chief Ahenakew is right
Shot down over Berlin, and stuck in Stalag-17, where he ate cardboard to live
Jewish war veterans to wow children with tales of untold bravery
New York con artist arrested in Toronto
Who really killed Sweden's PM, Olaf Plame, in 1986
Israeli tourists are considered repulsive by Vietnamese
The Narriman house was the terror hub in Mumbai
Israelis' Violent, Vulgar Behavior Abroad
Mumbai Experts - Al Qaeda A Front For Mossad
Who really killed the marine hero at the Fallujah bridge
These two wanted to kill Obama, but the ADL stepped in and saved the day
“Nazi” kids plotting to kill Obama were Jewish
John Allen Martinson's harsh view on Zionism goes 'Beyond the Pale'
The origin of the Bronfman fortune
35 yr old banker defiles 15 yr old teen
Beauty queen missing from Brooklyn bar
Russian/Israeli mafia, gun running, diamond smuggling, and Somalia pirates
Israel sets up robotic killing stations
Eric Holder, a mixed blood Zionist, connected to the abortion bombing hoaxes
Eric Holder was SPLC stooge out of Birmingham that railroaded the semi autistic Olympic bomber - Used in an abortion False Flag
OJ Simpson gets a 7 1/2 years
A baroness is bludgeoned over supposed anti Semitic remarks
Paris super jeweler robbed - $100 million insurance claim - 'Oy Gevalt'
Zionist poses as Christian minister and rapes a 9 and 11 year old
Obama appoints La Raza separatist to top post - He wants to legalize 20 million illegal Hispanics
Canucks are told by Izzy Asper's Can-West newspapers that the stooge Harper should remain in control
Florida con-men may flee to Israel
The Blackwater shoot-out
A look at Paris Hilton
Trying to prevent another Columbine
17 dead, including 2 Americans, in Baghdad bomb blasts
Oil tumbles below $44 a barrel, gas hits new low
Was Klebold Human Garbage, or just a misunderstood persecuted kid?

Thousands of Israelis are infested US malls, selling off Kiosks. I wonder if we will see bombs going off, and these Israelis as witnesses to mad Arabs?

Billionaire rapists faces more charges
SPLC And The Racial Justice Racket
The Feldman Real Estate empire is in jeopardy
Chabad Houses (hostels for Israeli visitors) Have History Of Criminal Activity
Punk kids resist Holocaust training and must face the music
Obama picks a Gay Jewish abortion official as labor secretary
Rumors of ADL protest over the making of 'Rachel's Challenge' a movie on the Columbine slaughter
Pakistani TV: 'Hindu Zionists' and Mossad Behind Mumbai Massacre
The hoax of Blood Diamonds
Iowa Kosher slaughter house stiffs Colorado ranchers
Mumbai terrorists had been staying at the Jewish Centre (Nariman House) in a guest house for 2 weeks prior to the attacks
Blood crazed Israeli settlers went on a rampage in Hebron
Chabad House Loaded With Mossad Connections
Anti Semitism soars in Iceland - 1 min video
"No please stop", she screamed, as Polanski raped, and sodomized, her multiple times
Brother and sister have kids together
Starbucks creates shrine to dead customer
The weekly roundup with John Allen Martinson - Judicial Radio
What if Germany won WW2? - 2 min video
Iraq: Bombs kill more than 30 in Baghdad, Mosul
Zionists butchery via 1946  -- Two Royal Marines were hung
"I was a 'Toilet Cop' for the ADL
Jim Carrey returns to his homeland
Russian strip clubs infest south Florida
Mumbai terrorists had been staying at the Jewish Centre (Nariman House) in a guest house for 2 weeks prior to the attacks
Israeli PM tells Thailand to commute death sentences on two Jews or pay the consequences
A comedy act from the Catskills - 10 min video - disgusting
At least 30,000 young Israelis visit Mumbai annually because of the drug and party scene
Mumbai attack: Was Nariman House the terror hub?
The seeds of discontent are in radical Hidutva movements, and are sponsored by Zionism
Mumbai terrorists had been staying at the Jewish Centre (Nariman House) in a guest house for 2 weeks prior to the attacks
Vice President Biden's Zionist roots
Jerry Springer went into an uncontrolled rage when Holy Man of God called the Holocaust a fraud - 90 sec video
ADL says internet accuses Israel of Mumbai attack, and Abe Foxman  is "outraged"
Accident at Israeli military base classified as 'Arab rocket attack'
Iran to hang three Israeli terrorists who blew up a Mosque and killed 14
Mumbai Terror attacks: False Flag to target Pakistan?
Obama Urged to Move Embassy to Jerusalem
Track Your $8.5 Trillion In 'Rescue Funds'
Maurice Greenberg gave his wife $2.2 billion in AIG stock before the collapse
Fed Pledges Top $7.4 Trillion to Ease Frozen Credit
Rumpelstiltskin's is a tale of gold,  a pedophile,  and is now said to be German anti-Semitism.
Bomb goes off in Mumbai Jewish center, and bodies are blown to bits. Naturally they are considered Jewish
Israel's staged Entebbe, terrorist group enabler
Mossad Behind Mumbai Bombings-Killings?
Canada tries a Cree Indian chief on a Hate crime charge
Mossad tied into Mumbai India slaughter
The Oct 2008 attack on the US Embassy in Yemen
British intelligence suggest Israel could be behind Mumbai attacks, saying it is very similar to the staged Entebbe episode
Mossad behind the mass terror attack in Mumbai, India?
Another website is suspended by Google for questioning Mumbai attack
Bailout Costs $8.5 Trillion - Vid
Napolitano fight against Christmas decorations - 'It's degrading to Jews'
The sinking of the MS Estonia -Another Judicial website vanishes from the internet
Jakob Lister, the Nevada rapists, is finally charged
Some questions about the new head of Homeland security
Piracy in the Red Sea: Saudi points towards Israel
Brazen scam in upscale parking lots - funny
Dungeon-Master 's two daughters have 25  kids, Britain want blood, and Judge seals the case
A list of who got the bailout money so far
Iceland's top bankers Geir Haarde and Central Bank governor David Oddsson say being Jewish has nothing to do with the collapse
A short video of the rise of Frank Collin, a 1978 Neo-Nazi. The entire thing was a Hate Hoax
Kim Cantrell goes nude for photo shoot
Two Israelis sentenced to death in Thailand for drug smuggling
Churchill's grandson arrested for ecstasy distribution
The Israelis declared the coast off Gaza to be theirs and shoot any Arab in a boat
FDIC adds 54 more banks to its 'problem list'
Holocaust hero Bielski accused of stealing $250,000 from elderly neighbor
Something Is Happening Of Historic Proportions
Iran Cracks Israel-Linked Spy Ring
Two Kosher Slaughterhouse executives from Postville jump bail and flee to Israel
A sophisticated bomb, under the gas tank, was remotely detonated
One Palestinian Killed, Another Wounded in Gaza
Sex abuse emerges in Orthodox areas
Thought Police Push To Universal Hate Laws
Taxpayers assume $306 billion of Citicorp debt
Russian Oligarch gives Trump $100 million for Palm Beach mansion
David Irving spits venom on Iceland's First Lady
Yale uncovers Nuremberg transcripts on how elite SS killed children for sport
A look back on the farce of the Nuremberg trials
Obama will start massive public works projects for Gentiles
Bernie Meltzer was the stuff of legend, he brought in a box of gold teeth, and the world hung Nazis
Prospect of Israel war on Iran ’stronger’
World's largest concentration camp
Planned Parenthood defrauds federal government

Esther Pollard: Now is the Time To release My Husband

One million pictures of children on his computer
Millionaire Jeweler gets probation for multiple counts of aggravated sexual assault
Brooklyn Zionists take vacations to Hebron, it's their birthright.
Hebron settlers desecrate mosque
Rachel Scott has a motion picture on Columbine
This is one the finest schools, but it's plays walk on the wild side
Google deletes a website on the Black Dahlia
Australian mint suspends gold bullion orders
A disgrace to the FBI
Anna Lindh assassination was bungled to protect Mossad
Five more Zionists arrested at Postville
Jewish community in Postville wants police protection
Obama wants anti gun staff
Amsterdam to close it's marijuana cafes that are near grade schools
Geithner reportedly picked for Treasury
Oil versus gold prices is ominous sign
Irving and Lady Renouf throw a party for Toben
Panicked investors send gold demand up 56%
Postsville's Hasidic population fears angry mobs and want federal protection
Is this Jesse Ventura's voice?
Sholom Rubashkin from jail, the former Agriprocessors executive could quickly flee to Israel.
Iceland's President in Israel
Iceland in total collapse and people lost everything
The Natalee Holloway murder is back in the news
Fredrick Toben released
Jobless claims jump unexpectedly to 16-year high
Just who is behind these Somalia pirates?
Extrajudicial Assassinations As Official Israeli Policy
Banker Manipulation Of Gold And Silver Prices Further Exposed
ZOA, Israeli rabbis press for Pollard pardon
General Electric on edge of bankruptcy due to it's Finance Arm
Why Gold Is Down But Not Available
Why gold backed currencies prevent wars
Former Penn professor pleads guilty to child porn
Police seize two trucks full of children from Zionist sex  cult of Arkansas preacher
A sign of society's decay - Al Fraken  versus Sen. Norm Coleman
Government Can't Handle Global Run On Gold Coins
14 year old assaulted sexually by 74 yr old preacher
Here is a five minute video of Lettermen covering for his fellow blood brother Michael Richards
John Cleese dumps 'Nanna' and upgrades to a 34 yr old
The specter of deflation is suddenly on the horizon
Renewed hopes in solving the Natalee Holloway murder
Financial Crisis Tab Already In The Trillions
House sales plummet by record amount
Watch the Kramer video where he calls kids 'Niggers'
It seems these 'Front Men' made billions in fees as their clients made trillions from America's collapse
Israelis Signaling US Attack 'Far Bigger Than 911'
A look back at the Amish School Massacre
Florida's pension fund plummets
Gold at $14,172 an ounce?
The Jonathon Pollard Pardon...The Final Stick In The Eye Of The American Intelligence Comunity
Somali pirates seize supertanker loaded with crude - Blackwater will soon be on these ships
Israeli mob bossed killed by a car bomb 
Al Qaeda declares war on Iran - More Arabs bombing Arabs smells of Zionism
Send over the Special Victims unit, there has been a horrible sexual assault
The ongoing trial of Phil Specter, one of the ghastly murders in California history, and not a single news article
6,000 Ecstasy Pills Seized In Syangogues
Iran Converts $75 Billion To Gold
Slumlord shuts off electricity to Postville migrant workers
Postville plant hit by mysterious fire
Israel kills 2 Arabs, and then claims the Arabs blew themselves up
Angry immigrant kills three in Santa Barbara
One of the darkest moments' in Oxford's history - blatant anti Semitism
One very mysterious death
$50 billion for the auto industry?
Stella Grosman, a Palm Beach jet setting heiress, grabs $66 million
Jonathan Stenger steals $1.2 million from disabled children organization
Rahm Emmanuel's father says "Arabs should stick to mopping floors for Jews"
The mystery Mossad agent on Fl-77
Joseph Fritzl, the Zio-Incest father bought erotic underwear for his captive daughter during sleazy holidays to Thailand
Fritz admits he lusted after his Momma - typical yiddish complex
Two children died in Fritzl's dungeon
Missile strike on Pakistan tribal region kills 12
500K illegal immigrants defying deportation orders
Sholom Rubashkin arrested for fraud - Iowa kosher slaughterhouse
Israeli terrorists to get American SBA loan
Australia Planning To Block 10,000 Websites
 US Kills 12 More In Pakistan
Sen. Boxer Aide Charged With Child Porn
Is he the 'Real Deal' or just another 'Chuckle-Head'?
American Muslim fashion designer gets 76 yrs for sexual assault, but what about David Copperfield?
The 'Butcher of Budapest' to stand trial over SS crimes
New Yorkers exchanging Dollars for Shekels
Zionists coming to your house to buy gold
Mothers gunned down in front of Mosque
Joseph Fritzel, the Zio-Dungeon Master, is charged with murder
Hedge Funds Lose $100B In Oct Alone
Yale hosts a tea for gay Israeli porn star
Out of 4,000,000 gassed only five escaped - 'Where was God'?'
Southern Poverty Law Center puts on another 'Kosher KKK Hoax'
A short pictorial on what's left of the Gulags
Every grammar school in Britain will get a holocaust specialist to supervise curriculums
Biden and Israel
Iranian Nuclear Foolery -- or Jewish planted documents? -
Retirees lose $24 billion in this silly 'Coffee Shop' - Starbucks
Pro-Think examines Obama'c cabinet and see a a ghastly pro-Israeli group of warmongers and Neo-Bolshevists
Arthur Shawcross, the cannibal of Genesee River, wants to convert to Catholicism
Obama and his derivatives merchants
Fed Refuses To Identify Recipients Of $2 Trillion In Emergency Taxpayer Loans, Bloomberg Sues For Info
The Yellowstone club
Exclusive Yellowstone Club files for bankruptcy
Retirees see their 401Ks plummet as Circuit City collapses
Circuit City Files for Chapter 11 Protection
31 dead in Baghdad when a school bus explodes-Who benefits?

Report: Britney Spears' Son Rushed to Hospital Following 'Seizure'

Bush is considering commuting Jonathan Pollard's sentence
Bombings kill 31 in Baghdad during morning commute - Israel denies all knowledge
Where did the $30 billion in GM stock go?
Judicial radio is on the air
Barrack Obama & The Conspiracy Theorists
The Never-Ending Search For Gold
Warning of new bin Laden attack - The next False Flag is coming
Wall St  may axe 70,000
 Abbie Schoels, a Nobel Laureate's Fund Halts Withdrawals
2 explosions in northern Baghdad kill at least 28 - Elections are over and Israeli bombers are anxious
Fannie Posts Loss of $29 Billion, Hit by Write-Down
US Treasury to Buy $40 Billion AIG Preferred Shares
Here is a ritual murder story, and no one seems to want to talk about it
Hassidic councilman urinates on crowd
11 yr old traumatized after psychological assault by ADL's holocaust program, mother may sue school
Palin is offered a $2 million dollar movie deal
Punks assault holy man of the cloth - 3 min video
Who shot JFK poll
Obama heading for confrontation with Iran over bomb
Israel breathes easier now that the Bali bomb case is closed
Elvis Presley's momma was Jewish
Israel's Lockerbie involvement keeps popping up
The Australian Mafia
Even the 'Beautiful People' are hurting in today's economy
Kosher meth lab/illegal aliens/town wrecker wants a federal bailout
Rachel Scott's campaign about the Columbine killers gathers momentum
Jewish terrorist to be knighted by Queen Elizibeth
The NKVD killed 300,000 at the Lukianivka prison
Sheldon Adelson, who owned $32 billion in Las Vegas Sands stock, says his company is bankrupt
Holloway suspect 'trafficks in women'
Billionaire Las Vega Mogul, Sheldon Abelson, may tap into government bailout funds
Fears of a Dem crackdown lead to boom in gun sales
Want a war with Iran? Frame them for Lockerbie!
FBI and ADL fight order for deposition of Oklahoma City bombing conspirator, death-row inmate
 Zionist Israeli Who'll Make Obama Dance by Christopher Bollyn
Gun sales surge after Obama election
Jewish soldiers open fire on American aid workers - Obama refuses to comment
AOL spam king bought gold bars and hide them at his parent's house
Is Israel about to go on a kidnapping spree to demonize the Muslim people?
Tennessee professor sues Germany for $50 million, the Nazis stole his art collection
Another Nazi caught at the bagel shop
A short video of what Petreaus will do in Pakistan
Will Obama be a Zio-Uncle Tom, or will he remember?
A look at Pakistan - Islam's 150 nukes
Blast kills 110 in Pakistan - setting up the Israel-Iran nuke transfer
Obama Tabs Zionist War Hawk As Chief Of Staff
Birdman's Weekly Letter #505: The Dangers of Relative Morality
The Bombay bomb was identical to the Madrid bomb
US Forces kill forty at a wedding
Rahm Emanuel will advise the 'President'


Obama Offers Chief of Staff to Rahm Emanuel
Planned job cuts most in 5 years
Israelis  test Obama and execute six Arabs
Will The Bailout Be More Costly Than Promised?
GoDaddy revokes Judical's domain name
Obama wins
There is no way around it, and gold is screaming of coming instability
How Israel eavesdrop on American citizens
Israel launches first airstrike on Gaza since June
FLASHBACK: Mossad Agents Killing Oz Tourists to Steal Their Identity
SA Runs OUT Of KrugerRands
US headed for a depression AND a currency collapse
Goldman fund loses $990m after 10 months
Mossad assassin squad
Gunmen kill Mexican police chief in border city
Fla. board keeps Klan leader's name at high school
Auto Sales Worst Since 1992
Godaddy revokes Judicial domain
William Shatner one minute video on guns - funny
David Irving to star on TV show until English Jews put the kybosh on his debut
AIG's skims $143 Billion from Rescue fund and money is unaccounted for
Israelis citizens vote in U.S. elections
Israeli voters may swing the US election
McCain scores big on Saturday Night Live - The next president on a Zio-fart/scat/sex show? a
Israeli agents seen in area before bomb explosion
Pakistan warns Petraeus against missile strikes
When the Jews first came for
Petraeus Plans More Cross Border Raids
Oz PM - A Nuke Strike Makes 9-11 Insignificant
Israeli Settlers Preparing For War
GoDaddy censors pull Judicial's domain name but you can watch a French Juif romance his 12 year-old daughter
Pedophile rings threaten  some European monarchies
Will this Young Zionist be charged with a false police report?
Australia to implement mandatory internet censorship
Cash Was King - Now Gold Is God
Afghanistan was about the Taliban throwing the Zio-drug lords out, and suddenly Iraqis sophisticated  IEDs are showing up
Zionist contractors in Iraq create useless projects just t create their income
Jewish Officials Fear Growing Anti-Israeli Sentiment in Germany
In US economic decline, worst is yet to come
The first Boys From Brazil: Nazi graveyard discovered deep in the Amazon rainforest
Thinking of building a website
Studs Terkel Cashes out at 96 and another legend is born[811studs_terkel_becomes_another_zio.htm - MISSING]
One in five US homeowners with mortgages underwater
Cyber Terrorist may get bail
Obama says he didn't know aunt's illegal status AP
Up and coming film-maker does short on recent savage murder of a child
Obama approached Rahm Emanuel (a dual Israeli citizen) about being his Chief of Staff
US Missile Strikes Kill 27 More In Pakistan
Nader Presses McCain on Liberty Attack
A look at the 'Gilded Age' and one of America's greatest families
Bank bailout going to 'Preferred stockholders'
Israelis kill 3 Arab kids - The soldiers 'said' the children approached them with Molotov cocktails
Israeli bombings - Once you look at the particulars, and the real victims, the hoax becomes laughable
When will the Iran war start?
Tony Blair earns $12 million last year as Zionists flood him with speaking engagements, books, and fees
Israeli Terrorist Attacks Church Of Holy Sepulcher
'King David' As General Petraeus is called is now in charge of CINCOM, and has plans for Pakistan
McCain to appear on SNL, the kiddie zio-fart & scat comedy show
'US strike' kills 15 in Pakistan, where 150 nukes are at the ready
  President Clinton stumps for Al Franken in Minneapolis
 Chesapeake police force promotes unqualified Hispanics thanks to ADL nudging
Sex crazed, and blood thirsty, Israeli pedophiles even frighten Israeli soldiers

Priests to face 'sex drive tests'

Phil Spector, who stuck a gun in a girl's mouth, and then pulled the trigger, is on trial again
U.S. home prices drop at record pace
Taping  teacher for the ADL and Campus Watch
Husband snuffs wife, Leah Hirschel, and calms anti-Semitism lead to arrest
'Proof' David slew Goliath found as Israeli archaeologists unearth 'oldest ever Hebrew text' - more Zio-fables
Southern Poverty Law Center tied to Assassination Plot 
Question for A.I.G.: Where Did the Cash Go?
Kosher Gunzel arrested in Iowa
Zionists at Goldman Sachs to receive $14 billion in bonuses


Huffington co-worker stabs lover 222 times
Here is one angry woman
Meth labs, cons, gunzels, child labor, sexual harassment, were all part of an Kosher slaughterhouse
Assam, which is known for its tea, timber and oil reserves, is the target of market bombs (a sign of Zion?)
Kosher US Meatpacker Fined $10M
FL Residents Buy Guns Fearing Obama -
Toben victory -- Britain to appeal (for Germany) -
Australia to implement mandatory internet censorship
In an effort to dramatize the dangers of Spring Break Judicial did an in-depth analysis of the Natalie Holloway murder, but internet censors had it removed
Have your Bar Mitzvah in Aruba
Lehman executives ship $400 billion off to Israel before bankruptcy?
Trump's daughter to marry
A look at the Haifa-Mosul pipeline and the $2.5 trillion cost
Birdman's Weekly Letter #504: What's UP?
Gold may be $800 an ounce but you can't buy any
Poles laugh as their Zionist leaders feed over Germany's Merkel
Killing 5 Chinese oil workers in the Sudan turns China against the Muslim regime and benefits the Communists/Israelis
Was Rosa Parks a heroine or more Commie-Trash?
I am afraid Britain's glory days are long gone
The race to assassinate Obama has already started
California's pension funds is big big trouble
You look at OKC, or Khobar Towers, or the Madrid Train bomb, you need to ask 'Who benefits''
Bailout money being used to boost bonuses
Birdman Bryant describes how to test for fake gold
Here was the background and family tree of Winston Churchill, and it has been completely wiped off the internet
Video on immigration - 3 min - funny
GM stops 401-k payments for employees
Israeli astronaut may have been killed by Nazis
IMF chief cleared of sexual harassment charges
Zionist espionage agents, Rosen and Weissman, hope Obama will intervene and drop spy case
Comedic great was attack, or was this just another hoax
He was about to talk when he suddenly died - Enron
A Florida retiree discover his wife was a Nazi Death Camp guard
Their job was to kill all of Iraq's potential leaders so communists face no opposition after US leaves
$16.3 trillion in stock value lost since Sept. 1
Israelis shooting Gaza farmers for sport
DEA fed up with Judges letting Israelis off Ecstasy cases
Israelis implicated in Communist massacres in Darfur
House prices 'will fall further 25% in 2009', warn analysts
JP Morgan Chase chief Dimon sent death threats - another Kosher hoax?
Stray bullet kills holocaust survivor, police blame Arabs
California Foreclosures Soar By 228%
Russians are longing for the pre-1917 of the Czar, and the Zionists feel a coming pogram (cleansing) - hordes will head to America
3000 years ago Moses told the Jews to take the Egyptians gold and flee - Are the Israelites doing a 2008 redux?
Judicial's present status
Jewish newspapers hint at Bill Gates and Warren Buffets's Zionist bloodlines
Blackwater prepares for "Domestic Unrest"
Congressman's houses defaced with graffiti - looks like a 'Hate Hoax'
God Fearing Christians see their retirement and kid's college funds evaporate while Wall Street gets rich
Toben is desperately in need of financial assistance
Fed to Provide Up to $540 Billion to Aid Money, that's over and above the $700 billion bailout of last week 
Police: refuse to charge Zionists with Hate Crime after they attacked Muslims at a Mosque
Abe Foxman and his ADL are worried about a backlash blaming Jews for the economic collapses
Whether it's called the Loan Resolution Corp, the FDIC, Bank Bailout fund, it's still just a piggybank
Israeli Minister Charged in Ecstasy Case
Israeli settlers suspected in killing Arab girl by slitting her throat
Despicable David Irving spits venom on Innocent Rabbi
Birdman's Weekly Letter #503: Is Birdman  Jewish?
Retirees lose $25 billion in First National Bank stock
National City Bank has big loss, to cut 4,000 jobs
'Air Force Two' Carried Top Military To Secret Mtg
The bad man with the beanie wanted to take pictures
The $3 Trillion Shopping Spree


A 20 second video on how Haider could have been killed
Iraqi Restoration Expert Miqdad Al-Baghdadi Accuses "The Jews" and US Army of Plundering Iraqi Antiquities
Palin SNL video - 5 min
Euro drug capital of Netherlands earns $2 billion off legal pot 
FBI warned to stay away from economic investigations involving Zio-Corruption
Our possible next president appears on the Zio-Scat-Fart show and lets a rapper sing a porno laced song to her
Zionists says Austrian politician was chugging beer before death
Go watch a movie of the shooting in the article below
Israelis forced to kill women protecting gunman
Ortloff arrested in motel room with 10 and 11 yr old. ADL is unusually quiet on the matter
Who ordered the Fire-Bombing of German civilians
Austria's Neo-Nazi stay silent on Haider's assassination
Blackwater Contracted to Evict People in Foreclosed Homes
Goldman Sachs ex-chief Blankfein walks with a $70 Million Payday 
Child stars write books on drugs, seduction, and the Hollywood lifestyle
Depression and a multi-cultural civil war in America
The horrible story of the 'Toilet children' of Auschwitz
I was a latrine orderly at Auschwitz - 90 sec video
Where has Michele Obama been?
Isn't diversity great - 1 min video
The 'Coffee House Radical' that killed 45 Million Russians
What Toben & Holocaust 'Deniers' Really Believe
Bullion Shortage and Spot Prices Tell Two Different Gold Stories
Horrible assault on synagogue turns out to be self inflicted hoax
Mysterious teen outposts in the remote West


Icelandic Shoppers Empty Supermarkets
A holocaust story that will 'Break your heart'
Zionist demand an Iran attack while Bush Is In Office
Prof Krugman wins a Nobel  Prize
Haider points finger at International Bankers as being behind today's credit crisis
Does It Matter If Black Plus White Equals Black Or Multiracial?
Zionist takes a space ride funded by your 401-Ks  
Prof Maskin wins Nobel Prize
Israeli settlers have "License to kill" from government
A £516 trillion derivatives 'time-bomb'
Speedometer of Haider's Wrecked Car Stuck at 142km/h
Rogue Israeli Mossad-British Team Behind French Students Assassination
VIDEO - Jim Rogers: Global Bankers Have Unleashed Inflationary Holocaust
McCain Camp Ignores Questions About Candidate’s Military Record
Quadrillion In Derivatives Waiting To Explode
Hank Paulson's Filthy Rich Background
Australian banks worry about collapse
As people get angry the so called Wall St economist say the money never existed - more total zio-bulls*t
Communist 'Shining Path' kills 19 soldiers interfering with it's drug trade
Former McCain War-Mate Speaks Out (USS Forrestal Fire)
Video on Jorge Haider
Massive bomb kills 80 in Pakistan - Very sophisticated
Chicago Zio-Slum Lord implicates Obama
As the world descends into chaos Zionists continue to assassinate potential leaders
Fredrick Toben denied bail
Israelis 'Hopped up on meth' beat cabdriver and torch Arab apartment buildings - children jump from windows
Fascinating 7 min video on 9/11
Toben to go to trial next week and prosecutor Abraham Grossman wants five years
Jewish Lobbyists Successful in Adding Programs To Bailout Bill
Mossad spied on Austria's Haidar
China stiffing America for $100 billion in debt
Terror arsonist who tried to frame local Christian group confesses to Hate Hoax
Austria's potential president assassinated by Israel
GM, Ford May Face Bankruptcy
Germans Stockpiling Gold Amid Market Panic
Palin Guilty In Troopergate
The famous 'Jack the Ripper' note found at his last murder
Sarah Silverman video
New documents show old Lyndon Baines Johnston, and Lady Bird, were Zionists
Israeli agents park truck bomb in market, 15 children shredded
Hufschmid on Zionists planting IEDs that killed Americans
Two devout British Jews indicted for shipping IED parts to Mossad in Iraq
Dow collapses on Friday, and there might be other implications
He was mentally handicapped, taken care of by his mother, but considered the Olympic bomber
British legal system hesitant to extradite Toben
Palin may be related to Roosevelt
The cost of Israel is not $3 billion, it is in the $ trillions, and that's why we are bankrupt
Evidence grows that Israel, with U.S. aid, is preparing to attack Iran
 US Dragging The World Into A Great Depression
US Mint 'Unprecedented Demand' For Gold Eagles
Patrick Grimm on Zionist's savagery
Australian university makes toilets transgender after Hillel protests
Hell's Angels and Muslims in Denmark
Investigation shows McCain was one of the first off the USS Forrestal after the fire started
Natalee Holloway story to become movie
Young Zio-High School shooter seeks transfer to medical facility
Jack the Ripper
Dow collapses- Did the money vanish, or simply change hands?
Israeli Shoots Protester With Live Rounds...90 sec video
Dow Plunges 250 as GM Skids to 58-Year Low- AP
 Staring Into The Abyss
A word from long-lost Patrick Grimm
Boston Legal argues for invading Darfur and saving innocent blacks from the Muslim genocide
A 3 min video of McCain-Obama debate -- Two clueless incompetents
Dow Dives 508 - S&P Falls 60 - Worst Since 1937
Neocons and The Afghan Surge
People Line Up to Buy Gold in Britain
Americans Retirement Accounts Have Lost $2 Trillion In Value
Iceland is on the brink of collapse
The Federal Reserve: History of Lies, Thievery, and Deceit
Poll: 60% say depression 'likely'
6 die in family murder-suicide in Los Angeles
Fed to buy massive amounts of short-term debt

Doubts the world will stop Iran getting bomb

Israel Vows Disproportionate Force In Next War
Tobin Grabbed - International Hate Laws Bite Down
Lehman CEO Punched Out At Gym
Porn peddling slime puts out 'Nailing Palin' with a Plain look alike
A Zionist from Goldman Sachs will head $700 billion dollar bailout
Lehman sought millions for execs while seeking aid
John Kerry aids in blocking prosecution of Lithuanian murderers
Columbine girl makes a difference
Crisis topples stocks as U.S. urges unity
Dow plunges as much as 800 before closing down 369
Toronto cancels Rachel Corrie play
AP Exclusive: FBI file details Knievel's dark side
Any Israeli attack will be seen as US attack: Iran
 London Plunges - Banks Pour Billions Into Markets
The Fleecing Of America
Tobin Outrage - Fascist Europe Show's It's Teeth
A Hitler Musical
Palin refuses to back down on 'Obama's terrorist pals' comment

Pro-Abortion Feminist Heather Mallick Scheduled to Speak at Catholic St. Mary's University

Israeli Astronaut's Dairy for sale
The Bailout in Plain English
A European depression could foster another Hitler, warns Sarkozy
Palin brings up Obama's communist leanings and terrorist mentors
Affirmative action got Obama in Harvard, not his 116 IQ
Another Hate Hoax
Both agree they would be willing to send American boys to die to capture the Muslim oil fields in the Sudan
Israel’s plan to attack Iran confirmed
Senate leader Reid Claims Major Insurance Company About To Fail
Israeli astronaut's diary that fell 37 miles to earth is on sale - Does their chutzpah ever end?
Professor earns $2.8 million in a side career
God bless you Mr. President, you saved the day
Faurisson on Toben -
Four clueless idiots debating each other
New York Times says barely 25,000 died at Dresden, but German records say between 300,000 and 500,000 is correct figure
Hufschmid on Dresden Bombing
Who is Fredrick Toben
Who controls internet gambling
ADL Reports Surge in Anti-Semitic Messages on Online Finance Sites in Response to Money Crisis
Pelosi or Dr Laura are  fibbing about their racial genetics!
Who will get the $700 billion bailout money
Wealthy Investors Hoard Bullion
Sarkozy, the head of the Euro-Union calls emergency bailout of Zio-bankers
World's top holocaust scholar arrested in London
Do financial crises raise the ugly specter of anti- Semitism?
Bush denies we will be another Zimbabwe
House sells on Ebay for $1.75
From newspapers to college presidents, they warn of the repercussions of being linked to blogs!
Yakow Weiss led away in cuffs and ADL is notified
Zionists storm Wax Museum exhibit of Romanov execution
$2 million dollar estates can't afford a bag of grass seed
Banks gave 100% financing on scam properties, and now want bailouts!
Home prices post 16 pct annual drop in July
Israel to receive $15 billion in latest US fighter jets
Blood ritual Rabbi fights extradition
Abe made $73 million, but his shareholders lost $54 billion
The total US bailout will be $700 billion is total BS
The Mossad's top assassin
Zionists try to tie FBI to Oklahoma bombing
Oh God, we will do whatever Zionists tell us, but don't let us sink
The cost of Iraq is three trillion and the majority of contractors are Zionists - naturally no Zionist children will serve in uniform
A look into the Zionist psyche - 3 min video
Austria is throwing off the Bolshevik yoke and electing a new breed of politician
The Wisconsin library wars,  navy veterans vs. holocaust survivors
Just how did the real estate magnates escape the slaughter there?
Zionist/Greek Petreaus in charge of Mid-East theater of operation
Larry Lawrence - the forgotten war hero
Police fear violence as innocent Zionists are pummeled with anti Semitic accusations
LA Mayor takes $225,0000 junket to Israel
Lehman Shipped Off $400B Just Before Bankruptcy
Was the Pakistani bomb a micro nuke?
Who wins, who loses under proposed bailout plan?
A video trailer of latest holocaust drama - it tugs at your heartstrings
The myth of female suicide bombers
ADL condemns USS Liberty veterans for recent speech at Greenwich
And you thought Zionists would run out of Holocaust stories - catch the latest Hollywood blockbuster
63 year-old man kills 14 yr old over stealing a snack and is not charged
The next shoe to drop is the devaluation of the US dollar 
Refusing Dollar as “World Currency” Inevitable
A 75 year old pastor has been at this for 40 years! The ADL cries anti Semitism. 
Israeli sources have accidentally slipped that it was Americans who blew up the hotel in Pakistan
Bloomberg Analyst - $700B Bailout Could Go To $5Trillion
Obama Lost Without Teleprompter- Vid
Mossad car bomb kills 20 in Syria
Buffett: 'Heaven help us' if bailout fails
Tasting the forbidden fruit of youth
Renown forensic psychologist videotapes his patients in bathroom
If you are constipated than watch this Israel video on Obama
Israeli university professor blows himself up with pipebomb
The 1995 collapse of Barrings Bank in England shows the possibilities
Washington Mutual collapses and shareholders alone lose $80 billion, add in another $200 billion in bad assets
Palin backs Israeli strike on Iran
Israeli soldiers protest limits on "Sport Shooting"
Bernie Stern and Izzie Weiss sue each other for $1 million over toilet pictures of Marylyn Monroe
9/11, the financial crisis, and the final act is WW3
A video of the one of greatest dogfights in history
Finland's Jewish National Congress demands gun control after 'mystery' school shooting
Israeli Gunzels fire on children
Need a boogeyman? Just give the SPLC a call and they will provide a Nazi, a KKK rally, paint swastikas on a temple, or whatever
Future soldier is here today

Dov Zakheim's Homeland Security biz and the remote control of aircraft

The latest bailout number is $5 trillion
Isn't it odd that Churchill's memoirs forgot to mention gas chambers?
Financial problems bring resurgence of public anti Semitism
Police: Finland shooter's victims are mostly women
Price of existing homes sees record fall
 The final bailout will be $5 trillion
Zionist contractors in Iraq steal $13 million
Zionists want Pollard paroled but a Vietnam Ace, Duke Cunningham, sits in prison because he crossed Israel
Just who was in the Columbine Trench Coat Mafia?
Another step towards gun control
Death toll nine in Finnish campus shooting
Palin's Zionist Anti-Iran Threats Aiming For WWIII?
Israelis day Al Queda has a October surprise
Columbine memorial
The Columbine massacre unravels
Oil spikes $25 a barrel on anxiety over US bailout
The two breed 'Sex Dogs', and one day the dogs exploded and ripped a girl to pieces
Judge rips Knoller, the sex dog mistress, as she sends her to prison for dog-mauling death
Palin family tree -This sure would explain how a nobody from Alaska became the republican VP and possible President
The Wall Street Bailout Plan, Explained
Paulson: Foreign banks can use U.S. rescue plan
Rumors spread the US Marines were involved in the Marriot bomb
A horrible attack on a French girl stuns synagogue
He executed a mother, father, and two small children, and is the Defense Minister of Israel
Where were the airport videos from 9/11?
Interesting audio by Daryl Smith on economy
General  Hameed Gul the ex-director of the Pakistani intelligence agency says Mossad behind Marriot bomb
Was Israel behind the Pakistani bomb?
Fidel Castro has slept with 35,000 woman.  Like all soulless Zio-Garbage he lives for food, sex, money, and power
Marriot hotel bomb video - 90 sec
Israeli snipers in gun tower shoot 14 yr old child in the head
A truck bomb has literally totaled a large hotel in Pakistan, and the death toll is unknown
Jewish soldiers shoot six children, killing two
What a disgusting creature - 2 min video
Zionist Gangsters Behind 9-11 and the AIG Bailout
Here is a funny video - 'Obama is trash'
Gold will be the ultimate investment
Gold Forecast Target $2,500 And Silver $250
Hamas/Shin Bet execute 11 people
The nitro glycerin of this bust is the derivative
Dentist holds off 5,000 Japs and 60 years later gets the Medal Of Honor!!
Mother angry that Jewish Boys get medals but her son is refused, even though he jumped on a grenade
Secrets of a Kosher Nazi
Here is how the the real estate market gets conned
The next Golda Meir
Great video of Bolshevik revolution - 5 min video
Does John de Nugent's views on immigration make him a Monster or Messiah?
Head of child porno internet ring - raped a 3 month old baby
A mini series about modern day vigilantes
Two Jewish boys get Medal Of Honor after 40 years  - due to the Jewish Veterans Act signed by Bush
US: 7 soldiers die in helicopter crash in Iraq
Boeing Takes A Hit From AIG Plane-Lease Unit
Lehman Brothers and AIG are just a fraction as what will be coming
Typical Zio-Scam was mortgage brokers using $25k slum dwellings to fund a $500k loan at a bank through other Zios
From holocaust survivors, to real estate magnates, and now they are accused of fraud
Klebold screamed - "Go be with your Christian God"
Who assassinated the Butcher of Sabra and Shatilla?
Al Frankens' playboy article - rather disturbing
Playboy's sex convention in Israel - video
Hufschmid-14Sep2008.mp3 - audio
Glamorizing 'Human Garbage' - Hugh Hefner and his TV show
McCain, Obama joust over how to fix Wall Street - Dumb and dumber thinking they have a brain
Sadistic Nazi B*tch become a warden in 1946 - video 2 min
Israel executes 2 kids for throwing stones
The legendary Aussies are now a distant memory - election
Jeff Rense And The Internet
Preparing For WW3
VIDEO: Scottish Activist Films Israeli Navy Shooting at Gaza Fishermen
Obama goes all out for the Hispanic vote. Maybe he will give them California?
Killed at the hands of that deformed creature, Dylan Klebold
The hero behind Lehman Brothers
A detailed look at the 'Crime of the Century'
US 'Secret' Death Squads In Iraq Trained By Israel

These New York Commie Bastards sang this as the Rosenbergs walked to the electric chair

A look at Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
How come 2% of the population is 60% of the faculty at the UCLA law school?
DeNiro walks off set rather than work with Mel Gibson
Why are women so shallow?
Palin rally video - Obama is in big trouble - 3 min
A SNL skit on Palin - 5 min video
Obama - SNL Maybe Not Such Good Idea, Cancels
Final Response To Curt Maynard - Rense
Questions are coming up on Todd Palin's ancestry
Here is one unkind article on Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin may have a dark secret
A gathering of wealthy eagles
 Carlos Slim Helu is a 'Crypto' who claims Lebanese heritage, and just bought into the NY Times
Pam Anderson tells Sarah Palin off - 20 sec video
Obama gets a reality check and Michelle is livid
Robert Murdoch's  filthy Australian newspaper
An aging yiddish radical, feminism, and a panty fetish
The Obama-Ayers Connection
Working class Whites have no use for arrogant Obama
Rob Lowe says "I am the victim, not the nanny'
Al Franken poll for him as a senator?
Massive car bomb kills 35 in Baghdad market. Israel denies all knowledge.
Leopold and Loeb --Two homosexual serial killers from super wealth families
Mien Fuhrer built an entire village for the Jews and after WW2 they claimed it was a 'Death Camp'
'Free Republic' blogger commits suicide for Israel - jumped off a building
Hollywood mates the SS, Hezbollah, and Star Wars, and puts it on You-Tube. What chutzpah!!
London becomes another 1933 Berlin and the usual characters are behind it
Howard Stern convinces Christian girl to auction off her virginity to pay for college
Voters Angry Over Immigration
 Obama And his Marxist mentors  
A video about the Mossad's sayanim network - 6 min
Linguists have always contended this 9/11 hijacker has an Israeli accent
Why was Betty Ong's tape censored by the FBI - 9/11
Laura Bush movie character played by a porn star?
 Holocaust survivor recounts his 'Swiss Alps' death march
Who is Obama to call Palin a "Pig with lipstick on"?
Fritzl 'The Jewish Dungeon-Master' to be charge with 3000 rapes
$40 billion vanishes from Lehman stock, or is it another wealth transfer
Lipstick on a pig video - 20 seconds
The Fannie May, Freddie Mac, debacles are 80 year-old Zio-Swindles. Watch the price of gold.
Dog-mauling author reveals world of lust in which attorneys lost control
Nazis, stolen art, and a stolen family legacy - Elizabeth Taylor
Maybe it had to do with his movie 'May 9th' about a Mossad assassination
The truth on Solomon's temple
Hufschmid audio - 80 min
They maybe some monster fish in Louisiana
Israeli gun ships fire rockets into children - 3 min video
The 'Train of Hate'
'Little Mia' is reunited with family that hid her under the floorboards for 3 years - holocaust miracle
Israeli mobsters plant bombs at kindergarten
16 US troops commit suicide in Iraq
London children between ages 7 and 12 to attend holocaust training
The protocols of the Elders of Zion
FBI tired of Zionist Hate Hoaxes
Palin has a 'Dark Side' says Alaska residents
It seems there is a tie between Israel, the Avian Flu, and a genocide
Israeli shoots protestor - 90 sec video
Three Mossad agents killed while making IED in Iraq
ISRAEL: Where the Slave Trade Heads
Obama's arrogance shows through
Israeli hacker steals $2 million in online fraud
University studies say the internet has brought out the pornographic interest in girls
Holocaust writers accused of fraud
Canada wants tougher gun laws
"Rachel's Legacy" - Brother of Columbine victim on nationwide tour
The Iran War - How It Will Begin
He was having relations with his son's wife, the child kept bother him and the mother, so they killed the kid
Child questions why grandpa and momma are in bed so grandpa hits her and buries her alive


Der Ewing Jude and the vampire of Düsseldorf
Westmoreland calls Obama ‘uppity'
Evangelical faith drives Palin's pro-Israel view
Border drug wars threaten U.S.
Is the 'Institute for Historical Review' just another kosher hoax?
Israel edges closer to the vast Caspian Sea oil fields
Recent German child murders reminiscent of 1930's monster, that shook German Jewry and incited anti Semitism
Germans want the death penalty in rape and murder of child
Jack Abramoff sentenced to four years in prison
Duncanville Texas wants a neighborhood sex club out
Owner of killer sex dogs back in jail
Militant groups angry over Christian church divestments
Mexican police chief of Santa Barbara has police attend holocaust lectures
Israel of the Caucasus?
Cell phones and privacy
A third rate Israeli professor gets a prestigious US position, surrounded by a sea of young coeds, and his wife pays the price
Palin's Pastor Speaks About Israel
Rense.com Now Under Severe, Routine Attack
Interesting radio from Daryl Smith - 25 min
Curt Maynard up again after epic battle with Google
Palin meets with AIPAC
A look at Palin in pictures
Obama calls Palin 'Inexperienced'
Budapest Jews having war criminal extradited
Professor never charged in death of teenager involving a drug overdose during a sexual encounter
The New York Gay Strangler may be Ukrainian/Jewish immigrant
Yenta teacher sends nudes of herself to high school girl students
Did Sarah Pelin use her power to persecute a State Trooper, or is this Democrats grasping at straws?
School children break down as  Holocaust speaker tells stories
Whisper about parole for Pollard
The execution of Father John Geoghan
The rush to save Sidney Gluckman, a holocaust hero
Johhny boy McCain is in the sunset of his life, so what about Palin?
Jewish reporter says "America needs, and deserves, another 9/11" - Then it will invade Iran, and Israel will be safe.
Holocaust survivor says she forgives Mengele
FBI Sweeps Anthrax Under the Rug
As locals challenge Zionists for control of the Mexican drug trade, blood flows, and Mexicans demand action
The anniversary of Mollemann's assassination
Jewish militia in New Jersey promise to spill blood
The Isle of Jersey where Frances's elite frolic holds a massive pedophile and snuff ring
Israelis have jets in Georgia with anthrax bombs to attack Iran
The hoax called Masada
Israel shooting the mentally challenged
Search warrant issue over possible snuff video at Kosher slaughterhouse
Alex Jones, a Kosher Clown, says 'Navy Seals' behind a false flag on a US ship, and US will blame Iran - 4 min point on video
Ben Klassen and Matt Hale -
The Zio-Dungeon Master Fritzl knew the 'Siren call of Lady-Boys'
David Duchovny denies any trysts with "Lady Boys"
McCain's speech to AIPAC -  90 second video
Load the Universities with unqualified pervert professors, give them tenure, and watch them blossom
The 'He-She' bitch of Idaho to get the chair
The ADL wants special consideration from Obama
Who is Randy Scheunemann? (Pat Buchanan)
Communist Partisans Execute Mussolini - 80 second video\
SS-Standartenführer Joachim Peiper was a warrior, who was tried by Harvard draft dodgers bent on propaganda
California District Attorney needs protection after Israeli arrests

Russian analyst points to link between Georgian attack and Iran

Nuremberg trial officials, who were mainly Jewish, lead an extravagant lifestyle of dinner parties and social events
Second group of Obama assassins arrested - Biden should get ready
Police investigate possible plot to kill Obama at Invesco
Alex Jones faces off with Michele Malkin in a total Kosher hoax - 12 min video
Iran launches submarine production line
Ted Pike echoes Birdman's warning on ADL propaganda
Rouge waves - click on the pictures
Obama at AIPAC
Ira Einhorn killed her and put her in a trunk in his closet, and romanced other girls just a few feet away
A martyr is sacrificed for Israeli propaganda - Klinghoffer
War in Georgia and a oil pipeline
A look at Lyndon Baines Johnson
This one doctor did 60,000 abortions
40 years later Zio-Draft Dodger call themselves heroes - 2 min video
Canada prepares for another round of draft dodgers
The dreaded Aryan Nations of Coure d Alene appears to be another Kosher Hoax
If the draft is re-instated will the Canadian Geese fly north again?
God intervenes and brings dead Jewish baby back to life - They really are the Chosen Ones 
Senator Biden lays the groundwork for a Pollard pardon
J. Reece Roth, a $200k Professor Emeritus at The University of Tennessee is selling military technology
Gold Reserves More Important Than Ever
"Doc Death" skims Medicare and starts a mini epidemic
America will be 450 million in thirty years thanks to fertile Mexicans
One very naughty diplomat
'Nation Wreckers' is a nasty title put on Zionists, and here is a look at their shenanigans in America.


The nasty dog humper, Marjorie Knoller, has murder charges re-instated
Australians take out the garbage
Miami holocaust survivors get $25 million for the Nazi gold heist
Holocaust survivors to get more money in September
Holocaust survivor says Nazis executed entire grammar school
Planned Parenthood has a 50 sec video on oral sex
Four administrators arrested at Miami University
New Book Asks Were LBJ, Wife Crypto Jews?
Talk about a hoax - Pelosi is almost attacked by fellow Jews and her body guards do nothing - watch the video
The assassination of Gary Webb
A  little history on the famous Texas King Ranch
Kevin Macdonald sees America destroying itself
The biggest pedophile case in American history
Israel Planned To Use Georgia Airbases In Iran Attack
Israeli sniper executes a reporter - gross 90 sec video
Holocaust survivor turns out to be a collaborator
Who controls the Canadian media
Joe Biden wants a billion dollars for Georgia. Just who is Biden? \
Advisor to FBI in Anthrax Investigation Says Attack Was False Flag Terror
Here is why Americans are dying in Afghanistan
Al Jazeera is just a Kosher Hoax
London Bobby shot by an Israeli assassin and blamed on Libya
FBI destroys anthrax evidence
Germans engraged at Tarantino's latest film

Bolsheviks plot a civil war to get at Algiers vast oil reserves

Eight minute video on the Port Arthur Massacre
Long Live The Khazaria Empire - Not!
ADL has cheerleader bumped because of Anti-Semitism
Dual Citizenship -- Loyal to Whom?
Frightening video of Blood ritual
More rumors fly at the Kosher slaughterhouse in Postville
Gangster helps the FBI with Mississippi Burning
A list of Russians 87 billionaires (All Bolsheviks)
Where do these Russian billionaires come from?
There was a massive immigration raid, 900 Hispanics were arrested, and the Kosher slaughterhouse brought in Somalians
Who Owns This Mansion?
Israel operatives caught shooting Quassum rockets into Israel
Professor Tillawi explores the beginnings of the Khazars and their original home in Georgia
More Natalee Holloway propaganda
Jerry Springer discovers he is a holocaust survivor - His Nana was put in a gassing van
Quentin Tarantino's movie about 8 Jewish heroes
It's all about oil
Fredrick Toben charged with 'Disrespect of Federal Judges'
Israel's False Flag on America is coming
High Council of Australian Jewry wants Government edict to imprison Fredrick Toben
There were 18 people killed the day before Syria and Lebanon were to meet. Israel denies involvement.
Some famous people who worked undercover for the OSS in WW-2
Israel denies killing six Arabs with a car bomb
Who is behind the Anti-Gun lobbies
Hufschmid on Georgia conflict
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejadsays Americans are fools for spending billions on Turkey, which is just Israel's militia
Suddenly a remote Arkansas town turns into a meth distributorship
Mikheil Saakashvili the president of Georgia has a questionable bloodline - just another Bolshevik
Israel's deep involvement in the war in Georgia
Court won't allow Spector's 2003 confrontation where he said "Don't bug me niggers, or I will get my gun"
Who killed Obama T-Shirts
The brutal death of a Lebanese Diva
Pakistanis question the use of Israeli advisors after a sophisticated bomb took out a convoy full of officers
Iraq was a pleasant place to live before Israel had the neo-cons lead us into their war
Zionists run contractors skim $85 billion in war contracts
NYC 'preppie killer' pleads guilty to drug charges
Why did the President of Poland change his name?
Artie Buchwald was truly a 'National Treasure'
Trump the 'Hungarian Prince' denies Zio-Bloodline
Hillary deadbeats $13 million in loans - small vendors holding the bag
'Uncle Tom' Sowell says the that a 'Ho' set up the Dukies
The real battle in Zimbabwe
France is in a flutter over Sarkozy's son's wedding
Alex Jones financial backing  links back to Israel?
Main witness in Spector murder trial dies under mysterious circumstances, and remaining witnesses may be nervous
Real life video of Nazis executing a baby - 'Ghastly!'
Phil Spector, the record producer who executed an employee, says he backs Obama
What Were The Mossad And Fake New Zealand Passports Doing In Iraq?
13 year-olds chained to machines, 17 hr days, sexual abuse, at Kosher plant in Iowa
Canadians finally stand up to Zionism
Another silly holocaust fairy tale is made into a movie
Fredrick Toben defies edicts of Australian High Council Of Jews - What a monster!!
These terror attacks are reminiscent of 1917 are about oil, and a proposed pipeline.
McCain's Sordid Political Past
What a great addition 20,000,000 million illegals will make. The schools, Social Security, Medicare will really benefit.
After a recent massacre Tarja Halonen, who is an ultra-liberal, and a Holocaust survivor,   wants guns confiscated
Settler gang pushes Palestinian boy off roof
US Lose Homes, Congress Gives IsraHell $30B More
FBI: Zionists doctors use hospitals in homeless in medical fraud
Famous preacher has a 'Wildcat Wife'
Another Internet Writer Threatened
The Jewish Role In The African Slave Trade - Vid
Short video about USS Forrestal fire
State Attorney  to charge New Jersey house speaker on child porn
Paris Hilton vs McCain video
Rev Lindsey says God gave Jews the 'Title Deed' to the Mid-East
USS Liberty and the NSA: One Deceit Too Many?
9/11 - Arab Or Zionist Hijackers?
Confronting The Zionist Predator
"If you tell anyone than your momma will lose her job"
Israel and the 'Sampson Option'
A naughty boy hides web cam in girl's bathroom
A Shetl of super wealthy that had Israeli terror experts in place before Katrina hit
FBI has no evidence against Doctor Ivins
Child molestations at Israeli Kibbutz's skyrocket
Government employee accused of passing secrets to Israel
After Five years the FBI prepares to arrest the 'Mad Scientist' behind the Anthrax Murders, but he kills himself!
Washington Post Scrubs Own Story Questioning Case Against 'Anthrax Killer'
Israeli settlers throw Arab boy off roof
More on the Anthrax coverup 


US to help Israel detect Iranian missiles
The Hidden Anthrax Letters Suspect
Bush to give Israel nine C-130's worth $1.9 billion
Zionist psychiatrist to Bruce E. Ivins (Anthrax fall guy) confirms his guilt
New actor on the same old stage -- Robert Fisk on Obama
The internet is becoming a very dangerous place for writers
New Zealand is set to elect its third Jewish prime minister.
One of the actual characters the Silence of the Lambs was based on
Israel shoots boy dead , then shoots 3 more at his funeral
London refuses to charge billionaire drug socialites
Israel is losing it's patience with America
Video of Israelis shooting protestors
They are sitting on F-14's, Mig 29's, and countless F-5's, and they remanufacture internally.
Congresswomen protects Kosher Meth lab ring?
A sucker born every minute - the great stock market scam
New Jersey Jewish boy gets some "Trigger Time"
More on the Agriprocessors slaughterhouse scandal
Bush Successor Gets Highest US Debt In History
It was 1913 and the President of the B'ani Brith raped and killed a 12 year-old, and the Old South did God's work
Update on Fredrick Toben's struggle
 Admiral Mullen tells Israel in no uncertain terms they won't get away with a False Flag on a US Carrier
News sources claim it was three grandmothers with suicide belts
A New York State village of Holocaust survivors and federal grants
Khobar Towers blamed on Iran
Hufschmid on frauds in the truth movement
Eric Hufschimd savages Judicial Inc
Holocaust By Hunger - Stalin's Great Famine
Israeli commandoes now train American Jews to act as 'Rapid response teams'
Who was behind Kristallnacht, Goebbels or German Zionists?
After Iowa Raid, Jewish owners claim anti Semitism prompted raid
The eight movie made about the 1913 murder of a little girl by the president of the B'nai Brith
Nancy Pelosi's father and the Holocaust
A look at Harry Reed the House Majority
Zio-Gunzel goes on murder spree
Basically the reparations bill gives any Jew in a ghetto during WW-2 a $3,000 payment
Settler's children suspected in 'Blood Sacrifice'
Billionaire Zionists bankers are bailed out while Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger slashing the wages of over 200,000 state employees to the bare minimum.
Anne Dunham's Anger
Henry Winkler is a second generation holocaust survivor!
 Recent Arab Cartoons are just more Zionist propaganda


Israel says Iran behind the Beirut bombing of 243 marines and Khobar Towers
Buyers swamping gold markets
New York Times' lead Israeli historian says attack imminent
Ex-US advisors: Iran attack 'disaster'
This is the real focus of Obama's Mid-East trip
A centuries old story of ritual murder
Did Eric Rudolph kill Officer Saunders, of was it abortion 'Gunzels'?
Zionist harvest babies for 12 weeks,, then terminate, and use the stem cells in face lifts
Ecstasy king-pin Zeev Rosenstein
Iran's fate, and your kid's lives, are in these two fool's hands
The truth behind TWA 800
 New data shows that TWA FLIGHT 800 was brought down by a bomb - Israel says 'Look to Iran'
Check out this 90 second video of Israel shooting a kid
Jury throws out 5 of 6 charges in Elie Weisel hoax
35 Israel soldiers rape a 11 yr old
The bravest of the brave - He walked up to a wounded 13 yr-old girl, and shot her 20 times
McCain & The Keating Five
Obama outlines policy of endless war
Who steal the explosive Semtex? You can bet when a French train goes up this will lead back to Muslims
American investors bet their pensions on Israeli companies
Cops say lawyers ran midtown brothel
Pope 'meets clergy abuse victims and Zionists are pleased  
Philadelphia's Police Academy must attend holocaust training at Washington museum
US Troops execute Iraq's provincial governor 17 yr-old son
US Gives Iran 'Two Weeks'
U.S. to Iran: Cooperate or face confrontation
Zimbabwe introduces $100 billion banknotes
U.S. troops kill son of Iraqi governor
US To Iran - 'You Have Two Weeks'
Phil Spector's jail house statement
Trash company sells pole dancing Barbie doll - thong underwear
Mad-Dog Mandlebaum drags child into toilet and ravages the 12 yr-old
The Bolsheviks in Russian occupied territories were the real criminals 
More Booga Booga - Don't talk online because police can confiscate hard drive - even the public library's ones
Holocaust survivor tells eight graders she hid in closet for two years
17 yr-olds get one yr in prison for killing kosher pet goose
New version of What Really Happened about to debut
 Obama and McCain will get $11 billion for Air Force One helicopters
What was used to make Britney Spears give up her children?
How Planned Parenthood Duped America
Obama's mysterious cabal of advisors
Iran will have strike capability on America in a few short years
John De Nugent on France's burning cars, censorship and traitorous women
Another billionaire philanthropist turns out to be a criminal
Nuremburg Nazi war trials: Legal team's lavish lifestyle disclosed - 90% were Zionists
Condo scammer denied bail
Pelosi promises 3,000 members of Hadassah she is ok with Iran attack
Simon Wiesenthal's top Nazi hunter closing in
Phil Spector's DNA found on murdered girl's breast
The facts behind the fiction of the Lebanon war of 2006
Strange ambush in Afghanistan smells of Zionist opium
TWA 800 - Radar analysis points to an Iranian missile
VIDEO - If You Try To Pull A False Flag Operation, We're Not Going to Believe You
Elites Drink Champagne While German Kids Beg Food
A heartbreaking story of a holocaust survivor
A short look at the last one hundred years of 'Adult Cinema'
Jewish groups storm into Postville - immigration rally
The truth on Dafur and the Sudan
ICC prosecutor seeks arrest of Sudan's Beshir for 'genocide'
UN relocates Sudan staff to Uganda
Two 75 yr-old Zionists Black Widows
Ventura: Neo-Cons May Stage Terror To Stay In Power
Another witness comes forward against Phil Spector
John Voight says his daughter's baby is a Mitzvah, he wants a bris
Two sets of bombs, and 4 shepherds shot in an air exercise, where Israelis are training


McCain promises Chicanos the world at LaRaza Convention 
The Russian-Israeli mob infiltrates the  Intelligence agencies
Shortly after the 1991 Bolshevik collapse of  the Soviet Union a Senator Lautenberg gave 1 million refugee status..$$$
Sudanese president charged with genocide in Darfur
The anthrax case heats up and now the FBI is getting blames and the three Jewish scientists are now catholic?
Richard (Kramer) refuses to apologize to blacks he insulted
Fredrick Toben needs legal help
Who killed Selena?
Iran will cut off hands of any Israelis planting bombs in Tehran
Three paramedics fired by token puppet - coming race war
Henry Makow's panty fetish is in high gear
The Zionist 'Model/Sex Slave' trade
One very very naughty boy is found in Wisconsin
The swindle of Fannie Mae and the government back mortgages
Israel denies training at American bases in Iraq
Ehud Barak In Washington To Lobby For Iran Attack
Nazis kidnapping children
Jewish commandoes behind rescue of Betancourt from FARC rebels - surprise, surprise
Iran knows the Zionists want to strike while Bush is in charge, and they are preparing
Israel shoots a child in the head
US allows Israeli jets in Iraq air space
Robert Fisk tells of heroes from Brooklyn who joined the RAF
Another Hate Hoax in California -  Elie Weisel
South Carolinians want a Christian license plate and Zionists outraged
The Johanssons see their entire retirement fund stolen
Dianne Feinstein  was caught directing billions of war contracts to her husband
The Macabre world of Richard Speck  - very disturbing
A dirty dirty murder by a dirty dirty girl
There is a lot of attack Iran chatter
Isn't he special, he shot a girl in the mouth and drives down Rodeo Blvd in his Bentley
Why did the Israelis kill Farfour?
A Mossad graduation party turns naughty
Israeli rabbis invite high school girls to stay at their Kibbutz
Zalmon Silber,  a modern day ghoul who walks New York
Israeli settlers bind Palestinian teacher to pole and club him in Samu'
War on Iran: The Perfect Storm from Hell
Obama changes his mind on an Iraqi withdrawal
Secret Service thugs eject Ruthie Bladderstein of Code Pink
Edmonton Jewish community in hysterics after Rachel Corrie play
Who is buying the mega yachts? It's drug czars, and  swindlers  from  the Middle East, Russia and South America.
Rabbis are shocked that Anti Semites in Russia opposing the new Jewish Premier
Here is the real story about those who bombed the Olympic games in Atlanta
Russia's new Jewish President is a hit at G-8
Bentancourt receives worldwide publicity, bur Rachel Corrie was a footnote
Israeli soldiers torture 10 yr old by pulling teeth
A young man was harassing another student's girlfriend, he told the Jewish boy to stay with his own kind, and was arrested
North Dakota college student arrested for calling another student "A Jew"
Kurdi Bear the killer driving the Caterpillar in Jenin
Bush praises Bentancourt, but never mentioned Rachel Corrie
Another Zio-Hoax, the rescue of Rachel Betancourt
Sarkozy breaks down at Jerusalem's Sacred Well Of Jews
AIPAC suspected in mystery fire of Congresswoman's house
An IQ of 300, or just more Bell Curve nonsense?
Joe Horn, the 'Texas Executioner'  may be a Zionist
Billionaire child rapist connected to Hedge fund swindle
Look at these post-attack photos of the USS Liberty and Cole and ask yourself this
Ruslana Korshunova, a Russian super model was about to expose a worldwide sex ring and the Organatzia killed her
Zimbabwe's Last White Farmer Forced To Quit
If Phil Spector was white, the courts would have fried him
Curt Maynard writes horrible things about today's internet Nazi websites
Elvis's mother was Jewish
Why did FBI skip the three other suspects in the Anthrax investigation?
Students question if Kastner assaulted them
The farce of Nuremberg and the filthy creatures that controlled the trials
The Nuremberg trials was Jewish prosecutors, interrogators, and judges - 2 min video of typical fleabag
US Chief of Staff goes to Israel for briefing on possible Iran invasion
Zarkosy elected head of European Union
High school butcher nabbed by internet cub reporter
Another Zionist group helps local police by inserting community advisors
Mosul - Iraq's Second Largest City in Chaos
Was it Sunnis, Shiites, or Israelis agents who plants a sophisticated bomb on a bus load of harmless Arabs? .
A deplorable 2 min video that blames the Russian Askhanazis for the Armenian genocide - Could it be true?
McCain and Obama fight over who will give Mexicanos a free college education
New senate bill gives Holocaust survivors $17 billion
Whatever happened to the Anthrax case?
The Five Secret Billion-Dollar Companies Sucking Obscene Amounts of Taxpayer Money
U.S. Congress Approves Israel Aid Increase
The gun-rights fight isn't over
Pentagon 'three-day blitz' plan for Iran
US Air Force pilot admits that 9/11 used top pilots, not towel heads with 5 hrs in a Cessna
Speculators behind the gas price surge
Was France's Prime Minister a hero or a fraud?
"Who is that at the door?" Corry Feldman and child abuse
Texx Marr should be cast into hell over this article
Simple logic will tell you the real culprits of 9/11
Britain fights in Iraq but doles nothing about the hundreds of white colonists being killed in communist Zimbabwe
Judicial-Inc has been banned from France's internet
The forgotten war hero of WW-2
50% of all American Jews make $100,000 plus
Sarkozy Target Of Failed Assassination Plot?
Israelis execute two students in their dorm room
Israelis kill four - shooting a 80 yr-old farmer for target practice
Three American servicemen killed by bomb - sophisticated timers and inside information
In Espionage Trial of Ex-Aipac Employees, Appeals Court Sets High Bar for Prosecution
A Hampton socialite goes berserk an 17 people laid near death
McCain's advisor says 'If America was attacked than People would run to McCain'
Jews weep as George Carlin passes
An Iran Attack Scenario - A Catastrophe
 Here is a sophisticated Israeli ambush
I shall not accept, nor will I believe, the BS about Americans killing Americans in Iraq
Israeli tries to kill Sarkozy on Israeli trip, but Jewish authorities say it was suicide 
60 sec video of that disgusting Joan Rivers
Espionage Trial Of Ex-Aipac Employees
Sarkozy Says 'Nuclear Iran Unacceptable'
90 sec video of Trench Coat Mafia
Recently banned from You-Tube......90 Second Video - Israelis shooting women
Spielberg to Direct Lockerbie Bombing Movie
Eight girls who were shot describe Klebold's rage
Here is a look at the final moments of the four young Christian girls that these psychopaths butchered
22 yr-old war profiteer arrested for $300 million fraud ... more Anti-Semitism
Tennesseans carrying pistols goes from 207 to 225,000 in five years
Good background on USS Liberty attack - video
Would Zionists really allow a $160k a year professor to keep his position at North Western University?
Israel hijack role in Entebbe 'was queried' by British government
FLASHBACK: Israel involved in Idi Amin's rise to power
Are Bolsheviks preparing America for a 1930's Ukraine style famine?
A look at the forbidden urges
A French hit music TV video of a father romancing his 12 year-old daughter - the mother is the singer.
Khobar Towers was another False Flag
Klebold's basement audios
The three little pigs that started WW2, Stalin-Djugashvili, Roosevelt-Rosenfelt, Churchill-Jacobson
Where has Seinfeld's Michael Richards gone to?
Zionist dehumanizing Arabs with stories of female bombers
Iran warns of 'limitless' respose to Israeli strike
Zimbabwe is a Bolshevik style genocide of starvation, and no one says a word
Was Stalin Jewish?
 Israeli settlers caught with Quassum rockets
Paris Hilton, Todd Schifman, and Chris Heinz (the heir to the Heinz 57 fortune)
Israel Dry Run 'Attack On Iran' With 100 Jets
22 year old Israeli plays doctor in Miami
The rape of Baghdad's museum
Zionists deny they are causing the gas increases
Bless me Father for I read an internet article on Israel
If it were the Arabs then Bush would have a tank at their front door. It's the commodity traders pushing prices.
Ford speeds up shift to producing small cars
The 'Toast of New York' turns out to be just another back alley swindler
Israeli settlers launch Qassam projectile at Palestinian village
Detailed video of the Marc DuTroux murder ring
ADL 'outraged' over Presbyterian criticism of shooting Arab children
The original Duke Case
A flashback on the Jewish fiasco at Duke
Iran warns of 'strong blow' if Israel attacks
How Iran would retaliate if it comes to war
How My Multi-Cultural Dream Went Sour
Ziopedia: The Fallacy of Multiculturalism
 Sarkozy To BAN Internet Downloaders
The myth of German culpability for WW2 -
The real Gulf War death stats -
I was a child slave for Nazis
Germans reject holocaust exhibit at local train stations, and laugh at famed Nazi Hunters at their - What gall!
The five dancing 9/11 Israelis (Urban moving company) got a federal grant for $500,000
Someone found Michele's 1980 Princeton thesis
Our daddy joined the US Army and now we are Americans
The mysterious teen cult
Obama's Accuser, Larry Sinclair, Grilled By Media - Vid
A 'Boy-Toy' goes berserk and his customers lose
How the Zionist puppet Mugabe tortured his people
A short history of the black slave trade - video
Who gets the giant air force tanker contract? A Zionist owned company in France or Boeing
Billion dollar swindler and  war profiteer gets special release
'Flight Risk' and 'Dangerous' -- But Judge Loosens Bail For CEO
John McCain: War Hero or North Vietnam's Go-To Collaborator?
Zionist Banksters Are Behind The Oil/Fuel Crisis
War hero gets medal 61 years later
Pill king of the internet
Israelis kill 4 farmers
Israel executes 7 Arabs
Market full of oil, price trend "fake": Ahmadinejad
Israelis deny setting bomb in Baghdad market
Motorcycle gang unites with Holocaust survivors
The camera man was crying - Holocaust tale
He tells those Negroes to stop shaking their hips, and for the men to keep their 'Shabongaes' in their pants
Jeffrey Bezos - The $4 billion dollar wonder-boy
Rabbi may have supplied getaway car for Hedge Fund Manager that fled authorities
San Diego drivers appreciate Mexico's cheap gas
Why Gold Could Hit $8,500 An Ounce
How to get out of tickets
A harsh video on Obama
Where was God at the Sobibor camp? - 3 min video
SS Commandant's Wife Skeet-Shoots Babies
Germany pays these fleabag hoaxsters $3 billion a year
A New York ghoul who sold body parts to other dentists and surgeons
Obama was a practicing Muslim in Indonesia
Eisenhower and his companion were quite the pair on London's social scene
Obama's website and Michele's anger
The truth on Obama's mother
Anti-drug and corruption reformer to be assassinated?
Jewish operatives blow up house full of sleeping children
Millionaire hides assets so they qualify for federal funds for nursing home
A look at who is behind Wikipedia, the internet encyclopedia
The Bolshevik Morel who killed Germans in Auschwitz after the war
Trial of the Century suspended after judge found with bestiality videos on his website
Zionists deny involvement in airport hoax
Should news reporter be made to take an IQ test?
The stench of Obama at AIPAC
Zarkosy passes internet censorship laws
Jack the Ripper exhibit has Zionists in a frenzy
The coming female draft
Judge in porno case has his own nudes website
Secretary Gates puts Schwartz as commanding general of the US air force
Student rituals shocks local authorities
Ira Isaacs vs the Justice Department, with Judge Moses Kozinski presiding
Part of the 1935 German laws concerned Zionist proclivity of pedophilism, and bestiality - Wikipedia
Ammonium Nitrate bomb would have leveled school
Test your IQ - Did these two really deface Hitler's art, or is it all just a Zio-Scam to inflate the price?
Fetish video artist goes on trial in Los Angeles
'Nazi Swine' tells Israel $100 billion in reparations is choking German people
The blood sacrifice of Andrei Yustschinsky - 4 min video
Obama considers Wesley Clark as Vice President
Mossad may have been tied to Swiss Air 111
Playboy partners with Tel Aviv slime to put on 'Sex-Festival' - video
Pension fund manager sentenced to 20 years jumps off bridge, but no body found
Abortion ship maybe front for drug running?
Israel tied to Pakistani bombing
This train bomb was a carbon copy of the Madrid train bomb -- Pakistan
US military deaths in Iraq war at 4092
The pharmaceutical lock
The rarified world of the billionaire venture capitalist
The mysterious Jenny Churchill, Winston's mother
Israeli animals saturate Lebanon with cluster bombs
Great color video on 1939 Germany  -- 3 min
Joe Biden's dirty little secret
Zionists glamorize a hangman that hung teenage German girls - 2 min video
A video that is so vile and disturbing that it tests the bounds of decency - 'Who murdered George Patton'
David Mack killed his wife and then shot the Judge
Nobel winning Harvard professor discovers holocaust roots!!
The 2008 value in the 1967 USS Liberty slaughter
A look at some of those behind Obama
A look into their bizarre world of "Sex resorts"
Harvard doctor uses children to test drugs and reaps millions
An innocent shop girl is savaged by haughty New York's elite
Who is Steny Hoyer?
  Zionists help out the Seminole Indian Tribe
Israelis raid village and kidnap children for organs
Who really sunk the Lusitanian?
Remembering Israel's Attack On The USS Liberty
London Jewry fears volatile backlash after massive criminal raid
Porn star visits Tel Aviv
When wife swapping backfires....Please - No women or children readers
Four minute hilarious video on immigration
The truth about Teddy Roosevelt
The lucrative job of investing state pension funds
The Iraq war is about Zionist oil
A look at the Protocols of Zion
Mel Gibson the "Jew Hater" has an Israeli bodyguard
Go look at this picture of Obama wearing an America-Israeli flag pin
After the war the Zionists hung a 19 year-old postal clerk that worked at Auschwitz   
The DOW dropped 390 pts, real estate is tanking, and it's all just starting - McCain and Obama are clueless
Israeli helicopter crew shoots missile into playground and shreds a 8 yr old child
H-1, H-2, H-3 are US Military bases guarding the Iraq pipeline, and the H stands Haifa
Iran's Zargos Oil Belt
Israel wants Iran's oil, and that's why they will attack
Columbine copy cats arrested
The history of Amoco oil and it's fabulously wealthy Blaustein Family
Yalies go nuts for Gay Porn Star
The 1983 bombing of 242 marines in Beirut 
A billionaire suspected in six deaths
9/11's fifth jet - Fl 587
People attending 9/11 convention mistake the Fineman Bat mitzvah as meeting
Will Obama 'step up to the plate' and address the Richard's Video
 Obama declares Jerusalem the capital of Israel - Mexico considers declaring Houston as their capital 
Here is a weird statistic on internet traffic
A two minute AIPAC video
The number one rated forum for controversial conversation
The fool from the Monty Python TV series desired a boarding school fantasy
The recent crisis at Judicial
Is there another choice besides these two?
Zionist control of the universities
Naughty doctor flees to Israel
Going Hungry In America
Dual citizens go crazy for Obama
Fred Keller got mad and killed his wife at his lawyer's office
Sign a petition to impeach the Judge behind the Mormon child grab in Texas
Who is Rahm Emanuel?
4 minute video of Obama at AIPAC
Klebold told her - "You will soon be with your Lord" ..Columbine
He put his girlfriend a trunk, moved to Europe, and Barbara Bronfman supported him
University of Michigan sued for diversity programs
University of Chicago pushes for 'Same Sex' toilets
New Colorado Law - Women must share toilets with transvestites
Zionist icon wants bestiality legalized
No More Loans To Community College Students
Did Hitler start WW2, or was it really Britain and France's guarantees to Poland
Obama clinches nomination, plans celebration
An Indian author says Grant had some European bankers interested in the Black Hill's goldfields
War hero to get Medal of Honor after 60 years thanks to the Jewish War Veterans Act 
Parading around town with war hero license plates
Controversial historian tours college campuses
Possible child sex rings in America
Court victory affirmed for Temple Mormons
Curt Maynard's cruelty knows no bounds!! His questioning of Noam Chomsky is 'Beyond the pale'
Germany's $20,000 one-time-bonus can't mask the painful memories  - 'Where was God?'
A look at the Mosul Haifa pipeline
Who really killed Anna Nicole and her son?
Who killed Sweden's Anna Lindh?
Why does someone blow up a bus full of everyday working people?
Attacking Iran Insane - Devastating Consequences - Vid
The truth on TWA 800
Obama thinks he is a Harvard Elitist - a 4 minute video shows what a fool he is
She has 'Anna Nicole' written all over her
I am very upset with Paris Hilton and her friends
Did slave traders throw unfit captured natives in the ring?
The predications of Nostradamus
Jonah Tobin has harsh words for Rachel Corrie
A look at a Russian Oligarch
Israelis deny they are behind house bombs
Thai worker wounded in Gaza rocket strike on Israel: medics
Just why was Bill Gates turned down for membership?
25 richest Americans
Wal-Mart edges into porn
McCain's old flight instructor calls him a buffoon
Who runs ES&S
ES&S Flipped Election In AR
Here is a believable version, and it points to Johnny Boy McCain
Why Thailand is Israelis number one vacation spot
Murder, lust, and bestiality
111 nations adopt cluster bomb treaty, but not US
Workers shifting to 4-day week to save gasoline
Israel may attack Iran soon
Gun grab in Australia
Australian police arrest artist for  child pornography
Abe Foxman outraged!!
Bill Murray's dark road to divorce
Sharper Image goes bankrupt - Another Zio-Swindle?
Bishop Tutu -"Israelis are beasts that walk on two legs"
When 'Jubans' go bad - The Menendez brothers
Mr Big of the ecstasy trade arrested

Russian 'killer of aircraft carriers' starts drills in Pacific

Nude maid accused of really cleaning up
Mugabe's Revenge Attacks Continue To Grow
Who is Pastor Hagee?
Zionist commando on flight 93
They disrespected their own 'Schwartzers'
Israelis kill three Arabs - No Jews hurt
Mexican immigrants want their piece of the pie! 
Zyklon-B is explosive
A look at the fabulous Bronfman family
What really caused the triple slaying in the Benoit family
Hollywood Is Becoming the Pentagon's Mouthpiece for Propaganda
Comedy on how Zionists see Blacks - 90 sec video
Rumors of post election Mossad assassination
The truth on Lockerbie
Israel, Lockerbie, and closed hearings?
France's dirty little secret
Candida Royalle and her band of Feminists
A look at the Walton family history
Dov Zakheim and flight 77
President Bush flies to the sacred Israeli shrine of Masada
Mickey Meisner and the missing $40 million
Fl 77 and 93 were allowed to fly over all these reactors?
The Coushatta Indians of Louisiana opened a casino. were sitting on a pile of cash, and they needed skinning
Obama 'First Family' Photos?
Search engines forbid reading of these articles
Jack the Ripper exhibit called anti Semitic
The filthy business of adult model conventions
Israel connected to Iran Mosque blast
Pelosi and 13 other Zionists flew to Israel to assure Jewry that American was ready on a Iran Attack
The cost of illegal immigration
Eric Huffschmidt latest audio
The Austrian Dungeon Master indulged in Thai 'Lady Boys'
18 Year-old taken illegally
Fritzl the Dungeon Master received $1100 a week to raise first three kids released from cellar
Israel wants 25 immediately, and people wonder why gas is $4 a gallon
Zionist's children infest the universities, and claim it's because they genetically  have higher IQs
G-d protected innocent Jews and blew up a suicide bomber
Texas Mormons to get their kids back
Now here is one 'Nasty He-She'
Another Israeli spy?
Texas CPS Returns To Sect Ranch
Nathan was a cannibal
The murder of the three Freedom Riders in 1964 Mississippi - another ridiculous Zio-Hoax
Oil Rises Above $135 After Unexpected Drop in US Inventories
Security contractors in Britain - 60 sec video
He put a 357 slug in a grandmother and walked
Unspeakable atrocities revealed at Kosher plant in Iowa
90 second video on electronic ambushes
Children molested at Kosher plant
Marine ambush at the River of Secrets - Israeli set-up?
The hoax of the Nuremberg trials
Entire US patrol Ambushed - 1 min video
Pearlman gets 25 years
Postville slaughter house spreads Mad Cow disease
Israel demands naval blockade on Iran
The ADL caught influencing police
Woody Guthrie - Another filthy communist
Here is a 90 second film from the Therisenstadt  Camp
Fighting and dying so Israel can control the Mid-East's oil
The pit called Postville - Meth labs run by Rabbis
Hilarious video on McCain
Siegelman - 'Will Make Watergate Look Like Child's Play'
Bolsheviks forbid looking at Judicial's website
Google co-founder left Russia because of anti-Semitism
Olmert to hand Bush a weapons wish list
18 yr old student overdoses at predatory 52 yr-old professor's house
Wikipedia - Operated By The Enemies Of Freedom
Obama's Mother A Radical Leftist Cultural Marxist
Guess who the commander of the USS Truman is?
Is the Yahoo thing just another Zio-swindle?
This will gross you out - A look at Jeffrey Dahmer
"Where was God?"  ...Holocaust remembrance day
Bush tells Jews that there will never be another Masada
Teams of 'Special investigators' authorized the execution of 524 old men and boys left at to guard Jewish criminals at Dachau
Illinois school sends 25 kids to visit the German death camps
Israeli Spying: The Mother of all Scandals
What today's Women desire are security, a dominate male, and a spanking, so sayeth the Zio- Psychobabblers
Mugabe's Thugs Now Cutting Off Hands And Feet
The Brighton Beach Red Mafia
Bush Sr and Jr give billions to Israel
When Russian flushes it's sewers, Lautenberg passed an immigration amendment at a cost of $68 billion
Russian immigrants gouging Social Security
Holocaust Fleabag traumatizes grade schoolers
3 minute video of Zionist engineered massacre
Israel under fire as Bush visits - another Zio-hoax?
British Prime Minister says... "I won't sully my name endorsing that fraud called 'Entebbe'"
Bomb maker gets released and pledges not to run to Israel - 2 min video
Why is Obama's staff 99% white?
A typical  well-to-do online sexual predator
The Dungeon Master goes a lot deeper than what's being told, and everyone is scared to death about this case
John Voight's dirty little secret
Eric Huffschmidt questions Michigan giving $5 million for new center of holocaust museum, designed for children
Think of all the Michelangelos, Freuds, Streisands, if God would have struck Auschwitz with lightening
More stirrings of war with Iran

The Scourge Of Postville and the Kosher slaughterhouse

700 arrested in immigration raid at Kosher slaughterhouse
Dungeon Master in Country Club prison, and will request Kosher food?
Israelis decapitate mother in front of children
In another year we will wish Nixon was still in charge
Israeli dies in car accident, but residents claim they saw a quassum rocket land in her front seat
Nanna smuggled 2500 babies out of the Warsaw Ghetto in cookie boxes
Israelis just walked in and took my house - 1948 massacre
Pissed Pakistani protest procrastinating their rebate checks
Jewish Dungeon Master denies pumping granddaughter full of ecstasy
Great radio broadcast from the USS Liberty Hour
Israeli skullduggery - Hamas and Fatah
  Jewish dungeon master Josef Fritzl blames the Nazis for his actions
Fritzel the Dungeon Master suspected in a second killing
Sarkozy denies France collaborated during WW-2
UN demands probe into Israeli execution of mother
Bush gives Israel top secret radar
The rebel author of WW-2 history
Life at Wal-Mart. You want a union? You are fired!
World famous sexual child molester nicknamed the "Pocket Man" has been arrested
Kitty Hawk's air wing commander relieved of duty
Klebold told her - "You will soon be with your Lord"
How Zionists infiltrated one of America's great institutions

An old Jewish intellectual and his panty fetish

Swedish teens gunned down by blood crazed Zionist, and friendly judge doesn't charge him
Israeli assassination teams killing Arabs - 3 min video
Two great propaganda films by Israeli on their ambushes in Iraq
The Bolsheviks killed 300,0000 in a Kiev prison
Obama tears up and says he will protect Israel (with your kid's blood)
Good short video by Kevin MacDonald on immigration
Jewish Troops Storm Home, Kill Mom In Front Of Kids
Canada's national disgrace
Josef 'The Jew' Fritzl now days he is a Nazi
Shootout at Danzinger bridge - Katrina. What were Israeli demolition experts doing in New Orleans?
The holocaust's 60th anniversary brings joy and pain
FBI investigates 'Chabad Attack'
This child molesting must stop - 90 second video
My poppa spat in Eichmann's face\
Is Bush's wedding a Mazel Tov Moment?
Four brave Americans died for Israel today
Austrian father reveals his "addiction" to incest
Dov Seigelman's pals say he is innocent, and thief is released
Iran arrests group for mosque blast, Israel says the CIA did it
Zionists Screech - "The Texas Mormon raid is awful", but seem to forget to tell they orchestrated everything
Israeli teen gangs stab Arabs in mall
A 1940 educational film on the roots of Zion
Oh God, why do these children need to die?
Idaho student says teacher tossed his Mexican flag in trash
Father in Austria incest case: 'I'm no monster'
Klebold told her - "You will soon be with your Lord"
Is their world what we really want?
75 students arrested in San Diego State University drug bust, another Duke University Trial?
The truth on Arnold
Abe Schwartzenberger releases 30 Israeli prisoners
Is there an answer to the school massacres?
Israeli snipers kill two chicken farmers
Is that a Star Of David gold necklace on the Dudgeon Master?
A short docudrama on 'Fritzel the Dungeon Master'
Hillary reminisces about her Nanna, "Maxine Rosenberg"
Federline fights for Britney's two children
Wife of Jewish Dungeon Master is now a suspect
Bush sent a general to monitor the Annapolis agreement and settlers from Hebron attacked general's convoy!!
Holocaust survivor wants children punished for laughing at her play
Israeli soldier execute Arab at checkpoint
Comrade Hillary and her favorite dual Israeli-American Mole
Alex Jones Joins with Geraldo Rivera on calling suicide suspect - 'Oy gevalt' - another Kosher Nazis?
Israel suspected in USS Cole bombing
Zionists have plans for New Orleans and they don't include Blacks
Abraham Makow PHD, more on feminism. A secret panty fetish, or a caring Zionist?
The Washington Madame .... Suicide, or murder?
Holocaust survivor tells of betrayal by nuns
Guess who really is behind  Robert Mugambe
They bailed out into Nazi Germany, spent a year in the camps, and bumped into each other at a local Starbucks
Abe Samuels has his wife shot over alimony
Do you want a Purple Heart license plate?
You Tube won't touch this video
Who are the Palestine terrorists - Whoops!!
Two minute video on Iran's weapon arsenal
Anti-Semitism is everywhere - cowgirl humor
Israeli Snipers Kill US Troops In Iraq?
Israel's best chance for an attack on Iran is while Bush is still in office
The actual lawsuit by Lowe's second Nanny - You must be over 21 to read this -  no women please
Israelis deny planting bomb at wedding
Second nanny files lawsuit against Rob Lowe's wife Sheryl Berkoff Lowe
A video of the Austrian Dungeon-Master at the 'Chicken Ranch' in Thailand
A naughty general and the US Thunderbirds
White Slaver, Dungeon Master, and Kidnapper
Anti Semitic stewardess torments Holocaust survivor - ADL Outraged
Brief History of the WN Movement 
Opps! Das Dungeon boy isn't a Nazi
Today's dual citizen government advisors /Bolsheviks
I was only ten when I lived in the forest on bird eggs
Zionists refuse FDLS mothers the right to nurse babies - 3 min video
Texas' multicultural troopers stand by as FDLS mother gives birth
Porn King is back in court for underage girls
Visitors to their Castle of Blood were treated to children, torture, sex, murder, for over a 25 year span
Henry Makow on Cyrus, feminism and Yiddish incest
John Bryant, and his dark friend Fredrich, have a Fantastic analysis of US and Israeli failure in the Mideast
Teen idol defied by aging feminist
A 90 second video of the execution
Baruch Goldstein Massacre At Hebron Mosque
David Irving does the expected
Cornell University and blacks
Open the cockpit door or or I will cut the stewardesses throat
Mossad agents on 9/11 jets
Pellicano connected to Israeli mafia?
When Nazis invaded the University of Wisconsin
Head lice as art?
Johnny 'Bucket of bolts' McCain is going to an AIPAC fund raiser to reassure wealthy Zionists he backs their Iran plans
Are these people traitors, or real just aliens?
Mandatory Holocaust teaching in Missouri
Mark Clark, another 'Perfumed Prince" that cost thousands of lives
Henry Makow, a holocaust survivor, understands a women's most 'Basic Desires'
US Choppers Sold To Israel Go To Columbian Drug Cartel
More on the Columbine shooting
Wesley Snipes gets three years
Cindy Sheehan surfaces again, she is popular, and maybe she will stick to her guns
Mysterious college deaths of forty students may be the work of a serial killer
Blacks live in fear as Brooklyn's Crown Heights is out of control
Dual Citizenship -- Loyal to Whom?
Pollard's Ghost Latest arrest exposes Israel's fifth column in the U.S.
Check out these Brooklyn psychos - 3 min video
The Mossad in America
The Zionist Black widows - 3 min video
Police look the other way as Hasidic Gunzels beat 'Schwatzers' (yiddish for Negro) half to death
Danish teen girls drugged, and brutally raped, at Israeli Kibbutz by settlers
From the gutters, and back alleys of Krakow, to an  American aristocrat
A young Paris shop girl sells trinkets to Wermacht troops on leave from the Russian front
Texas FLDS Raid A NWO PsyOp?
Is the SPLC An American Arm of the Mossad?
It seems the Southern Poverty Law Center have been talking to the FBI about the Mormons for three years 
Bush appointed Petraeus, and his towel boy Odiero, as Iraq honchos
Short video on Texas children in warehouse
Despite an IQ in the 190 plus range, Birdman Bryant can be very cruel
The mythical Lincoln
A crazed teenager tries to kill hundreds with an ammonia nitrate bomb and
Short video on possible American camps
This will make you blow your lunch
First they killed the lead reporter, then washed the internet of their contacts, and now the FBI is getting blamed.
Angelica Huston and Roman Polanski's dirty little escapade
Surprise, surprise, you peel back the layers and guess who you find behind the curtain
Mormon mothers panic as doctors brought in to "Examine" young girls
No arrests in massive Medicare fraud - special justice for special people
It appears this Texas raid on a church is getting a few incensed.
A pure mind, and boy, must be cleansed of parasites
I can't abide in this - "Nazis shooting nuns"
No interracial dating -High School forbids Jewish kids from bringing gentile dates to prom
Curt Maynard examines the Columbine Massacre
Holocaust survivor says she was beaten by deputy at airport
An MP3 from the radio show USS Liberty hour, guests are disrespectful of Israel!!
The Pope at Auschwitz
A shocking affair in Central Park
Hate on campuses
Judge 'Babs' Cohen Walther says the Texas church kids must stay in warehouses
Will Dr Henry Makow's next article be on his 'Panty Fetish', I assume prints or white cottons, oh oh I can't wait
The lead investigator of the OKC bomb was assassinated
As evidence points to the American Mossad unit, the SPLC, all the media blames the FBI and BATF
A look at Rahm Emanual - dual citizen
Jakob made $50 million pushing pills on the internet
David Duke has some interesting facts on Obama
How common is Israeli raping Arab girls?
Israelis say Arabs attacked using stolen IDF equipment
Five minute video on Israel's involvement in 9/11
Genetically evil dogs must be gassed
The glory days of Greenwich, and the Aryans from Darien, are gone as Russian Trash move in
Las Vegas Sex Convention
Zionists want these poor mothers to be hit with criminal charges
Kill two Muslim leaders, there is a funeral the next day, and plant a bomb in the funeral tent
The 2005 incident in France that shocked the world - Hate Hoax?
WACO - Who Shot First?
Holocaust train barrels through Germany
Israeli 'Gunzels' kill 20 Arab civilians - 1 min video
Another Hollywood star, and his wife, are charged with sexually harassing young nanny
Rabbi gets probation, while Catholic priest is executed
 Iran suddenly has a rash of mysterious bombs killing civilians - Israel denies Mossad involvement
Who benefits from fifty civilians dead when 1500 pounds of TNT goes off in Barbaua Iraq?
The Robsons who backed Sam Walton may have been the notorious slave traders the Robels/Robelskys
The supposed Nazi Arnold wants your guns
The 'Boom Boom' girl from Luzon is upset
The 140 mothers of the 412 kids being held at a compound are desperate as their children become ill
Why Zionists hated Lindbergh - video
Obama's Momma says - "you going to to be the next JFK little Obama"
The biggest museum heist in history
Whoops!! An exclusive billionaire resort resort hits the skids, and local contractors are waiting on payments
Where are our Israeli Jets?
Famous Israeli General saved as God pushes missiles aside
They served our country but somehow they have a 'Tarnished Image' in WW2
You want to meet David Copperfield?
Who the f*** are these cops to raid, and kidnap, 417 Mormons on an phony anonymous complaint?
The part Muslim/African/Zionist tells a select audience what children the 'Working class' are
If the USS Liberty attack was deliberate, than what about 9/11?
USS Liberty crewman has the 'Gall' to question McCain and Commander Abe Crystol (nee Yehoshua Tzvi)
Buchanan on Iran
Hunt down 88 yr old Nazis camp guards, but skip Bolshevik mass murderers
Want a ticket to Tel Aviv's BDSM convention?
One minute video on Kosher Nazis
Israelis storm refugee camp and shoot children
Staggering Cost Of Illegal Aliens In America
Administrator of Florida Child Services photographs children nude
Will Britney become another Anna Nicole?
The Columbine Massacre
Sniper kills six British soldiers
The coming German race war
Holocaust survivor/School principal arrested for drugs and sex with a minor
Charged with molesting children she flees to Israel
Henry Makow on how Communism was really just a giant swindle
Israeli runs over teenager with a bus
Blowtorch killer gets a break, special justice for special people 
Is Robert Fisk the fearless journalist of just a kosher propagandist?
Pat Buchanan's latest essay
America ships factories to Mexico
Ten US dead in last two days
Some of the biggest single day casualties in years, and no one is saying anything?
The 'mysterious' deaths of Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel
"Mr Fine, should I come back later to make the bed?"
Some Famous Jews that built America
Five Americans died, and thirty one wounded, on 4/6/2008
Brave Israeli soldiers in ferocious fight, sniper shoot 5 yr old in the head, and maim his four brothers
Too many characters starting to surface in Texas standoff
Survivor has spoken to over 100,000 students
I spent twelve years in Dachau
Israeli operative kill dozens at a funeral in Barbaqua Iraq
Israeli tank crew fire at farmers for practice
A brilliant scholar exposes the rulers of the opium trade
Mossad accuses of aiding Mugambe in Zimbabwe election
Why does Joan Rivers hate Mel Gibson?
Tests prove Jewish intelligence is in their DNA
A naughty Israeli diplomat in Atlanta
Blackwater contract in Iraq renewed for one year
Rabbi Eliyahu: Life of one yeshiva boy worth more than 1,000 Arabs
Muslim makes a pass at Yenta in chat room and anti terror team called in
Billionaire scams fifty million in income tax, and is fined $3,550 plus 1 yr probation
The $10 million dollar Bat Mitzvah baby gets $3 billion in contracts for body armor
Natalee Holloway's mom speaks at  major universities and demolishes Aruba tourism
Why seal the Columbine idiots, and their parent's, conversations?
Delegation of Jewish Canadians survive horrific Arab assault - God stopped the bullets
Sarkozy to the rescue of capture South American Zionist
The real suspect in the 2001 anthrax murders is only mentioned in whispers
Abe Murdoch, the Zio-Media magnate, is lining up behind Obama
USS Liberty crewman has some thoughts on John McCain
Carter hints at support for Obama
Settlers shoot 12 yr-old at bus stop for sport
Holocaust damages set at $300 billion
Canadian Jews get a pension from Germany
A filthy rag magazine from Canada's Izzie Asper's group
Rabbi Yudi Kolko would ask young Thomas - "Does it hurt?", as he wriggled in ecstasy
Brown University holds a conference commemorating the glory days of the SDS
Another Bolshevik Hoax designed to fracture society
Israel prepares for Iran war
US Mint Sets Gold Ounce Coin at $1,119.95
Actual films of Ilsa, the 'She-Wolf' of Buchenwald??
Harvard Hebrews Fantasize about Paris Hilton
The rarified world of Bedford Hills
Video web sites ban Israeli IPs over child porn, home made scatology videos
PhD questions a horrifying attack on Jerusalem students - What gall!
The Mickey Thompson murder trial
Burned in the middle of the night, and quickly blamed on Germans people by Zionist newspapers
Rachel Feinstein says "The Chief is a hero"
Who was 'Carlos the Jackal'?
High School shooter gets mental health counseling - Special justice for special people
The mysterious Beverly Hills Country Club fire that killed 165
Neo-Nazi disrespect Kristallnacht ceremony
Shocking - Zyklon B Test On Humans - Vid
Israelis shoot farmer
  Add in their percentage of the defense budget, and oil prices, and learn the real cost of Israel
SF dog mauling defendant to be retried on murder charges
Silverstein sues for $12 billion on top of his $5 billion insurance windfall
Israel's Turkey militia hits northern Iraq
A Zionist  video that has Muslims seething
The Zionist family who sold 40 year-old Chinese ammo to the Department of Defense
Maybe here is the reason Zionists went after priests - 2 short videos  
The truth on the Hariri assassination
A multicultural shootout in downtown Los Angeles
AIPAC agents Rosen, and Weissman, are being tried under the 1917 Espionage Act, and Israel is trying to stop the trial
Neo-Nazis get news coverage, but this conference didn't?
Israeli Death Squads to hang children from trees?
Birdman Bryant casts his evil eye on Robert Blake, and alleged other misdeeds 
McCain promises Israel we will stay in Iraq to protect them
Fredrick Toben spews venom on 'Holocaust survivor cookbook' - What gall!! - Watch 60 seconds
Remote aircraft and 9/11
World famous mystery writer says the Clintons feared John Kennedy Jr.
9/11and Dov Zakhiem's aircraft company
Holocaust survivor recounts a special Nazis soup  served at Auschwitz
Israelis shooting farmers to test weapons
Israel installs remote control gattling guns on Gaza wall
Who assassinated the FBI agent Brad Doucette
The heart breaking story of a young boy in Nazi slave camps
French minister is sacked over negative comments on Israel
Swindler throws million dollar Bat Mitzvah with embezzled money
All presidents were a victim to Israeli intrigue at some time
Churchill's grandson arrested for ecstasy
Senator Biden's dirty little secret
The real American death toll in the Gulf over the past 15 yrs is close to 70,000 - uranium residue
Wiki defends "Germany Must Perish"
Does Joshua lust after fellow Zionist Petraeus?
Al Sadr attacks Baghdad with Iranian missiles?
It seems Neo-Nazis are invading Santiago, or is this just another Zio-Scheme?
Three more dead in Iraq for Israel
Jesus appears on wing tip of Israeli airliner, and pushes missiles away
Admiral Fallon will not be allowed in front of Congress
Las Vegas Zionists promoters forgive anti Semitic Neo-Nazis for the good of the sport
White Nationalist flock to Vegas to fight in cage matches
The Federal Reserve caused 1929
The truth on Starbucks
The Butcher Of Kiev
Why the permanent bases in Iraq?
Huffschmidt casts a cruel eye on McCain's handlers - video
Zio-Whore rapes teens using drugs
Amazing statistics on concealed weapons holders
Germans Enraged By Merkel's Grovelling Goy Show
The wacky judge in the McCartney divorce
Judge Esther Kahn gives killer two yrs - race war brewing - video
McCain Goes To Israel
Cold blooded Zionist women killed homeless and collected countless millions in insurance scams
Hal Turner - another Kosher Nazi?
Morgan Eats Bear, Now Has $77 Trillion In Derivatives
Is Louie Freeh playing with a full deck?
Germany's holocaust reparations put at $150 billion plus
A stain on Germany
The Zionist stranglehold in Germany is wrecking the economy and the family structure
Israel's agents bomb Karbala Mosque - 50 dead
World's greatest serial killer
Harvard Professor admits Zionists use multiculturalism
America First Party of 1932
For the first time in 70 years they will decide if states can override the second amendment.
Johnny visits Iraq and onto Israel
Jim Carrey finds his roots and promotes Israel
They scammed retirees out of $70 million plus
Are Zionists gifted with a financial gene?   
Gold Hits New Record On Bear Stearns, Dollar
Most insiders credit this sycophant for bringing Admiral Fallon Down
Rothstein  was one sick creature - execution video
Some think the resignation of Admiral Fallon is making Israelis bold
Are the Kennedys cursed?
Malka Leifer flees to Israel after molesting students
Car bomb kills 18 in Baghdad
It was 1967 and Cairo was 120 seconds from a nuclear holocaust
The Queen is devastated - Leon has passed on
A murdered co-ed and gun control
 Will Admiral Fallon be assassinated? - "You either get rid of him, or we will"
German children have 'Holocaust fatigue'
McCain Advisers Lobbied Against Boeing
How would the Israeli IDF do against the Waffen SS? - video
German girls singing - interesting video
Just how does Zyklon-B work
Leo Felton , a Kosher Nazi, who grew up confused and angry
McCain looks shady in sellout of Boeing to Airbus
Mary Anne of Gilligan's island is very very naughty
Spitzer is wealthy beyond imagination
Belgian taxpayers to get fleeced $170 million for  Holocaust reparations
The looting of the Baghdad museum
Joe Francis of 'Girls gone wild'
Spitzer spends Tuesday at a White House dinner, and Wednesday getting a lap dance from Brad?
Another mysterious ambush requiring INTEL, and sophisticated remote detonated bombs.
The famous Kramer video
A 'Special Judge' for those special people
A nuke is coming to America - just a matter of time
Obama's black support shows its limits
Israeli seminar massacre becoming suspect
Half of gold in central banks gone?
Neo Nazis desecrate Holocaust shrine - Bast*rds urinated on holy object
The gas chamber hoax and cyanide gas
McCain stands by France and Airbus deal
The massacre at a holy shrine by a blood lusting Israeli
Fulfill your sexual desires at a Norway bordello
Child Model Sites Crossing Line?
Is there any truth in stereotyping?
Israel claims Hamas blew up a jeep, and filmed it, but the video is a duplicate of another Israeli tape
Rabbis says it is OK to kill Palestine civilians
Israelis let ambush killers of innocent Jews hold a press conference?
University of Kentucky cheers on Holocaust professor
Woman who writes best seller on her life as a sex slave to the Crypts gang is 'Zio-Hoaxster'
Another Israeli hoax?
Questions arise on Jerusalem shooting
One of the world's most infamous gun and drug runners is arrested
Vaudeville, burlesque, and stock scams is in their blood
Israeli soldiers execute baby infront of mother
A Jewish cowboy fights Nazis
Louie Pearlman's tale of fame, fortune, and an insatiable lust
Child aficionado, swindler, and holocaust survivor pleads guilty to $300 million dollar fraud
Zionists fleece 'Beaners'
Car bombs shred 15 in Iraq market, but everyone looks at a phony dog video
Stern named executor on Anna Nicole's estate
A real Marine video - "Release the lions"
Internet whirls over puppy dog hoax
How many young lives did he ruin? - Pill doctor
ADL screaming for gun control after Florida shooting
French Jews Fear Rise In Anti Semitism
FBI questioned on OKC bomb investigation
What are we in Afghanistan?
Jet landing - 1 min video
Cannibals in Liberia - video
Congress Screws US Homeowners - $30B More To Israel
Another sacred institution polluted by the parasitic hands of Zionists  
Oscar winning actress joins the 9/11 crowd
Blacks miss a golden opportunity
A key  part in the 9/11 puzzle is Betty Ong
France gets $40 billion contract for AF tankers
'Send a car over, another bunko artists at Beth Shalom'
Israelis shooting children in Hebron
Israel staging fake rocket attacks
Israelis slaughter fifty Arabs in one day
A rash of books about Muslims killing their wives and daughter comes under question
The Dunblane Massacre
A true Holocaust miracle
Reports show Israel behind 1994 Argentine bombing
Angry Yenta gasses lover
David Irving calls Mischa the wolf girl of Auschwitz an asshol* and a liar!!
Australian Zionists demand Toben be imprisoned
A New York terror cell had fifty SAMs, but the FBI got there in time
Would Mossad shoot down a US airliner with shoulder launched missiles to get us into Iran?
Another spittling windbag - Makow
Zionist wisdom on inter-racial marriages
Israelis on a rampage of blood lust
Israel stages rocket attack and will level Gaza
Harris and Klebold had an inbred hatred of Christians - 50 second video
Hagee is considered a hero, while Charles Lindbergh is painted as a seditionist
Zionist gets slap on wrist for $250,000 hoax
Bids being taken on new Mosul-Haifa pipeline
The Rabbi that stole $2 trillion
Politician question the five million pounds  for trips to Auschwitz in 2008
Here is a believable version of the USS Forrestal fire, and it points to Johnny Boy McCain
Rachel Corrie's death video
Tel Aviv Maxim Restaurant Hoax
Loose Change 9/11 video is more zio-propaganda
Israeli soldiers beat school children
Oscars avoids another year without a terror attack
Israel had America fund Turkey's armed forces
She feared nothing, including SS death dogs
A horrible video - pure Nazi propaganda on the rise of Judaism
Filthy propaganda on crusading clergy - 3 min video
Winston Churchill was just a Zio-Thug
Zionist's propaganda video of the Old South's finest politician
 1930's crusader who saw the coming evil and spoke up
New York high society has a rough night
France's greatest tragedy - Sarkosy
Patrick Grimm questions theories of superiority
Zio-Garbage eats feces, drinks urine, kisses lesbians, and jerks off a dog, and Israelis love her
The year was 1913 and carpetbagger viciously raped a child, and the Old South rose to their finest hour
Kosher KKK, Kosher Nazis, and now Kosher Iranians
An ageing drug baron
South American's Most Notorious Drug Baron
Three minute video of psycho cop
British 'scum' reaches to new depths of depravity
Israeli execute a 10 yr old child in front of family
Holocaust survivors discover YouTube - 3 min of pure BS
It took five slugs to stop this 77 yr-old hero - Virginia Tech
"Don't go in those woods, there is evil there" so sayeth the wizards of the internet
Horrendous firefight in Gaza, Israelis shoot father and ten year-old son
Diamonds found at 'Death Camps'
"We will protect Israeli interests in Africa"
Who has the Romaov jewels from the Ipatiev house execution?
Bringing in a supply of guns, and then dropping a fuel air bomb on a remote village in Darfur
Hufschmidt has a excellent piece on the strange cult of Zionism
Israelis building massive air base for American in upcoming Iran war?
Arab explain what is really at stake in Darfur, and what Zionists want
A look at Dov Zakheim
The Zionists and the Armenian genocide
Medical experts say Natalie Holloway was given GHP
Weather Channel documentaries say Jewish soldiers spearheaded the drive to Bastonge
Porn king of the Internet
Curt Maynard casts a cruel eye on famous Neo-Nazi leader
Obama's mystery lover - 90 sec video
Anyone can build a website, and transship from China, but who will win? -Internet Wars
Israelis bomb a building with three families
Another Kosher Nazi
A Russian goes wild and hacks a Shiksa to death with a meat cleaver
Where are the 9/11 airport videos?
The Zionists bombed a Taliban stronghold who resisted their opium production
Deadly enemy and a deadly friend
The Zionist control of the Federal Reserve[82federal_reserve.htm - MISSING]
French children get a holocaust treat
The horror of Patrick Grimm
Two minute video on Eisenhower - funny
Obama gets big union endorsements
You-Tube bans Judicial over Juba exposé
Hufschmidt questions Holocaust education?
The Holocaust Reparations Act to cost US taxpayers $200 billion
Six dead at Illinois University
USS Liberty Gets Its Own Weekly Radio Program on the Republic Broadcasting Network
Kunsman is suspect in NY meat cleaver killing
The rise of the Khazars
Spielberg storms out of Olympic committee
German newscaster gets fired
Izzie Stone and Abe Golden firebomb mosque
Campus radicals or Kosher Hoax?
The filthy business of 'Ritual Murder' becomes a comic strip in a Zionist magazine
Mossad strikes again in Syria?
Israel says today's German must pay another $180 billion  in addition to the $60 billion already paid
David Irving defames a Russian/Bolshevik/Zionist, who may be mobster
Abe Freeman preformed 3000 lobotomies
Zionist affirmative action at work - 3 min video
Eight felony counts of child sexual abuse and fellow Zio-judge releases Izzie Zimmerman
Foxman demands an attack on Iran
The Jewish gatekeepers at Google ban Judicial Inc
The point of guns is protection, and gun owners say the ADL won't get their laws passed
The art of 'Misdirection'
Nobel winner says 'Obama as President is a sure assassination'
It appears from war records this 'Israeli Hero' was a NKVD assassin
Another Hate Hoax
Five Yiddish 'Gunzels' savage young Arab and Judge gives them a good scolding
Amy Winehouse video - 4 min
Jewish Ethiopians find out they are just 'Token Schwartzers'
Thank God for the Zionist gatekeepers
A look at Cornell University
Car bomb kills 33 in Iraq
US citizens pay $46.8 million annually for European holocaust museum
Special funds are needed to cover defunct life insurance policies for children of survivors
Five Americans killed in Iraq for Zionist's oil
A Hollywood Princess takes spill
An 18 yr-old is butchered and police allow lawyer to 'Adjust the crime scene' - Special justice
More Zionist butchery written off as 'Serial Killers'
Professor Patrick Grimm warns us of charlatans
The Real Gold Price
Questions on McCain in Vietnam
Third child sues 'Billionaire Rapist'
Israelis fire into high school in retaliation for Ruthie Bladderstein
 Britney Spear's manager may be arrested
Madame First Lady
Who are the US nominees in the coming election
Joran says, 'Natalee had a seizure in the middle of  her cocaine induced nymphomaniac romp.'
Video of young women beaten and stripped search by male police
Bush gives Israel $30 billion dollar defense package
The Britney Spear's story gets stranger by the minute, and similarities to Anna Nicole aren't that far off base
The horror of Holocaust Denial
Suicide bomber or Zio-Hoax?
Van Der Sloot on three minute video\
A first class comedian or just more 'Human garbage'?
In the last week a number of underwater communication cables have been cut - False Flag in USA?
Israeli operatives kill 91 in Baghdad bombing
The Israeli nuclear monster
Israelis Killed 'Hundreds Of Children' In Lebanon 2006
ABC special on Holloway appears to be an orchestrated farce
Two hour program on Natalee Holloway may be another hoax
If there is an attack on a US city,  will the voters choose McCain?
Three minute video on Natalee Holloway case
Australia arrests holocaust survivor with $45 million dollar ecstasy shipment
Dutch reporter says he knows who killed Natalee Holloway
Who sold Anna Nicole's diary?
Someone walked in as the vampire was taking pictures and he said "This will be worth a lot of money"
Margaret Sanger and the the $4 billion abortion business
The airlines, restaurants, hotels, are fed up with obnoxious Israeli creatures
Two years in a Spanish prison for holocaust denial
Should abortion clinic report incest with 14 yr olds?
Zio-clowns blow photo op... funny
Rio Carnival celebrates the holocaust
Just another day in PsychoVille
Marlon Brando's family want autopsy for Christian
"Blessed be the Holy Peacemaker"
Buy When There Is Blood in the Streets
Prof Faurisson stands firm
How Did Israeli Spy Software Get Onto Critical FAA Computers?
Hidden influences in the Gay Movement
Half Of The Gold In Central Banks Gone?
Five US soldiers killed in mysterious ambush
Gun Bill defeated in Virginia, even after Virginia Tech massacre
The odd murder of Selena
The secret of dual citizens like Dov Zakheim
A look at Harry Solomon Truman
Is Paco Hermez too sensitive
Egypt on high alert for Israeli False Flag
A look at Britain's new PM
Video regarding the 2001 Anthrax attack - 90 seconds
Who was Joe Vialls
An Israeli orchestrated massacre of tourist at the Egyptian site of Luxor
Nazis stick a red hot poker in Holocaust survivor's eye
The history of the Ecstasy trade
31 year old grabs $7.1 billion
Israel assassinates Lebanon's top terror investigator
Blogs becoming bigger than TV news
Israeli minister: All options against Iran on table
New Wave of Shoah Claims: Holocaust Groups Demand More Compensation from Germany
Will Britney be the next Marilyn Monroe?
Who killed John O'Neill?
The Red Lake Massacre
Billionaire child rapist gets sued for pre-teen sexual encounters
Billionaire accused of sex with 14-year-old
Witnesses against Phil Spector are afraid after recent death
Another attack by David Copperfield?
Brandeis' Vagina Monologues
Taxpayers must fund local holocaust museum
A 21 Yr old co-ed at Yale is butchered
A look at immigration
Heroic Israelis shoot farmers with their tank
If one twin died of experiments, than Mengele killed the other
A look at Robert Faurrisson
Short video of SS Irma Grese
90 sec video of Irma's execution
If you ever doubted the Holocaust - video
Holocaust survivor tells children of camp cannibalism
The Rockefellers
Terror in Brooklyn
Who blew up a school full of children in Baghdad?
The truth on the Oklahoma City Bombing
Hillel students face off with fifty armed KKK at Jena rally 
State of Michigan says no to illegal aliens
Bollyn's latest article on 9/11
Who murdered Van Gogh
A shocking look at Woody Allen
US army suspects Israelis in recent ambushes
It was 1880 New York and the ghettoes of Eastern Europe flushed the sewers
Sarkozy wants a base in Abu Dhabi
Biggest pedophile case in American  history
Who were these two psychos who shot up the Hollywood bank?
Another Internet Billionaire Whiz Kid
Scotland's most horrific killing
Hollywood's most horrific murder
The real story on Wal-Mart
Canada pushes for gun control
More 'Who killed Diana' misdirection
Zionists say 'The Internet Must Die'
Ron Paul may have billionaire backer
Birdman casts a cruel eye on famous  neo Nazi leader
The Appalachian rural middle class sees their lives vanish
Come to 'Tony Montana's' where everything goes
He cut his lover up with a circular saw
B'nai Brith wants Canadian war hero jailed
She tried to gas her lover
The odd part is that everyone knows the 'Mob' controls Las Vegas, but oddly Zionists run it?
The truth about Kristallnacht
The confusing world of an Israeli sniper
The short version of the Protocols of Zion
Hill folk to learn of holocaust
Israeli Zionist Terrorists Target America
The truth on Columbine
A False Flag in Argentina
A movie about wolves saving a child from the gas chamber - 3 min
Joran Van der Sloot photo-shopped Holloway's picture, autographed them, and sold them?
FBI profiler says "Van Der Sloot' broke his facade
The crew of the USS Liberty is threatened if they talk
At least 17 dead as Gaza violence explodes 
Trouble In The Strait Of Hormuz
Katrina and Blackwater
The Leopold And Loeb Case
Cannibals of Jekyll Island - Ghost story
The art of 'Thrill Killing'
Here is $6.25 an hr, and don't get sick - Wal Mart
Video on King David Attack - 8 min
Bloodbath at Nablus - tanks kill entire family
Talk show crew is stunned when Joran Van Der Sloot flips out, three short clips
Bush Tells Saudis they better back his Iran attack plan[8]1b3ush_wants_arab_support_for_an_i.htm - MISSING]
Who really sent the 2001 Anthrax letters?
ADL Has Big Gun Control Case In Front Of Supreme Court
US $53 Trillion In Debt To SS, Medicare, Medicaid
Gaza Arabs blow up their own school - so sayeth the Israelis
Bush at Israel's Yad Vashem
"Where was God?" Today's Germans Are Still Groveling
The Iran Naval Incident Is Similar To The USS Cole
The Wannsee Conference
When 'Jubans' go bad - The Menendez brothers
The hoax of Masada
Mad Duck Vang
She spat in the Nazi's faces
Zionists reign of church fires continues?
Nazis barrel through Europe with 29 boxcars of priceless treasures
Ten US soldiers dead in 'Mystery ambush'
Hufschmidt doubts a Sonderkommado who gassed his own Poppa
Clinton, McCain Pull Off Upsets In NH
Birdman and Grubach take on David Irving
There have been forty Baptist church fires since the 'Alabama Arsonists' went to prison
Israelis Execute a young couple
'Allah Akubar' and Death to Bush screeches Devil Arab
Release the 'Alabama Arsonists' or we will torch the whole state
150 British children attend mandatory school trip to Auschwitz
U.K. file on Entebbe contains claim that Israel behind hijacking
Kill a Schwartzer and get 1 yr in a medical facility
Who doesn't love Rosie?
USS Liberty Video
Israel and American politicians want the USS Liberty to go away
How Zionists really see Mexicans - 3 min video
How safe are Pakistan's nukes
Dog Chapman is tasting Luster's revenge
1/7/2008 and Baghdad hit with 5 bombs
Excellent look at the leaders in WW2
The filthy business of snuff films
Israelis on rampage in Gaza
Being a 'Trophy Nanny' is a dangerous profession
Bush flies to Israel to plan Iran attack
The real story on Wal-Mart
Dov Zakheim
Nancy Pelosi
Natalee Holloway
Hufschmidt uncovers Kosher Nazi
Khobar Towers massacre - Who really had the INTEL and expertise?
Esther is charged with five felonies including kidnapping 
Go watch this 40 sec video of a tiger attack
Brittney Spears in confrontation and rushed to hospital.
Tom Lantos - An American Icon
The WSJ sees bloggers lower than whale ***
The Menendez brothers
A story of untold horror and joy - holocaust - you will cry 
WW-2 Collaborators get  millions from British taxpayers
French Resistance aka bank robbers aka black marketeers
A bomb turned this into pile of scrap metal - 30 sec video
Who is Rupert Murdoch
Harvard pays for an IDF commander to speak
Short Video of Randy Weaver of Ruby Ridge
Israelis pit Shiite against Sunnis - bomb kills 32 at funeral in Baghdad
A little Las Vegas history
Israeli settler kills child with car
US Senate to legalize online gambling
The real story on Darfur
Iowa caucuses tallied by Israeli company
A New Year's Holocaust Fable
Short video of Humvee ambush
Speculation mounts of Bloomberg presidential bid
The massacre at Waco
The brutal execution of Leon Klinghoffer
The communists death toll was 45 million
Iraqi 'Death Squads'
Bolshevik famine of 1933
35 Israel soldiers rape a 11 yr old
Hufschmidt on Pakistan Nukes - 50 min audio
Israel worried that bad people will get Pakistan's nukes
The mysterious death of  Alyssa Peterson
Zio-Thugs taser and pepper spray Schwartzers (yiddish for negro) in public housing dispute
New Orleans police under orders to terrorize negoes-3 min video[6.nelw_orleans_wants_the_blacks_out.htm - MISSING]
What was Alona Avaraham doing on Fl 175
Will the last American leaving San Francisco please take the flag
One step closet to WW3
Great video On OKC bomb
Video of Bhutto bombing scene
The 'Butcher of Long Island' is released
Polish Doctor fooled the Nazis and saved thousands
The assassination of Benazir Bhutto brings us closer to WW3
Ron Paul Says: - "Neo-cons planning to bomb Iran"
Key West's Annual Body-Paint-Only Party
Organ traffickers sentenced
Tiger attack
Blood crazed Aussies attack Hasidic Jewish man
A parliament of whores and traitors
Are Mearsheimer And Walt just Zionists puppets?
A poll on 9/11
A US Colonel is assassinated
90 Second video on Marine ambush[9.]these_ambushes_are_a_little_too.htm - MISSING]
Iraq video interesting - 50 sec
Electronic triggers - 30 sec video
Will McCain and the other candidates address the USS Liberty massacre?
Israeli 'Gunzels' shoot two teens
Seth Warshavsky - porno king
Hagee speaks at AIPAC - video hilarious
Australia's Al Capone
War profiteers steals $186 million gets 'House Arrest'
The mysterious shootout at the Danzinger bridge - Katrina
Three great interviews of Natalee Holloway's father
Birdman Casts a cruel eye on Bill White
The Wisconsin library wars -USS Liberty dedication
Zionist burns southern churches?
Van Der Sloot and Holloway
Zionists have plans for a second Las Vegas and blacks aren't part of them
Evidence says Holloway is dead  
This ape, and his partner, shot a small town grandmother with a 357 and got probation
Nazi dog to be gassed?
Holocaust taught in rural grammar schools
Hampton Socialite flips out and 17 people are bloody
NY Princess Is Above The Law
King Solomon - 1930 gangster
Dashing French president courts supermodel
A Zionist production company  set to air a mini series on some recently discovered heroes
Did The Holocaust Contessa find her roots?
The Blackwater shootout in Nissour Square
Pat Buchanan - an evil person?
Interesting video on the OKC bomb -  5 min
The Mossad strikes again
 Canada's Supreme Court shocking makeup  
Tel Aviv at crisis point over Iran
The US Navy's darkest moment
Billionaire Rapist gets plea deal
College girls viewing porn says feminist studies
"Were couples invited to David Copperfield's museum?"
A two minute video that shows what a clown Paris Hilton is
Buy A Gun
A rich Harvard graduate student butchers a teenager and walks
A look at Gen Wesley Clarke
Gaza bloodbath continues
Advanced weapons from Polish emigrees with 90 IQs?
How do Polish émigrés with 90 IQs develop missiles - stolen technology?
Two college Muslims killed
Robert Fisk says Syria is the monster, not Israel
120 teachers attend Holocaust classes - 60 sec video
Little Harry Shipman
A look at Michele Malkin
Refugee status means big SS benefits
A horrible attack on a subway when innocents sing Hanukah song
"Saving Private Fagan"
Phil Spector hires new lawyer - a year at the earliest
The Rothschilds, Armenia, and the Baku oil fields
So who has the expertise, who benefits, and who loves killing children?
Lebanese army leader assassinated by Israeli bomb
Colorado gunman killed himself after guard shot him
The Hero Of The Colorado Church Massacre
Who is Steny Hoyer?
Final moments of church shooting
The 'Butcher of Kiev'
How Do you get a "Pearl Harbor Survivor" license plate?
SWAT hunts 'Mad Dog' who executed students at Christian missionary school
Why do the Armenians grovel about their genocide?
Political refugee couples get $58,000 a year from Social Security?
Zio-Reporter says Natalie's mother won't account for donation money
Prosecutor says 'The Holloway case is worth pursuing without a body'
The choice is seniors or illegals
Israel executes farmers
The Cherry Pit, a sex club in a Dallas suburb
Van Der Sloot released
Selena's mysterious death
Guess who is fighting the gun control lobby
You have a concealed firearms permit but the mall says you can't carry. More harm than good?
Crocodile attack
Omaha shooter kills nine at the mall
Gun control poll
Omaha Shooter Had History Of SSRI Psychiatric Drugs
JB Campbell on Ron Paul
Where is Spector's retrial?
Why was Bill Gates kept out of Augusta Country Club?
Schwartzers cannot attend Israeli schools
He grabbed the kid from an Australian park, the mother caught him as he was putting the kid in the trunk
Fredrick Toben is shut down
Greta Van Sestern says "Joran is innocent and should be released" - video
Van Der Sloot's mother doubts Natalee Holloway was a virgin - video
Sarkozy wants a tribunal to combat anti Semitism
A letter from Auschwitz
Australia's worst shooting


Hillary video - 60 seconds
Schwartzers lose 4700 apartments in New Orleans - The new Las Vegas
When Catholics go bad
USS Liberty Protest Poll
Green Zone Follies
Polish Immigrant walks with a bundle from Motorola
Presidential Poll
American Insurance companies to pay holocaust survivors for suffering?
Who is behind the "Save Darfur" campaign
Did Father Geoghan deserve to be killed?
The hostage standoff at Hillary's headquarters
Israeli kids rank poorly on int'l test for literacy
See Gaza And Weep
A Darfur village is destroyed in the middle of the night, and survivors talk of aerial bombing
The Titans behind the superstores
Two of Natalee Hollway's suspected killers released
Schoolteacher to face firing squad - so sayeth Zio-Press
Illegal Immigrant Numbers At Record Highs
Joran Van der Sloot's new book
Holloway case maybe heading for a resolution
Ten Reasons Why "Save Darfur" is a PR Scam to Justify the Next US Oil and Resource Wars in Africa
What started the French riots?
Google hands over blogger's IP address
The great Oxford debate
Hungary High Council Of Jews is Angry
Total holocaust bill $330 billion, and Germany has only paid $50 billion so far
ADL Battles Internet Free Speech
A 20 yr old second generation survivor gets one year in a medical facility from a sympathetic judge
Prosecutors convinced Holloway is dead
Ivy League professor goes berserk
The Annapolis Conference on Arab/Israeli peace
Who runs the electronic voting machines?
Who is John McCain?
World population of Jews from 1933 - 1946
Kevin Rudd with the Yenta First Lady
Start thinking about a political organization, sooner or later something has to change
IDF Executes Palestine Farmers As Dozer Razes Their Farm
Literary great 'shunted' by US Holocaust museum
Does Vanity Fair harbor hidden Nazis?
Forecast: U.S. dollar could plunge 90 pct
Cell Phone Tracking At Cops' Request - No 'Probable Cause'
Zimbabwe near collapse
A thrill killing by two Zionist teenagers
The declining US Dollar
Israeli operatives bomb family market
"Worse than Nazis" says jailed porn magnate
The Annapolis illusion
32 years of freedom in Africa
Did Sarkozy's Communist backers do this?
Psychics see Natalee Holloway's death
Zimbabwe arrests white farmers
Natalee Holloway's killers charged with manslaughter
Israel's 'Robo-gun' kills four Arabs approaching the Gaza fence
40 days in Tehran
Holocaust hero charged with kidnapping and fraud
The Chrysler scam continues
No more wars for Israel conference video
The great Zionist migration takes New Rochelle by storm
A vicious plot by Emma Gold, and her communists, to put Teddy Roosevelt in the Presidency
Hanging female postal clerks - 90 sec video
The US dollar tanks
Organ Harvesting from Arab children
In Small Town Iowa, The Future Speaks Spanish
Buying from China via the internet
Zio-Punks assault old priest - 3 min video
Sent to hand out toys and a bomb was waiting for them
The fire bombing of Dresden

Bollyn latest MP3 audios... -1  -2  -3

ADL Threatens Ron Paul
US airbases along the Mosul-Haifa pipeline
Rothschilds, oil, and the Armenian Genocide
90 sec video on Versaille treaty
Poland's greatest shame
Patrick Grimm's latest 'Hate Mongering'
Mengele seduces Lei Plaotski as her Poppa watches
Cheerleaders suspended for mocking Hollywood - 2 min video
If you have any doubts about Israel's part in today's Iraq massacres, read this
"Nazi Bast*rds" she screams as son is convicted
Jon Bjerknes doubts his most holy Reverend John Hagee
Green Zone Follies
A billionaire cross dressing axe murderer
Brought to a remote IDF outpost and executed
A look at the Zionist's blood crazed soul
Oil gets pumped from Mosul, to Turkey, to Israel
Appalling 80 sec video - 1935 Germany
Billionaire pedophile was also bi-sexual rapist
A Little History Of Caribbean Zionists
Israelis move into Las Vegas
Gun Laws getting closer
Terrorist train right in SPLC's back yard?
Israelis snipers fire into Gaza rally
SPLC Accuses Jena 6 Of Stealing $500,000 In Donations
Vietnam wasn't for them so they fled to Canada
Your next President?
Video Lindbergh's 1939 Des Moines speech
Jewish groups want their medals
He manned a 50 cal and faced down a nazi sub
She still hates Mel Gibson
Nostradamus and Iran
Murder most foul
Voyeurism to promote the Holocaust
Who is buying the seats on the Titanic lifeboats?
Why did NORAD let these jets fly over countless reactors?
Israelis execute three 10 yr olds
59 school kids die in bomb
Sex, Nazis, Whips, and a Jewish Prosecutor in love
The Commandant and his drummer boys - Andersonville
Hate Hoaxes hurt Zionist's credibility
Abe Mukasey becomes Attorney General
Congress fawns over Zio-Sarko
Neocons To Sacrifice 5th Fleet - New Pearl Harbor
Germany has paid Jews $65 billion Euros ($100 bill US) and they demand more
The Nuremberg hangman - 90 sec video
A pig hangs a 19 yr old postal clerk as Nuremberg's Zionist prosecutors gawk and smile
FBI Calls on Universities to Guard Against Spies
Media promote 'Mexican Intifada' in America
Zionists call for gun ban in Finland
Israelis dynamite a sewerage plant and five die in Gaza
Six US soldiers dead in Iraq
Israelis kidnap children in village
George Washington University stunned by vicious hate crime
Does the persecution ever end?
One is the Toast of the Town, king of public TV, and the other one a pariah, a scoundrel, a heretic - WW2 historians
The media says we must invade Iran before the nuclear cores go live - This winter
No longer a Hungarian rag peddler, today Sarkozy is Mossad
"I went for a job interview and  Copperfield attacked"
Wounded Iraqi vet's three children die in car accident
Have Zionists Colonized US By Intelligence & Superiority?
Sarkozy bails out a strange group
A look at the lives of the 'Rich and Famous'
War profiteer indicted
The Purple Heart Hoax
The Ecstasy trade
Israelis tank fires into factory killing four
Ignoring The Armenian Genocide
JD Cash was the biggest threat Zionism ever faced, and he was killed for it
The Madrid Train Bombings - this one was obvious
Bush gives 'Green Light' for massive Gaza assault
Are Jews a race? Is Jewish intelligence genetic?
Students crack at college as they feel holocaust pain
Brits lose 270,000 jobs to immigrants
Why is everyone in a panic over some a simple resolution on a distant 90 yr old genocide
Jewish man's wife of 44 yrs turns out to be a famous Nazi!
Three American soldiers dead for Israelis pipeline
Armenian and Bolsheviks connected
Socially important or just just silly zioganda
Dog Chapman audio of nigger
Dog Chapman nigger video
Linda Stein Murder video
Dog Chapman has no idea who he was screwing around with
Colombia University under Stage-4 lockdown
New York owners cut 13,000 Chrysler workers
Toilet Terrorists Traumatize Talmaudic Toadies  
'Jakob the Jeweler'  gets a slap on wrist for drugs deal
Sewer rats saved me from Mengele and Auschwitz
Michael Richards won't meet with Schwartzers
Mad Dog Neulander
Who killed Linda Stein?
Video from Reverend Frank Weltner - 6 min
Disappointing crowd at Icon's latest appearance
It has been 'confirmed' that Jewish IQ's are genetic!
FBI turns to Sopranosteins for help with the KKK in 1964
Take the Eva Herman poll
David Irving-Oxford poll
Interesting Bollyn audio broadcast[Bollyn-27Oct2007-Part2.mp3 - MISSING]
Israeli genocide on video - 5 min
 The Lost Book Of Nostradamus - John Hogue Review
Zionists may use Blackwater if persecution of abortion clinics continues
Izzie Sarkozy walks out of interview
Deakin University In Australian
Ferocious battle at Gaza Grammar school, but no Israelis hurt
Irving says 'Holocaust was real', soon he may reveal the true numbers
An earth shattering fifty students attend Horowitz rally!
A clown guts his wife, shoots a judge, and Nevada doesn't go for the death penalty
Israeli tank fires into crowd of children
Israeli operatives suspected in Iraq bus station bomb
Israelis deny tank killed family, but Arabs trying to make Jews look bad
Big-Game Hunting in Iraq
Iran - The Road To Armageddon?
Who planted the bomb  that killed a Birmingham cop
SS cruelty at it's worst
Turkey grabs oil fields and Bush silent?
Nazi 'Doll Face' questions Jews in WW-2, and praising the German people - 3 min video
 Hufschmidt on war profiteers
War profiteer spends $10 million on Bat Mitzvah
Dov Zakheim says $2.4 trillion missing
The victim supposedly was to get $2,000,000 in Las Vegas, she is lucky to be alive.
Elite Jewish commandos work as bodyguards
Tel Aviv's Gay community is abuzz over Mickey Lucas
Now there a Red Flag
Police at Israel Conference
Carter questions Zionist's claims of superiority
Copperfield may have preyed on audience
The truth on the 'Jena Six'
Borat lawsuit
Israel denies it's soldiers were 'Sport Shooting'
Spector delays trial
The roots of a revolution in Hungary? One can only pray.
An innocent family is terrorized, passenger jeer on this Nazi stewardess, and Air Marshals sit silent
Maybe the story of Jewish soap wasn't a myth after all
Sarkozy, kissing Olmert's Ass
Holocaust deniers don't only hurt Jews, they hurt us all
M. Abraham Moore is silent on war profiteers
Zionists want Arab school in Virginia shut down!!
Kevin MacDonald's blog
The missing Betty Ong tape from flight 11
Russia's pedophile cannibal
Whips, dogs, and a train ride to a death camp
Israeli caught using children as shields - 3 min video
Slaughter of 50 Arabs in Baghdad is not good news for US Troops
A 60 yr old veteran of English comedy is caught in a three year affair with 14 yr old
A dirty dirty business
Israeli navy executes two fishermen
David Copperfield sought by FBI
International pedophile nailed
In 1949 assassins went into his 16th floor room at Bethesda, strangled him, and threw him out the window
Rikers Island or a summer in Israel?
Interesting Bollyn Audio[Bollyn-13Oct2007.mp3 - MISSING]
A Billionaire who had sex with children has some friends running for cover.
Israeli mercenaries slaughter 30 in Darfur
Billionaire rapist may serve 18 months
Israeli Tycoons Eye American Gambling
Noble Prize winner says Schwartzers (yiddish for negro)  have sex gene
Misha tours the Ivy league as a holocaust speaker
A 50 second reading from a literary classic
Miracle in Gaza as God stops rocket aimed at Jews
Great 3 min video of Scott Ritter
Fake hate hoax?
Birdman on Blackwater
 Zionist kills his greedy goyim wife in lawyer's office
 World's leading Zionist scholars fill in the blanks on mysterious crashes
Blackwater Training US Police 
Another Hollywood 'Nazi' passes strange legislation
Holocaust Survivor's grandkids are still traumatized
Israelis advise Americans on infiltration techniques
The Bronfman's empire
Vanity Fair's 100 most powerful people in the world
Seven guards beat a 14 yr old to death, were found not guilty, and token 'Zio-Coons' say nothing\
NY politician goes berserk - 90 sec video
Revisionist Greats being questioned by the common folk
No more rice paddies for Bin Chow, he 'Auto workie man'
Lockerbie's lawyers demand secret Israeli evidence
A remake of the classic 'Love Story'
Hitler's pin up girl is escorted off German talk show
Mossad attack on US Base?
Toben's film terrifies skiers at Aspen
UAW settles with Chrysler
Chrysler offers workers a nice boat ride
Major battle of Jerusalem brewing
Makow on whether the Jews control the world
Carlos the Jackal
Kardashian sex tapes surface


Rebels in Revisionist movement question their Gods.
Senator Dodd's Family Secret
The interrogators of WW2 claimed to be angels
Who really control's Afghan's opium
The Wisconsin massacre cop's webpage
Bollyn, 9/11, Synagogues and The Judges In Control
Hufschmid Audio
Bollyn on the 9/11 cover-up
General Petreaus, a Zionist, says "Iran behind the trouble in Iraq"
Berserk cop kills six kids
David Irving goes on 'Revival Tour'
Thank you God for the Rosenblums
Walt and Mearshiemer, just a  couple of poodles
Axe murderer has been a model prisoner, and fellow Zionists say he deserves parole
Mamhoud has supplied Hamas new deadly missile systems and innocent Jews are terrified
Nine dead in Baghdad bombings
Israeli mercenaries burn town in Darfur
Dr Weiss got 12 years in the "Pain Management" pill mills
Two minute video on Israeli execution
Iran and Syria must be broken
Zionist's Sex Convention in Las Vegas
Let's visit 'Tony Montana's club" in Roatan
'Corrie' canceled in Canada
Oh God -The Queen was the Mastermind
$500 million in Israel and he sits in a Florida jail
 Henry Makow on the Zionist control over the Ivy League
Mark Weber of IHR
Harvard Law expels star student for revisionism
7000 Christian right visit Israel
New Orleans: Two Years Post-Katrina
Eric Prince and his billion dollar army
The Germans threw the Russians out and the townspeople were ecstatic
The sordid story of Bill White (Richard Barrett)
Jesse Jackson's background
Israel denies involvement if Gaza bomb blast and three dead
Zionists want Blackwater in Darfur to guard their pipeline
Good description of Blackwater shootout
Britain's PM Brown backs strike on Iran
Blackwater Portrayed as Out of Control
Bush gathers support for Iran Strike
Nazi guard caught in Georgia
The Legend of Odessa's Nazis may be real
Spector and the missing forty minutes
Are they Gods, or just cannibals?
Dov Zakheim
Columbine Massacre
Dunblane Massacre
Ed Koch is appalled at Bollinger's Chutzpah
Juror number ten saved Spector
Robert Fisk weaves another tale of the 'Mysterious Casbah' , but forgets to mention the Israeli assassins
Israel shells a village killing nineteen
The Hoax called Munich
 An unrepentant David Irving says the Reinhardt camps are where the Jews were killed
Tom Cruise fights 'Blazing Saddles' stunt at filming
Fleeing to Israel with $95 million
Probably a year before a second Spector trial
New York Sex Doctor discusses Spector 
German POW's Diary Reveals Post War US Camp Horrors
Democrats say US troops could be in Iraq for another ten years
3Com gets sold and investors get wealthy
Couple wants $15 million from Netherlands for stolen art
An heiress slaughtered in her mountain mansion 
Why does this 'Nazi Monster' get so much publicity?
EXCLUSIVE-Money trail to Hamas begins with Israeli banks
Israelis gun down 11 Arabs
Two on the jury said - "Spector was innocent, the girl shot herself"
Spector gets a mistrial
Israeli tank accused of firing on school house
Sunni death squads put out Hollywood production
A short video of this clown Pelosi
Bomb in Mosque sprays the street in blood and bones
The horror and threat of Iraq mercenaries
Citizens form militias to protest Zionist President and Israeli goons
Abe Foxman 'Outraged' about Ahmadinejad visit
She urinates, shows her t***, etc etc, and she is the hit of London's Zionists
 Mossad Bomb Kills 16 At Iraqi Reconciliation Banquet
The Jews at Columbia gave Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a taste of their outrage!
Sarkozy Gives Legion of Honor medal to American
Straight talk from Patrick Grimm
Zionist run NAACP behind Jena demonstrations
Stalin's Jewish Affair
Abbas Is Just A Zio-puppet
Latest Gungrabber Plot-
Rosa Parks wasn't the heroine portrayed
Andrew Goldstein picked up a girl,  threw her in front  of a speeding train, and gets manslaughter
Jewish death squad leader from Lithuania refuse to be questioned
Spitzer To Let Illegals Get Driver's Licenses
The same old bag of actors, with the media covering the 'Horrible Injustice' at every channel
2 min video of Judge's instructions in Spector trial
Col Miller of Amish massacre tells of police hero
Fisk says 'The Beirut killing was Syria, and Sarkozy, and Brown, will act'
Spector smug as Judge has a melt-down
And just who is behind the curtains of 'MoveOn.org' ?
Lebanon peacemaker killed - The usual suspects
Green Zone Follies on Blackwater
Israelis use bulldozer to finish off wounded teenager
Jewish Extremist, 911 Cover-Up Artist Mukasey New AG
This latest Blackwater shoot out is different, and the Iraqis are mad
Video of mercenaries killing Iraqi civilians
Milan's famous RR station to get holocaust exhibit
New Auschwitz photos shock the world
1 min video on 9/11 pilot
Short Blackwater video
Grandfather Meyer barely got out of Germany alive!
The Kerry 'Taser Hoax'
Who is Rupert Murdoch?
Gerald Bull's space gun and his execution
 America's Early History By Henry Ford
Israelis execute a 16 yr old for throwing a rock
Thank God 'Mickey Mukasey' took the job
Petraeus is not the hero portrayed
Abu Nidal An Israeli-Arab Terrorist
German Zionist Government officials promote pedophilia
The history of the Federal Reserve
An album of 30 drawings about daily life in Dachau is found, and it's horrible
The New Yorkers behind the peace rallies
More 'Nazi Sympathizers' use Doll Face as symbol of injustice
Big diamond heist in Antwerp
Kabbalah - A mystical experience
Harry Gross battles a train and saves fellow Zionists from the gas chambers
Israeli Hero was part of NKVD execution squads
Four more dead GIs for Israel
The Duncan Grone murders
Phil Spector may get a mistrial
Iraqi Collaborator gets a visit from Mossad
There really are monsters out there
David Irving attacks a great holocaust writer
Rabbi wants jail time for being called names
Hellerstein who over saw $7 bill in 9/11 payouts is opening Fl 93 audios
The Van Gogh Murder
Anna Lindh Was Assassinated on this date
Nazi lover gets a lesson in life
America has no responsibility for Brian Avery
Quassum Rocket attack extremely suspect
Iran to pay millions for Israeli bomb
Israelis say 70 Jewish soldiers wounded
Gaza Army Base may be false flag attack
My grandson is no Nazi - Another hoax
Condi Rice rushes to Israel
Nine dead and sixteen wounded Americans on 9/10/2007
The mysterious Adam Pearlman is the author of Bin Laden's latest tape
Holocaust sex film - 1 min video
The film that almost killed Jerry Lewis
Israelis in fierce battle, ten Arabs dead, no Jews hurt
Polly Klaas Murder
DePalma movie clip - 90 seconds
The Search For Steve Fossett
IDF kills boy over a seagull
The origin of the Van Der Sloot name, the animal suspected of killing Natalee Holloway
Rachel Corrie's 5th grade speech - 1 min
Short but very frightening clips of the 'Ilsa the SS She Wolf'
Where was G-d? - Holocaust
Nifong in jail
Good background on Armenian Massacre
Is Bin Laden's Warning An Israeli Prophesy?
What is it with Zionists and their first cousins?
Designer Vaginas?
The Holocaust Myth's Pornographic Roots
The 1955 Grimes Murders
Prof Finklestein leaves with a tear in his eye
Fred Thompson poll
The NKVD horror that never made it into the history books
Army says blackhawk crash that killed 14 probably mechanical failure
Eight American boys dead for that s**hole called Israel
Terrorist Sits in Country Club Prison
Did Allah watch over Bush in Iraq?
Video - 'Planet of the Arabs' ..funny
French Parliament wants to question Sarkozy's wife on arms deal
Abe Steger outraged at calls for his resignation after VT massacre
Rockets Rain On Righteous Residents
Hollywood putting US Troops In Danger
Mossad agents planted in Dafur, Sudan
New Orleans Developers wanted the niggers out
Who killed Rachel Gorenberg?
Vital Lockerbie Evidence 'Tampered With'
Black Dahlia, Hollywood's Most Brutal Murder
Vital Lockerbie Evidence 'Tampered With'
Craig out in five days but Barney Frank untouched
Why did Hitler let 330,000 escape at Dunkirk?
Is a False Flag close?
Holocaust survivor builds largest house in New England
More Fisk 'Poppycock' on the mighty Hezbolah
Mossad agent arrested in Toronto bomb plot?
Coure d'Alene, and the Aryan Nations, are just another silly fairy tale
Mossad planted Lockerbie evidence
Daryl Smith Audio
Man claims key Lockerbie evidence was faked
A 60 sec video on evidence at the Nuremberg trials
The Federal Government pays $30,000 to demolish your home
Las Vegas is moving into New Orleans
Finklestein's titanic struggle
The levee was blown to push the blacks out
Israel executes three ten year olds with a tank  
Blackwater is buying assault planes and bombers
Tex Marrs audio on Armenian genocide
5 min video on Armenian genocide
Dr Frank Weltner's 10 min video on Armenian genocide 
US Dual Citizens worried about surveillance
Israel's boogey man slaughters Karbala Pilgrims
Toilet Cop Busts US Senator
France's Sarkozy suggests bombing Iran
Reporter after reporter becomes hostile as their credibility wanes
Mossad increasing presence in western Iraq, tribal leader reports
Israel Assassinates 11 Yr Old Sitting In A Fig Tree
Who controls internet gambling
Joel Rifkin, the butcher of Long Island
Mossad opens more offices in Iraq
U.K. file on Entebbe contains claim that Israel behind hijacking
Daryl Smith audio on Armenian Massacre
The Armenian massacre and today's Zionists
Very frightening story about Grand Wizards
 They were deliberately put in 'Harms Way' - Mississippi Burning
Israeli operatives kidnap 15 women and children
Who really masterminded the Achilles Lauro
Israel shoots two mentally challenged Arabs
Edgar Steele on America's future
Found at 5:00 PM and Cremated At 10:00 PM
The Dog will be made an example of Zio-Wrath
Mystery men (Israeli Mercenaries) set boy on fire
How did Fl 77 and Fl 93 get through 420 fighters?
Spector refuses to take stand
Strange death of FBI's O'Niell
Mossad's sophisticated bombs
Jewish man lives with fact he was a Nazi Mascot as a boy
Norfolk is the most heavily protected area in the world - 9/11
Zionist media certifies who are 9/11 rebels you can trust
Who orchestrated the murder of 1.5 million

Mohammed Rafiq on Armenian Massacre - audio

Billionaire jailbird dies
Prosecutors seek death penalty for Jakob Shenfeld
US Media curtails war coverage
The Lavon Affair
Insatiable lust, the Betty Grable of Pelican Bay
Israelis shoot three children
The truth behind the Estonia sabotage
Merv had a secret life
A interesting poll
Turning rural America Towns Into Multicultural Sewers
A look back on the 2006 Lebanon-Israeli war
Netherlands to host trial into Hariri's murder
Israelis shoot 30 Arabs, killing six
Arab principal gets replaced by Zionist
Princeton #1 Ivy League school, but your kids won't get in
Jenna Bush To marry
The Alan Berg murder
An entire town is leveled and it looks like a tactical nuke
Oh Mel, please don't say it was just a hoax!
Assassinations articles side by side, now that's scary
Hurricane Katrina aid goes toward luxury condominiums
The fraud of the Lindbergh trial
A look at the Astor family history
Hollywood blockbuster paints a different Diana
A 30 second IQ test 
Jewish speakers, Walt and Mearshiemer, called anti Semites, another charade
A Zio-clown proclaims - "Water is wet"
Israelis Help Columbians Battle Drug Lords, Guerillas
American Justice TV defends Diane Whipple's killers
Five Americans killed in another suspicious ambush
Has extra-judicial executions of Americans begun?
Bush and Sarkozy
Sarah Silverman laughs about killing Christ
John Bryant  says "Patrick Grimm is righteously angry"
The best investment for the future
God's servant harassed by Zionist thugs -3 min video
Who is Nancy Pelosi?
The Dunblane Massacre
Cries of 'anti-Semitism' vanish after suspect identified
 Zimbabwe - Last White Farmers Face Eviction Or Arrest 
The Roots Of The ADL
Jewish people are genetically superior
The Palms Hotel- Hefner and Maloof
Here is why JFK jr was assassinated
The Hollywood propaganda machine and it's ability to mold opinion is frightening
Hufschmidt raises the question -"Was the Minneapolis bridge a false flag?"
Reverend Hagee at his best - video
Israelis turn resort town upside down
Feds crack online pharmacy and arrest 18
The great Jewish Diaspora  called Katrina
Who is Steney Hoyer
A look at Harry Reed
Who is Rahm Emaual
Fisk talks about Lebanon and it's coming election
Israel kills 19 children in Iraq, with a remote control bomb
Background on Judicial, Eric Hufschmidt, Carlos Porter, and others
Interesting Audio by Daryl Smith
Brookings Institute and the Green Zone Follies
Bush says: - "Down deep, Iraqis wants an Israeli type democracy"
Short history of gun control
He took a circular saw to his lover and then fled to Israel
Will Israeli allow 'Doc Hollywood' to be extradited
$13,000 a yr Jewish kindergarten tuition paid with public funds
Mohamed Haneef , Martin Bryant, and Australian incompetence
Syracuse University takes a strange path
Canada's PM opts not to attend medal ceremony
It is not hard to see what happened to that bridge
 Israelis borrow $2 billion from Merrill Lynch
U.N. send 26,000 troops to Sudan for Khartoum's oil
Fuel tanker selling to women and children explodes - Israeli operatives
Day of the Condor - Israeli False Flag
Shenfeld indicted for murder
U.S. checking possibility of pumping oil from northern Iraq to Haifa, via Jordan
Holocaust Survivors Outraged At Pension Increase
George Patton Found Out Too Late
Interesting blog on Robert Fisk
Billionaire Lev Leviev buys Hard Rock's new theme park, thanks to Ameican's 401-Ks
The Bears Of Buchenwald
French Jews in WW-2
Talk Of Spielberg's Opus
British College union votes to boycott Israeli universities and their traveling scholars
A Ph.D. questions if Wikipedia  is a disinformation tool
British appoint special police to counter anti Semitism
Confessions of a real 'Sonderkomando' - You need Real Payer to listen
"Crook of the Century"
77 marines caught in a brutal ambush
Bombs kill Iraqis celebrating national soccer victory
Israel behind UN bombs
Bolsheviks Killing Fields - video[7_25_100_million_russian.htm - MISSING]
Dr Weltner On Khazaria[Weltner_Khazaria.htm - MISSING]
Jakob Shenfeld charged with murder
Daryl Smith audio on Gary Webb
Australian scientists cast doubt on story of Treblinka
'Crazy Eddie Antar' and a classic Zio-Swindle
Zionist controlled England Started WW2
Ave Maria an all Christian town of 11,000 Catholics
American pilots land in corn field and save thousands
Stalin's 'Mad Dwarf'
Natalee was a coke-head who seduced Van Der Sloot, and his two chimps, Deepak and Satish.
Zio-Extra, or the real thing, the tragedy of Nahr al-Bared
Fisk knows why people are turning to internet news
Bill O'Reilly says Natalee Holloway died from a cocaine overdose
The Levine Murders
Lust, drugs, and a billionaire
Irving 'scorns'  this holiness - Azzām al-Amrīki
Abbie Richards quits standup comedy
Is it game shows of their expose on Entebbe?
A two minute video that looks into their special world\
Congress passes a bill funding an investigation into a CIA assassination
Poland's Clergy Make Anti Semitic Remarks
Porn producers reach out to grammar schools
They met at Disney Gay Days, and now Lance gets a ring
Three videos on Eisenhower's Death Camps
Bush listens as Zionists screech  'Stop the Darfur Genocide'


Israelis training Kurdish Forces
BBC Says That Israel is in Northern Iraq
Massacre in Diyala
 Bush May Send More US Troops To Die In Iraq
They met at Disney Gay Days, and now Lance gets a ring
Israelis use massive bomb in Kirkuk 7-16
9-11 video on Mossad  - Seven minutes
Israel ready to bomb Iran
Hollywood glamorizes a gun running war criminal
Israelis pour into New Orleans
 Giant Lion-Eating Chimps Found
Anna's final hours
Senate doubles Osama Bounty To $50 million
Is Robert Murdoch Jewish
Lawrence of Arabia had it right
Second Generation holocaust survivors sue Germany
Iranian general's wife says Israel kidnapped him
Bush Gives Democracy To Lebanon
Giuliani, the Likud Candidate?
Flynt is tracking 20 congressional sex scandal leads
Pentagon - US Shot 429 Iraqis At Checkpoints
Cindy Sheehan warns of false flags and martial law -
Daryl Smith starts his own Wiki cyber encyclopedia
Hufschmidt reports urgent White House meeting Thursday
One of America's  biggest defense contractors
US will back an Israeli attack on Iran
Chertoff fears summer attack
When the bomb collar case lead to Zionists the investigation stalled
Al Qaeda has a US cell in place - attack to coming this summer
Germany considers targeted killing
Diana, and the art of conspiracy, an old Mossad technique of a 1000 useless leads
Will Cindy Sheehan finally come out swinging?
A Look At The Oligarchs Who Control The Ukraine
Hufschmidt on Ostrowsky and propaganda - 90 second video
Birdman's July 4th message
A heartwarming story
A priest-holocaust survivor documents 1,500,000 dead Jews
Massive bomb destroys remote village
A shining example of what the Churches can do
Sarkozy's boyhood fantasy fulfilled?
Jewish snipers execute camera man extremely graphic- Video One 
Travesty at Arlington
Woody Guthrie - Folk hero or Zio-Trash?
Human or Monkey, a Florida judge isn't   sure
Israeli settlers run over Arabs
A very racy article on wife swapping, no children please
Was this double agent assassinated because of Lockerbie
Awful lot of talk about F-14's (Iran's secret Air Force)
A Five Year Old survives six Nazi camps
Bush pardons Irving Lieboweitz aka Scooter Libby
General says "Don't blame Israel for the Karbala Ambush, blame Iran
From a Renoir to a partnership in an oil well
5 U.S. troops killed in Iraq
Gordon Brown reassures Zionists of his devotion
The truth behind Bill Crosby's kid death
It is not always black and white for an Israeli sniper
Israelis livid over Farour's public execution
Auschwitz renamed a 'German Camp', not Polish
Israel kills 7 in series of Gaza air strikes
Secret maps that Churchill used to bomb Nazis
Zionists Weave a story about Natalee Holloway's murder
Absurd London “Bomb Plot” Inaugurates “Control Freak” Brown
Zionists deny any part of London Bombs
US army admits the recent ambushes are a little too sophisticated
Lockerbie and the Mossad
 American workers fear another Enron or Chrysler
Lockerbie Trial another hoax
Trista  Moretti died for Israel
Sarkozy, and now this buffoon
Opium is the reason we are dying in Afghanistan
Diversity causes distrust
Superb video on the bases in Iraq
Interesting video on Bolshevik killing fields
Israelis to train US Marines
Masada, like Entebbe, turns out to be a hoax
Israel suspected in five UN deaths
Lockerbie police and the Mossad
Kill the American survivors
US and Israel in joint training operation
Talk of Arson premature
Bush Wants to send a mysterious fourth carrier to the Mideast
Another Super Carrier Group Arrives in the Gulf
Yenta Coulter wants no mercy for Nifong
 Third US Super Carrier Task Force Heads To Gulf
Zionists push for gun control
For some reason Spector wiped Lana Clarkson's face
Two good  videos on the history of Bolsheviks 
Urban Cougars prowl for young men
ATF all over Charleston Fire
Spector moved Lana Clarkson's body
Fourteen US soldiers killed in two days in Iraq
A great video by Randy Weaver
The Latest on the US Liberty
Bloomberg goes Independent - Pres in 2008
Nine dead, and arson not ruled out
Israel Operatives suspected in Baghdad Bomb
Kidd - The Truth About America's Gold Reserve 
Harry Truman, another Hero from nowhere
More absurd Israeli propaganda
Sacking of General brings us closer to Iran War
Barak codename 'Toad' wants Gaza invasion
AIPAC Buys Fred Thompson
What kind of monster doesn't want 20,000,000 new citizens
Safe house found but something stinks here
Zionist controlled mercenaries just keep growing
Interesting audio by Hufschmidt
Irving may give private speech  at Harvard
Human Katrina Adding 100 Million People
The Mythical Lincoln - A Hero or a Whore?
Nifong resigns but Duke stars are traumatized
9 min video on the Communist killing fields
Nazis, Henry Ford, and Charles Lindbergh conspired to take over America!
Bush wants Enron case dropped
Israel Tank executes six, and five were children
Murderous attack draws us closer to WW-3
Iraq, Mercenaries, Democrats, war funding
Zionists Seek Revenge on Nifong
44 seconds of the Columbine 'Basement Videos'
Three Columbine Videos
Spector remains silent as evidence mounts
Utah's college grads lose out to Mexicans for teaching spots
Jewish Activists Created Communism
Ann Coulter on the immigration invasion
Immigration Bill is Top Priority
17 Palestinians massacred
Three more mysterious American deaths
Shin Bet throws Fatah leader off 15 stories, and Hamas off 12 stories, blaming Arabs
A four min video of USS Liberty reunion
Irving chuckles over 'Post-Holocaust' Syndrome
The medical center receives a special indoctrination, and a special 'Kosher Floor'
Poles disgusted by Israeli visitors
Garbage Truck Wars
Paris on death watch for impacted stool, and not eating
McCain embraces Mexican immigrants but no time for US heroes
Audio of initial attack on USS Liberty
Zionist controlled newspapers call USS Liberty heroes a bunch of conspiracy nutters
Good account of USS Liberty attack
Blood Crazed Mutants destroy Arab shrine
Paris 2 min video - funny
A two minute video that shows what a clown Paris Hilton is
Israel execute children - 2 min video
America's darkest moment
USS Liberty crew may be backed by Al Queda says Jewish professors
90 second video by Spector detective
Five bombing and ninety dead in one day
Arab Radio Star doubts Al-Jazeera TV
Russia, and the world weep, as a grave of 5,000 Jews discovered
Astounding Immigration Figures
Sexual overtones at Spector Trial
Paris released on medical - impacted stool?
The IDF Cold War in Hebron :
Portal of Zionist crime
Poncho can bring the whole family in
Zionist fights Leopard for 20 min
John Ramsey and Beth Holloway
Fred Thompson is going to Israel seeking advice on running for US president
Yesterday at Spector's trial
Remote control executions via Israel
A $200 mill divorce
Scooter Liebowitz Libby
"Where was God"
Condensed USS Liberty Attack
Capt Ward Boston On USS Liberty Attack
Israel wiped out the entire combined air forces of the Arab world in on 2 hr sneak attack
Birdman's Weekly Letter #431: The Selfish Egg
Who started the London blitz
Sen Jefferson Should Have Kept Quiet On Katrina
17 dead for that shit hole Israel
Israelis plant bomb in market
The Chrysler swindle sets in as workers panic
Gerald LK Smith's intro to Henry Ford's 'The International Jew'
Speaker at grade school shows children a bar of soap made from dead Jews
A execution wall  where countless Jews died
New Daryl Smith audio on USS Liberty
Her daughter goes to Harvard while your kids goes to Iraq
Mounting Evidence Suggests Israeli Operatives Working in Occupied Iraq
Shem bags two 12 year-olds
Zionists buying gold
Mossad and the Madrid Train Bombings
Who really ruled New York Politics
Entebbe an Israeli hoax
BBC calls Entebbe a hoax
3 min video on Idi Amin and the farce of Entebbe
Gold Vanishing Into Private Hoards
The mistress of the sex dogs, that exploded and killed a girl, may face murder charge
The Hariri Assassination
Four minute music video of New Orleans
History Of South American prostitution
French Sarkozys are the new Camelot
Chryslers to be built in China
Either these insurgents are psychic or the Israeli Advisors are becoming too ambitious
Fred Thompson will run, advisers say
What are we doing in Lebanon
Israel to keep hitting Gaza militants
Medical costs may exceed war costs
Morris Dees and the SPLC: Agents of Big Jewry
Three videos on Eisenhower's Death Camps
Coroner says Spector forced gun in actress's mouth
Bush listens as Zionists screech  'Stop the Darfur Genocide'
Reading between the lines on Zio-Propaganda
Video of Knoxville Rally - brutal murder
WW2 greatest hero killed 816 Japanese by himself
Why kill the children?
US buys eight armored Israeli bulldozers to clear insurgent villages
A 78 acre complex burns as 3,000 try to escape the supper club
Who is behind the North Lebanon fighting
Daryl Smith audio
A look at Russia's oligarchs
Just how many US soldiers are dead?
Iran's giant Zargos oil belt
Seymour Hirsh on Lebanon
 Syria Preparing For US-Israeli Attacks
Hidden influences in the Gay Movement
U.S. military hardware due to arrive in Lebanon
Polish maid's story cleaning an Israelis room in Oswiecim
FBI catches casino cheaters
Pelosi and fellow Zionists, drop troop withdrawal demands
"Mad Dog Braunstein" found guilty
 MONSANTO Family Were Jewish Slave Dealers & Owners
General George C Marshall -- Communist
Was Idaho shooter a govt agent?
Sophisticated Electronic Triggers
Five Americans killed in another suspicious ambush
Porn King Gets Busted
How about a Thailand 'Love Vacation'?
Mother and son porn team
John Howard, the Australian PM, who passed gun control is thanked by Zionists
Don't try to be a snake psychiatrist
Israel to get 'rid' of Hamas supremo
Navy Stages Show of Force Off Iran Coast
Where have all the viewers gone?
Elliot Abram's man in Gaza?
 Yenta Pelosi says "No timetable for Iraq withdrawal"
She works at Wal-Mart and her five kids get a public education, and soon subsidized college
Lebanon's troubles has the smell of Zionism
Dr. Laura son linked to lurid Web page
How a bomblet took a teen's leg - and is slowly killing her father
Israeli Military fire on Palestinian and International journalists
Is Lebanon's Al-Queda A False Flag
America's fortress embassy
U.S. GI's send Israeli Advisors, and a Major, a message
Israel's new devil - "Lawrence of Lebanon"
Israel stokes up Hamas-Fatah strife in Gaza, considers ground invasion
Shin Bet: Wiretaps can be used to guard state's Jewish nature
Zio-Gas will be the 2017 Microsoft
Another GOP lawmaker arrested for child rape
13 Americans die for Israel
Mossad says - 'By deceit thou shall do war'
New Yorkers keep their doors locked
Troops cross into Gaza with Israel's blessing
Faurisson in Italy -- Italy in chaos
The Bolsheviks
Who were the North Hollywood shooters
What Happened To Abbie Richard's Apology
Bibi Netanyahu wants an Gaza invasion
They get 'Special Visas' thanks to Bill Gates
Court plays 9-11 call from Spector's driver
Amnesty for all immigrants
Porn King Gets Busted
 Who is paying for Darfur's 30,000 rebels and their weapons
Israel stages attacks to disrupt peace talks
Who is Dov Zakheim
Dov Zakheim and fl 77
Bad Day In Court For Spector
36 Dead in Four Days as Gaza explodes
Zionist Abortion Mills caught in taping scandal
Tony and Sheri Blair will make $80 mil on lecture circuit
Chrysler's union employees will wind up in town's like this one
Last of the 'Wild Bunch' says his gang was just protesting
Two short videos on Israeli soldiers
The Chrysler swindle
Rosie - video - WTC
Lebanon rebuilds slideshow - 2 min
Mickey Bloomberg throw his yarmulke in presidential ring.
Wanted Dead Or Alive
The Tylenol Murders
Should an exception be made so Phil Spector  can receive the electric chair?
Missing US soldiers related to this incident
Ghostly Images Seen On Deadly Florida Highway 
Outsourcing the war to mercs -even the top US General uses these as bodyguards
55 killed in car bomb
 US Behind Sectarian Bombings And Assassinations In Iraq, not Israel
He found his Momma after 60 years, but she won't see him.
The Truth On The Luistania
A Team Of Netherlands  Forensic Detectives Fly In - Holloway Case
Five dead US soldiers and three missing
Parents biggest recruiting barrier: Pentagon
Stats on immigration problem
Irving acts as judge and jury of movie mogul Michael Lucas?
Sarkozy's 'Boy Toy'
Sarkozy understands the Jewish plight
Unspeakable war crime on the Danube
Hungarians protest the PM and a sacred ceremony
Israelis shoot pregnant women in abdomen
Fleabag tells holocaust stories at grammar school
Tony Blair's replacement
Execution video - 90 sec
Germany flies the Hindenburg over New York after Hitler passed the Nuremberg Laws
Opening argument Spector trial - 3 min video
Children of holocaust survivors formulate lawsuit
Presidential poll
Zionist refused service at food store and is scarred for life
Birdman's weekly letter - Everything from Cho to Daryl Smith
US Army turns to Hollywood and the internet to recruit
As Iraqis leave, Zionists slither in and take control
Israelis deny involvement in Kufa market bomb
Irving has a cruel eye for holocaust suffering
Why did Roman Polanski, and Angelica Huston get arrested 30 years ago?
 John Kennedy Jr was no accident
Daryl Smith doubts Bruce Willis - audio
"Mad Dog" Braunstein may walk
The Carrier USS Nimitz heads to Bahrain
Israeli agents kill 30 with market bomb
Dog Chapman will find out you don't arrest a billionaire Prince of Zion
Is the Scottish rebel, George Galloway, just another fraud?
Al Sadr deserts Israel and sides with Iran
Ira Einhorn brought back by popular demand
Hufschmidt casts a jaundice eye as Britain's Future P.M. Says "Never Forget"
American Terrorists Forty Years Ago
Chertoff rushes Secret Service to Obama
Army censors soldier's blogs
How Zionists really see Mexicans - 2 min video
More fuel for the Zionist's Race War
Robert Kennedy's assassination isn't hard to figure out
More propaganda from Fisk
Michelle Malkin flips out - 2 min video
The Grotesque Myth Of 'Cheap' Illegal Labor
Interesting audio by Daryl Smith
Jewish soldiers execute children - 2 min video
Who is behind these highly coordinated immigrant rallies in ten cities
Foul mouth Zionist Grandmother
This is a homemade bomb?
Indian tribe bucks Zionists and gets taught a hard lesson
Professor Wood implies Professor Jones involved with murder
It is the CIA behind the opium trade
Holocaust Fills Established Place In Jewish Psyche
Reports are that FOB Falcon was ordered to shell a civilian neighborhood
Zionists turn Harvard into a multi-cultural sewer
Video Phil Spector trial - 2 min
Nine More Americans Die For Haifa Pipeline
The War On Terror - An Israeli smokescreen
Britain wants unisex toilets in schools
Israel kills sixty eight in Karbala
Detective's five min video on Columbine
Spector is a victim of Anti Semitism
Columbine parents launch appeal of decision to seal depositions
Ten minute video of pure horror as David Irving endures chicken attacks while examining the ruins of Belzec
A brutal Paris attack helps Sarkozy Election
The real mafia - The Sopranosteins
The Real Three Million Holocaust
Nazi Rally in Columbia 60 sec video
A Jewish Scholar on attacking Iran
Petraeus eyes long commitment in Iraq
Will the NRA give in after Virginia Tech?
How about a Thailand 'Love Vacation'?
Rosie deserves Public Execution
More talk of the draft
Baghdad report the news media missed?
Hufschmidt explores the JFK assassination
Rosie has New York's glitterati in stitches
It seems Russian Jews can get housing, food stamps, Social Security, and Medicare
Interesting 1 min video - checkpoint attack
Eric Hufschmidt is confused on recent positions that Doctor Duke takes
School shootings and 'psychotic' drugs
Worst attack in years On US Base
It seems a few Frenchmen are upset
Short History of American Gun Laws
Tasteless, vile, and disrespectful, video on the Hero of Virginia Tech
France has a mazel tov moment
Vigilante Justice- 2 min video
Carnage In Iraq
Snipers execute teenager
 The real Israel - 5 min video

How to Stop the Next Campus Shootings

Presidential Poll
Stern sues for being called a murderer
Nobel Winner gunned Down by Israelis
Red Lake Massacre
William O'Neill Assassination
The meaning of Cho's 'Ishmael Ax'
Best eyewitness account so far
I smell gun control
Where was the Virginia Tech killer for two hours
The Hero Of Virginia Tech
At least 31 dead, and 20 wounded
We must move on Gun Control
Holocaust Survivor Fights Gunman
Inaction of Officials "Unfathomable"
F22s will be a $18 billion dollar 'Gift' to Israel
Nuclear Bunker Buster (RNEP) Animation
European Union passes Hate Laws
Braunstein, aka George Costansa, Declared Fit To Stand Trial
McCain a total idiot - 30 sec video
Cheney Still Pressing for Iran War, If Not Removed
 Mind-Controlled Sirhan & VTech Shooter - Same Expressions
Were antidepressants the cause of the massacre?
 We will defend Israel with US Boys
Yeshiva Student Threatens A Virginia Tech Bloodbath
200 dead in massive bombing
Fire and the WTC
Is the SPLC the American arm of the Mossad
SPLC connected to OKC bomb
Media Subterfuge And School Shootings
At least 31 dead, and 20 wounded
Cheney warns of suitcase nuke
Interracial marriage, divorce, and murder
One of the Zionist's favorite bomb tricks - A 2nd bomb takes out the rescuers
German teens travel to Israel to seek atonement
Taji Air Base Loses Two PUMA helicopters
Two British Helicopters Down, Two Dead
'Forbidden love at Auschwitz'   SS and a prisoner
Bush, Iraq, and the new army
Animal bordellos draw Norwegians
Worst week of the war and we read about this mummy Imus
Israel Operatives kill hundreds
Mossad Suspected In Iraqi Parliament Bomb
Massacre at Fadhil
Are we starting to look like Israel?
Why did the Israelis blow a bridge in Baghdad?
Mengele's darkest hour
Video shows Israelis using civilian as shield
Iran shows pictures of 'tortured' diplomat
Breaking: Double the Troops in "Surge"
US forces to 'wall off Baghdad streets'
Schools Shove Holocaust Fable On Children And It Backfires
Out of 500 terror acts, only one was Islam, the other 499 were Zionist hoaxes?
Israel plays victim with passengers lives
Porn King Arrested
Momma's Little Bubbelehs Go Free
The Beast that ate 4,000,000 Jews
Holocaust survivors remember and want money
Four US soldiers dead while neo-con children sit it out in Yale
Army proposing extending duty for everyone in Iraq
Church Burners Get Eight Years
The Zionists IQ is challenged
The Zionist's secret armies
Famous Hungarian Jews
Columbine 8 Years Later
How The ADL Killed The 9/11 Stories
Erich Gliebe on Zionist DNA
Video of head lawyer of the USS Liberty inquiry
Ten US boys dead for that toilet called Israel
Should the church demonize Muslims
Europe and the Islam tide
Giuliani tells Iowa voters of a coming terror by Mullahs of Iran
 Iraq Claims Largest Oil Reserves In The World
Iranians behind Sept. 11 attacks: Rudy Giuliani
A court said no one is allowed to view the evidence for 20 years
God Bless you Rosie
Married at Cinderella's Castle
8 US and 4 British dead in Iraq
Chlorine Bomb Kills 27 in Iraq
A court said no one is allowed to view the Columbine evidence for 20 years
Who will bite first, the U.S. or Iran?
12,000 more Guard may go to Iraq
Bill O'Reilly and Michelle Malkin Want To Destroy Rosie O'Donnell
Embedded Israeli Advisors say attack Iran
Blair may resign or face criminal charges
Anna  Nicole's son contacted this detective
Jewish groups blackball Rachel Corrie play
3 Israelis accused of training death squads
New evidence show thousands of Jews died in Lebanon war
The Last Warrior - 2 min video[Toben_defense_fund.WMV - MISSING]
Russian Immigrants Flood Germany
Idi Amin and Israel
Rosie O'Donnell wants the truth
Fears of expert sniper in Basra
NJ women gets $200 mil in German reparations
Zionists bomb school and kill 15, hundreds wounded
Zimbabwe police beat and rape teenage girls
Another gift from the Zionist Elite
Grim image of Israeli occupation
British teachers refuse to teach Holocaust?
 Bush Kills 81 US In March - Twice That Of Iraqi Army
The Svengali wasn't Dr Kapoor, but rather Dr  Sarah Eroshevich
The agenda behind the Tuskegee airmen
Brits give $2 mil for students to visit Auschwitz
Hilarious video 
Holocaust survivor gets out of 18 month sentence
Stern blocks murder inquest
Madame Yenta tours Israel
Daryl Smith audio
Limey Zio-Clown wants to attack Iran
USS Nimitz heads to Iran
Tyco's Kozlowski took $600 million, was sent to a country club, now wants a release
Muslims Sue in Zionist's airport hoax
Blair fights in Iraq, but deserts 4000 families in Rhodesia
Will the 'Krakow Princess' go to jail
Iran has a formable arsenal
Cops Execute US Marine On Porch Steps In Delaware
A Vicious Crime that Zionists won't discuss
Israeli bombs hit Baghdad markets
Hufschmidt has the 'Gall' to question the Holocaust legend
Internet Icons get the taste of Hufschmidt's whip - video
Tal Afar killings are out of control
 Circuit City fires 3500, but where was their union?
It seems odd that the female UK marine was interviewed before her capture
President Giuliani - He was a creepy side
Israeli Connection To Bali Bombing
Massacre at Tal Afar
Nazis rampage in Knoxville
More ridiculous Jewish Propaganda
Oh my! Allen has some skeletons in the closet
Ominous Signs Suggest Iran War Close 
Central Bank Gold Sales Increasing
Jedwabne - Another silly fairy tale by a Princeton professor
Gaza has a mini Katrina
Rudy Giuliani’s closet is filled to overflowing
US launches show of force in Persian Gulf
Article on Tom Hurndall
Wicked forbidden  lust, murder and fleeing to Israel
The First Fifteen Minutes of September 11th
America's Private Army and the Business of War
Five GIs dead from bombs
Stern cleared of Anna Nicole murder
Hagee wants America to fight Iran for Israel
Israel uses dogs on old women - 90 sec video
Zionists killed 50 million Russian Christians in the gulags
Sonderkommando speaks to  school trip
Israeli agents bomb mosque in Iraq
Hufschmidt savages Loose Change
Politician's remarks hurtful to Jewish community
Bomb attack on Kindergarten
Charges maybe dropped on Jewish Duke students for rape
2 min video of civilians getting shot
Secret US report on the Bolshevik Revolution
Zionists deny the Haifa Pipeline and blame mysterious oil cartels
Israel - A shining city on a hill
Iran has SN-27 anti carrier missiles
Billionaire to finance Sheen and 'Loose Change'
Judge protects the Zionist Porn Industry
Zimbabwe - Ian Smith Was Right After All  
The Zionist promoted race war
The AIPAC Whore
Zionist will starve Palestinians
He may have eaten over 30 children
Cadets said their mandatory holocaust courses are boring
AIPAC Undermining America and Israel’s Best Interests
Deborah Lipstadt battles Neo Nazis at Xavier University
Unibomber has a secret
Car bombers use kids
French Jews Flee France
Controlling the opposition - Shades of Abbie Hoffman and Mark Ginsberg
Pelosi Bows To AIPAC - Greenlights Bush's Iran War
Scooter Libby's background
Hufschmidt shows 'Total disrespect' for M. Abraham Moore - What gall!
Palm Beach Billionaire avoids multiple rape charges
Photos of the Hearst Mansion
 Houses cheaper than cars in Detroit
Daryl Smith message for 19 Mar 2007 
Hufschmidt audio- Download for the gym mp3
Mosque attack in Baghdad kills 8
U.S. Funding Armed Groups to Overthrow Iranian Government
The strange death of Col. Ted Westhusing
Miami Beach Holocaust survivors swindled
NATO's four star general praises Israel
 Baghdad Starbucks safer than Green Zone
Israelis using chemicals bombs in Iraq
Seven US dead in Israel's war for mideast oil
Head lawyer on USS Liberty tells of McCain coverup
Great Blackwater video - 3 min
Who benefited from McKinley's assassination
IDF's naughty habit of strip searching children
Fisk denies that Zionist orchestrated Armenian Holocaust
Rachel Corrie 2 min video
Visiting Israelis get a special Hungarian  treat
Russian Zionist buys Hungary's national airline for $900k
Alabama Church Arsonist may escape justice
 The legend of the Budapest Gold Train
Germar Rudolf gets 2 1/2 years for Holocaust Denial
Hufschmidt doubts the 6,000,000 holocaust figure - 'What Gall!'
Good videos of Budapest riots
A Look At Hungary Today
Why did Dr Weise kill Huey Long
The 'Invisible Hand' behind the Hamas-Fatah killing
Irving to speak in Hungary despite Mossad assassins in Budapest
Jewish Scholars Says Arrest Australian Muslims
Israel and US are outraged and walk out of UN summit
Gay propaganda aimed at 4 yr olds
Zionists squash the teaching of the Armenian holocaust in public schools
Hagee at AIPAC-Hilarious
The White Wash of the Anna Nicole murder begins
Israeli film of Egyptian POW execution laughed off in Israel
AIPAC is in town
Guess What Foxman? American's Don't Give a Damn!
The English scammer who sold titles
Toben could use a little help
Six ambushed on Sunday
It seems Hungarians are sick of the Judeo/Bolshevik economic collapse
Bush seeks 8,200 more troops for wars
Borat Honored At Israeli Film Festival
Israel Warns Its Citizens To Leave Egypt, Jordan ASAP
The bodyguard is talking about Stern and the timeline
A video of the disgusting Sarah Silverman - Hefner Roast
David Irving's diary of his Polish visit
The long run effects of Zio- immigration scheme
Israelis use Arab children as human shields
Will Dog Get A Taste Of Zio-Revenge?
David Irving Visits The Reinhardt Killing Center Of Sobibor
Another 2,200 being sent, and Iraq's new commander says there will be more
Brother And Sister Have Four Kids Together
Thirty dead in cafe bomb
 Reverend Hagee needs your financial help
Another Hate Hoax at Duke
A history of Hate Hoaxes
Canadian Reporter Savages Ernst Zundel
Mass executions of women and children, with just one bomb alone, killing 120
A ghastly and very harsh letter from the Birdman to a reporter
Real Rebels or just Zio-Bots
Germans make movie about the end of WW2 and the Jewish/Russian revenge
Hufschmidt says US  Forces worried about its old equipment
Judge Abbie Richards steps down for exposing himself
Israel gets thumbs down in world poll
 9 More US Soldiers Dead In Iraq
Shiites to hang three Sunni women in public
Syria to attack America with smallpox
Israelis bomb book market
How Barack Obama learned to love Israel
International Red Cross Figures on WW2-Good audio
American Jews are doing handstands over Obama
Zionist obtain execution video
Teacher caught having sex with five 14 yr olds
Spielberg caught with millions in stolen art and cries he is victim
Duke's Jewish contingents versus local Blacks over rape case 
Howie Stern video - 90 seconds
Howard Stern 60 sec Video Clip
Another Zio-Scam by the people with the 135 IQs
Israelis shoot three in  Jenin parking lot
Zionists Demand Arch Spy Pollard's Release 
 Top Ten Tonkin/False Flag Scenarios
Why The Zionists Controlling The Allies Killed General Patton
Judges use obscure case as precedent, and Stern gets the body/evidence
Park a produce truck at a market and kill 24
A 2007 Tokyo Rose
Negro 'Lackey' says Blacks at fault in New Orleans
Richards refuses to meet with the 'Niggers'
A poll on Cheney
Mel Gibson, the great anti Semite or just a staged event?
Israeli mercenaries kill 18 children at a Ramadi soccer field
Israelis use "Dogs of Death" on Nablus residents
US Taxpayers give billions to Israel's militia, aka Turkey
UAE, Oman, and Qatar  give Israel The OK on Iran
60 sec video into Zionist's soul
British navy sends ships to Persian Gulf
Israelis bomb Baghdad Business school
25 richest Americans
Did SPLC moles Infiltrate Dreaded Nazi?
Hero waits 41 yrs for his Medal Of Honor
4 min video on OKC
Birdman presents very interesting slideshow on the Nazi camps
The crucifixion of Ted Haggard by Zionists
Israel says it was the CIA that destroyed the Samara Mosque, not Mossad
Two Carrier battle groups in Persian Gulf, and three more at sea
Federal Court Says 'Dog Chapman' To be extradited
Judge 'Sollie' breaks down, but Stern gets body
SS hunt for Irene Nemirosky 
Zionists say -'FBI orchestrated OKC, not us"
Brits pull out of Iraq
Edwards thought he could argue with the Black Mambas 
Possible cover up of US base attacked
Too much inbreeding leads to genetic problems for 'Psycho Killer'
More BS from Zio-Clown Fisk
Senator Keith Ellison a Muslim?
Eric Hufschmdt doubts the authenticity of some  leaders of the WN movement
Shocking story of rape, incest, murder in Russia
A convoluted story, fifth column activity, and an Apache shot down
Poland to pay $65 billion to Jews for WW2
Painful Deceptions -Hufschmidt 9/11 video
Iraq has more oil than previously thought
Joint Knesset/US Senate meeting
Israeli operatives plant two massive bombs in a market
Anna Nicole
Bonnie Stern says her brother wasn't at Nicole's hotel
Anna Nicole's Mother Wants Her Child's body
Anna Francis' View On The Stern/Nicole Debacle
Everything is going Stern's way, thanks to Judge 'Sollie'
Stern Is The Big Winner in Nicole's will
"He killed Anna and Daniel" says mother
The bodyguard is talking about Stern and the timeline
Stern cleared of Anna Nicole murder
Stern's tactic of stalling is paying off
Stern blocks murder inquest
Anna  Nicole's son contacted this detective
It wasn't Dr Kapoor, but rather Dr  Sarah Eroshevich
Howie Stern video - 90 seconds
Judge L Sollie Seidlin is appointed the Judge in Nicole's case, a big win for Zionists
Gun Confiscation in New Orleans
Israel says America behind Iranian bombings
Jonah Carrey goes to Israel
The firebombing of Dresden on Feb 13,1945
Push on Baghdad and more silly propaganda
David Irving on Hungary's 1,000,000 Jews
Zundel gets five years
Another Nazi Bagel-Fest
Brandeis Donors Spit Venom Over Jimmy Carter
Hitler would shake when Bernie Meltzer's name was mentioned
Don't dance for Zionists and it's off to prison
Cops taser old Niggress' because of bad attitude
Hariri and the Mossad
Presidential Candidate is poster boy for anti Semitism
Muslims explosive over Jewish desecration of Al Asqa Mosque
Hufschmidt shows 10% of Michigan on welfare
Abducting children for organs?
Zimbabwe spirals into the Abyss
Pentagon Blames Iran For 170 US Deaths
Bombs in Baghdad - Zionists say it's Iranian Shiites bombing Iraqi Shiites?
Henry Makow on the roots of Anti Semitism
Sleepy villages along the Tigress and Euphrates, but now they look like Somalia
Iran supplying weapons to Iraq insurgents
"I was scared. Who would believe the Israeli president raped me?"
Child molester gets 800 years
David Duke on 9/11
Holocaust Icon brutally attacked
Video of helicopter shoot down
Abbie Richards under psychiatric counseling
The horror of Blood Libel
Iraq's new general is of Dutch extract?
Gates says Iran is involved in Iraq
Latest Hufschmidt- Smith audio
Jewish soldier battle at Dome of the Rock
As father he stands to get a $ half billion
Where Eagles Dare - a war yarn
The Yenta Pelosi takes the 757
Daryl Smith Audio
Shoulder-Fired Missiles Brought Down Five US Choppers? 
A good look at Eisenhower's death camps
Daniel Pipes gets booed and wants FBI to investigate
Israel desecrates Muslim's 3rd holiest shrine
Here is why kids are dying in Iraq - 2 min video of Israeli settler
IMF selling gold and Zionists are buying
Is Israel supplying Al-Sadr with missiles?
Rabbi is a poor representative for his race
Preacher crosses the line and Aussie Jews want blood
Hufschmidt casts a jaundice eye Katrina Levee story
Al-Sadr, an Israeli puppet, gains control of Baghdad
Dershowitz threatens Iran - Audio
Looming arrest for Tony Blair's pals
Intrepid reporter says- "It's not Israel  behind Iraq bombs, it's the SAS and CIA"
The SPLC says these 75 yr olds were another Bonnie and Clyde
Judicial Inc blacklisted by Wikipedia
25 dead Arabs- So what
 Military Admits Four US Helicopters Were Shot Down
Those 'Fab' Hilton Sisters
2 min video of soldiers feeding donkeys to lions - Iraq zoo
Iran - A war is coming
Bush wants a Blackwater type reserve
Mossad assassinates Iranian scientist
At least 50,000 mercs in Iraq
Israeli operatives deny all knowledge of Baghdad bomb
Terror Strikes London
Bush Sends Another Carrier To The Gulf
Judge Refuses To Open Anthrax Case
The Rape of Iraq and who are stealing the assets
Two Minute AIPAC video as to why you should send your kids to die for Israel
Another mysterious helicopter crash
Bomb at Gaza University was Hamas terrorists supplied by Iranians
Kevin MacDonald Discusses Who Is Really Behind This Immigration Disaster
NJ police chief is taught a lesson
Bomb Hoax costs Boston a million dollars
Israelis suspected in Hilla market bombs
Who is behind Iraqi IEDs
Civil war looms as Shin Beth ambushes Fatah, killing four, and blames Hamas
Israelis shoot a 17 yr-old and let him bleed to death
Alex Jones 'Terror Storm' is number 11 on goggle video
Bush says Iran killed five soldiers in Karbala
Who killed Capt Brian Freeman
US General says "Iran supplying Iraq's militias"
Will 'Lord Levy' flee to Israel?
Iran seeking spares for it's F-14
Israel allows bombers a press conference?
Najaf was a slaughter that dwarfs Mei Li
Battle at Najaf
The Najaf story falls apart
Was the OKC bomb connected to Iran?
The Oklahoma City cover-up
Horrific child porn ring busted
Guess who wrote the Iraqi constitution
Are they really suicide bombers?
Zionist controlled banks lend millions to Mugambe
Illegal Immigrants Straining US Healthcare
An interesting report from Baghdad's Green Zone
 Anne Frank memorabilia on sale?
Lebanon faces environmental crisis
Python eats eleven guard dogs
Twenty Five dead in Gaza in three days
Another Helicopter Down in Baghdad
Israeli Operatives fire mortars into school playground
Seven US Soldiers killed 1/28/2007
The attack on Jimmy Carter
Quick slideshow of Iran
Toast of New York society turns out to be a common swindler
Lice Ridden terrorist of 1947 Israel
Eliminating your business competition
Feinstein's husband's firm got billions in war contracts
Can a Black Mamba be trusted in the house?
Bush gives ok to kill Iranians in Iraq, but don't touch Israelis behind car bombs
Showdown at Ramadi , an isolated base in the middle of a bloodbath
Massive bomb at children's pet fair
Two carrier groups and putting Adm. William Fallon in charge of Central Command, is an ominous sign
Bomb at Baghdad market kills 36
That mysterious helicopter crash had 3 Col., 1 Major, 1 Capt, 2 highest ranking non coms in Iraq
Baghdad's Haifa Street is a shooting gallery
Even wealthy Zionists back him, despite his 'Poppa' being a Nazi?
The racier side of Brandeis
The President of Iceland is a Brandeis Graduate
Just like shooting Prairie Dogs
Carter seeks forgiveness at Brandeis University 
Piss on a cross, take out Christmas trees, but don't touch Menorahs
Bush gives SS to Mexican immigrants
Mercenaries in joint exercises with US military
Blackwater Mercs executed
State of the Union
Is Chavez The Real Deal?
A provocative act of sabotage  before major offensive
IDF documents increase in rape
Israel tunneling under Al Asqa mosque ]
 UN Drafts Holocaust Denial Resolution
At least 100 people killed by massive attack in Baghdad
All aboard the Arab Holocaust Train- Hersham Tellawi
High school teachers demand a class on mideast affairs, but Jewish groups call it hate
Dead Americans rise to 27 on 1/20/2006
Sunnis bomb a busload of plumbers?
Zionists want a congressional inquiry into the Duke 'Persecution'
Hillary And Waco
Bombs suspected in two American ambushes
Five Americans killed in Karbala
The Iraqi Mercenaries
13 dead in US helicopter  in Baghdad
Hillary in 2008
Constant Harassment on Australian Toben
Holocaust to be mandatory in Indiana schools
Holocaust survivors owed $175 billion more
Video of Pelosi mad at Bush
Iraq had some semi wealthy business families apart from the oil
The looting of Iraq started with the Baghdad Museum
Gunfight at the OK Corral - The crackdown on Al Sadr
Poll - Will Spector flee to Israel?
Israeli sniper shoots children in school yard
George was saddened by the botched hangings
Art Buchwald Dies
142 dead in Iraq - 1/17/2006
The Mysterious murder of Selena
The Armenian Holocaust
Spector expected to walk on murder charges
Historians disagree on Kristallnacht
Could the world get any sillier? Obama
Four US soldiers ambushed by Israeli IED
75 dead at Baghdad University
Israel executes two helpless Arabs
Australia's High Council Of Jewry Issues arrest edict
Shockingly disrespectful letter on one of WW2's greatest historians
What really happened that night on the ship the'Estonian'
Fredric Kagan - a 36 yr old neocon that guides Bush
Michigan voters stand up to Zionists
Three min video - 2,000,000 Jews were killed here at  Treblinka
Wesley Clark (nee Wesley Nemerovsky)
Convicted drug kingpin will serve sentence in Israel
Zeev Rosenstein, the ecstasy kingpin's background
2008 Presidential Candidate denies he is anti Semite
Rachel Evans Gives Nifong a piece of her mind
It's all about Israel's oil pipeline
Great Video on Zionism and WW2 history -Hersham Tellawi
National Vanguard backs the Jewish Duke rapists?
Another repulsive clown -Ann Coulter
Charges dropped on Jewish Duke student
Bush's real goal is Iran, not Iraq
The Zionist Occupation of Iraq Is the "War in Iraq" - Bollyn
A clown called Pelosi
Iraq's 50,000 US casualties
Some possible consequences if Israel attacks Iran
Extremely interesting Audio by Smith- his guest pulls no punches
New General will use additional 16,000 US troops to confront Medhi Army
Irving is 'Brassy and bold' in his  first radio interview
Israeli soldier shoots child 20 times and is acquitted
Hufschmidt on Kevin Strom arrest
Has the internet made a difference in Zionist's control of world information?
A 3 min video that will change your life
Abe Goodwin convicted of double murder
Hoyer and Democrats set stage for Iran attack
Vietnam plastic surgery
Customers charge waiter with 'Hate Crime' when he added an automatic 18% to bill
Duke Rape and $2 mill bribe
US Army admits enemy IED's using infrared detonators - smell the bagels
Palestinian civil war looms and Bush backs fatah
Police Chief Denies Rumors Of Assassination Teams
The groundwork is laid for Iran attack
Zionist porn rag pushes 9/11 Loose Change
Irving's First Post Prison interview
Zionists herald US congressional conquests
Mossad in the CIA?
Hillel Focus Group uses projection to tell the tale of the Duke Rape Case
NY Times backs 'Devil Women' who persecutes Duke
Kevin Strom Arrested on porn charges
Short Poll on Pelosi and her team
Bush to fund Palestinian civil war
Michel Chossudovsky pulls back the curtain on CIA intrigue
Bush Covers Zionist Abizaid tracks with goyim Admiral
Thomas Sowell condemns NiFong on the Duke 'Persecution'
Mark Lane of American Free Press
Jeffrey Bezos has a $4 billion dollar net worth
This Yenta will back Israel when they attack Iran
 Jews slaughter Palestinians in Ramallah
Bataan ESG heads to Iraq
Men accused of rape return to Duke
Here is why Hitler threw the Jews out of schools in 1933
USS Stennis Carrier Group heads t Iraq
Possible Blood Libel
Robert Finnegan - Investigator of Bali Bomb discloses pedophile ring
JB Campbell On communists
Hal Lindsey - A Prophet or another Zionist huckster
Jewish arsonists to be sentenced in March 2007
Bush signs bill giving Mexicans Social Security
How to start a civil war in Iraq
Sea going abortion clinics
New York's Shiksas Rapist pleads not guilty
Even with $8 billion there is nothing like 'Skinning a Goy'
Execution Video Meant to Cause Shia-Sunni Conflict
Vienna Police Feared A Skorzeny type rescue attempt at Irving trial
Hufschmidt is right again - checkout this latest dis-info-fool
The cover-up of the Danzinger Bridge Shootout
Churches divest from the garbage pit called Israel
Fisk reveals who and what behind CIA, MI-5, and Saddam intrigue
Abbie Richards blows off the Black kids - no apology, "they are just niggers"
Bollyn and Smith at their best -  9/11Audio
Saddam Is Dead and ordinary Arabs die
Holocaust survivors get reparations for Nazi experiments
Bush could escalate mid east wars
 Bonaduce under 'Death Watch' after conspiracy  video
False Flags  primer by Hufschmidt ...two min video
Holocaust Scholars befuddle by Irving's statements
Harry Goldfarb Reid stands behind Israel 100%, his family are Holocaust survivors
This gives Israel the perfect cover to shoot down an airliner
Rick Warren is a devil says WND
Forums question revisionist's pedigree after Iran Conference
Newly discovered Death Camps horrify civilized world
A diluted army of Mexicans with Zionist controlled officers is coming
The Puppeteers Behind GW
Irving's Website Is Back up
Ten More Americans Die For Greater Israel
Baghdad spirals into hell
Russian/Israeli Baby factories for western adoption
Another Nazi Hunter
Huffschmid three min video
Las Vegas and Israel are prime spots for investment
Tel Aviv Holds A Fetish Convention
Fairy Tale Report On OKC Bombing
Daryl Smith Christmas Audio
Diamonds and old found at Nazi camps
Did Mien Fuhrer know about the Shoah? Irving says 'No'
Will today's draft look like Vietnams?
9/11 and the Zionists
Israeli Ecstasy dealer apprehended
The story of Solomon Morel
The Zionists and 9/11
Four more dead US soldiers for Israel's pipeline
Irving 'Firestorm' continues
Duke rape charges dropped
Canadians shut down Rachel Corrie play
Lusitania's sinking brought the US into WW-1
Wall Street  reporter sees big trouble, and it ain't the pool hall, it's blogs
Irving released but defiant
There is no information on the world's most prolific mass murderer
The Two Trillion Dollar War
Short Daryl Smith Audio - general society
'More Americans Must Die For Israel'
Murder at Tularm checkpoint
Judith Reagan learned her lesson, never discuss  what happens at these events.
David Irving pardoned
Robert Fisk - A speaker at a Hillel house or AIPAC, but not the internet
A Chambermaid's worst nightmare
200 lb pythons lurk in the everglades
The horror of blood diamonds
We must think like a Palestinian, because our time is coming
One of Daryl Smith's best audios - Eustance Mullin
Hufschmid debates who should investigate 9/11
 Fraulien Wilhaus knew no depth to her savage cruelty
Poppa Bloom rapes his 12 yr-old stepdaughter and goes to prison
Kerry and Blair strut around Baghdad - Protected under the 'Insurgent protocols'
McCain promises New Yorkers he will protect Israel
Professor Jones Quits 9/11 organization
Maybe the Australia Jewish Council Is right on Toben
Stop the presses, send in more Americans to die, but don't 'outrage' Zionists.
Morale plummets in Iraq
35 kidnapped at Baghdad Red Cross
The Duke Rape Case
Faurisson may stand trial over Iran visit
Carter is mad and exposing the Zionist control of the University system
Limbaugh makes a fool out of himself over Israel -  90 sec audio
90 sec video of Hamas Rally
Fatah Troops Fire On Hamas Rally
A brutal assault worthy of Kraemer
David Irving Autopsy
75 abducted in Baghdad during broad daylight
The Kalpoe Brothers may face the hangman
"Absurd" says Al_Fayed on the  official British report on Diana
Nancy Pelosi, and 90% of the congress, are not happy with Jimmy Carter
King Abdullah threatens action if Bush pulls out
Immigration and meat packing plants
The man behind the Sea Tac nonsense
Pictures from Iran Conference
Video on Iran Conference
Bush says: 'I will not be rushed' - just impeach him then
A crack reporter on the real culprits of Katrina
The Jerusalem Bathhouses
Iranian Holocaust conference ends
Hufschmidt on crypto Zionists
Ace Reporter reveals who really controls the Neo-Cons And Bush
Will the Baroness ever visit her homeland of Krakow?
Mother says 'The children were the targets'
Bombs kill 60, and maim 200 day workers
She is taking Abbie Richards before Judge Wapner, and the 'Fur is going to fly'
Ira Einhorn - The Unicorn Killer
No Shiksas allowed at at Jewish High School Prom
Israel Executes Three Children In Front Of School
Bollyn on the danger of Tasers
Seven Minute Video on Khazaria -Daryl Smith
Zimbabwe living standards plummet
One of Hollywood's better fairy tales
Video Of Katrina And The Levee Break
How many more will die for Bush and Israel?
Haditha is the main pumping station for the Mosul-Haifa Pipeline and Israel wants it cleansed
Bollyn on the 9/11 plotters
People are so sick of Iraq, there's talk of impeaching Bush
Shades of Auschwitz - Holocaust survivors, sex, and Zyklon-b
The 'Jewish High Council of Australia' demands Toben's head
Who are the"Wizards of Zion" - Hufschmidt video
The scar of Babi Yar
Las Vegas demolishes the Blacks housing in New Orleans and their leaders say nothing
Israel and Iraqi death squads
Co-eds at NJ college fear Nazi rapists
Exercise and knowledge combined
More Evidence on Diana Assassination
12/6/2006 - Eleven US Soldiers killed
Who was Eisenhower
Is 'Hef' another Crypto Zionist?
Another Hollywood star doubts 9/11
Cal Thomas on Imams and political correctness
Bush takes time on Medal of honor nominee.
Apocalypto's Oscar and forgiveness for Mel
More of Sarah Silverman
Sarah Silverman and Hugh Hefner
Another attack on Egypt may be pending.
US will not hit Iran, but backs Israel
Zionists deny involvement in airport hoax
The Scam called the Federal Reserve
14 US dead In Iraq in two days
Brooklyn community outraged over arrests of five
Pitting The East Against Islam
Excellent Smith Bollyn Audio on Mideast
Israel, oil, and the Media
Hollywood wants the US out of Iraq
The US dollar goes south
Israelis shoot two At church checkpoint
Child Porn busted
51women and children killed at flea market
Paris' faces the dreaded "Tribu-Ka"
Christopher Bollyn's latest
Four audios by Rev Pike on Hate Laws
One very naughty New York judge?
Short Article on 'Borat' the movie
The shame and disgrace of "Blacklisting"
Sasha Cohen - Comic genius or more 'Human Garbage'
The Crypto Zionist
Jewish spy pleads guilty
Should This Baroness Be Flogged for questioning Israel?
Four injured from Israeli mines in Lebanon
F-16 crash in Iraq is odd tale
Toben, Iran, and Treblinka
Zionist treachery at it's worst
US army and the dreaded "Wolf Brigade"
Marines run private armies in Iraq
Racist attitudes provoke Cornell student to stab a Black student
A look at John Kerry  and Theresa Heinz Kerry
Jews kill seventeen dead in two days in Gaza
USS Liberty Audio - Jim Ennis
Ex-Military Intelligence officer's take on Iran
Iran has notified the US of Iranian exercises
Huffschmidt's outstanding 10 min video  presentation on hoaxes
This turns a crowd of Arabs into mulch
A look at the number of dead US servicemen in Iraq
Van Gogh's Movie "Submission"
Pedophile snuff film operation
The future of politics - three minute video
A Jewish author on Rachel Corrie
Another Canadian grovels to Zionists
Zionists pressure Presbyterians
10/30/2006 in Iraq - Israeli bombs kill 90
Here Is Why Zionists Are Called "Nation Wreckers"
Tragedy strike Hillel house
We are all Jewish Wannabes
Another country savaged by Zionists
Shot for back talking to soldier
German gets five years for burning a paperback
Eustace Mullins - Daryl Smith Audio
Holocaust - Three minute Video
Five Min Video On Cremation - Holocaust
"Good People" will get us out of Iraq
Alabama AG backs out of arson case
70,000 mercs in Iraq are running wild
Phony female soldier's porn pictures hit the net
Germans sick of the Holocaust
16,000 single mothers serving in Iraq
Did a Sunni farmer kill this Shiite kid's mom, or was it foreign death squads
Who killed Robert Kennedy
Where Are The Black Voices?
A Connecting the Labelle Disco bomb to Hairiri
Shiite/Israeli/Ministry of Interior/Death Squads burn six Sunnis alive
Fierce battle with 10 yr old, no Israelis hurt
What Gall - Right in front of Israeli soldiers
Did God pre-detonate a bomb to protect Jews, or is this more Israeli BS
Israeli Operatives Set Off Civil War
False Flag in Persian Gulf - Tex Marrs
Excellent Auschwitz 6 min video
The audience laughed at Kraemers apology and Seinfeld exploded
Another step toward civil and guess who is the beneficiary
Bryant gets no Respect from Academia
Abbie  M Richards shows what his people think of blacks
New direction in Iraq
Who are the blackmailers behind the masks-video
Swedish peace activist savaged by settlers
A draft is underway
Some surprises as to Jewish ancestry
Another bloody day in Iraq
Israelis provoking the Kurds and the Americans are dying
Human shield in Gaza defy Israel
Netanyahu tells US Jewry to demand an attack on Iran
Lockerbie Hoax Revealed
Ted Pike audio on ADL hate laws
Four killed, three injured, and the British Parliament want an investigation
Israelis suspected in tank ambush
A look at Rahm Emanuel
What Rev Haggard really did[WorldWide Religious News-Evangelicals quiet about war.htm - MISSING]
Video - Netanyahu on Iran - Shows their determination
Excellent election audio by Smith and Bollyn[DarylBradfordSmith-Bollyn-16Nov2006.mpeg - MISSING]
Senator Biden warns fellow Jews
Week two and the testimony is shocking at the Mickey Thompson murder trial
Why are there four carriers in Bahrain?
 Lindbergh's kidnappers
Israel dredges up the 1994 AMIA hoax to justify Iran attack
Israelis claim they under under massive missile attack
Real live 'Nazi Hunters' or Yiddish story tellers?
Death Squads  Kidnap 150 in downtown Baghdad
We need diversity, the 38% white enrollment is too high
An internet sex fiend
The world's biggest shooting gallery
Biden or Baden?
Brutal day in Iraq - 11/11/2006
Israeli Snipers in Iraq killing US servicemen
Rev Pike On Israel as center of sex trade
Neo Nazis Throw Salt on old Jewish wounds
Pelosi's AIPAC Speech
Who is Nancy Pelosi?
Israel says - 'We will hit Iran'
Bush ok's Israel attacking Iran
Crescent And The Cross Thanks Israel
Christopher Bjerknes On Israeli Racism
Yahoo video on Beit Hanun
Daryl Smith Is On A roll - short audio
Four min Yustschinsky Video 
Sports legend and his wife executed and killer on trial
Funny - Edgar Steele Audio On Mel Gibson
Israeli/Sunni bomb kills 21 Shiites
Eighteen from one family dead
A Day in The Life Of A New York Shop Girl
Two Lt Colonels Killed together
Ritual murder suspected in deaths of five children in Russian town
Israeli Schvartzers are p*ssed
Israelis pull out of farm village
Bug Bombs and Auschwitz
God Protects Innocent Israelis From Female  Bomber
A female translator commits suicide Israeli style
Good Audio- Bollyn, Smith, Chertoff
IDF snipers kill 12 and 13 yr old girls
Haggard - something doesn't smell right
Australian Constable on Joe Vialls
Rumors spread of mass executions by Israelis
Brooklyn gang attacks muslim
90 Second Video - Israelis shooting women
Seven Soldiers Died Today In Iraq
Televangelist snake charmer wants war
A look at John Kerry  and Theresa Heinz Kerry
Jews kill seventeen dead in two days in Gaza
USS Liberty Audio - Jim Ennis
Ex-Military Intelligence officer's take on Iran
Iran's excises begin - missiles test fired
Iran has notified the US of Iranian exercises
Huffschmidt's outstanding 10 min video  presentation on hoaxes
This turns a crowd of Arabs into mulch
Van Gogh's Movie "Submission"
Pedophile snuff film operation
The future of politics - three minute video
A Jewish author on Rachel Corrie
Another Canadian grovels to Zionists
Zionists pressure Presbyterians
10/30/2006 in Iraq - Israeli bombs kill 90
Here Is Why Zionists Are Called "Nation Wreckers"
Tragedy strike Hillel house
We are all Jewish Wannabes
Another country savaged by Zionists
Shot for back talking to soldier
Zakheim and 9/11
A lot of Zionists mouth pieces are talking Tet
Tactical nuke at Camp Falcon?
A four minute video on the sniper Juba
Eight US Servicemen die in one day
Audio with Petras and Wing TV[godaddy_thorn_oct5l.mpeg - MISSING]
Another Scholar shocked at Wikipedia
Madsen wonders who are behind the Islamic masks
Great audio by Daryl Smith
Canada's PM demands Canadian support Israel , and if necessary, die for Israel
Michele Malkin - A true life 'West Side Story'
French report blames Mossad for Hariri
Bomb Threat On Plane
The Budapest Riots
Masked Israeli Gunmen kidnap Gaza Photographer
Fierce gun battle in Gaza, 30 arabs shot, 8 dead, but no Jews hurt
'Pooch Pumper' Pathetic Plea
Interesting - JB Campbell
Mendel Beilis stood accused of 'Human Sacrifice'
Three min video on Zundel Trial
Israel Suspected in market bomb
Phil Spector Murder Trial delayed a third time
60 second video of Sen Allen calling an Indian a monkey
Google Video On Gaza killings
US Blamed for Market Slaughter
Sabotage at American camp smells of Israeli Intrigue
Many cried as they viewed Spielberg's new documentary on Holocaust
Pat Buchanan Looks At Immigration
Al Sadr Amarah attack a preview of Basra
Zionists test new weapons to be used on patriots
The mysterious Lady Churchill
Henry Ford, Lindbergh, Huey Long, Gerald K Smith
Husband From Hell
Israeli Propaganda Video
Daryl Smith returns with Eustace Mullins
Ambushes using electronic triggers
Israeli Navy in fierce battle
Israel's Propaganda machine says Hezbollah won
Balad Streets flow with blood
White Separatist invades college
91 dead in Iraq on 10/16/06
Leo Felton
The 'Shining Path' - just another slick scheme by Zionists

Marines killed, High Schools Bombed, Markets Bombed, Drive Bys, etc

Soldiers watch mother bleed to death for three hrs
Israel Executes An Entire Family
"F*** Mel Gibson"- Joan Rivers
What Makes Her Death So Important?
Duke Witness changes testimony
Al-Amrīki charged with treason
Israel says Gaza is entering a civil war
Washington Post's lead story -Comedy or Horror
Furious gun battles kill ten -No Jews hurt
Staggering death numbers in Iraq
2 min video on US wounded Iraq
Pill King of the internet
Another Brutal day in Iraq
Churchill's Grandson arrested for Ecstasy Dealing
Harvard Professor on diversity
Ecstasy's early years
Israel Ships Us Their Garbage

A Hebrew Renegade That -  'Talks the Talk, and Walks the Walk'?

Baghdad video - you need a strong stomach
Blowing Pages
British to turn over patrolling of opium fields to locals.
Look who runs the ACLU
Israelis Propaganda Films Are A little Too Transparent
Israeli operatives in Kabul intensifying attacks
Fifth girl dies
Send The Neocons kids to Iraq
P C Mounties capture 2006 Goebbels
Iraq cracks down on Israeli death squads
Monster who questions Holocaust gets 'Just due'
Why are these Arsonists so special?
The mysterious deaths of Rubin and Krugel
Nine dead American Soldiers for Israel's war
The Ultimate goal of the Zionist Gun Lobby

Nine children shot, and six dead, at Amish Grammar school

Hufschmidt questions Religion
Israelis execute a fisherman
8 Dead in Gaza - Israel says it wasn't their snipers
500 Jews Thrown in Danube WW2
Jewish Man Married To Infamous SS She-Wolf
Dunblane Massacre
Israel refuses to give UN investigators access to records
Did The Mossad Kill Anna Lindh?
Who was Henry Wirz of Andersonville fame?
Teenagers on bicycles get vaporized
Five Good Articles At Honest Media
A Jewish Author explores Ford's 'Dark Soul'
Responsibility - Yet another fantastic article by JB Campbell
Some Skeleton's in Pat Robertson's closet
Al Sadr's death squads are a newer version of Gemayel's Lebanon Phalangists
Hungary wants the Communists out
Gen Halutz gives OK to shoot Lebanese children
You need a strong stomach - cluster bomb
200,000 Lebanese lives wrecked
Will Mossad finally hand over its secret files on Diana's death?

Wikipedia's pathetic interpretation of the  Natalee Holloway story

Enron was the largest swindle in history, and now the mastermind is talking.
Anthrax Killings Update
Scorned swapping couple turns violent after rejection
Bush wants Iraq divided in three autonomous regions
300 dead, 1,000 maimed, 800 kidnapped
Jewish Senator VS Gunga Din
Interesting 10 min 9/11 video
Here is why we are in Afghanistan
Take a look through their eyes
We attack Iran for Israel?
Mossad detonates fuel truck killing children
Nuns executed by Nazi firing squads
Teenage sheep herders killed by tank
Australia's Crime Boss
Israelis Training Kurds
Hollywood's Most Brutal Murder
Constipated - Read this for relief
Teachers with Masters Degrees Clean Israeli houses
'Surprise surprise'-Israelis behind church fires
Oligarch bought a sports team
Timeline for world domination, and it's 2010
The Russian Oligarchs
Hoffman questions the Pope silence on Lebanon
The truth about Huey Long
Kiev Killing Fields and 300,000 corpses
Swiss Academics point finger at Bush for 9/11
 Israeli Diplomat arrested for explosives
Bad Maps Reason Israel bombed UN

Kelly's Heroes was based on this event

Excellent Bollyn and Hufschmid audio 9/11

Montreal shooting and gun control

Mossad on Fl 175
One day in Baghdad
Loose Change interview/bagel fest
How Mossad recruits for False Flags
Shoots Four Arabs for sport
Excellent audio by Smith, Boylan, and Hufschmidt
Attack on US Embassy in Syria
Did a WW-2 historian, who is flogged Wikipedia, deserve it?
Jewish soldiers practice karate head kicks to  teenage Arab boy
Miracles help Alabama Arsonists
3 min Video - Sarah Silverman's Jewish psyche
Blankets, medicine, canned foods lost in fire - Israel suspect

"Oy Vey!  Hezbolah savaged us, we are a broken country"

Vicious Israeli gunbattle kills 4, injures 15, thank God no Israelis hurt
Fascinating Show by world's foremost historian and Louisiana TV star
Canadian Jews in titanic struggle against evil
Mark Clark - A egotistical, incompetent Perfumed Prince
Iraqis told Americans behind assassinations
The Missing Fl 11 tapes
Chris Cuoma feels Joran Van Der Sloot's pain
Summary of Barnes Review Conference
Palm Beach Billionaire escapes justice
A special look at Hollywood - Shatner video
Israel Tests Special Weapons on Arabs
Langley's F16s 300 Miles Off Course On 9/11
Live sex shows for  Tel Aviv  finest
Jewish Muslim works with Bin Laden
Jewish settlers gun down child
Baruch Goldstein - Psycho Supreme
Bush agrees to pay Israel costs of Lebanon war
Will pedophile diplomat flee to Israel?
Lebanon War
Israel Attacks Lebanon and kills 52 civilians
Bush defends Israel's attacks on civilians
The Propaganda Of War
Israel massacres in two villages
Brave Israelis battle fearsome sheep herders
How did it all start
Desperate battle or more Jewish fairy tales?
Israel massacres in two villages
Hezbollah Has A Surprise
Patton salutes the Israeli Battle Of Maroun Al Ras
Raid On Blaahek Hospital
Did a Dinghy Attack an Israeli Ship
Battle on Bint Jhbiel
Israel's Ground offensive
Israelis Bomb Orphanage  in Qana
Jews strafing ambulances
The World's Destroyers Spare Nothing
Jews bomb UN post
Bush defends Israel's attacks on civilians
Israel says the produce warehouse was Hezbollah
Israeli Drones Massacre A Refugee Convoy
Israel attacks Turkish Red Cross Convoy
The Mystery Of Katyushas and Israeli/Arabs
Are Israeli Mortar teams behind Haifa Katyusha attacks?
Israel Mortars Arabs and blames Hezbollah
Israel Laces South Lebanon With Mines
Israel's Checha Snipers
Israel uses cluster bombs to mine Lebanon
Four children maimed by Jewish cluster bombs
Israel rewrites Lebanon conflict
Israel's main casualties are friendly fire
Israel may sabotage a evacuation ship
Cluster bombs killing returning villagers
10 yrs to clear Israeli cluster bombs in Lebanon
U.N. Protests Cluster Bombs
Children can't go outside - Lebanon
Eight dead from cluster bombs
Israeli mines killing Israelis
Hezzbolah is CIA
Israel's F-16s in dogfights with Hezbollah 'Wonder Weapons' - Shades of Herman Goering
Bush agrees to pay Israel costs of Lebanon war
Robert Fisk Tells Of Great Battles
Hezbollah hands citizens $12,000 each, who is funding this?
Raid On Blaahek Hospital
 Bush's Cluster Rockets = 'Dead Zone'
Eight dead from cluster bombs
Israeli Commandoes stage another event
How Come The Rocketeers Don't Fight?
Baghdad attack kills 67
Jakob bails with retirees money to Israel
Jewish Leader outraged over minister's comments
Dad kills child molester
Baghdad Market Bomb Kills 25
Israelis execute nine Arabs
Polls show 78% reject support of Jewish State
Las Vegas entrepreneurs lick their chops
IDF shoot Seven Palestinians
Dying so Israel can control the Mideast's oil
Nasty Nazis Not Nice To Madison Jews
A look at the 'Fabulous Bronfmans'
Israelis hit Reuters car with missile
Rock and Roll Icon who cares about IDF
US tanks fire on a mosque
Yale Hosts 'Masters Tea' for porn star
Who is funding Hezbollah?
Hufschmidt wonders about Iraq snipers

After jet mutiny airlines are worried

Jewish porn star to perform for Israeli soldiers
Spike Lee and Katrina

Why are New York Liberals interested in three arsonists?

Alternative Media Washington Conference[patalterna.tive_media_holds_a_confer.htm - MISSING]

Bush Rushes $4 billion to Israel
Chavez trashes Bush - 3 min video
Israeli sponsored snipers at Baghdad Mosque
IDF have good day shooting - ten dead
Hollywood docudrama says, Stalin assassinated Patton
Funny three min Mel Gibson video
Death Dogs rip women to pieces
Wing-TV interviews police on Bollyn incident
Another Spy Story Suppressed To Save Israel

Scotland Yard Releases Chief Inspector's Notes

Paranoia Magazine looks at Alabama Church Fires
The 1983 bombing of 242 marines in Beirut 
Videos of Holocaust
Uproar as Iraqi Parliament speaker blames 'Jews' for bombs
A look at Harold Shipman
Christopher Bollyn beaten and arrested
Internet Kiddie Porn and Prostitution Ring
Fox Journalists Kidnapped - Guess who did it
Death squads kill 63 in Baghdad
The World's Destroyers Spare Nothing
Terror threat costs NY $200k
Canada's PM won't show at UN funeral
Mossad Bomb At Najaf Shrine
15 IDF dead??
Israel Mortars Arabs and blames Hezbollah
Video - A look at Russian/Israelis howitzer team

Israel's psychological terror

Evangelists wants American kids to die for Israel
If there is a civil war US will leave Iraq - Bush
Israel to get F-22's
The mystery of Katyushas targeting Arabs
Exceptional coverage of Lebanon
Mossad bombs at soccer fields
Israel in Gaza
Today's ridiculous propaganda picture
 Holloway case is thrown out
Audio with Jim Ennes of USS Liberty
70 killed in Baghdad 8/1/06
Mel Gibson's Tirade and arrest
Blacks Sent A Message From New Orleans
Seattle Jewish center shooting suspect
Israelis Bomb Orphanage  in Qana
The Battle For Bint Jbeil
Video - Jews using phosphorus
Hezbollah taunts the Mossad!!
Patton salutes the Israeli Battle Of Maroun Al Ras
Are Israeli Mortar teams behind Haifa Katyusha attacks?
Jews strafing ambulances
Israel Targets Convoys
Desperate battle or more Jewish fairy tales?
Most of Israel's dead are Arabs
Israelis fire on U.N. Personnel
Audio - Smith very cruel view on Israelis
Gaza Streets Covered With Dead Children
Condi Rice slaps the Arab people
63 killed in Baghdad
Stardust Hotel host 'Swingers Convention'
No more doubts on Hariri's assassinatin
Bush re-supplies Israel
Neat trick - Mossad corpse bomb
Israeli operatives bomb internet cafe
Old women and children are not civilians
Israelis execute a nurse using a tank
 $360,000 donation for Jewish Arsonists
Hezbollah Has A Surprise
Jews kill grandmother and kids
Israelis bag 19 Arabs in one day
Israel attacks Egyptian ship
Fed to lions
Who Is Behind Hamas
Excellent Audio By Smith and Hufschmidt
Bush defends Israel's attacks on civilians
Israel Attacks Lebanon and kills 52 civilians
'Loose Change' the video
Israelis kill 6 yr old Hamas commander

Bombay after New York hoax

Police watch 'Doggies'
Das Fuhrer Is A Juden
Deutschland Gibt Juden Unterseeboote
Renegade Professor Rocks University Of Wisconsin
Fifty Street Executions in Baghdad
Israeli Casualty caused by Friendly Fire
Israel's Silly War Of Propaganda
Goldberg's Deli presents Kosher Al Queda

Five US soldier rape a child and kill the family

Birdman finds fantastic videos
Gaza Bloodbath continues
Four minute video on Gaza
Jews Kills Twenty Three in Gaza
Israeli Advisors tell Marines to Storm Hospital
Ken Lay's death is suspect
"The Black Widow" -- audio Guilana
1933 Germany
Alex Jones just another poodle
Israeli Savages and their bombs

Women's Health Clinic and their hate hoaxes

Missouri schools to teach the holocaust

Starbucks and Jewish-Black Relations

Israeli Operatives kill 65 in Sadr City
Why the Nuremberg Laws were enacted
Holocaust survivor ate 'Dead Jew Soup'
New Orleans rebuilds without the blacks
Canadian Freedom Fighter Savaged
Another Israeli Fairy Tale
Understanding Zyklon-B
Iran provides IEDs, and has imbedded moles
Marine 'Kidnapping/Beheading' changes again
Where Was God In 1943?
Death Squads Fake Kidnapping
Israelis kill mother and three children
Tex Marrs audio on Marranos
9/11 and Norfolk Naval base
Smith Rips 'Conspiracy Central' - Audio
More to the New Orleans Assassinations
75 yr old rapes his 5 yr old granddaughter
Marine ambush is very odd
Disinformation artists
10 kidnapped from Baghdad Bakery
Bloody day in Baghdad
Hufschmidt interviews Columbine survivor
Rag Peddlers no more - Israelis are giants
Condi Rice, Baptists, and arsonists
Ankle Bracelet for HS shooter
9/11 Guru or more disinformation
Fineman Bat Mitzvah or 9/11 convention
Israel shoots missile into crowd - 11 dead
Mauthausen - Where was God?
9/11's Fifth Jet
Flight 11's Mystery Man
Israelis shell picnic Video
French talk show host
Jews Shell a picnic, kill seven
Was Patton murdered?
9/11 Conference - audio by Thorn
There will be "No trial" for arsonists
Malmedy Trials
Natalie Holloway's Murder
Israeli Death Squads Terrorize Iraq
Thorn MP3 on Judaism
Real Nazis or Jewish Fronts?
Mayberry becomes a sewer
Unspeakable Horrors Of  Belzec
Israel kills five for propaganda [you_bring_three_photographers_wi.htm - MISSING]
Mayberry becomes a sewer
Unspeakable Horrors Of  Belzec
Hufschmid On Russian Mafia PDF
HMT Interesting News Section
The DaVinci Code
Arrests made in Florida Hate Crime
IDF censors internet cafe[idf_jews_shoot_internet_cafe.htm - MISSING]
Diebold's voting machines
New Orleans Casinos
Death Squads Kill 42[42_killed_in_iraq_today.htm - MISSING]
Florida's Naughty Doctors
Cross dressing killer
Dresden Video - Requires Real Player[dresden.ram - MISSING]
Death Squads hit again
Israel kills entire family
Iraqi Death Squads
Arson and Bombs on US soil
Marine ambush is too sophisticated
Jewish serial Rapist/Kidnapper may go free
Five teachers shot in the head


"Churchill's Dirty Secret"









False Flags





World War 2


School Massacres





Hate Hoaxes

US False Flags


Medal Of Honor


Alabama Fires




Port Arthur


Bagel Nazis





Daily Weekly Radio
Birdman Bryant
National Vanguard
Wayne Madsen
The Truth Seeker
What Really Happened
Australian Free Press
American Free Press
Christopher Bollyn
Christopher Jon Bjerknes
Eric Hufschmidt

Honest Media Today

Joanna Francis
Good WW2 site
Sign of the times
Current Issues.tv
I am a Witness
Nojabs Forum



Would You Vote For Jim Ennes For US Senator From Washington State?

Jim Ennes

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No - What would Israel say


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